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Further information: Northern Song, 960–1126 [ ] After usurping the throne of the, (r. 960–976) spent sixteen years, reuniting much of the territory that had once belonged to the and empires and ending the upheaval of the. In, he established a strong central government over the empire, he ensured administrative stability by promoting the system of drafting state by skill and merit (instead of or military position) and promoted projects that ensured efficiency in communication throughout the empire. In one such project, created detailed maps of each province and city that were then collected in a large. Emperor Taizu also promoted groundbreaking scientific and technological innovations by supporting such works as the designed and built by the engineer.

A polychrome wood-carved statue of, (907–1125) After Fan was forced to step down from his office, (1021–1086) became Chancellor of the imperial court, with the backing of (1067–1085), Wang Anshi severely criticized the educational system and state bureaucracy. Seeking to resolve what he saw as state corruption and negligence, Wang implemented a series of reforms called the, these involved reform, the establishment of several government, the support of local, and the creation of higher standards for the Imperial examination to make it more practical for men skilled in statecraft to pass. The reforms created political factions in the court.

Wang Anshi's 'New Policies Group' ( Xin Fa), also known as the 'Reformers', were opposed by the ministers in the 'Conservative' faction led by the historian and Chancellor (1019–1086), as one faction supplanted another in the majority position of the court ministers, it would demote rival officials and exile them to govern remote frontier regions of the empire. One of the prominent victims of the political rivalry, the famous poet and statesman (1037–1101), was jailed and eventually exiled for criticizing Wang's reforms. While the central Song court remained politically divided and focused upon its internal affairs, alarming new events to the north in the Liao state finally came to its attention, the, a subject tribe of the Liao, rebelled against them and formed their own state, the. The Song official (1054–1126) advised (1100–1125) to form an alliance with the Jurchens, and the joint military campaign under this toppled and completely conquered the Liao dynasty by 1125. However, the poor performance and military weakness of the Song army was observed by the Jurchens, who immediately broke the alliance, beginning the of 1125 and 1127; in the during the latter invasion, the Jurchens captured not only the capital, but the retired emperor Huizong, his successor, and most of the Imperial court.

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The remaining Song forces regrouped under the self-proclaimed (1127–1162) and withdrew south of the to establish a new capital at Lin'an (modern ). The Jurchen conquest of and shift of capitals from Kaifeng to Lin'an was the dividing line between the Northern and Southern Song dynasties. Southern Song, 1127–1279 [ ]. Southern Song in 1142 Although weakened and pushed south beyond the, the Southern Song found new ways to bolster its strong economy and defend itself against the Jin dynasty, it had able military officers such as and. The government sponsored massive and improvement projects, and the construction of and seaport to support maritime trade abroad, including at the major international, such as,, and, that were sustaining China's commerce.

To protect and support the multitude of ships sailing for maritime interests into the waters of the and (to and ),, the, and the, it was necessary to establish an official standing. The Song dynasty therefore established China's first permanent navy in 1132, with a headquarters at, with a permanent navy, the Song were prepared to face the naval forces of the Jin on the Yangtze River in 1161, in the and the.

During these battles the Song navy employed swift naval vessels armed with aboard the decks that launched gunpowder, although the Jin forces commanded by boasted 70,000 men on 600 warships, and the Song forces only 3,000 men on 120 warships, the Song dynasty forces were victorious in both battles due to the destructive power of the bombs and the rapid assaults by paddle wheel ships. The strength of the navy was heavily emphasized after that. A century after the navy was founded it had grown in size to 52,000 fighting marines. The Song government confiscated portions of land owned by the landed gentry in order to raise revenue for these projects, an act which caused dissension and loss of loyalty amongst leading members of Song society but did not stop the Song's defensive preparations.

Financial matters were made worse by the fact that many wealthy, land-owning families—some of which had officials working for the government—used their social connections with those in office in order to obtain tax-exempt status. A city gate of, province, built in 1223 during the Song Dynasty The Song dynasty was an era of administrative sophistication and complex social organization, some of the largest cities in the world were found in China during this period (Kaifeng and Hangzhou had populations of over a million). People enjoyed various social clubs and entertainment in the cities, and there were many schools and temples to provide the people with education and religious services, the Song government supported programs including the establishment of, public, and '.

Drivers Sangha Lvt 0020

The Song dynasty supported a widespread that was modeled on the earlier (202 BCE – CE 220) postal system to provide swift communication throughout the empire, the central government employed thousands of postal workers of various ranks to provide service for post offices and larger postal stations. In rural areas, farming peasants either, paid rents as, or were on large estates. The White Jasmine Branch, early 12th-century painting; small paintings in the style of round-albums that captured realistic scenes of nature were widely popular in the Southern Song period. Although women were on a lower social tier than men (according to ), they enjoyed many social and legal privileges and wielded considerable power at home and in their own small businesses, as Song society became more and more prosperous and parents on the bride's side of the family provided larger for her marriage, women naturally gained many new legal rights in ownership of property. Under certain circumstances, an unmarried daughter without brothers, or a surviving mother without sons, could inherit one-half of her father's share of undivided family property. There were many notable and well-educated women, and it was a common practice for women to educate their sons during their earliest youth, the mother of the scientist, general, diplomat, and statesman Shen Kuo taught him essentials of military strategy.

There were also exceptional women writers and poets, such as (1084–1151), who became famous even in her lifetime. During this period had a great effect on people's lives, beliefs, and daily activities, and on spirituality was popular. The major deities of and,, and the many deities of were worshipped with sacrificial offerings. Tansen Sen asserts that more from travelled to China during the Song than in the previous (618–907). With many ethnic foreigners travelling to China to conduct trade or live permanently, there came many foreign religions; religious minorities in China included, the, and.

Of (1045–1105), a renowned calligrapher and associate of The populace engaged in a vibrant social and domestic life, enjoying such public festivals as the and the. There were entertainment quarters in the cities providing a constant array of amusements. There were puppeteers, acrobats, theatre actors, sword swallowers, snake charmers,, singers and musicians, prostitutes, and places to relax, including tea houses, restaurants, and organized banquets. People attended social clubs in large numbers; there were tea clubs, exotic food clubs, and art collectors' clubs, horse-loving clubs, poetry clubs, and music clubs. Like regional cooking and cuisines in the Song, the era was known for its regional varieties of performing arts styles as well. Was very popular amongst the elite and general populace, although —not —was spoken by actors on stage. The four largest drama theatres in Kaifeng could hold audiences of several thousand each.

There were also notable domestic pastimes, as people at home enjoyed activities such as the and board games. Civil service examinations and the gentry [ ]. Scholar in a Meadow, of the 11th century During this period greater emphasis was laid upon the system of recruiting officials; this was based upon degrees acquired through competitive, in an effort to select the most capable individuals for governance. Selecting men for office through proven merit, the civil service system became institutionalized on a small scale during the and dynasties, but by the Song period it became virtually the only means for drafting officials into the government. The advent of widespread helped to widely circulate Confucian teachings and to educate more and more eligible candidates for the exams, this can be seen in the number of exam takers for the low-level prefectural exams rising from 30,000 annual candidates in the early 11th century to 400,000 candidates by the late 13th century. The civil service and examination system allowed for greater,, and equality in competition for those wishing to attain an official seat in government. Using statistics gathered by the Song state, Edward A.

Kracke, Sudō Yoshiyuki, and Ho Ping-ti supported the hypothesis that simply having a father, grandfather, or great-grandfather who had served as an official of state did not guarantee one would obtain the same level of authority. Robert Hartwell and Robert P. Hymes criticized this model, stating that it places too much emphasis on the role of the and considers only three paternal ascendants of exam candidates while ignoring the demographic reality of Song China, the significant proportion of males in each generation that had no surviving sons, and the role of the. Many felt disenfranchised by what they saw as a bureaucratic system that favored the land-holding class able to afford the best education. One of the greatest literary critics of this was the official and famous poet. Yet Su was a product of his times, as the identity, habits, and attitudes of the had become less and more with the transition of the periods from Tang to Song. At the beginning of the dynasty, government posts were disproportionately held by two elite social groups: a founding elite who had ties with the founding emperor and a semi-hereditary professional elite who used long-held clan status,, and marriage alliances to secure appointments.

By the late 11th century, the founding elite became obsolete, while political partisanship and factionalism at court undermined the marriage strategies of the professional elite, which dissolved as a distinguishable social group and was replaced by a multitude of gentry families. The Spinning Wheel, a painting created by Northern Song artist Wang Juzheng, is one of the earliest representations of the invention Due to Song's enormous population growth and the body of its appointed scholar-officials being accepted in limited numbers (about 20,000 active officials during the Song period), the larger scholarly would now take over grassroots affairs on the vast local level. Excluding the scholar-officials in office, this elite social class consisted of exam candidates, examination degree-holders not yet assigned to an official post, local tutors, and retired officials, these learned men, degree-holders, and local elites supervised local affairs and sponsored necessary facilities of local communities; any local magistrate appointed to his office by the government relied upon the cooperation of the few or many local gentry in the area. For example, the Song government—excluding the educational-reformist government under Emperor Huizong—spared little amount of state revenue to maintain and schools; instead, the bulk of the funds for schools was drawn from private financing. This limited role of government officials was a departure from the earlier Tang dynasty (618–907), when the government strictly regulated commercial markets and local affairs; now the government withdrew heavily from regulating commerce and relied upon a mass of local gentry to perform necessary duties in their communities. The gentry distinguished themselves in society through their intellectual and antiquarian pursuits, while the homes of prominent landholders attracted a variety of, including artisans, artists, educational tutors, and entertainers.

Despite the disdain for trade, commerce and the merchant class exhibited by the highly cultured and elite exam-drafted scholar-officials, played a prominent role in Song culture and society. A scholar-official would be frowned upon by his peers if he pursued means of profiteering outside of his official salary; however, this did not stop many scholar-officials from managing business relations through the use of intermediary agents. Law, justice, and forensic science [ ]. The Broken Balustrade, early 12th-century painting The Song retained most of the of the earlier Tang dynasty, the basis of up until the modern era.

Roving sheriffs maintained law and order in the municipal jurisdictions and occasionally ventured into the countryside. Official magistrates overseeing court cases were not only expected to be well-versed in written law but also to promote morality in society.

Magistrates such as the famed (999–1062) embodied the upright, moral judge who upheld justice and never failed to live up to his principles. Song judges specified the guilty person or party in a criminal act and meted out punishments accordingly, often in the form of. A guilty individual or parties brought to court for a criminal or civil offense were not viewed as wholly innocent until proven otherwise, while even accusers were viewed with a high level of suspicion by the judge. Due to costly court expenses and immediate jailing of those accused of criminal offences, people in the Song preferred to settle disputes and quarrels privately, without the court's interference.

Shen Kuo's argued against traditional Chinese beliefs in (such as his argument for two throat valves instead of three); this perhaps spurred the interest in the performance of post-mortem in China during the 12th century. The physician and judge known as (1186–1249) wrote of on the examination of in order to determine cause of death (strangulation, poisoning, drowning, blows, etc.) and to prove whether death resulted from murder, suicide, or accidental death. Song Ci stressed the importance of proper 's conduct during autopsies and the accurate recording of the of each autopsy by official clerks.

Military and methods of warfare [ ]. The, the tallest pre-modern built in 1055, was built as a, yet it served a military purpose as a for. The Song military was chiefly organized to ensure that the army could not threaten Imperial control, often at the expense of effectiveness in war. Northern Song's Military Council operated under a Chancellor, who had no control over the imperial army, the imperial army was divided among three marshals, each independently responsible to the Emperor. Since the Emperor rarely led campaigns personally, Song forces lacked unity of command, the imperial court often believed that successful generals endangered royal authority, and relieved or even executed them (notably Li Gang,, and ). Although the scholar-officials viewed as lower members in the hierarchic social order, a person could gain status and prestige in society by becoming a high-ranking military officer with a record of victorious battles, at its height, the Song military had one million soldiers divided into of 50 troops, companies made of two platoons, battalions composed of 500 soldiers. Were separated from the regular infantry and placed in their own units as they were prized combatants, providing effective missile fire against cavalry charges.

