Demon Drivers Capsule

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Feb 23, 2017. The new Mopar muscle car comes with a Drag Mode designed to help the Demon lay down better quarter-mile times.

Zone Fighter Episode Guide - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Air Date: Running Time: 24 Minutes Episode #1: Destroy the Terror-Beast Missile! Japanese Episode Title 恐獣ミサイル 爆破せよ! [Kyoju Misairu Bakuha Seyo!] While driving alone one night, Hikaru Sakimori happens to spot a flying missile shaped capsule streaking across the the sky. Momentarily confused, the man returns home to report to his grandfather what he had just seen.

Once told this description, Raita Sakimori, Zone Great, recognizes the mysterious object. The Garoga empire had moved on from their previous shattered home, Peaceland, and now were making Earth a new target. He told his grandchildren, Hikaru, Hotaru, and Akira, to be on the lookout for anything strange. The gargoyle-like demons were truly deceptive and most likely were already among the human populace. Indeed he was correct. Crashing to Earth, several Garoga beings crawled from out of the wreckage and made their way towards the city.

Demon Drivers Capsule

The next day, while shopping, Hotaro happened to spot one of the vile creatures in disguise. Looking like a normal policeman, the being's webbed-like hands were a dead giveaway. She relayed her information to her little brother, as Hikaru drove out to the crash site of the mysterious alien vessel. While there, however, he was attacked from behind by a Garoga agent. Meanwhile, at the same time, his sister and little brother are also both abducted by another agent, posing to be their taxi driver. Back at home, after listening to a distress message that Hikaru taped, the rest of the Zone family receives a phone call from the Baron Garoga.

The ruthless dictator tells them where his men are holding the children and that if they wish to see them alive they should come unarmed. Solemnly they agree and arrive at the abandoned warehouse where they are soon reunited with the kidnapped children. Tsukiko, the mother, begs for their lives to be spared, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Stepping forward, the three agents take aim with their machine guns, prepared to wipe out the last survivors of Pleaceland. Fortunately for the Zone Family, the Garoga minions had no idea of the three children's unique gifts.

Uttering the words 'Zone Fight Powers!' , Hikaru, Hotaru, and Akira transform into Zone Fighter, Zone Angel and Zone Junior.

In their new forms, bullets prove completely ineffective. So, the three spies transform. With frozen grins of pure malice, the inhuman creatures battled the warriors of light. But their power proved not enough and they soon found themselves beaten back.

Realizing defeat was at hand the demons combined their power and joined to form the horrifying Terror-beast, Red Spark. Laying waste to the refinery district, Zone Fighter was forced to reveal his last and most powerful form.

Harnessing his power, he changed into a giant warrior, enabling him to battle with the massive kaiju. Fighting like a true hero, the human-like alien was able to dispatch the crimson titan with a single blast of his Meteor Missile Might. However this would not be the end of the Garoga attack. Sending down yet another capsule, a second monster exploded from it and parachuted down to Earth. It was the monster Jikiro, a powerful war machine.

Attacking fiercely, Jikiro nearly exhausted the last remaining strength from the hero. Zone Angel and Zone Junior, though, interfered. They summoned Smokey, a spaceship built by the Zone Family.

Using it, they recharged Zone Fighter, letting him continue the fight against the Terror-beast. With renewed strength, it wasn't long before the warrior from Peaceland destroyed Jikiro with a few volleys from his Meteor Missile Might. Mighty Liner Staff Cast Directed by Writing credits Shozo Uehara Produced by Music by Go Misawa Art Direction by Gen Kobayashi Directors of Special Effects Hikaru Sakimori, Zone Fighter Hotaru Sakimori, Zone Angel Kazumi Kitahara Akira Sakimori, Zone Junior Takashi Sato Yoichiro Sakimori, Zone Father Shoji Nakayama Tsukiko Sakimori, Zone Mother Sachiko Kozuki Raita Sakimori, Zone Great Shiro Amagusa Takeru Jo, Toy Shop Owner Hideaki Ohara Narrator Kiyoshi Kobayashi Sachio Akihiko Nishijima Air Date: Running Time: 24 Minutes Episode #5: Shoot Down King Ghidorah!

Japanese Episode Title キングギドラをむかえ撃て! [Kingugidora o Mukaeutsu!] Fed up with recent failures, Baron Garoga unleashes the golden terror King Ghidorah to wreck havoc across Earth. Meanwhile on the planet, government officials are checking up on a scientist's recent discovery.

Called the Blue-Green System, the discovery is able to take in CO2 and radioactive contaminated air and decrease the level of the contamination. As the officials praise the man's work, Takeru Joe charges in. He tries to warn them that a future terrorist attack will strike the lab and subvert their efforts. While they argue, elsewhere in Japan the SDF is confronting King Ghidorah. Unable to coup, the jets are ripped to shreds in midair from the demon's powerful hurricane force winds.

