Civic Space Us Zip Code Database

Posted in: admin03/12/17Coments are closed

'Why are you distributing this database?' I spent far too much time recently looking for a decent database of U.S. Zip codes by latitude and longitude. Fortunately I eventually located an excellent collection of zip code data in several formats, derived from public domain sources and released freely under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license by CivicSpace Labs.

The data features zip code, city and state, latitude and longitude, and time zone information. I am mirroring that data here for your convenience. Naturally I accept no responsibility for the quality or accuracy of the database, which I did not create. The data is in both CSV and SQL format and should be quite easy to work with using any database or programming language. — Tom Boutell The full text of the original README file follows.

Zipcode database listing - zip code, area code, city, state, county, population, household income, etc. Up to date with MySQL. First download the MySQL dump version of the Civic Space ZIP Code data- base (and uncompress it. Then, create a MySQL database (or you can simply add the ZIP Codes table to an existing database): mysqladmin create zipcodes Load it up: mysql zipcodes.

CivicSpace US ZIP Code Database written by Schuyler Erle 5 August 2004 The ZIP code database contained in 'zipcode.csv' contains 43204 ZIP codes for the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa. The database is in comma separated value format, with columns for ZIP code, city, state, latitude, longitude, timezone (offset from GMT), and daylight savings time flag (1 if DST is observed in this ZIP code and 0 if not). This database was composed using ZIP code gazetteers from the US Census Bureau from 1999 and 2000, augmented with additional ZIP code information The database is believed to contain over 98% of the ZIP Codes in current use in the United States. The remaining ZIP Codes absent from this database are entirely PO Box or Firm ZIP codes added in the last five years, which are no longer published by the Census Bureau, but in any event serve a very small minority of the population (probably on the order of.1% or less). Although every attempt has been made to filter them out, this data set may contain up to.5% false positives, that is, ZIP codes that do not exist or are no longer in use but are included due to erroneous data sources. The latitude and longitude given for each ZIP code is typically (though not always) the geographic centroid of the ZIP code; in any event, the location given can generally be expected to lie somewhere within the ZIP code's 'boundaries'. The database andthis README are copyright 2004 CivicSpace Labs, Inc., and are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, which requires that all updates must be released under the same license.

See for more details. Please contact if you are interested in receiving updates to this database as they become available. Copyright 1994-2016 Boutell.Com, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

• international -- International governments, such as the United Nations or European Union. • country -- National-level governments, such as the US Federal Government. • administrativeArea1 -- Governments of the top-level administrative subdivision of a country, such as US states. • regional -- Regional governments whose jurisdiction may cross standard administrative subdivisions; these are uncommon in the US but are common around large cities in other countries. • administrativeArea2 -- Governments of the second-level administrative subdivision of a country, such as US counties.

• locality -- City or municipal governments. • subLocality1 -- Governments of the top-level administrative subdivision of a city, such as Washington, DC's wards. • subLocality2 -- Governments of the second-level administrative subdivision of a city,such as Washington, DC's Advisory Neighborhood Councils. • special -- Local districts that exist only for special-purpose governments, such as soil and water conservation districts. Contests[].roles[] list The roles which the office this contest is for fulfills.

Roles are not meant to be exhaustive, or to exactly specify the entire set of responsibilities of a given office, but are meant to be rough categories that are useful for general selection from or sorting of a list of offices. Valid values include: • headOfState -- The chief public representative of a government. The head of state of a country is usually called the President. • headOfGovernment -- The chief executive officer of a government. In the US, this is the President; in other countries, it is often the Prime Minister. At lower levels this may be a governor or mayor. • deputyHeadOfGovernment -- The officer responsible for assuming the head of government role in the event of the death or incapacity of the elected head of government.

In the US, this is the Vice President. This office may have other duties as well. • governmentOfficer -- An elected executive-branch officer. In US states, this may include roles such as attorney general, comptroller, secretary or state, or treasurer. • executiveCouncil -- A member of an executive council that fulfills executive-branch roles as a group.

Examples include Indiana county commissioners. • legislatorUpperBody -- A member of the upper body of a bicameral legislature, or the only body of a unicameral legislature. • legislatorLowerBody -- A member of the lower body of a bicameral legislature. • highestCourtJudge -- A justice of the top court of a particular government, such as a state Supreme Court.

• judge -- A judge in any court that is not the top court of the government it serves. • schoolBoard -- A member of a local school board. • specialPurposeOfficer -- An officer that serves a single, defined purpose, such as a member of a soil-and-water conservation board or mosquito abatement officer. Contests[].district nested object Information about the electoral district that this contest is in. Contests[] string The name of the district. Contests[].district.scope string The geographic scope of this district. If unspecified the district's geography is not known.

One of: national, statewide, congressional, stateUpper, stateLower, countywide, judicial, schoolBoard, cityWide, township, countyCouncil, cityCouncil, ward, special Acceptable values are: • ' cityCouncil' • ' citywide' • ' congressional' • ' countyCouncil' • ' countywide' • ' judicial' • ' national' • ' schoolBoard' • ' special' • ' stateLower' • ' stateUpper' • ' statewide' • ' township' • ' ward' contests[] string An identifier for this district, relative to its scope. For example, the 34th State Senate district would have id '34' and a scope of stateUpper. Contests[].numberElected long The number of candidates that will be elected to office in this contest. Contests[].numberVotingFor long The number of candidates that a voter may vote for in this contest. Contests[].ballotPlacement long A number specifying the position of this contest on the voter's ballot. Contests[].candidates[] list The candidate choices for this contest. Contests[].candidates[].name string The candidate's name.

Contests[].candidates[].party string The full name of the party the candidate is a member of. Contests[].candidates[].candidateUrl string The URL for the candidate's campaign web site. Contests[].candidates[].phone string The voice phone number for the candidate's campaign office. Contests[].candidates[].photoUrl string A URL for a photo of the candidate.