The government was eager to sponsor new crossbow designs that could shoot at longer ranges, while crossbowmen were also valuable when employed as long-range. Song cavalry employed a slew of different weapons, including halberds, swords, bows, spears, and ' that discharged a gunpowder blast of flame and. Military strategy and military training were treated as sciences that could be studied and perfected; soldiers were tested in their skills of using weaponry and in their athletic ability. The troops were trained to follow signal standards to advance at the waving of banners and to halt at the sound of bells and drums. The Song navy was of great importance during the consolidation of the empire in the 10th century; during the war against the state the Song navy employed tactics such as defending large floating across the in order to secure movements of troops and supplies.

There were large ships in the Song navy that could carry 1,000 soldiers aboard their decks, while the swift-moving were viewed as essential fighting ships in any successful naval battle. In a battle on January 23, 971, massive arrow fire from Song dynasty crossbowmen decimated the corps of the army, this defeat not only marked the eventual submission of the Southern Han to the Song dynasty, but also the last instance where a war elephant corps was employed as a regular division within a Chinese army. There was a total of 347 military treatises written during the Song period, as listed by the history text of the Song Shi (compiled in 1345). However, only a handful of these military treatises have survived, which includes the written in 1044, it was the first known book to have listed formulas for gunpowder; it gave appropriate formulas for use in several different kinds of gunpowder bombs. It also provided detailed descriptions and illustrations of double-piston pump, as well as instructions for the maintenance and repair of the components and equipment used in the device.

Arts, literature, and philosophy [ ]. A fresco shows late Northern Sung dynasty women sitting at their dressing tables The visual arts during the Song dynasty were heightened by new developments such as advances in landscape and portrait painting, the gentry elite engaged in the arts as accepted pastimes of the cultured scholar-official, including, composing, and writing.

The poet and statesman Su Shi and his associate (1051–1107) enjoyed antiquarian affairs, often borrowing or buying art pieces to study and copy. Poetry and profited from the rising popularity and development of the. Enormous encyclopedic volumes were compiled, such as works of and dozens of treatises on technical subjects, this included the text of the, compiled into 1000 volumes of 9.4 million written. The genre of Chinese also became popular with the writings of the geographer (1126–1193) and Su Shi, the latter of whom wrote the 'daytrip essay' known as that used to argue for a philosophical point. Although an early form of the local geographic existed in China since the 1st century, the matured form known as 'treatise on a place', or fangzhi, replaced the old 'map guide', or tujing, during the Song dynasty. The imperial courts of the emperor's palace were filled with his entourage of court painters, calligraphers, poets, and storytellers.

Was a renowned artist as well as a patron of the arts. A prime example of a highly venerated court painter was (1085–1145) who painted an enormous,. Initiated a massive art project during his reign, known as the from the life story of (b. This art project was a diplomatic gesture to the Jin dynasty while he negotiated for the release of his mother from Jurchen captivity in the north. Portrait of the Buddhist monk, painted in 1238. In, had waned in influence but it retained its hold on the arts and on the charities of monasteries. Buddhism had a profound influence upon the budding movement of, led by (1033–1107) and (1130–1200).

Buddhism influenced Fan Zhongyan and Wang Anshi through its concept of, while Buddhist deeply affected the pre–Neo-Confucian doctrine of Cheng Yi. The philosophical work of Cheng Yi in turn influenced Zhu Xi, although his writings were not accepted by his contemporary peers, Zhu's commentary and emphasis upon the Confucian classics of the as an introductory corpus to Confucian learning formed the basis of the Neo-Confucian doctrine. By the year 1241, under the sponsorship of, Zhu Xi's Four Books and his commentary on them became standard requirements of study for students attempting to pass the civil service examinations, the East Asian countries of and also adopted Zhu Xi's teaching, known as the Shushigaku (朱子學, School of Zhu Xi) of Japan, and in Korea the Jujahak (주자학). Buddhism's continuing influence can be seen in painted artwork such as 's Laundering. However, the ideology was highly criticized and even scorned by some, the statesman and historian (1007–1072) called the religion a 'curse' that could only be remedied by uprooting it from and replacing it with Confucian discourse. A true revival of Buddhism in Chinese society would not occur until the Mongol rule of the Yuan dynasty, with Kublai Khan's sponsorship of and as the leading. The sect of, which had entered China in the Tang era, would also be revived in China under Mongol rule.

Cuisine and apparel [ ]. From 's (1085–1145) painting; Chinese ships of the Song period featured with. The Song dynasty had one of the most prosperous and advanced economies in the medieval world. Song Chinese invested their funds in and in multiple sailing vessels at a time when monetary gain was assured from the vigorous overseas trade and domestic trade along the and Yangtze River. Prominent merchant families and private businesses were allowed to occupy industries that were not already government-operated.

Both private and government-controlled industries met the needs of a growing Chinese population in the Song. Artisans and merchants formed that the state had to deal with when assessing taxes, requisitioning goods, and setting standard workers' wages and prices on goods. The was pursued by both private who owned their own smelters as well as government-supervised smelting facilities, the Song economy was stable enough to produce over a hundred million kilograms (over two hundred million pounds) of product a year. Large-scale in China would have continued if not for the 11th-century innovation of the use of instead of in for smelting. Much of this iron was reserved for military use in crafting weapons and armouring troops, but some was used to fashion the many iron products needed to fill the demands of the growing domestic market, the iron trade within China was advanced by the construction of new, facilitating the flow of iron products from production centres to the large market in the capital city.

Left item: A Northern Song qingbai-ware vase with a transparent blue-toned, from, 11th century; Center item: A Northern or Southern Song qingbai-ware bowl with incised decorations, a metal rim, and a transparent blue-toned glaze, from Jingdezhen, 12th or 13th century; Right item: A Southern Song of a with removable top lid and doorway, qingbai porcelain with transparent blue-toned glaze, Jingdezhen, 13th century. The annual output of minted copper currency in 1085 reached roughly six billion coins, the most notable advancement in the Song economy was the establishment of the world's first government issued paper-printed money, known as (see also ). For the printing of, the Song court established several government-run in the cities of,,, and. The size of the workforce employed in paper money factories was large; it was recorded in 1175 that the factory at Hangzhou employed more than a thousand workers a day. The economic power of Song China heavily influenced foreign economies abroad, the wrote in 1154 of the prowess of Chinese merchant ships in the Indian Ocean and of their annual voyages that brought iron, swords, silk, velvet, porcelain, and various textiles to places such as (), the, and the in modern-day Iraq.

Foreigners, in turn, affected the Chinese economy, for example, many West Asian and Central Asian went to to trade, becoming a preeminent force in the import and export industry, while some were even appointed as officers supervising economic affairs. Sea trade with the South-west Pacific, the Hindu world, the Islamic world, and East Africa brought merchants great fortune and spurred an enormous growth in the industry of Song-era province. However, there was risk involved in such long overseas ventures; in order to reduce the risk of losing money on maritime trade missions abroad, wrote historians Ebrey, Walthall, and Palais: [Song era] investors usually divided their investment among many ships, and each ship had many investors behind it.

One observer thought eagerness to invest in overseas trade was leading to an outflow of copper cash, he wrote, 'People along the coast are on intimate terms with the merchants who engage in overseas trade, either because they are fellow-countrymen or personal acquaintances.[They give the merchants] money to take with them on their ships for purchase and return conveyance of foreign goods. They invest from ten to a hundred strings of cash, and regularly make profits of several hundred percent'. Technology, science, and engineering [ ]. An illustration of a catapult from the manuscript of 1044.

Trebuchets like this were used to launch the earliest type of explosive bombs. Advancements in weapons technology enhanced by gunpowder, including the evolution of the early, explosive,,, and, enabled the Song Chinese to ward off their militant enemies until the Song's ultimate collapse in the late 13th century.

The manuscript of 1044 was the first book in history to provide formulas for gunpowder and their specified use in different types of bombs. While engaged in a war with the, in 1259 the official Li Zengbo wrote in his Kezhai Zagao, Xugaohou that the city of was manufacturing one to two thousand strong iron-cased bomb shells a month, dispatching to and Yingzhou about ten to twenty thousand such bombs at a time. In turn, the invading Mongols employed northern Chinese soldiers and used these same types of gunpowder weapons against the Song. By the 14th century the firearm and cannon could also be found in Europe, India, and the Islamic Middle East, during the early age of. Measuring distance and mechanical navigation [ ], when the state needed to accurately measure distances traveled throughout the empire, the Chinese relied on a mechanical.

The Chinese odometer was a wheeled carriage, its gearwork being driven by the rotation of the carriage's wheels; specific units of distance—the Chinese —were marked by the mechanical striking of a drum or bell as an auditory signal. The specifications for the 11th century odometer were written by Chief Chamberlain Lu Daolong, who is quoted extensively in the historical text of the Song Shi (compiled by 1345); in the Song period, the odometer vehicle was also combined with another old complex mechanical device known as the. This device, originally crafted by in the 3rd century, incorporated a that allowed a figure mounted on the vehicle to always point in the southern direction, no matter how the vehicle's wheels turned about, the concept of the differential gear that was used in this navigational vehicle is now found in modern in order to apply an equal amount of to a car's wheels even when they are rotating at different speeds. Polymaths, inventions, and astronomy [ ].

An interior diagram of the of featured in 's book, written by 1092 and published by the year 1094. Figures such as the statesmen (1031–1095) and (1020–1101) embodied advancements in all fields of study, including,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and more.

Shen Kuo was the first to discern of while experimenting with a compass. Shen theorized that geographical over time, he created a theory of land formation involving concepts accepted in modern. He performed optical experiments with just decades after was the first to do so, he also improved the designs of astronomical instruments such as the widened astronomical, which allowed Shen Kuo to fix the position of the (which had shifted over centuries of time).

Shen Kuo was also known for clockworks, as he invented a new overflow-tank which had more efficient higher-order instead of linear interpolation in calibrating the measure of time. Su Song was best known for his horology treatise written in 1092, which described and illustrated in great detail his -powered, 12 m (39 ft) tall built in Kaifeng. The clock tower featured large astronomical instruments of the and, both driven by an early intermittently working mechanism (similarly to the western of true appeared in, derived from ancient clockworks of classical times). Su's tower featured a rotating gear wheel with 133 clock jack who were timed to rotate past shuttered windows while, and presenting announcement plaques. In his printed book, Su published a celestial atlas of five, these star charts feature a cylindrical projection similar to, the latter being a cartographic innovation of in 1569.

The Song Chinese observed. Moreover, the Soochow Astronomical Chart on Chinese was prepared in 1193 for instructing the crown prince on astronomical findings.

The planispheres were engraved in stone several decades later. Mathematics and cartography [ ]. The Yu Ji Tu, or 'Map of the Tracks of Yu', carved into stone in 1137, located in the of.

This 3 ft (0.91 m) squared map features a of 100 for each rectangular grid. China's coastline and river systems are clearly defined and precisely pinpointed on the map.

Refers to the Chinese deity described in the of the, dated 5th–3rd centuries BCE. There were many notable improvements to during the Song era.

Mathematician 's 1261 book provided the earliest Chinese illustration of, although it had earlier been described by Jia Xian in around 1100. Yang Hui also provided rules for constructing combinatorial arrangements in, provided theoretical proof for 's forty-third proposition about, and was the first to use negative coefficients of 'x' in. Yang's contemporary (c. 1202–1261) was the first to introduce the into Chinese mathematics; before this blank spaces were used instead of zeroes in the system of. He is also known for working with the,, and astronomical data used in determining the.