Dismayed, Joe returns home to inform the Zone Family that they need to act if they are to preserve the lab. Unfortunately, by the time he returns to the laboratory the terrorists have already begun their attack. Strapping bizarre helmets to the humans called the Garoga Pack, the disguised aliens attempt to paralyze the men long enough for King Ghidrah to arrive and decimate the building and its occupants. Their plan would not come to fruition, though, as Joe and the Zone Family arrive just in time. Joe is attacked by one of the Garoga Pack helmets, while the Peace Land natives are chased outside by the murdering aliens. Once there, everyone transforms and prepares for battle. During the skirmish, the stone grinning invaders were beaten back by the fighting family.

Fleeing, the Zone Family transforms back and run to help their friend and the scientist. Fuming at his subordinates' failure, Baron Garoga orders the Dark Prism Strategy to be placed into effect. The Dark Prism is a shimmering crystal-like rock that has the ability to absorb energy. Setting the trap, the aliens placed the prism on the road, where the Zone Family found it and brought it back for study. Not realizing its true purpose, Zone Angel, Fighter, and Junior use the device to trace it back to the Garoga headquarters on Earth.

Once arriving there, the trio transforms to battle the gargoyle race. Shortly after defeating the aliens, King Ghidorah shows up. Answering to its master, the prism flies into the sky. The object begins to absorb the power of the sun and feed it to the cackling three-headed horror. Once fully powered the dragon would attack the research facility. Seeing humanity's future in the Blue-Green system, the Zone warriors transformed. Junior and Angel took the aircraft Smokey, as Hikaru grew to the giant warrior Zone Fighter.

Taking to the air, the hero sought to lure the dragon away from the building and battle it in a more appropriate area. The remaining Zone family could only watch in horror as Zone Fighter's energy was drained from a combination of King Ghidorah's attacks and the Dark Prism. Earth's only hope lay in Zone Great's hands. Using his machine, he took control of the Great Raideki, an artificial thundercloud. Despite its use shortening his life, the old man pressed on and unleashed a wave of lighting against the three-headed monster.

Knocking it down briefly, the kaiju lost its concentration over the Dark Prism, allowing the sun to seep through and recharge Zone Fighter. In a last ditch effort, Zone Great removed the Proton crystal from the house's computer. It was the only thing that would give Zone Fighter the extra power he would need to lure King Ghidorah far out into space. Unfortunately, by removing the crystal the family would lose their Proton Barrier. This would leave them in the future susceptible to Garoga attacks. Caring only for the life of humanity, though, Fighter used the green crystal and flew into space, followed by the winged Ghidorah. Staff Cast Directed by Writing credits Akira Ishikari Produced by Music by Go Misawa Art Direction by Gen Kobayashi Directors of Special Effects Hikaru Sakimori, Zone Fighter Hotaru Sakimori, Zone Angel Kazumi Kitahara Akira Sakimori, Zone Junior Takashi Sato Yoichiro Sakimori, Zone Father Shoji Nakayama Tsukiko Sakimori, Zone Mother Sachiko Kozuki Raita Sakimori, Zone Great Shiro Amagusa Takeru Jo, Toy Shop Owner Hideaki Ohara Narrator Kiyoshi Kobayashi Baron Garoga Munemaru Kouda Kazuo Ikawa, Director Zenji Yamada Air Date: Running Time: 24 Minutes Episode #7: Zone Family's Critical Moment!

Japanese Episode Title ゾーンファミリー危機一髪! [Zoon Famiri Kikiippatsu!] Following an explosion, the monster Dragon King begins an assault on Japan. Using its fire breath, the Terror-Beast ignites homes ablaze as it advances toward a dam. Before the creature can destroy it, though, Zone Fighter appears. Taking the fire blast meant for the dam, the giant warrior saves the village. The huge Zone alien then battles Dragon King.

The Terror-Beast briefly gains the upper hand, trapping Zone Fighter behind a rock mass. Once more, the monster turns its attention to the dam. However, after breaking out, Zone Fighter distracts the creature with a Proton Beam. The two then engage once again, with the Peaceland warrior destroying the Dragon King. Furious, Baron Garoga goes about destroying surveillance equipment out of rage.

His troops put their leader at ease, though, while they go over their next scheme. This time the evil race plans to disguise one of their agents as Hotaru Sakimori, Zone Angel. They enact their scheme while the family is going on vacation, targeting Hotaru on her were way back from school to join them. The switch, done in the bathroom of a coffee shop, is successful. However, Takeru Jo sees the aliens carrying away the real, unconscious Hotaru and chases after them. While the Garoga agent infiltrates the Zone Family, the real Hotaru wakes up in a warehouse. There, the despicable aliens let her watch their agent at work from a monitor.