Contests[].candidates[].email string The email address for the candidate's campaign. Contests[].candidates[].orderOnBallot long The order the candidate appears on the ballot for this contest. Contests[].candidates[].channels[] list A list of known (social) media channels for this candidate. Contests[].candidates[].channels[].type string The type of channel. The following is a list of types of channels, but is not exhaustive. More channel types may be added at a later time.

One of: • GooglePlus • YouTube • Facebook • Twitter contests[].candidates[].channels[].id string The unique public identifier for the candidate's channel. Contests[].referendumTitle string The title of the referendum (e.g.

'Proposition 42'). This field is only populated for contests of type 'Referendum'. Contests[].referendumSubtitle string A brief description of the referendum.

This field is only populated for contests of type 'Referendum'. Contests[].referendumUrl string A link to the referendum. This field is only populated for contests of type 'Referendum'. Contests[].referendumBrief string Specifies a short summary of the referendum that is typically on the ballot below the title but above the text.

This field is only populated for contests of type 'Referendum'. Contests[].referendumText string The full text of the referendum. This field is only populated for contests of type 'Referendum'.

Contests[].referendumProStatement string A statement in favor of the referendum. It does not necessarily appear on the ballot. This field is only populated for contests of type 'Referendum'.

Contests[].referendumConStatement string A statement in opposition to the referendum. It does not necessarily appear on the ballot.

This field is only populated for contests of type 'Referendum'. Contests[].referendumPassageThreshold string The threshold of votes that the referendum needs in order to pass, e.g. This field is only populated for contests of type 'Referendum'.

Contests[].referendumEffectOfAbstain string Specifies what effect abstaining (not voting) on the proposition will have (i.e. Whether abstaining is considered a vote against it). This field is only populated for contests of type 'Referendum'. Contests[].referendumBallotResponses[] list The set of ballot responses for the referendum. A ballot response represents a line on the ballot. Common examples might include 'yes' or 'no' for referenda, or a judge's name for a retention contest.

This field is only populated for contests of type 'Referendum'. Contests[].sources[] list A list of sources for this contest.

If multiple sources are listed, the data has been aggregated from those sources. Contests[].sources[].name string The name of the data source. Contests[].sources[].official boolean Whether this data comes from an official government source. Election Officials Property name Value Description Notes state[] list Local Election Information for the state that the voter votes in. For the US, there will only be one element in this array. State[].name string The name of the jurisdiction. State[].electionAdministrationBody nested object The election administration body for this area.

State[] string The name of this election administrative body. State[].electionAdministrationBody.electionInfoUrl string A URL provided by this administrative body for looking up general election information. State[].electionAdministrationBody.electionRegistrationUrl string A URL provided by this administrative body for looking up how to register to vote.

State[].electionAdministrationBody.electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl string A URL provided by this administrative body for confirming that the voter is registered to vote. State[].electionAdministrationBody.absenteeVotingInfoUrl string A URL provided by this administrative body for information on absentee voting.

State[].electionAdministrationBody.votingLocationFinderUrl string A URL provided by this administrative body for looking up where to vote. State[].electionAdministrationBody.ballotInfoUrl string A URL provided by this administrative body to give contest information to the voter. State[].electionAdministrationBody.electionRulesUrl string A URL provided by this administrative body describing election rules to the voter. State[].electionAdministrationBody.voter_services[] list A description of the services this administrative body may provide.

State[]. Multicast Traffic Generator Windows Live Hotmail there. electionAdministrationBody.hoursOfOperation string A description of the hours of operation for this administrative body. State[].electionAdministrationBody.correspondenceAddress nested object The mailing address of this administrative body. State[].electionAdministrationBody.correspondenceAddress.locationName string The name of the location. State[].electionAdministrationBody.correspondenceAddress.line1 string The street name and number of this address. State[].electionAdministrationBody.correspondenceAddress.line2 string The second line the address, if needed.

State[].electionAdministrationBody.correspondenceAddress.line3 string The third line of the address, if needed. State[] string The city or town for the address. State[].electionAdministrationBody.correspondenceAddress.state string The US two letter state abbreviation of the address. State[] string The US Postal Zip Code of the address. State[].electionAdministrationBody.physicalAddress nested object The physical address of this administrative body.

State[].electionAdministrationBody.physicalAddress.locationName string The name of the location. State[].electionAdministrationBody.physicalAddress.line1 string The street name and number of this address. State[].electionAdministrationBody.physicalAddress.line2 string The second line the address, if needed. State[].electionAdministrationBody.physicalAddress.line3 string The third line of the address, if needed. State[] string The city or town for the address.

State[].electionAdministrationBody.physicalAddress.state string The US two letter state abbreviation of the address. State[] string The US Postal Zip Code of the address. State[].electionAdministrationBody.electionOfficials[] list The election officials for this election administrative body. State[].electionAdministrationBody.electionOfficials[].name string The full name of the election official.

State[].electionAdministrationBody.electionOfficials[].title string The title of the election official. State[].electionAdministrationBody.electionOfficials[].officePhoneNumber string The office phone number of the election official. State[].electionAdministrationBody.electionOfficials[].faxNumber string The fax number of the election official. State[].electionAdministrationBody.electionOfficials[].emailAddress string The email address of the election official.

State[].local_jurisdiction nested object The city or county that provides election information for this voter. This object can have the same elements as state. State[].sources[] list A list of sources for this area. If multiple sources are listed the data has been aggregated from those sources.

State[].sources[].name string The name of the data source. State[].sources[].official boolean Whether this data comes from an official government source. Use the APIs Explorer below to call this method on live data and see the response. Alternatively, try the.