Qin's major work was the published in 1247. Was essential to and. The date to the 4th century BCE, yet it was not until the time of (224–271) that topographical, a formal system, and use of a standard graduated scale of distances was applied to terrain maps., Shen Kuo created a, while his other maps featured a uniform graduated scale of 1:900,000. A 3 ft (0.91 m) squared map of 1137—carved into a stone block—followed a uniform grid scale of 100 li for each gridded square, and accurately mapped the outline of the coasts and river systems of China, extending all the way to India. Furthermore, the world's oldest known terrain map in printed form comes from the edited encyclopedia of Yang Jia in 1155, which displayed western China without the formal grid system that was characteristic of more professionally made Chinese maps, although had existed since 52 CE during the Han dynasty and gazetteers accompanied by illustrative maps (Chinese: tujing) since the Sui dynasty, the illustrated gazetteer became much more common in the Song dynasty, when the foremost concern was for illustrative gazetteers to serve political, administrative, and military purposes. Movable type printing [ ]. One of the from 's Xin Yi Xiang Fa Yao published in 1092, featuring cylindrical projection similar to and the corrected position of the thanks to Shen Kuo's astronomical observations.

Su Song's celestial atlas of five star maps is actually the oldest in form. The innovation of printing was made by the artisan (990–1051), first described by the scientist and statesman Shen Kuo in his of 1088. The collection of Bi Sheng's original clay-fired was passed on to one of Shen Kuo's nephews, and was carefully preserved. Movable type enhanced the already widespread use of thousands of documents and volumes of written literature, consumed eagerly by an increasingly literate public, the advancement of printing deeply affected education and the scholar-official class, since more books could be made faster while mass-produced, printed books were cheaper in comparison to laborious handwritten copies. The enhancement of widespread printing and in the Song period was thus a direct in the rise of and expansion of the educated class of scholar elites, the latter which expanded dramatically in size from the 11th to 13th centuries. The movable type invented by Bi Sheng was ultimately trumped by the use of woodblock printing due to the limitations of the enormous writing system, yet movable type printing continued to be used and was improved in later periods, the scholar-official ( 1290–1333) implemented a faster typesetting process, improved Bi's baked-clay movable type character set with a wooden one, and experimented with tin-metal movable type.

The wealthy printing patron (1439–1513) of the established China's first metal movable type (using bronze) in 1490; in 1638 the switched their printing process from woodblock to movable type printing. Yet it was during the that massive printing projects began to employ movable type printing, this includes the printing of sixty-six copies of a 5,020 volume long encyclopedia in 1725, the ( Complete Collection of Illustrations and Writings from the Earliest to Current Times), which necessitated the crafting of 250,000 movable type characters cast in bronze. By the 19th century the European style replaced the old Chinese methods of movable type, while traditional woodblock printing in modern East Asia is used sparsely and for aesthetic reasons. Hydraulic and nautical engineering [ ]. A plan and side view of a canal, a concept pioneered in 984 by the Assistant Commissioner of Transport for, the engineer Qiao Weiyo.

There were other considerable advancements in and nautical technology during the Song dynasty, the 10th-century invention of the for canal systems allowed different water levels to be raised and lowered for separated segments of a canal, which significantly aided the safety of canal traffic and allowed for larger barges. There was the Song-era innovation of that allowed damage to without sinking the ships. If ships were damaged, the Chinese of the 11th century employed to repair them while suspended out of the water, the Song used crossbeams to brace the ribs of ships in order to strengthen them in a skeletal-like structure. -mounted had been mounted on Chinese ships since the 1st century, as evidenced with a preserved Han tomb model of a ship. In the Song period, the Chinese devised a way to mechanically raise and lower rudders in order for ships to travel in a wider range of water depths, the Song arranged the protruding teeth of anchors in a circular pattern instead of in one direction.

David Graff and Robin Higham state that this arrangement '[made] them more reliable' for anchoring ships. Structural engineering and architecture [ ].

The 42-metre (138 ft) tall, brick and wood of,, built in 1045. Architecture during the Song period reached new heights of sophistication. Authors such as and wrote books outlining the field of architectural layouts, craftsmanship, and in the 10th and 11th centuries, respectively. Shen Kuo preserved the written dialogues of Yu Hao when describing technical issues such as slanting built into pagoda towers for diagonal wind bracing. Shen Kuo also preserved Yu's specified dimensions and units of measurement for various building types, the architect (1065–1110), who published the ('Treatise on Architectural Methods') in 1103, greatly expanded upon the works of Yu Hao and compiled the standard building codes used by the central government agencies and by craftsmen throughout the empire.

He addressed the standard methods of construction, design, and applications of moats and fortifications, stonework, greater woodwork, lesser woodwork, wood-carving, turning and drilling, sawing, bamboo work, tiling, wall building, painting and decoration, brickwork, glazed tile making, and provided proportions for formulas in. In his book, Li provided detailed and vivid illustrations of architectural components and cross-sections of buildings, these illustrations displayed various applications of brackets, arms, work of tie beams and cross beams, and diagrams showing the various building types of halls in graded sizes. He also outlined the standard units of measurement and standard dimensional measurements of all building components described and illustrated in his book. Games in the Jinming Pool, silk painting by, depiction of, Northern Song era.

Grandiose building projects were supported by the government, including the erection of towering Buddhist and the construction of enormous bridges (wood or stone, or segmental ). Many of the pagoda towers built during the Song period were erected at heights that exceeded ten stories, some of the most famous are the built in 1049 during the Northern Song and the built in 1165 during the Southern Song, although. The tallest is the of built in 1055, towering 84 m (276 ft) in total height. Some of the bridges reached lengths of 1,220 m (4,000 ft), with many being wide enough to allow two lanes of cart traffic simultaneously over a waterway or ravine. The government also oversaw construction of their own administrative offices, palace apartments, city fortifications, ancestral temples, and Buddhist temples. The professions of the architect, craftsman, carpenter, and structural engineer were not seen as professionally equal to that of a Confucian scholar-official. Architectural knowledge had been passed down orally for thousands of years in China, in many cases from a father craftsman to his son.

Structural engineering and architecture schools were known to have existed during the Song period; one prestigious engineering school was headed by the renowned bridge-builder (1012–1067) in medieval province. Arm clusters containing, from building manual, printed in 1103. Besides existing buildings and technical literature of building manuals, portraying and other buildings aid modern-day scholars in their attempts to reconstruct and realize the nuances of Song architecture. Song dynasty artists such as,,,,, and Ma Lin painted close-up depictions of buildings as well as large expanses of cityscapes featuring, halls and,, and distinct.

The scientist and statesman Shen Kuo was known for his relating to architecture, saying that it was more important for an artist to capture a holistic view of a landscape than it was to focus on the angles and corners of buildings, for example, Shen criticized the work of the painter Li Cheng for failing to observe the principle of 'seeing the small from the viewpoint of the large' in portraying buildings. There were also pyramidal tomb structures in the Song era, such as the Song imperial tombs located in Gongxian, province. About 100 km (62 mi) from Gongxian is another Song dynasty tomb at Baisha, which features 'elaborate facsimiles in brick of Chinese timber frame construction, from door lintels to pillars and pedestals to bracket sets, that adorn interior walls.' The two large chambers of the Baisha tomb also feature conical-shaped roofs. Flanking the avenues leading to these tombs of officials, tomb guardians, animals, and mythological creatures. Archaeology [ ].

Further information: In addition to the Song gentry's antiquarian pursuits of art collecting, scholar-officials during the Song became highly interested in retrieving ancient relics from sites, in order to revive the use of ancient vessels in ceremonies of state ritual. Scholar-officials of the Song period claimed to have discovered ancient bronze vessels that were created as far back as the (1600–1046 BCE), which bore the. Some attempted to recreate these bronze vessels by using imagination alone, not by observing tangible evidence of relics; this practice was criticized by Shen Kuo in his work of 1088. Yet Shen Kuo had much more to criticize than this practice alone. Shen objected to the idea of his peers that ancient relics were products created by famous 'sages' in lore or the; Shen rightfully attributed the discovered handicrafts and vessels from ancient times as the work of artisans and commoners from previous eras. He also disapproved of his peers' pursuit of archaeology simply to enhance state ritual, since Shen not only took an approach with the study of archaeology, but he also emphasized the study of functionality and investigating what was the ancient relics' original processes of manufacture.

Shen used ancient texts and existing models of to create one based on ancient standards; Shen described ancient weaponry such as the use of a on crossbows; while experimenting with, Shen suggested hanging by using a hollow handle. Scholars of the Song claim to have collected ancient relics dating back as far as the, such as this. Despite the gentry's overriding interest in archaeology simply for reviving ancient state rituals, some of Shen's peers took a similar approach to the study of archaeology, his contemporary (1007–1072) compiled an analytical catalogue of ancient rubbings on stone and bronze which pioneered ideas in early and archaeology. During the 11th century, Song scholars discovered the ancient shrine of Wu Liang (78–151 CE), a scholar of the (202 BCE – 220 CE); they produced rubbings of the carvings and decorating the walls of his tomb so that they could be analyzed elsewhere. On the unreliability of historical works written after the fact, scholar-official (1081–1129) stated '.the inscriptions on stone and bronze are made at the time the events took place and can be trusted without reservation, and thus discrepancies may be discovered.' Historian R.C.

Rudolph states that Zhao's emphasis on consulting contemporary sources for accurate dating is parallel with the concern of the German historian (1795–1886), and was in fact emphasized by many Song scholars, the Song scholar Hong Mai (1123–1202) heavily criticized what he called the court's 'ridiculous' archaeological catalogue Bogutu compiled during the Huizong reign periods of Zheng He and Xuan He (1111–1125). Hong Mai obtained old vessels from the Han dynasty and compared them with the descriptions offered in the catalogue, which he found so inaccurate he stated he had to 'hold my sides with laughter.' Hong Mai pointed out that the erroneous material was the fault of Chancellor (1047–1126), who prohibited scholars from reading and consulting. • Durand, John (1960). 'The Population Statistics of China, A.D. Population Studies. •, pp. 103–104.

•, pp. 469–471. •, pp. 173, 316. • Paul Halsall (2000) [1998].

Arkenberg, ed.. Retrieved 2016-09-14. •, pp. 70–71. •, pp. 208–209.

• ^, pp. 159–161. •, pp. 43–47. •, pp. 90–91. •, pp. 55–56. •, pp. 50–51. •, as accessed October 6 & 9, 2012. • 'Fenjia: household division and inheritance in Qing and Republican China Written,' David Wakefield • Women and Property in China, 960-1949 (review) Lillian M.

Li • The Study on the Daughters' Rights to Possess and Arrange Their Parents' Property during the Period from Tang to Song dynasty •, p. 71. •, pp. 82–83. • ^,, 2007, retrieved June 28, 2007 •, pp. 222–225. •, pp. 69–70.

•, pp. 145–146. • ^, pp. 417–418. • ^, pp. 35–36. •, pp. 405–413. •, pp. 416–420. •, pp. 101–106.

•, pp. 196–199. •, pp. 162–163.

•, pp. 92–93. •, pp. 60–61, 68–69. •, pp. 155–157. •, pp. 30–31.

30–31, footnote 27. •, pp. 12, 72. •, pp. 81-82. •, pp. 25–26. •, pp. 130–131. • ^, pp. 86–87. •, pp. 122–124.

•, pp. 82–84. •, pp. 81–83. •, pp. 74–76. •, pp. 88–89. •, pp. 127–30. • ^, pp. 134–137. •, pp. 135–136.

•, pp. 88, 94. •, pp. 178–179, 181–183. •, Religion & Ethics - Islam, BBC, archived from on February 8, 2007, retrieved 2007-08-01 •.