This involves the disguised Garoga agent making coffee for the Zone Family. However, the fake Hotaru adds poisoned milk to each cup. The plan goes awry, though, as Yoichiro, Zone Father, never drinks milk. Realizing his coffee has it, he offers it to the fake Hotaru, putting the agent in an awkward position to avoid the poisoned drink.

Akira, Zone Junior, also complains that his coffee was not made how he likes it. Losing its composure, the disguised agent knocks the coffee from Akira's hands and storms out. Meanwhile in the warehouse, Takeru tries to free the captured Hotaru only to be taken hostage himself. As night falls at their vacation hotel, the fake Hotaru is confronted by Tsukiko, Zone Mother. The mother suspects something is wrong, although doesn't realize the impostor already planted a bomb in the room.

Tired of the setbacks from the charade, the alien removes its disguise. Revealed as a silver Garoga, the being attacks Tsukiko. Zone Mother is saved by her son, Hikaru, whose presence causes the agent to retreat. Zone Fighter gives pursuit, though, and eventually battles it off a cliff.

Exploding on impact, a nearby capsule is disturbed, releasing the monster Gilmaras. Entering his giant form, Zone Fighter engages the monster. After a short battle, the creature is dispatched with a barrage of Meteor Missiles. Meanwhile at the warehouse, Hotaru's Zobot is released. It's able to warn the family, as Zone Fighter arrives at the hideout.

Beating the huge group of Garoga, any celebration is cut short as Hotaru warns of the planted bomb. Rushing back in his Mighty Liner, the hero arrives just in time to grab the bomb. He then quickly throws it out a nearby window as the explosive detonates. The huge blast narrowly avoids the family. Saved, the Peaceland beings are finally able to breath a sigh of relief.

Staff Cast Directed by Writing credits Norio Komata Produced by Music by Go Misawa Art Direction by Gen Kobayashi Directors of Special Effects Kichio Tabuchi Hikaru Sakimori, Zone Fighter Hotaru Sakimori, Zone Angel Kazumi Kitahara Akira Sakimori, Zone Junior Takashi Sato Yoichiro Sakimori, Zone Father Shoji Nakayama Tsukiko Sakimori, Zone Mother Sachiko Kozuki Raita Sakimori, Zone Great Shiro Amagusa Takeru Jo, Toy Shop Owner Hideaki Ohara Yoko Yuri Hayashi Narrator Kiyoshi Kobayashi Baron Garoga Munemaru Kouda Garoga Nami Ming, Ken Ito Air Date: Running Time: 24 Minutes Episode #13: Shiver! The Birthday of Horror Japanese Episode Title 戦慄! 誕生日の恐怖 [Senritsu!

Tanjoubi-no Kyoufu] For Hotaru Sakimori's 16th birthday, the Sakimori family has gotten her a cake. As they sing her happy birthday, the festive sentiment is quickly gone when Baron Garoga appears on their TV screen. He threatens that the family will be exterminated before the day is over. The Zone aliens ponder this, reflecting on the fact that a Proton Barrier surrounds the house. Zone Great, Raita, advises them that a threat might already be in the house, though. The family then grows to suspect the birthday cake.

Yoichiro proceeds to scan it, confirming that the contents are explosive. Hikaru Sakimori, Zone Fighter, grabs the cake and drives off alone in his car. Arriving near a cliff, he tosses the dessert over. Although initially nothing happens, the cake eventually explodes, throwing Hikaru off his feet. Suddenly, three Garoga agents appear and attack him.

However, the trio are beaten back and quickly retreat. With their current efforts failing, the baron of the evil alien race moves to a different stage of his plan. This includes launching a Terror-Beast Missile at Earth and telepathically controlling Hisashi, a pastry shop worker. Hisashi fakes an injury to get Takeru Jo to drive him back to the shop. There, he spots Hotaru, who arrived earlier, and proceeds to hold them at gunpoint. Takeru manages to overpower him, though, knocking out Hisashi. The Zone family, realizing that Hisashi is being controlled, proceed to remove the bullets from his gun.

As the shop worker regains consciousness, he once again uses his gun to try and take Takeru and Hotaru as hostages. This time, though, Zone Junior follows them in Smokey.

This leads them to the Garoga hideout, where Hikaru rushes in and saves Hotaru and Takeru. Joined by Zone Junior, the four beat back the Garogas, who retreat. Suddenly, the Terror-Beast Missile from earlier crashes nearby. This releases the monster Garoborg. To combat the beast, Zone Fighter transforms into a giant while Hotaru and Junior control Smokey. The creature, however, attacks a transmission tower, soaking up the electricity.

Surging with power, the creature attacks and gets the upper hand against Zone Fighter. The advantage is short lived, though, as the giant Zone Alien destroys the beast's antenna. Outmatched, the creature is defeated by a blast from the Meteor Missile bracelet. This website is for noncommercial use only and is not affiliated with, or authorized or endorsed by Toho Co. Toho is the owner of all copyrights and trademarks in its respective films and characters, and all of its rights are expressly reserved.