•, pp. 220–221. •, pp. 173–174. •, pp. 174–175. •, pp. 281–282.

•, pp. 283–284. •, pp. 23–24. •, pp. 165, 445. Macmillan Publishers Limited, Springer Nature.

160: 279–279. 30 August 1947... Retrieved 4 February 2017. •, pp. 278, 280, 428.

•, pp. 134–137. •, pp. 46, 59–60, 104. •, pp. 62–63. •, pp. 90–93. •, pp. 96–97. •, pp. 538–540.

547–549, Plate LXXXI. 549, Plate LXXXII. •, pp. 406, 409–412. •, pp. 201–203. •, pp. 159–160.

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•, pp. 170–171. • Adshead, S.

(2004), T'ang China: The Rise of the East in World History, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, (hardback). • Anderson, James A.

(2008), ' 'Treacherous Factions': Shifting Frontier Alliances in the Breakdown of Sino-Vietnamese Relations on the Eve of the 1075 Border War', in Wyatt, Don J., Battlefronts Real and Imagined: War, Border, and Identity in the Chinese Middle Period, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 191–226, • Bai, Shouyi (2002), An Outline History of China (Revised ed.), Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, • Bol, Peter K. (2001), 'The Rise of Local History: History, Geography, and Culture in Southern Song and Yuan Wuzhou', Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 61 (1): 37–76,:, • Brook, Timothy (1998),, Berkeley: University of California Press, • Brose, Michael C. (2008), 'People in the Middle: Uyghurs in the Northwest Frontier Zone', in Wyatt, Don J., Battlefronts Real and Imagined: War, Border, and Identity in the Chinese Middle Period, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 253–289, • Cai, Yanxin (2011) [2010], Chinese Architecture, Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press (first published by China Intercontinental Press), • Chan, Alan Kam-leung; Clancey, Gregory K.; Loy, Hui-Chieh (2002), Historical Perspectives on East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine, Singapore:, • Ebrey, Patricia Buckley; Walthall, Anne; Palais, James B.

(2006), East Asia: A Cultural, Social, and Political History, Boston:, • Ebrey, Patricia Buckley (1999), The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, Cambridge:, (paperback). •; (1997), Asia in Western and World History: A Guide for Teaching, Armonk: ME Sharpe, • Fairbank, John King; Goldman, Merle (2006) [1992], China: A New History (2nd enlarged ed.), Cambridge; London: The Belknap Press of, • Fraser, Julius Thomas; Haber, Francis C. (1986), Time, Science, and Society in China and the West, Amherst:, • Gernet, Jacques (1962), Daily Life in China on the Eve of the Mongol Invasion, 1250–1276, Translated by H. Wright, Stanford:, • Golas, Peter (1980), 'Rural China in the Song', The Journal of Asian Studies, 39 (2): 291–325,:, • Graff, David Andrew; Higham, Robin (2002), A Military History of China, Boulder: Westview Press • Guo, Qinghua (1998), 'Yingzao Fashi: Twelfth-Century Chinese Building Manual', Architectural History, 41: 1–13 • Hall, Kenneth (1985), Maritime trade and state development in early Southeast Asia, Hawaii:, • Halsall, Paul (2000) [1998]. Arkenberg, ed.. Retrieved 2016-09-16.

• Hansen, Valerie (2000), The Open Empire: A History of China to 1600, New York & London: W.W. Norton & Company, • Hargett, James M. (1985), 'Some Preliminary Remarks on the Travel Records of the Song Dynasty (960–1279)', Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR), 7 (1/2): 67–93, • ——— (1996), 'Song Dynasty Local Gazetteers and Their Place in The History of Difangzhi Writing', Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 56 (2): 405–442,:, • Hartwell, Robert M. (1982), 'Demographic, Political, and Social Transformations of China, 750-1550', Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 42 (2): 365–442,:, • Hymes, Robert P. (1986), Statesmen and Gentlemen: The Elite of Fu-Chou, Chiang-Hsi, in Northern and Southern Sung, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, • Hsu, Mei-ling (1993), 'The Qin Maps: A Clue to Later Chinese Cartographic Development', Imago Mundi, 45: 90–100,: • Levathes, Louise (1994), When China Ruled the Seas, New York:, • Lorge, Peter (2005), War, Politics and Society in Early Modern China, 900–1795 (1st ed.), New York: • Lorge, Peter (2015), The Reunification of China: Peace through War under the Song Dynasty, Cambridge:, • McKnight, Brian E. (1992), Law and Order in Sung China, Cambridge: • Mohn, Peter (2003), Magnetism in the Solid State: An Introduction, New York: Springer-Verlag, • Mote, F. • Bol, Peter K.

'This Culture of Ours': Intellectual Transitions in T'ang and Sung China. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.. • Cotterell, Arthur (2007), The Imperial Capitals of China - An Inside View of the Celestial Empire, London: Pimlico, • Gascoigne, Bamber (2003), The Dynasties of China: A History, New York: Carroll & Graf, • Gernet, Jacques (1982), A history of Chinese civilization, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, • Kruger, Rayne (2003), All Under Heaven: A Complete History of China, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, • Kuhn, Dieter (2009). The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song Transformation of China. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.. • Rossabi, Morris (1983).

China among Equals: The Middle Kingdom and Its Neighbors, 10th-14th Centuries. Berkeley: University of California Press.. External links [ ] Wikimedia Commons has media related to and. • • • • • • Preceded by 960–1279 Succeeded.

2 CONTENT THE PFLEIDERER BRAND 1 INSPIRATIONS CLOSE TO YOU 14 DECORS 41 Design Collection 42 Technical information 66 ONE PFLEIDERER: INSPIRATIONS CLOSE TO YOU FOR YOUR WORK AND YOUR REQUIREMENTS. SURFACE TEXTURES 93 Overview of textures 110 Texture recommendations 111 CORES FOR LAMINATION 113 DECORATIVE PANELS 119 Decor boards 132 High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact 157 SolidColor 181 The Pfleiderer brand has reorganised itself. A new, international and powerful brand has emerged from the amalgamation of Pfleiderer Grajewo and Pfleiderer GmbH.

Flat bonded elements 184 Worktops and windowboards 203 Edging 210 RAW CORE MATERIALS 213 Contact 240 Overview Design Collection 241 In the course of this process we have been able to harmonise all the production locations, simplify the processes and optimise our product range and services. Thus, you now have access to a range of decors, surface textures and sizes that are identical throughout the world and unique in its breadth and depth. For you, One Pfleiderer means: a strong partner for high-quality wood-based panels with outstanding decorative surface expertise, customer-oriented service and a consistent focus on sustainability. And last but not least, count - less creative and practice-oriented inspirations close to you. 3 LEGEND APPLICATION DECORATIVE Furniture and interior fitting Fire protection Lightweight construction CONSTRUCTIVE Timber Construction Storage technology Raised floor ONE PFLEIDERER: INSPIRATIONS CLOSE TO YOU FOR YOUR WORK AND YOUR REQUIREMENTS. Ship interior fitting Packaging Doors Concrete formwork PROPERTIES Particularly ecologic Particularly low emission Floor panel available Not-direction-bound application Load bearing Load bearing particularly high bending strength Low swelling / Moisture resistant Flame retardant Electrostatically dissipative Magnetic Individually designed Real metal surface Food-safe Sanded Deep milling quality Anti-slip surface The Pfleiderer brand has reorganised itself.

A new, international and powerful brand has emerged from the amalgamation of Pfleiderer Grajewo and Pfleiderer GmbH. In the course of this process we have been able to harmonise all the production locations, simplify the processes and optimise our product range and services.

Thus, you now have access to a range of decors, surface textures and sizes that are identical throughout the world and unique in its breadth and depth. For you, One Pfleiderer means: a strong partner for high-quality wood-based panels with outstanding decorative surface expertise, customer-oriented service and a consistent focus on sustainability.

And last but not least, count - less creative and practice-oriented inspirations close to you. Non-combustible Antibacterial Good sound insulation. 5 SO THAT YOU CAN WORK WITH US WITH A CLEAR CONSCIENCE. Pfleiderer supports cascaded use, the multilevel use of wood. As wood products store carbon dioxide even during the utilisation phase after processing, this can make a decisive contribution to the reduction of global CO values.

Sustainable thinking and action is essential for all of our futures. Especially amongst your customers, the awareness of sustainably produced products that are suitable for a healthy living environment is constantly growing. CO CO Pfleiderer pays attention to the absolute sustainability of all the company s activities. On all levels economic, ecological and social: we not only manufacture our products with the utmost care, but also within the framework of a certified environment management system. In the production process, Pfleiderer pays attention to absolute ecology, e.g. In the formaldehyde-free glued panel LivingBoard, which has been synonymous with sustainable construction for almost four decades. Energy generation Sorting and treatment of waste wood Sustainable forest management We also have a special responsibility as an employer: for this reason, a culture of trust focused on autonomous action is fostered in our company.

Sustainability from which you benefit through environmentally friendly products, dedicated employees and maximum satisfaction. Use of wood based panels Sawmill Production and finishing of wood-based panels 4 5. 7 UNLIMITED DESIGN FREEDOM. COMBINATIONS WITH THE DST SYSTEM. DECORS SURFACE TEXTURES CORE TECHNOLOGIES 300 DECORS 14 SURFACES 20 CORES DST D for Decor, S for Surface, T for core Technology. The tried-and-tested DST system is unique in the world of wood-based panels: it allows Pfleiderer products decors, surface textures and core materials to be combined as laminated panels, HPL and elements*.

For this purpose, we offer an extensive range of plain colour, wood reproduction, stone and creative decors, which can be combined with design- and application-oriented surface textures on a variety of core materials from chipboard and fibreboard for classic furniture and interior design to fire protection and moisture-resistant panels, through to special cores such as BalanceBoard for lightweight construction and LivingBoard for ecological construction. With numerous materials and countless combination options, the Pfleiderer product range offers you a practically unlimited freedom of design for interior fitting. *) We would be happy to advise you: Please note: the decor, surface texture and core have an influence on the appearance and colour of the finished product. With certain product combinations between DBS /HPL, slight differences in the decor surface texture may occur, even within the same product type (HPL /DBS), in spite of identical decor or surface texture designations and the option of various sizes and/or qualities.

Such deviations are not indicative of any faults. For certain surface textures (gloss and matt textures), particular sensitivities should be assumed. We will be happy to give you individual advice so that you always achieve the best results with our products and so that any deviations can be clarified in advance. 13 VIBRANT AND HEARTY R37005 Light Elm (p. 50) Light-coloured woods from Central Europe create a friendly, uncomplicated atmosphere. Expressive grains and authentic details testify to nature and craftsmanship.

Harmonious shapes, manageable dimensions and natural honey shades make rooms appear warm and cosy. Wood shades such as beech, oak, elm, ash or softwoods are combined with concrete or steel, small stones and bold, or warm shades of grey. Strength of character and friendliness do not have to be mutually exclusive. This is just how I want my ambience to be. R20231 Torino Oak nature (p.

51) Siloah Fallier Fotodesign U17010 Terra Brown (p. 45) U15246 Mango (p. 44) U16009 Golden Orange (p. 44) S68007 Platon (p. 64) F73037 Suit orange (p. 62) F76050 Fibrewood brown (p. 15 TANGIBLE HISTORY Grey and aged woods tell of times gone.

The picture is characterised by bold grains, traces of use, weathering and craftsmanship. Simple, solid constructions, accompanied by historical quotes, give furniture and an interior design an aura of charm, authenticity and nonchalant understatement. The combination of greyed woods such as oak, beech, elm or softwoods with high gloss or patinated metals, concrete, rusty steel and neutral, warm is exciting. It is good when the room does not appear quite so sterile and the material is noticeable. Hotel Radisson, Cologne U18503 Trinity (p. 46) R20090 Lambrate (p.

55) R55004 Ponderosa Pine (p. 55) F76027 Cruso (p. 59) U16051 Siena Red (p. 45) S60000 Loft Concrete (p. 59) F76075 Wave anthracite (p.

17 CLASSIC AND BALANCED Warm, reddish woods form the basis for classic, gracefully built furniture. Fine grains, smooth satiny or glossy surfaces and delicate fittings produce an elegant touch. The use of balanced proportions, gentle radii and subtle dimensions is typically classical. Plain colours or metals are only very sparingly used. Warm fruitwoods, cedar or exotic types of wood are supplemented by glossy metals, large stones and neutral. R50080 Canadian Cedar (p.

52) Warm shades and classic shapes create a cosy and comfortable atmosphere for a simple sense of well-being! U16007 Light Beige (p. 44) U18501 Fjord (p. 46) R42048 Montenegro Cherry (p. 52) S61030 Red Granite (p.

65) F76028 Rabac (p. 61) F70000 Copper metallic (p.

58) F76068 Houndstooth rust (p. 62) Sheraton Hotel Zurich West Jonas Kuhn, Zurich 28 29. 19 R34014 Thermo Ash (p. 57) I attach value to elegance and high quality. I think that dark shades exude class. They give the room dignity.

CLASSY AND GENUINE Dark, warm-looking woods convey value and nonchalance in equal measure. Generous, sweeping grains, fine details and harmonious transitions appear timelessly modern. Clear well-proportioned architecture, discreet radii and warm, dark colours characterise this unique style. Dark woods such as walnut, oak, exotic and thermotreated woods are combined with metals, large stones and cool pastel colours. White brings freshness and lightness. U19007 Agave (p.

46) U19006 Mint (p. 46) S63007 Oriental Stone brown (p. 65) F70008 Metallic Toffee (p. 58) R42033 Scandic Cherry light (p. 56) U15110 Iguana (p. 46) F76073 Patina (p. 58) Erika-Fuchs-Haus, Schwarzenbach Atelier Altenkirch Architekturfotografie 32 33.

21 EXTRAVAGANT AND SURPRISING Woods in black and white appear sophisticated and stylish. The creative focus is on light, shape and space. This requires a high quality with regard to proportions and details. A style that is defined by sober shapes and hard contrasts and which only allows neutral plain colours; intensive colours are permitted as accents at most.

Exotic variants, bog oaks or fantasy woods are combined with and cool metals. Small or flat stones and a mineral cast round off the picture.

I find styling important. I like cool and clear shades. These can also be found in the rooms designed by me.

U18502 Bristol (p. 46) F76069 Houndstooth grey (p. 62) Living Sorrento s Finest New Home Concept Design & Construction Viy Pty Ltd F73050 Texwood black (p. 53) R20232 Sapphire Oak (p. 53) U18504 Hudson (p.

46) S63009 Carrara Marble (p. 64) F73041 Stamp white (p. 63) U12007 Graphite Black (p. THE PFLEIDERER DESIGN COLLECTION. With the new Pfleiderer Design Collection, we are presenting a strategically developed range of decors, surface textures and sizes that is identical throughout the world and is probably unique in its breadth and depth. It has been subdivided on the basis of contemporary furnishing styles and lifestyles and futureoriented interior design trends.

Eleven practice-oriented and user-friendly colour schemes have been created that provide inspiration and appeal to the emotions. Eleven colour schemes that assist you with classifying, looking for and finding the right decors for your requirements. 27 DECORS Wood reproductions / Summertime DECORS Summertime / Wood reproductions DST collection in decor and surface match From stock and fast delivery range HPL also available in door sizes Also available as a worktop A B C D E F G H 1 1 SUMMERTIME Summery radiance and a natural look: light-coloured woods, harmonious shapes, nature and craftsmanship convey a friendly, uncomplicated atmosphere. R30039 (R3083) California Walnut R20027 (R4262) Pale Lancelot Oak R50030 (F21/005) Spain Olive light R20119 (R3101) American Oak 2 2 R20167 (R3140) Sherwood light R22248 (R4120) Milk Oak R38002 (R5028) Acacia R37005 (F30/003) Light Elm R55023 (R5856) Cottage Pine R20038 (R4284) Natural Chalet Oak R20231 (R5872) Torino Oak nature 3 R20021 (R4223) Lindberg Oak R20022 (R4224) Cross-cut Oak R20095 (F06/159) Milano Oak R24030 (R5838) Scandic Beech light 4 R27024 (R5479) Sycamore R35017 (R5717) Birch Alaska R48026 (R3082) Legno Light R36012 (R5865) Vermont Alder 50 51. 29 DECORS Wood reproductions / As time goes by DECORS As time goes by / Wood reproductions DST collection in decor and surface match From stock and fast delivery range HPL also available in door sizes Also available as a worktop A B C D E F G H 1 1 AS TIME GOES BY Wood with history: grey and aged wood, bold grains, weathering, craftsmanship and historic quotations tell of times gone. 30 DECORS Wood reproductions / Pianoman DECORS Pianoman / Wood reproductions DST collection in decor and surface match From stock and fast delivery range HPL also available in door sizes Also available as a worktop A B C D E F G H 1 1 PIANOMAN Classic and full of character: dark, warm-looking woods in well-proportioned architecture convey value, nonchalance and modernity. 31 DECORS Stone and creative decors / Catch of the day DECORS Catch of the day / Stone and creative decors DST collection in decor and surface match From stock and fast delivery range HPL also available in door sizes Also available as a worktop A B C D E F G H 1 1 CATCH OF THE DAY An exciting mix in the net: metal, concrete, plaster, minerals, filler surfaces materials and techniques which define a particular style.


XTreme Matt captivates with an appearance with unprecedented colour transparency and depth and a pleasantly warm, velvety soft feel. Although the matt, low-reflection surface appears particularly elegant, the texture is load-bearing, durable and low-maintenance. The warm, soft surface is simply asking to be touched and remains resistant to fingerprints or grease marks. 50 SURFACE TEXTURES Gloss and matt Pleasant to the touch: Balanced in the spectrum from smooth through velvety soft to slightly raised,the textures from this category are suitable for innumerable different applications.

SURFACE TEXTURES Gloss and matt DB HPL Available for direct coating (DecoBoard) Available for laminate (HPL) or HPL flat-bonded element FM Fine Matt (DB ) SM Semi Matt (DB / HPL) MS Enhanced Semi Matt (HPL) The matt, universal structure Fine Matt takes on the trend for authentic matt surfaces. Fine Matt particularly gives fine woods and natural materials a high quality and timelessness. As a classical, semi-matt surface texture, this structure can be used universally. The name says it all: silky and pleasant to the touch, it enhances and filigree wood decors. Enhanced Semi Matt Matt structure with improved abrasion resistance for HPL (only for selected decors).

HG High Gloss (DB / HPL) HS Enhanced High Gloss (HPL) XM XTreme Matt ( HPL) This sophisticated, well-proportioned high gloss texture gives the highest elegance to classic wood- or stone decors. The particularly high gloss level of this texture is in a class of its own. HS Enhanced High Gloss High gloss with improved abrasion resistance in HPL (only for selected decors). XTreme matt has a convincingly impressive look with a previously unknown, enormous colour transparency and depth and a pleasantly warm, velvety soft touch.

Although the matt, low-reflection surface has a especially fine appearance, the texture is durable, resistant and easy-care. The warm soft surface invites you to touch it and remains insensitive to fingermarks and traces of grease.

ML Matt Lacquer (DB / HPL) Due to its extremely low level of gloss, this highly modern surface texture is extraordinary and edgy. Puristic, but nevertheless super matt with a velvety, warm feel, Matt Lacquer is perfectly suited to give a clear style to furniture and interior fittings.

52 SURFACE TEXTURES Pearl and parchment Multiple applications: The neutral and non-directional pearl and parchment textures are modest in their gloss levels, hard-wearing and have a wide range of applications, horizontal and vertical. SURFACE TEXTURES Pearl and parchment DB HPL Available for direct coating (DecoBoard) Available for laminate (HPL) or HPL flat-bonded element FG Fine Grain (HPL) TC Top Face (HPL) The matt, slightly grainy texture Fine Grain combines the trend for matt surfaces with high load-bearing capacity and is designed specifically for horizontal use. The structure is very universal, ideal for almost all material-, textile and large stone decors. A structure with a high gloss level. Universal, neutral ideal surface texture.

Top Face for worktops is a classic texture, because this surface is particularly robust and insensitive to fingerprints - only available as HPL. MP Miniperl (DB / HPL) VV Top Velvet (DB / HPL) This classic, directionless pearl structure with a medium gloss level is particularly resistant to mechanical stress and can be used universally for numerous applications and with all decor types.

Top Velvet is a fine parchment structure and is universally applicable. The restrained gloss-matt effect and its discreet parchment gives class and elegance to all directionless decors. 53 SURFACE TEXTURES Wood Pore SURFACE TEXTURES Wood Pore SURFACE TEXTURES WOOD PORE TEXTURE NATURAL WOOD This delicate wood texture is characterised by naturalness and precision. The fine surface looks like it is freshly sanded. The pores are arranged in an irregular and linear manner. Their different depths and high level of edge sharpness makes them appear extremely authentic.

Natural Wood can be used universally for a number of fine-pored woods. It perfectly underlines the Scandinavian style, and exotic variants or fruitwoods are also given a new touch with this texture.

Natural Wood also has an effect on plain colour decors, of course like wood with a coloured stain. 60 CORES FOR LAMINATION For furniture and interior fitting CORES FOR LAMINATION For furniture and interior fitting Furniture and interior fitting Ship interior fitting Fire protection Lightweight construction PremiumBoard MFP Hybrid Compact mineral panel PremiumBoard MFP core, faced on both sides with StyleBoard HDF to give a high load-bearing capacity and surface stability. Compact core of primarily mineral constituents with outstanding strength properties. Suitable for areas subject to particularly high demands of fire protection. Birch multiplex board Extremely stable veneer panel with attractive narrow edge for indoor elements and furniture. Poplar veneer panel Veneer panel made from poplar plywood, AW 100 glued for a particularly high resistance to humidity. Technical values to EN 636.

Compact laminate white Homogeneous white through-pigmented solid compact laminate core, impact resistant and moisture resistant for applications with high specification demands. Compact laminate black Solid, black pigmented compact laminate core, impact resistant and moisture resistant for applications with high specification demands.

Flame retardant compact laminate black Solid, black pigmented compact laminate core, suitable for applications with high requirements for the surface spread of flame. 62 DECORATIVE PANELS Fire protection DECORATIVE PANELS Fire protection You can find more information in our Fire protection brochure! FIRE PROTECTION SAFETY THROUGH PREVENTION The topic of structural fire protection is ever-present in public institutions, particularly construction products that must be flame-resistant or non-combustible and have valid test certificates and certificates of usability.

With our broad fire protection range, we not only offer architects and designers planning security, but also a variety of design options. Pfleiderer s DST (decor surface core technology) system does not stop at fire protection. This means that all our fire protection products are available with almost any decor and any surface from the Pfleiderer DST system.

64 DECORATIVE PANELS Ship interior fitting DECORATIVE PANELS Ship interior fitting You can find more information in our Ship interior fitting brochure! SHIP INTERIOR FITTING CERTIFIED SAFETY AT SEA Particularly high requirements apply for the interior fitting and the renovation of ships.

Pfleiderer has the right materials in IMO-tested quality, even for exclusive projects. Perfect for interior fitting and renovation A variety of materials are available for selection Certified safety due to IMO certificates High-quality solutions for exclusive products Mein Schiff 3 and 4 TUI. 65 DECORATIVE PANELS Lightweight construction DECORATIVE PANELS Lightweight construction You can find more information in our Lightweight construction brochure! LIGHTWEIGHT CONSTRUCTION LOW WEIGHT FOR THE HIGHEST STANDARDS Lightness is not only in demand with regard to the design, but often also with regard to the choice of material.