© 1943-2018 Toho Co. And its related entities. All rights reserved. Godzilla, Gojira, the character designs and King of the Monsters are trademarks of Toho Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials is expressly prohibited.

— Being a ain't easy. Most of the original have the good covered, and the pharmacy is even out of to give you a cheap gimmick to explain your powers.

What's left for the modern hero and villain to do? Make do with a Weaksauce Weakness. It's great for comedic effect, but just as often it ends up being an that makes your average seem by comparison. The weakness isn't a common household cleaning agent like, but something so incredibly, stupidly embarrassing you'd think the would never use his power out of shame in the off chance someone found out about it, or because it in the course of their super heroing. The 'weakness' might come in the form of the fuel for the super power, a humiliating or activation phrase, an, or just a set of restrictions on the powers that really are begging to get laughed. Therefore, this is one of the most popular ways to If the weakness is a, it can be pulled off.

If not, it can seriously stress the, unless it's. Especially cruel writers will have clever villains make it a.

However, a can even the odds. This is also commonly exploited in an, where is probably to blame. Subtropes include: • • • (depending on the definition of 'cold') • • • • • Related to. See also, which is a weaksauce weakness for superheroes. If played for laughs, the one so harmed may. In extreme cases, the character will defend themselves from the weakness with a. For the inversion, of being at risk from a lack of something, see.

• Tobor, the, recharged his powers with an inhalant stored in small, thin, white tubes that he carried in a cigarette case. When the bad guys allowed him 'one last smoke' before executing him, this was great; when he was having a fight where kids could see him, he worried about setting a bad example by appearing to smoke. •: • Vampires are seen as nearly invincible gods among men.unless the sun is out. Or you punch them with sunlight-infused martial arts. Or you hit them really hard in the brain and screw up their ability to control their own bodily functions (though not many beings out there aren't weak to that).

Or just have a Pillar Man (essentially super vampires) so much as touch them, which will cause them to be instantly absorbed. • Pillar Men also have a weakness to the sun and Hamon, but due to their biology (and possibly Kars'/ stone masks) they blocking off UV rays. When Kars becomes the, among other benefits. • Rock Humans in part 8 are resistant to damage and fatigue, but despite being partly rock they're dependant on oxygen, 'breathing' it through their skin.

This means that submerging them in water causes them to rapidly 'suffocate' and break apart. • In, female spell-casters have a very common and mundane weakness: menstruation. During a woman's menstruation period, her magical power output drops tremendously, so much so that even the protagonist, Lina Inverse, who is one of the strongest sorceresses in the entire Slayers setting, is barely able to cast a novice Light spell during her period. This is apparently a well-known weakness, as Zelgadis and even both figure out why her powers are weakened at one point, though Gourry is so ignorant that he doesn't understand the significance of 'that time of the month' and just assumes it's magic-related. •: • Anyone who's eaten a Devil Fruit gets amazing powers, but they all share one weakness; the inability to swim. If they are so much as half-submerged in water of any kind, they become paralyzed (and for many, their powers stop working).

Which is kind of a problem, seeing as how many of the encountered Devil Fruit users are pirates or marines in a world that's. • If a Devil Fruit user touches Seastone - a material that has been described as 'solid sea' - they'll feel the same effects as if they were fully submerged in water. • Though this is more of a subversion in that this weakness very, very rarely becomes an issue, especially considering how many Devil Fruit users are in the series and how four of them are in the main cast. This is even lampshaded in the Enies Lobby arc; when two members of are trying to decide whether or not to eat Devil Fruits that had been provided to them, mentions that being unable to swim isn't much of a problem (then again, all members of CP9 have the ability to, so there's that).

• Depending on the situation, basic hypnosis (such as Jango's ring or Ms. Goldenweek's emotion-altering paint) serves as one of the weaknesses for Monkey D. Luffy, the protagonist. Due to his simple-minded nature, he just won't have the sense to turn away, which makes him helpless and left to the devices of his enemies. • Water is actually a much greater weakness to, as he is a man who can turn into sand; if water strikes him, the sand 'sticks together,' and he is rendered unable to turn into sand at all, thus leaving him fully open to attack.

He has a natural defense in that his sand powers extend to causing alarmingly fast dehydration with direct skin contact. In addition, he has the good sense to not only do his villainous business on a relatively large island, but on a desert island. He also uses Dance Powder to not only to frame the king in an effort to overthrow him, but also to stop it from raining in the town he was using as a base.

In addition, on the off-chance that someone was able to negate his logia defense for a significant period time (like with Luffy), he's skilled in other combat arts as well. His hook has a second, poisoned hook under it, and if that hook gets broken,. • In-universe, at least, we have Eneru. His abilities are considered among the most godlike Devil Fruit powers in the setting, yet Luffy's relatively low-tier powers completely and utterly negated them, to the point that Eneru had to get really creative with his powers just to find a way to harm Luffy at all, and only his unrelated ability protected him from getting beaten to a pulp pretty much instantly. • Logia-type Devil Fruits in general tend to react weirdly to various elements, and almost always have at least one weakness that completely shuts down their powers. Moreover, hitting their elemental forms with damages them as if they were in regular form. • Blackbeard has one of the most powerful abilities in universe.

He can wipe out entire towns in seconds, shoot the debris out like cannon, and negate Devil Fruit powers. But he has a major weakness that isn't shared by any other fruit of the same class as his. While most Logia-fruit users can have attacks pass right through them, Blackbeard is quite the opposite; Because his Devil fruit ability makes him a 'Gravity Man', his body is always in physical form. Not only that, but the same qualities that let him negate other Devil Fruit powers (by forcibly holding their bodies together) also draws attacks INTO him. This means that his biggest strength also makes any attack made in his direction both harder to dodge and super-effective.

Essentially, even the most basic of attacks is capable of forcing him to hunch over in pain. • The specialists, the Paper Sisters in can telekinetically manipulate paper. Unless it's wet. This was not a weakness for Yomiko Readman, who is shown on camera manipulating paper while underwater.

This is actually. The Paper Sisters' powers are essentially imperfect clones of Yomiko's, artificially created by Dokusensha; which is why they are weaker and more specialized/limited. Water naturally disrupts the structural integrity of paper, and their inferior powers are not sufficient to maintain it the way Yomiko can.

•: • has an alien attack force made up of gigantic who are a do a mass because of. And souvenirs. In fairness, it does make sense in the story (at least as much as Martians being vulnerable to Earth's diseases) and is perhaps one of the best logical conclusions to a typical alien's treatment.

The Zentradi have no culture to speak of other than fighting, so when exposed to humans and their culture in the form of songs and interacting with the other gender after sending a team of spies to the SDF-1, typical Zentradi start feeling emotions, questioning their purpose, and. Because of this, their entire fleet gets deemed 'contaminated' by the unexposed Zentradi and programmed for destruction. In the face of this, they wisely choose to ally with the humans. Still, it doesn't quite wash away the faint air of ridiculousness when Minmay's singing becomes an offensive weapon to unbalance the unexposed Zentradi in their attack. • Those who consider Minmei half-jokingly argue the Zentraedi were distracted by her singing because in the dub. • The initial use of Minmay's voice as a weapon is actually short-lived: while the Zentradi were initially too distracted to react, as soon as the heroes opened fire they started firing back.

The real decisive weapon in that engagement was Minmei kissing Kaifun: the Zentradi were so disgusted they stopped fighting effectively, trying absolutely anything to erase the image from their minds, including firing in the middle of nowhere (a Zentradi heavy cruiser was observed doing exactly this as Hikaru locked his nukes on it) and listening to Minmei's songs. • Taken to even greater extremes in where the spirit draining Protodevilns's only weakness is actually the energy produced by music. It produces a spiritual energy 'too pure for them to absorb' and regenerates the lost energy in those drained by them. • In one humorous scene, a Protodeviln gets a 'brilliant idea' for shielding himself against the humans' singing. This actually does work, but Basara just plays even louder. Afterward the Protodeviln installed a noise canceller in his mech, which proved much more effective.

• Incidentally, one OVA shows us that Minmei's registered songs have absolutely no effect on unexposed Meltrandi (the FEMALE Zentradi), who just ignore them (partly because they had the common sense to just jam the frequencies used to broadcast them), but BASARA's songs made them groupies the very moment he managed to get them to hear him. It baffled a, who had assumed the Meltrandi would just jam the broadcast (both times the Minmei tactic had been seen used had been with broadcasts the enemy didn't jam for one reason or another). • In, vampires are considered the high end of the monster scale, but the fact that you can take a vampire down with a glass of water kinda puts a on that idea. Though, you'd have to be of werewolf speed to even consider hitting them with the stuff in the first place. Vampires are ironically said to have the most weaknesses compared to any other monster. Things like silver would also do them in.

•: • The titular hero can be incapacitated. However, those who attempt this should note to apply said weakness quickly and forcefully — prolonged, intense exposure has a tendency to. Thanks to his curse, can also count as a weakness. Ranma's female form has less strength and reach than his male form (though the anime is explicit that Ranma's speed is boosted in this form, so it's more of a trade), but s/he can still pull off all of his/her normal attacks. Based on a character with an identical curse, it's also possible that being in female form weakens his. • His and his main rival Ryoga Hibiki have an even worse case of the water weakness than Ranma does; Jusenkyo made them become a respectively when splashed with cold water.