The material should have a low dead weight and a high compressive strength at the same time. Pfleiderer lightweight construction panels also meet the highest standards in terms of quality, design and sustainability, e.g. DecoBoard Balance, the weightreduced chipboard made from wood and resourceconserving annual plants. 66 DECORATIVE PANELS Magnetic boards DECORATIVE PANELS Magnetic boards MAGNETIC PANELS STRONG ATTRACTION Perfect magnetic effect for walls, partitions and wall panelling: thanks to their ferromagnetic inlay, Pfleiderer magnetic panels provide a high adhesive force which keeps documents etc. Securely in a vertical position. The panels can be used over large areas, even up to the height of the ceiling. They can be written on with chalk or suitable markers and are easy to clean.

Available in the DST system and perfect for combining with complementary products, Pfleiderer magnetic panels are ideal for design-oriented solutions in offices, schools, nurseries, nursing homes, public institutions, or in shop fitting and trade fair stand construction. 67 DECORATIVE PANELS ESA DECORATIVE PANELS ESA ESA AGAINST ELECTRO-STATIC CHARGES For an ESD-compliant workstation design: Pfleiderer ESA products reliably prevent electrostatic charges in ESDprotected areas, e.g. At production and assembly workstations in the microelectronics industry, in laboratories or control centres. With the help of the conductive components, tables, furniture, partitions and panelling are safely earthed, existing electrostatic charges are dissipated in a controlled manner and the charges which are generally created by static electricity are prevented. This allows electrostatically sensitive components to be handled without worrying about electrostatic discharge or fields.

Fraunhofer ZVW Haworth GmbH. 68 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECOR BOARDS High-quality melamine resin direct lamination to both sides. Available with an extensive range of different core materials Comprehensive range of decors DecoBoard Balance Lightweight chipboard and resource-conserving annually growing plants for the highest demands on ecology and sustainability, with decorative melamine resin direct lamination on both sides. Textures 5,310 / 2,655 2, / 25 / 28 / 38 MP / RU / VV The decor program is available on request. In interior design for furniture and installations, also in shop fitting, trade fair construction, hotel and ship interior fitting. Especially suitable when ecologically sustainable and weight-reduced materials are demanded. Core material BalanceBoard Sustainable, ecological material of wood and light biomass pellets based on rapid-growing annual plants.

Technical properties in line with EN 312. Normally flammable BalanceBoard was commended with: Innovation Prize of the architecture magazines AIT and xia ( Special Sustainability Prize ) Interzum Award 2011: High product quality DesignPlus 2011 materialvision if award product design 2012 Woody Award from the Gesamtverband Deutscher Holzhandel (GD Holz): Innovative Product 2011 BalanceBoard was nominated for: Innovation Prize Innovative Biomaterials 2011 German Design Award 2012 and 2013 Melamine-faced surface BalanceBoard Melamine-faced surface. 69 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DecoBoard Balance HD Lightweight chipboard and resource-conserving annually growing plants for the highestdemands on ecology and sustainability, with decorative melamine resin direct lamination on both sides. DecoBoard P2 Particleboard, Type P2, with decorative melamine resin direct lamination in single sheet construction on both sides. The lamination is also available in multi sheet construction, on request. Textures 5,310 / 2,655 2, / 19 MP / RU / VV The decor program is available on request. In interior design for furniture and installations, also in shop fitting, trade fair construction, hotel and ship interior fitting.

Especially suitable when ecologically sustainable and weight-reduced materials are demanded. Core material BalanceBoard HD Sustainable, ecological material of wood and light biomass pellets based on rapid-growing annual plants. Technical properties in line with EN 312. Normally flammable Textures 2,800 2,100 8 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 30 / 32 / 38 AH / HG / LI * / LN ** / ME * ML* / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV 3,200 2,100 8 / 10 / 13 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 30 MP / SM / VV 4,100 2, / 18 / 19 MP / SM 5,310 / 2,655 2,100 8 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 30 / 32 / 38 FM / ML* / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / VV 50 * MP / SM ** / VV 5,600 / 2,800 2,100 8 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / AH / FM / LI * / LN ** ML* / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / 28 / 30 / 32 / 38 SX / VV * The decor program is available on request. ** Available on request. Carcass and front quality for furniture making, shopfitting and interior fitting. 70 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DecoBoard Individual P2 Designed with individual digital printed motivs on a melamine faced particleboard Type P2 in direct coating.

The front side is faced with the individual motive the back side is faced in white as standard. DecoBoard Real Metal P2 Real aluminium foil applied by direct lamination to both sides of a particleboard Type P2 to EN 312. Textures 2,800 2, / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 30 / 32 / 38 AH / HG / MP / MO / SM / VV Textures 2,800 2, / 18 / 19 HG / MP The possible applications are virtually limitless: Individual furniture and interior fitting elements, wall fittings and partitions, shopfitting, trade fair stands, boatbuilding, caravans, hotels, spas, medical centres, offices and living spaces.

You will find the right, individually tailored product for every requirement. Exclusively for vertical applications in high-quality interior fitting, shop fitting and trade fair construction, for kitchen and residential furniture. Real aluminium surfaces are not suitable for horizontal surfaces and or surfaces exposed to mechanical loads.

Core material ClassicBoard P2 Urea resin-bonded particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for interior fitting and furniture, for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Core material ClassicBoard P2 Urea resin-bonded particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for interior fitting and furniture, for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 EPF-S / CARB2: Available on request. Note Please note the visible longitudinal joint of the real metal foil (2 strips) at approx. DECORS M80000 (Alu 1) Stainless steel M80001 (Alu 2) Nickel effect Melamine resin-impregnated motif print Real aluminium foil ClassicBoard P2 ClassicBoard P2 Melamine-faced surface Real aluminium foil.

71 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DecoBoard P2 UZ Blue Angel / F**** Low-emission, melamine-faced particleboard, Type P2, with decorative melamine resin direct lamination in single sheet construction on both sides. The lamination is also available in multi sheet construction, on request. With this board material the limit values of the Blue Angel and the F**** standard are satisfied thanks to the minimised formaldehyde content.

DecoBoard Individual P2 UZ Blue Angel / F**** Designed with individual digital printed motivs on a melamine faced particleboard Type P2 in direct coating. The front side is faced with the individual motive the back side is faced in white as standard. With this board material the limit values of the Blue Angel and the F**** standard are satisfied thanks to the minimised formaldehyde content. Textures 2,800 2, AH / HG / LI * / ML* / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV / ME * 5,310 / 2,655 2,100 8 / 10 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 25 FM / ML* / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / VV 5,600 / 2,800 2, AH / FM / LI * / ML* / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / SX / VV * The decor program is available on request. Pollutant-reduced integrated solutions for interior fitting and furniture in both private and public premises, such as hotels, schools, offices and administration buildings, especially when materials with exceptionally low emission potential are required. Textures 2,800 2, AH / HG / MO / MP / SM / VV The possible applications are virtually limitless: Individual furniture and interior fitting elements, wall fittings and partitions, shopfitting, trade fair stands, boatbuilding, caravans, hotels, spas, medical centres, offices and living spaces. You will find the right, individually tailored product for every requirement notably if special low emissions are needed.

Not suitable for horizontal surfaces and or surfaces exposed to mechanical loads. Core material ClassicBoard P2 UZ Blue Angel / F**** Emission-reduced particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas.

Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Blue Angel UZ 76 / F**** Core material ClassicBoard P2 UZ Blue Angel / F**** Emission-reduced particleboard, Typ P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Blue Angel UZ 76 / F**** Blue Angel = German ecolabel Blue Angel UZ 76 Blue Angel = German ecolabel Blue Angel UZ 76 Melamine resin-impregnated motif print ClassicBoard P2 UZ Blue Angel / F**** (low emission) Melamine resin-impregnated motif print ClassicBoard P2 UZ Blue Angel / F**** (low emission) Melamine-faced surface Melamine-faced surface. 72 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DecoBoard Living P2 Formaldehyde-free glue and therefore exceptionally low-emission particleboard, Type P2, with decorative melamine resin direct lamination in single sheet construction on both sides. The decor program is available on request. DecoBoard Pyroex Flame resistant particleboard core with decorative melamine resin direct lamination in single sheet construction on both sides. The lamination is also available in multi-sheet construction, on request.

Textures 5,310 / 2,655 2, / 19 MP / VV Low-emission applications for interior fitting and furniture in both private and public premises, such as schools, offices and administration buildings. Particularly suitable for items evaluated and certified according to the LEED model. Textures 2,800 2, / 19 AH / HG / LI * / ME* ML 5,600 / 2,800 2, / 19 AH / FM / LI * / ML* NW / SX 5,310 / 2,655 2, / 13 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 38 FM / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV * The decor program is available on request. Core material LivingBoard P2 Formaldehyde-free glued particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Blue Angel UZ 76 glued formaldehyde-free Preventive fire protection in the decorative sector. For interior fitting as wall and ceiling coverings, installations, room dividers and furniture, in industrial and administrative buildings, schools, sports and festival halls, hotels and care facilities. Core material PremiumBoard Pyroex Flame resistant particleboard, suitable for interior fittings and furniture subject to high demands on the fire behaviour.

Flame resistant B-s2, d0 Melamine-faced surface Melamine-faced surface LivingBoard P2 (formaldehyde-free glued) PremiumBoard Pyroex Melamine-faced surface Melamine-faced surface. 73 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DecoBoard Individual Pyroex Designed with individual digital printed motivs on a melamine faced fire retardant particleboard in direct coating.

The front side is faced with the individual motive the back side is faced in white as standard. DecoBoard P2 ESA Electrostatically dissipative particleboard core with decorative melamine resin direct lamination in single sheet construction on both sides.

Textures 2,800 2, / 19 AH / HG / MO / MP / SM / VV Textures 2,800 / 5,600 2, / 25 / 28.4 / 38 MP / VV Preventive fire protection for individual furniture and interior fitting elements, wall fittings and partitions, shopfitting, trade fair stands, boatbuilding, caravans, hotels, spas, medical centres, offices and living spaces. You will find the right, individually tailored product for every requirement notably if special low emissions are needed.

Not suitable for horizontal surfaces and or surfaces exposed to mechanical loads. The products from our ESA system are indispensable wherever electrostatic charges are to be prevented. The conductive constituents ensure a reliable and simple earthing possibility for furniture, partition elements and panels at places of work in the microelectronics industry, in laboratories or central control rooms.

Core material PremiumBoard Pyroex Flame resistant particleboard, suitable for interior fittings and furniture subject to high demands on the fire behaviour. Flame resistant C-s2, d0 Core material PremiumBoard P2 ESA Electrostatically dissipative particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for interior fitting and furniture, for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Volume resistance RD 1 x 10⁴ 1 x 10⁹ Ohm (EN ) measured dry, measurement voltage 100 V DC, cylindrical electrode, C and% relative humidity (conditioned for 96 hours) AVAILABLE ESA DECORS W10140 (Span 140) Frontal White U12188 (U1188) Light Grey Other decors on request.

Melamine resin-impregnated motif print Melamine-faced surface PremiumBoard Pyroex PremiumBoard ESA P2 Melamine-faced surface Melamine-faced surface. 74 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DecoBoard P3 Moisture-resistant glued particleboard, Type P3, with decorative melamine resin directlamination in single sheet construction. The lamination is also available in multi sheet construction, on request. DecoBoard Individual P3 Designed with individual digital printed motivs on a melamine faced particleboard Type P3 in direct coating. The front side is faced with the individual motive the back side is faced in white as standard.