So they go from incredibly powerful fighters to harmless little animals whose only recourse is to run or hide until they can get some hot water. Genma Saotome, Ranma's father, subverts it; his panda form loses little, if any, speed and agility while gaining in strength and toughness due to the increased. Mousse, meanwhile, seesaws between subverting this trope and playing it straight with his duck curse; while it is much smaller, weaker and can't use his physical attacks, it can fly and he's still capable of throwing barrages of knives, darts and bombs in it. • And a non-water version applies to, who is such a that his perversion becomes his own Achilles heel. If there is a fight serious enough, or a reward great enough, that he can't be immediately distracted from whatever he was doing by the sight of girls in skimpy clothing, bare cleavage or a bra, it hasn't come up in the series.

He can even be lured right into dangers simply by tossing a bra in the right place. • Spoiled prince Saffron has incredible fire magic powers, the ability to fly and regenerate so fast that he can tear off his own wings to use as throwing weapons and grow them back in seconds, but because of his lax and pampered upbringing he can't take any sort of physical blow and in a world full of martial artists that's a big problem • From.

My name is Yutaka Takenouchi, and I have only one weakness. I am very susceptible to motion sickness! •: • Natsu is, he can breathe fire and cause, but he too suffers from the ignominious susceptibility to transportation. At least once it was actually exploited to defeat him in battle. This motion sickness seems to extend to being carried by people, as well. He's perfectly fine being taken to flight by Happy the cat, however, reasoning that Happy isn't a vehicle.

According to Rogue, all Dragon Slayers suffer from this. • Wendy however, doesn't suffer from transportation. Rather, She's weak to pickled plums.

After the 1-year timeskip, she started to suffer from transportation. • Gajeel, similarly only began suffering from motion sickness after joining Fairy Tail. It's never explained why it never bothered him before, only that eventually all Dragon Slayers gain this weakness.

Even the artificially-created ones like Laxus and Cobra suffer from it. • The first Dragon Slayer Irene Belserion eventually explains that this is because becoming a Dragon Slayer involves being infused with Dragon magic, which effectively makes them part Dragon. As a Dragon Slayer's power increases, they become more Dragon-like to the point of becoming Dragons if the process isn't halted somehow. The of Dragons don't mix well with human bodies, and even Acnologia, the Dragon King is just as vulnerable, nearly throwing up from literally holding onto the side of a speeding airship. • In, Espada #9 Aaroniero can't use his shapeshifting when in sunlight. Though he can still use any of his other 30,000+ powers (not that he does before getting killed, but he had the option). To make matters worse, he lives in Hueco Mundo, which has no natural sun.

His boss builds a fake one for no discernible reason. •: • In the manga and second anime, Pride can project razor-sharp tentacle-like from his body. But he can only project them where ordinary shadows could be cast; complete darkness renders him unable to attack and bright lights can cut off his tentacles. Granted, he is still near immortal even when he can't attack; in a way he is both the most powerful and the most vulnerable homunculus. • A common mistake for people in the series is to assume that Flame Alchemist Roy Mustang is useless when wet (or without his gloves). This is only true to a certain extent - while his gloves can't create a spark when they're wet, there's nothing stopping him from using something else in their place (like a lighter) as long as he has access to the right kind of transmutation circle.

He's arguably more dangerous with lots of water around so long as he has an alternative method of creating a spark, as he can split the water into hydrogen and oxygen and then ignite it. The problem is that unless he can trap the target in an enclosed area with the water he's liable to blow up any nearby allies and himself at the same time, hence this technique being very rarely used. The joking doesn't change the fact that he definitely. • A combination of this and: Insulting height, while entertaining, has a tendency to impair his judgement as he blindly charges the enemy. This is mostly, although uses it once to get an edge in combat. *Pride attacks* • in one of the manga's early omake, where Hawkeye defeats both Ed and Al with.

• In, Konan of the Akatsuki is, like all members of that group, very powerful. Yet her can be completely nullified by spraying oil on her to make her stick together (a technique one human ninja and some summoned toads have), although water can release her. • Adam Blade from has a weakness for little girls, and usually ended up getting his butt kicked because of this. Though later in the manga his weakness had developed from mere lolis to naked lolis.

On the other hand, his love for lolis can temporally boost his strength and saves him from a, so it's subverted. • Emperor Nightmare, the leader of Nightmare Enterprises (Holy Nightmare Co. In the Japanese version) in, is weak against AND afraid of one weapon that Kirby can take control of by swallowing his Warp Star: the Star Rod. Nightmare: Aaaah! How did Kirby discover the secret?!

That pitiful little Star Warrior has found my only weakness! I am helpless against the power of the Star Rod! • The Dai Gurren in is a walking battleship.

That is not designed to go on water. A battleship that isn't designed to go on water. • In one episode of, the team are pitted against a in the form of a sunflower. They can't beat him until Koito works out that.

They therefore defeat him by simply walking round him and attacking from behind, where he can't see or reach them. • In, Urd is put to sleep by Enka music, traditional Japanese ballads. When someone tries to take advantage of this fact,. • Mara is weak to rock music; it causes her to dance uncontrollably. •: • The only way to defeat Chaozu's psychic attacks is to break his concentration.

Krillin does this by asking him extremely difficult math questions. After that his teacher the Crane Hermit immediately. • The sound of whistling can seriously incapacitate Namekians, as a result of their incredibly acute senses of hearing. This becomes a plot point in the DBZ movie Lord Slug where Piccolo asks Gohan to start whistling after in a desperate attempt to stop Lord Slug. • In the Otherworld Tournament filler, Goku shows that he's exceptionally vulnerable to being tickled given that Caterpy is able to hold Goku in place and him for several minutes despite Goku being many times stronger than him without becoming a Super Saiyan.

• In each of their respective appearances, the embodiments of evil Hirudegarn and Janemba become defenseless when enraged/insulted. • In, the villain Shidow is extremely fearful towards water to the point if he gets in contact with it, he will go berserk and have his abilities neutralized.

• All of the Abilities Users created by Noa and Isumi have a particular weakness - it's usually whatever originally killed them (such as water for Shidow, who drowned, or dry ice for another, who froze to death). • From, we have Akisame Koetsuji, the Jujutsu Philosopher. Master martial artist, a doctor so skilled he can raise the recently dead, and. He's one of Kenichi's six super-powerful masters.

And green peppers make him so ill that he can be held at bay simply by hanging one outside his door. • is weakened by milk. Though after he goes insane during his match against Curry Cook and drinks the stuff, it becomes apparent that he just thinks it's disgusting.

• Fairies from are killed by EM waves, a.k.a. Light, the most ubiquitous thing in the universe. If the setting wasn't they'd be screwed. And they still have problems with it anyway. • Shiina from is turned: a ridiculously hypercompetent ninja, but when she sees a puppy about to go over a waterfall she instinctively does a, getting them both killed.and it was a stuffed puppy.

The puppy trap was actually meant for Angel, so it's possible she has the same weakness. • Italy from can run insanely fast, and defeated the Ottoman Empire, which was pretty powerful at the time, while he was only a child. According to the author, the only thing keeping him from dominating Europe is that he's just too afraid to. • Shiina in absolutely can't be splashed by rain; any amount would make her for a whole week. This is why she was wearing a whole hazmat gear when she's 'risking it' to the cram school in chapter 6/episode 4. Dishwater apparently does the same thing, as seen in episode 7. • In, Pierrot le Fou a.k.a.

Tongpu is a psychotic, unstoppable, bulletproof Psychopathic Manchild. He has exactly two weaknesses, both psychological: A pathological fear of cats due to the experiments that he was subjected to, and feeling pain, induced in this case by Spike hurling a knife (a projectile too slow to be stopped by Pierrot's experimental shield) into his thigh. • In Tooru mentioned that her friend Herensuge was beaten to death by an egg without a yolk..

•: Akane is an ancient demon whose powers include mind control, teleportation, shapeshifting, duplicating herself, and summoning meteors. She also has a massive, and anyone can foil her plans by holding up a piece of candy, which she will immediately fixate on. • The Eighth Wonder in is a superheroine with super-strength, flight, nigh-invulnerability, x-ray and heat vision.

However, if she is no matter how strong they are, she become instantly defenseless. •: • Almost every Green Lantern from onward had yellow as his main weakness. Any criminal could waltz past him by wearing a yellow suit and stealing only gold, and shoot yellow painted bullets from gold plated guns.

That being said, a clever person could find a way around it. Such as using the ring to pick up something not made of yellow, and hitting the criminal with it.

There have been various explanations such as programming bugs or a deliberately-induced, but the currently-accepted explanation is a combination of yellow representing fear, the enemy of the energy the Lanterns wield, and the fact that a yellow fear monster had been imprisoned in the Central Battery, tainting the power source. The weakness can now be recognized and overcome, and adaptations tend to downplay it into almost nothing.

• The original Green Lantern was almost as bad — his weakness was wood. Since so few people knew it as later Green Lanterns became famous, however, he in many cases seemed more powerful than the new Green Lanterns because, for example, the Sinestro Corps yellow power rings couldn't even make him flinch.

• This was parodied in the episode ', with his 'Green Guardsman', who had a weakness to aluminum. Either way, you've got a superhero who could appear on the news after having been beaten to death with a baseball bat — and considering that one of his foes was the Sportsmaster, who did wield a baseball bat. It's pretty darned weaksauce. • It didn't hurt that wood, while very common when Alan Scott first hit the scene, had become rarer in civilization by the time hit. Villains in tend to decorate in metal, plastic, and by then, which means even less to block that strange ring with.