Textures 2,800 2, / 13 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 38 AH / HG / LI * / ME * / ML* / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV 5,600 / 2,800 2, / 13 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 38 AH / FM / LI * / ML* / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / SX / VV * The decor program is available on request. Carcass and front quality for furniture making, shopfitting and interior fitting. Particularly for areas with higher demands on moisture resistance i. In bathroom furniture.

Textures 2,800 2, / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 38 AH / HG / MO / MP / SM / VV Preventive fire protection for individual furniture and interior fitting elements, wall fittings and partitions, shopfitting, trade fair stands, boatbuilding, caravans, hotels, spas, medical centres, offices and living spaces. You will find the right, individually tailored product for every requirement notably if special low emissions are needed. Not suitable for horizontal surfaces and or surfaces exposed to mechanical loads.

Core material ClassicBoard P3 Melamine resin-bonded particleboard, Type P3 to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in damp areas. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Core material ClassicBoard P3 Melamine resin-bonded particleboard, Type P3 to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in damp areas. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Melamine-faced surface Melamine resin-impregnated motif print ClassicBoard P3 ClassicBoard P3 Melamine-faced surface Melamine-faced surface. 75 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DecoBoard MDF plus Medium-density fibreboard with uniform structure, decorative melamine resin direct lamination in single sheet construction on both sides. The edge can be profiled. The lamination is also available in multi sheet construction, on request. DecoBoard Individual MDF plus Designed with individual digital printed motivs on a melamine faced medium-desity fibreboard (MDF) in direct coating.

The front side is faced with the individual motive the back side is faced in white as standard. Textures 2,800 2,100 8 / 10 / 12 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 38 AH / HG / LI * / ME * / ML* / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV 5,600 / 2,800 2,100 8 / 10 / 12 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 38 AH / FM / LI * / LN ** ML* / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / SX / VV * The decor program is available on request. ** Available on request. Textures 2,800 2, / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 38 AH / HG / MO / MP / SM / VV Preventive fire protection for individual furniture and interior fitting elements, wall fittings and partitions, shopfitting, trade fair stands, boatbuilding, caravans, hotels, spas, medical centres, offices and living spaces. You will find the right, individually tailored product for every requirement notably if special low emissions are needed. Not suitable for horizontal surfaces and or surfaces exposed to mechanical loads.

Fronts, carcasses, tabletops, shop fitting and interior design with high demands on edge quality: can be profiled and lacquered. Core material StyleBoard MDF plus Medium-density fibreboard (MDF) in accordance with DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure and outstanding surface stability. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 EPF-S / CARB2: Available on request. Core material StyleBoard MDF plus Medium-density fibreboard (MDF) in accordance with DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure and outstanding surface stability.

Normally flammable D-s2, d0 EPF-S / CARB2: Available on request. Melamine-faced surface Melamine resin-impregnated motif print StyleBoard MDF plus StyleBoard MDF plus Melamine-faced surface Melamine-faced surface. 76 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DecoBoard MDF black Black colour through-pigmented medium-density fibreboard with uniform structure, decorative melamine resin direct lamination in single sheet construction on both sides.

The edge can be profiled. The lamination is also available in multi sheet construction, on request. DecoBoard Individual MDF black Designed with individual digital printed motivs on a melamine faced black coloured medium-desity fibreboard (MDF) in direct coating. The front side is faced with the individual motive the back side is faced in white as standard. Textures 2,800 2, / 19 / 25 AH / HG / LI * / ME * / ML* / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV 5,600 / 2,800 2, / 16 / 19 / 25 AH / FM / LI * / ML* / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / SX / VV * The decor program is available on request.

Applications for decorative open edge solutions, e.g. Carcasses, tabletops, shop fitting and interior design and trade fair construction. Textures 2,800 2, / 19 / 25 AH / HG / MO / MP / SM / VV Preventive fire protection for individual furniture and interior fitting elements, wall fittings and partitions, shopfitting, trade fair stands, boatbuilding, caravans, hotels, spas, medical centres, offices and living spaces. You will find the right, individually tailored product for every requirement notably if special low emissions are needed. Not suitable for horizontal surfaces and or surfaces exposed to mechanical loads. Core material StyleBoard MDF black Decorative black colour through-pigmented medium-density fibreboard (MDF) in accordance with DIN EN 622-5, with homogeneous structure and outstanding surface stability.

Core material StyleBoard MDF black Decorative black colour through-pigmented medium-density fibreboard (MDF) in accordance with DIN EN 622-5, with homogeneous structure and outstanding surface stability. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Melamine-faced surface Melamine resin-impregnated motif print StyleBoard MDF black StyleBoard MDF black Melamine-faced surface Melamine-faced surface. 77 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DecoBoard MDF Pyroex Medium-density fibreboard core with uniform structure and flame retardant properties, with decorative melamine resin direct lamination in single sheet construction on both sides. The edge can be profiled. The lamination is also available in multi-sheet construction, on request.

DecoBoard HDF High-quality, high-density particleboard, with decorative melamine resin direct lamination in single sheet construction on both sides. Textures 5,600 / 2,800 2, / 19 AH / FM / LI * / ML* / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / SX / VV * The decor program is available on request. Textures 2,800 2,100 3 / 5 AH / HG / LI * / ML* / ME* /MO / MP / RU / SM / VV * The decor program is available on request. Wherever high demands are made on fire protection flame resistant and on the edge quality for profiling and lacquering. Such as for furniture and shelving in shop fitting and interior design.

Back panels, drawer bottoms, blinds, partition walls in trade fair construction, shop fitting, interior design, caravan and motor vehicle construction. Core material StyleBoard MDF Pyroex Flame resistant, medium-density fibreboard (MDF) in accordance with DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure and outstanding surface stability Flame resistant C-s2, d0 Core material StyleBoard HDF thin High-density fibreboard with homogeneous structure and good stability. Normally flammable CARB2: Available on request. Melamine-faced surface Melamine-faced surface StyleBoard MDF Pyroex StyleBoard HDF Melamine-faced surface Melamine-faced surface. 78 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DecoBoard HDF lacquered High-quality, high-density particleboard with single-sided lacquered surface. Textures 2,850 2, / 3 / 4 / 5 lacquered (single-sided) / ZO * Further thicknesses, formats, decors, textures and finishes on request. Decor Reference Decor Texture U16024 Congo D1192 ZO Decor Reference Decor Texture R41024 Pear D4966 ZO Back panels, drawer bottoms, blinds, partition walls in trade fair construction, shop fitting, interior design, caravan and motor vehicle construction.

U12141 Graphite U16038 Beige D1258 D1313 ZO ZO R42039 Cherry R27047 Maple D4968 D5703 ZO ZO Core material StyleBoard HDF thin High-density fibreboard with homogeneous structure and good stability. Normally flammable in accordance with the requirements of EN U16033 Sand Greige U12122 Grey D1343 D2101 ZO ZO R24057 Iconic Beech R35002 Birch D5838 D5757 ZO ZO U12123 Graphite D2102 ZO R24079 Beech D5313 ZO The new DecoBoard synergy of experience and innovation. 79 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DecoBoard MFP Hybrid MFP Hybrid consists of a PremiumBoard MFP as core layer combined with StyleBoard HDF as top layers that can also be laminated on both sides. The MFP and HDF panels are glued using PVAC-glue (D4-glue). Due to its isotropic bending strength, its very good screw-holding strength and its high durability, the Hybrid wood-based panel is mainly suited for applications where high stability and load-bearing capacity are required.

DecoBoard RH P2 Particleboard, Type P2, with non-slip coating on one side and with a melamine resin direct lamination on the rear side. Textures 5,600 / 2,800 2, / 19 / 22 / 25 AH / FM / LI * / ML* / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / SX / VV * The decor program is available on request. Textures 2,750 2, Rear side: SM The decor program is available on request. Furniture construction and interior fitting, stage and set construction, shelving systems, furniture, shelves. Suitable for use in dry environments.

Wherever slipping of objects is to be prevented, while at the same time a decorative effect is demanded. For example, drawer bottoms and sides, shelves for caravan and ship construction, pan carousels. Core material PremiumBoard MFP Hybrid Heavy-duty, stable composite material for shelving systems or shelves. Core material ClassicBoard P2 Urea resin-bonded particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for interior fitting and furniture, for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. Normally flammable Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Melamine-faced surface Slip resistant faced StyleBoard HDF thin PremiumBoard MFP P5 ClassicBoard P2 StyleBoard HDF thin Melamine-faced surface Melamine-faced surface. 80 DECORATIVE PANELS Decor boards DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact DecoBoard MDF basic Medium-density fibreboard with uniform structure, decorative melamine resin direct lamination in single sheet construction on both sides. The edge can be profiled.

HIGH PRESSURE LAMINATES (HPL) AND HPL COMPACT High-quality, robust high-pressure laminates (HPL) Self-supporting compact laminates Hygienic, easy-care, safety for foodstuffs Ideal for areas with high usage demands Textures 5,600 / 2,800 2, / 12 / 15 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 LN * / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV * Available on request. Fronts, carcasses, tabletops, shop fitting and interior design.

Core material StyleBoard MDF basic Medium-density fibreboard (MDF) in accordance with DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure and outstanding surface stability. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 EPF-S / CARB2: Available on request.

Melamine-faced surface StyleBoard MDF basic Melamine-faced surface 81 DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact Duropal-HPL Decorative high-pressure laminate in postforming quality of classification HGP / VGP to EN with robust melamine resin surface and sanded reverse. Duropal-HPL Metallic Decorative high-pressure laminate in postforming quality with special visual metallic effect thanks to mother-of-pearl pigments. The reverse side is sanded ready for gluing. 82 DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact Duropal-HPL Design-Overlay Decorative high-pressure laminate in postforming quality of classification HGP / VGP to EN with robust melamine resin surface and sanded reverse. By combining two printed overlays with selected plain decors a collection of extensive and monochromatic graphic dekors occurs.

The Painted Wood series shows a delicate impression of lacquered, cracked wood while Loop is setting vital and lively accents. Textures 4,100 1, VV Surface material for high-quality kitchen and office furniture, for walls and doors, furniture and installations in retail and recreational facilities, in the restaurant sector, in administration buildings, day nurseries, schools, sanitary, clinical or laboratory sectors. Particularly where high demands are made on sturdiness, ease of care and hygiene. = Product standard EN Normally flammable D-s2, d0 or poorer in combination with normally or easily flammable core materials. (EN, CWFT to 2003/593/EG) Options / On request Also in anti-bacterial quality with Duropal microplus (for 1,300 mm width). 84 DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact Duropal-HPL Magnet Magnetic, decorative high-pressure laminate in non-postforming quality.

The reverse side is sanded ready for gluing. Duropal-HPL Pyroex Decorative high-pressure laminate in flame resistant quality of classification HGF / VGF to EN with sturdy melamine resin surface and sanded reverse side. Textures 2,800 2, HG / MP / VV Textures 2,800 2, / 1.0 / 1.2 AH / HG / LI / ME / ML / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV 5,600 2, / 1.0 / 1.2 AH / HG / LI / ME / ML / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV Furniture, partition walls and wall coverings with magnetic properties in shop and trade fair construction, in offices, schools, day nurseries, care home facilities, public facilities, etc. Flame resistant surface material for walls and doors, furniture and installations in public buildings and special constructions, such as railway stations and airports, retail and recreational facilities, public areas, hotels, schools, care home facilities and hospitals. Product standard Produced acc. To EN Note Normally flammable Full-size boards have a non-magnetic border approx. Not available: decors Stainless steel / Nickel effect.

Product standard EN Flame resistant C-s1, d0 (DIN EN ) Depending on the core material and adhesive used, HPL flat bonded panels may have a different classification. Melamine impregnated decorative paper Melamine impregnated decorative paper Ferromagnetic inlay Impregnated craft paper, reverse side sanded Impregnated craft paper, reverse side sanded.