• This actually becomes a problem for him in the Elseworlds story. Like most of the other original heroes, Alan Scott's powers have progressed to a ludicrous level - he keeps watch over the Earth in a massive emerald, constructed himself a suit of impressive armor, and carries around a sword made out of pure energy - all from his power ring.

None of it helps very much against in the final battle, since this Oliver Queen's arrows are made out of wood. • This was the main reason that Solomon Grundy was such a threat to Alan. Being drowned, soaked in and resurrected in a swamp, his body was filled and covered with plant matter, rendering the ring all but useless in directly affecting Grundy ( even explained that Solomon Grundy was now a plant-based elemental of sorts like he was). • The story the odd Green Lantern weaknesses by having the Guardians explain that all weaknesses are mentally-imposed. Alan was weak to wood because a thug surprised him with a baseball bat and he assumed the ring didn't work against wood, while Hal was told that the rings were ineffective against yellow and thus added the weakness himself. Kyle, who gets his ring without hearing the explanation, lacks any weaknesses. (This is not, to be clear, how it actually works in continuity.) • Another story, detailing the ring's story and Alan Scott's backstory (for readers in, at least), the guardians, in a long story involving one of Earth's first Green Lanterns, the weakness.

Because he was almost killed by a yellow monster, the weakness was removed from his ring. He became mad with power, so the Guardians gave him the wood weakness so primitive humans could club him to death. However, instead of dying, he put his soul into the power ring and battery, which collided with a Meteorite, becoming the Starheart. Alan Scott got his ring from the Starheart. • One Green Lantern story subverts this, however.

A yellow robot attacks the Justice League. GL responds by picking up mud from a nearby swamp and dropping it over the robot's body, completely coating it. With the yellow hidden, he quite easily rips it open.

• The yellow weakness was especially weaksauce in because of the fact that For those curious: 'infra-yellow', in a sane world, translates as orange. • This was a very situational weakness, as sometimes Hal's constructs interacted with Sinestro's yellow ones, creating a blue haze that negated both. Other times, Lanterns responded by using variations of with whatever they could throw at an opponent, or even remembering that an opaque construct around a target meant only green light got through — and turning any yellow inside the construct into green due to reflective properties of the color yellow.

• And then there's the Blue Lanterns, who are incredibly powerful even by Green Lantern standards, but can't use anything but the bare minimum of their powers unless a Green Lantern is in the vicinity. • According to from, Green Lanterns in do not have a weakness to yellow and original Green Lantern Alan Scott did not have a weakness to wood either. • The absurdity of the Silver Age and Golden Age GL weaknesses was lampshaded in an episode of. Alan Scott: The same thing that happens to you if he paints it yellow!

• The yellow weakness was used in a clever fashion in 'Ganthet's Tale', a Green Lantern graphic novel by Larry Niven and John Byrne. Hal Jordan's opponent in this one was a renegade Guardian, who could wield Green Lantern energy himself.

The solution was for Hal to fly away from the Guardian at near-light speed, and while flying fire a bolt of energy from his ring. By the time the energy bolt connected with the Guardian, it red-shifted, its visible light wavelengths compressing down the color scale, from green to yellow. • Echo from and possesses photographic muscle reflexes which makes her nearly unbeatable in hand-to-hand combat. She's also deaf, which means she is unable to hear her opponents. Daredevil takes advantage of this by fighting her in a locked, darkened room, rendering her helpless. • One version of Ocean Master, 's arch nemesis, gets his powers from a magical trident he traded his soul for, and when he isn't holding it he feels intense pain. Even finds this funny.

'Sounds like the deal of the century, Flipper! And everyone says I'm the crazy-' • In the earlier comics, the King of the Sea himself, for all his prowess in the ocean, could not be out of the water for more than an hour or he'd dry out and die. He probably got this from, whom he was initially a of.

Aqualad has a less-extreme version of this weakness in. There isn't any set time limit, but he succumbs to exhaustion and dehydration far quicker than his teammates after they get lost in the desert. • went through a single-issue where she could be hurt by any 'natural, unprocessed material', including the proverbial sticks and stones. This for a character who's on par with and. The negative reaction from readers caused it to.

It was just that weak. Autocad Blocks Of Playgrounds Near. During her JLE days she was also allergic to diet soda, causing fits of anger. • is a self-admitted exploration of this. • The main character is a curvy babe who derives her powers from an, that's and weakens her powers when damaged.

Her tendency to end up naked (or nearly so) makes her the laughing stock of the local superhero community. Her tendency to get while doing so makes her a living. The suit's ability to be torn seems to fluctuate with Empowered's confidence level. Since she has zero self-confidence anyway and the regular humiliations related to her crappy suit only co.