86 DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact Duropal-HPL IMO Decorative high-pressure laminate to EN of IMO classification Low Flame-Spread Surface Material with sturdy melamine resin surface and sanded reverse side. Duropal-HPL Metallic IMO Decorative high-pressure laminate of IMO-tested quality and the classification Low Flame- Spread Surface Material with special visual metallic effect thanks to mother-of-pearl pigments in the decor surface. The rear side is sanded ready for gluing. 87 DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact Duropal-HPL ESA Electrostatically dissipative high-pressure laminate in postforming quality with durable melamine resin surface and sanded reverse. Thin Laminate 0.15 / 0.30 (rolled goods) Duropal-HPL 0.50 (rolled goods) Decorative thin laminate in postforming quality following the classification VGP to EN with robust melamine resin surface and sanded reverse. Thin laminate 0.15 / 0.30 is delivered as rolled goods only.

In addition to sheet material Duropal-HPL 0.50 can be delivered as rolled goods as well and fitts HGP / VGP to EN Textures 2,800 2, / 0.8 MP / VV 5,600 2, / 0.8 MP / VV Textures Roll 1, SM / VV Roll 1, / 0.50 MO / RT / SM / TC / VV Surface material for furniture and tabletops in ESD areas, e.g. At production and assembly workstations in the microelectronics industry.

Also wherever electrostatic charges are to be prevented, such as on production lines, in laboratories or central control rooms. Coating and / or covering of door elements and door frames, front parts for furniture, window sills, rails and profiles. Thin laminate 0.15 and 0.30 is recommended for vertical use only. Product standard Produced acc. To EN Normally flammable Volume resistance RD 1 x 10⁴ 1 x 10⁹ Ohm (EN ) measured dry, measurement voltage 100 V DC, cylindrical electrode, C und% relative humidity (conditioned for 96 hours) Product standard Produced acc. To EN Normally flammable D-s2, d0 or poorer in combination with normally or easily flammable core materials. (EN, CWFT) AVAILABLE ESA DECORS W10140 (Span 140) Frontal White U12188 (U1188) Light Grey Melamine impregnated decorative paper ESA impregnated craft paper, reverse side sanded.

88 DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact Duropal-HPL Compact, white core Compact high-pressure laminate with homogeneous white pigmented core and melamine resin surface on both sides. In decor U11102 (Chalk) the solid material offers timeless purism with the highest durability thanks to its monochrome design. Duropal-HPL Compact Metallic, white core Compact high pressure laminate with homogeneous white-coloured core and decorative surface on both sides featuring a stylish metallic effect created by pearlescent pigments.

Textures 2,800 2,070 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 HG / MO / MP / SM / VV Textures 2,800 2,070 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 HG / MO / MP / SM / VV For exceptional furniture and interior design concepts, damp and wet zones, especially where minimum material cross-sections are required with the highest demands on aesthetics, functionality and durability. In the residential and interior design sector, but also in shop and trade fair construction and in recreational and leisure facilities.

For example for racking, shelves and displays, sanitary and partition elements, tabletops and worktops. The material can also be engraved for individual 3D effects.

It is not suitable for areas subject to large fluctuations in temperature and humidity. The white colouring of the core material makes it ideally suited for furniture and elements as it provides a modern atmosphere for the housing and commercial sector, for leisure and spa centres, shop design and restaurants. It is suitable for vertical applications and surfaces which are not subject to mechanical stress and should not be used in areas which are exposed to significant changes in temperature or humidity. Product standard Produced acc. To EN Core material Compact laminate white Uniform white colour through-pigmented solid compact laminate core, impact resistant and moisture resistant for applications with high demands. Product standard Produced acc. To EN Core material Compact laminate white Uniform white colour through-pigmented solid compact laminate core, impact resistant and moisture resistant for applications with high demands.

Melamine impregnated decorative paper Melamine impregnated decorative paper Impregnated craft paper, white Impregnated craft paper, white Melamine impregnated decorative paper Melamine impregnated decorative paper. 89 DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact Duropal-HPL Compact, black core Compact high-pressure laminate in standard quality and the classification CGS to EN With black core and decorative melamine resin surface on both sides. Duropal-HPL Compact Metallic, black core Compact high-pressure laminate with black core in standard quality.

Mother-of-pearl pigments create an elegant, visual, metallic effect in the decor surface. 90 DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact Duropal-HPL Compact Individual, black core Compact high-pressure laminate of standard quality with individual digital printed motifs. With black core and white reverse side. Duropal-HPL Compact Pyroex, black core Compact high-pressure laminate of flame retardant quality and the classification CGF to EN With black core and decorative melamine resin surface on both sides. Textures 2,800 2,070 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 Front side: HG / MP / SM / VV Rear side: WW Textures 2,800 2,070 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 HG / MO / MP / SM / VV 5,600 2,070 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 HG / MP / VV Individual furniture and interior design elements, particularly where high demands are made on the durability, ease of care and moisture resistance of the material. Also when open edge solutions are required i.

In the restaurant sector, shop fitting and in food sensitive areas, doctors surgeries and clinics, leisure and sanitary areas. The material is not suitable for permanent use outdoors.

Preventive fire protection in interior design, for damp and wet areas and wherever outstanding durability of the material is demanded, e.g. Download Winamp Pro Apk Gratis here. As wall protection. Also for furniture and installation elements, particularly when low material cross-sections or open edge solutions are required as part of fire protection concepts. Product standard Produced acc. To EN Core material Compact laminate black Solid, black colour through-pigmented compact laminate core, impact resistant and moisture resistant for applications with high demands. Normally flammable Thickness 6 mm 15 mm: D-s2, d0 (EN, CWFT to 2003/593/EG) Product standard EN Core material Flame resistant compact laminate black Solid, black pigmented compact laminate core, suitable for applications with high demands and high requirements for fire behaviour Flame resistant Thickness 2 mm 8 mm: B-s2, d0 (DIN EN ) Thickness 9 mm 15 mm: B-s1, d0 (DIN EN ) Melamine resin-impregnated motif print Impregnated craft paper, black Melamine impregnated decorative paper Impregnated craft paper, black Melamine impregnated decorative paper Melamine impregnated decorative paper.

91 DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact Duropal-HPL Compact Metallic Pyroex, black core Compact high-pressure laminate of flame retardant quality, with black core and decorative melamine resin surface on both sides. Duropal-flameprotect compact Non-flammable fire protection panel of primarily mineral constituents with white core and decorative melamine resin surface on both sides. Textures 2,800 2,070 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 HG / MO / MP / SM / VV 5,600 2,070 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 HG / MP / VV Textures 2,800 2,070 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 HG / MP / SM / VV Furniture and installation elements, particularly when damp and wet areas are to be outfitted as part of fire protection concepts or where high hygiene demands are made. Also when low material cross-sections or open edge solutions are required. Metallic surfaces are suitable only for vertical applications with special demands on design. Use for horizontal surfaces and or surfaces exposed to mechanical loads is not recommended.

For universal use in preventive fire protection to reduce the fire spread. Particularly useful where non-flammable materials are required and high demands are made on the design and ease of care. The area of application covers decorative interior fitting as furniture, installations and wall coverings in corridors and stairways (escape routes) in standard buildings, but also for higher demands in special buildings such as high-rise apartment blocks, large office buildings, hospitals, care facilities, schools, day nurseries, hotels, sales rooms and public areas, etc. Use in damp areas and outdoors is not recommended. Product standard EN Core material Flame resistant compact laminate (black core) Solid, black pigmented compact laminate core, suitable for applications with high demands and high requirements for fire behaviour. Flame resistant Thickness 2 mm 8 mm: B-s2, d0 (DIN EN ) Thickness 9 mm 15 mm: B-s1, d0 (DIN EN ) Core material Density Decors Compact mineral panel Compact core of primarily mineral constituents with outstanding strength properties. Suitable for area subject to particularly high demands on fire protection.

Non-flammable A2-s1, d0 (DIN EN ) 1,900 kg/m³ ± 50 kg/m³ Please comply with information for Duropal-flameprotect compact collection. Melamine impregnated decorative paper Melamine impregnated decorative paper Impregnated craft paper, black Compact mineral core Melamine impregnated decorative paper Melamine impregnated decorative paper. 92 DECORATIVE PANELS High pressure laminates (HPL) and HPL Compact DECORATIVE PANELS SolidColor Duropal-flameprotect compact IMO Fire protection panel with IMO classification Low Flame-Spread Surface Material of primarily mineral constituents with white core and decorative melamine resin surface on both sides. SOLIDCOLOR Colour through to the core Processing without visible edges and joints Very durable and hardwearing Textures 2,800 2,070 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 HG / MP / SM / VV For universal use in preventive fire protection to reduce the fire spread. Particularly useful where high demands are made on the design and ease of care. The field of application covers decorative ship interior fitting through furniture, installations and wall coverings as well as in corridors and stairways.

Use in damp and wet areas is not recommended. Core material Density Classifications Compact mineral panel Compact core of primarily mineral constituents with outstanding strength properties. Suitable for area subject to particularly high demands on fire protection. 1,900 kg/m³ ± 50 kg/m³ MED / USCG: Low Flame-Spread Surface Material TC: Low Flame-Spread Surface Linings Melamine impregnated decorative paper Compact mineral core Melamine impregnated decorative paper. 93 DECORATIVE PANELS SolidColor DECORATIVE PANELS SolidColor Duropal-HPL SolidColor Uniformed colour through high-pressure laminate for the highest demands on aesthetics, functionality and durability. The rear side is sanded ready for gluing.

Duropal-Element SolidColor P2 Laminate of a particleboard core Type P2, faced on both sides with uniformed colour through Duropal-HPL SolidColor. The durable surface and proven core material guarantee the highest quality and finish. 94 DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements FLAT BONDED ELEMENTS The right material composition for every application: Duropal-HPL on a wide variety of core materials Hygienic and easy-care Ideal for areas of high specification demand Duropal furniture elements, including high-quality edge option Duropal-Element Balance Lightweight chipboard and resource-conserving annually growing plants for the highestdemands on ecology and sustainability, faced on both sides with Duropal-HPL or Duropal-HPL Metallic.

HPL-Thickness Overall Thickness Textures Length Width in mm in mm 2,650 2, AH / LI / ME / MO / MP / NW / RU / SX / VV 5,310 2, AH / LI / ME / MO / MP / NW / RU / SX / VV For interior fitting and furniture in both private and public premises, such as hotels, schools, administration buildings or in shop outfitting, particularly where ecologically sustainable and weight-reduced solutions with the highest surface properties are demanded. Core material BalanceBoard HD Sustainable, ecological material of wood and light biomass pellets based on rapid-growing annual plants.

Technical properties in line with EN 312. Normally flammable HPL / HPL Metallic BalanceBoard HD HPL / HPL Metallic. 95 DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements Duropal-Element P2 Flat bonded element consisting of a particleboard construction, Type P2 to EN 312, surfaced on both sides with Duropal-HPL or Duropal-HPL Metallic. Duropal-Element P2 (PUR) High-quality flat bonded element with unique surface stability. Consisting of particleboard construction, Type P2 to EN 312, faced on both sides with Duropal-HPL or Duropal-HPL Metallic by means of polyurethane bonding technology. 96 DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements Duropal-Furniture Element P2 Furniture element with particleboard construction, Type P2 to EN 312, faced on both sides with Duropal-HPL or Duropal-HPL Metallic. As a variant the furniture element is available with the longitudinal edges laser formed or machined at an angle.

Duropal-Element Individual P2 Flat bonded element with individually digitally printed motifs made from a particleboard core, Type P2 to EN 312, surfaced with Duropal-HPL Individual, reverse side white. Design HPL- Thickness Overall Thickness Textures Front edge Rear edge Length Width up to width in mm in mm milled milled 4, CT / FG / MO / MP / MS / RT / RU / TC / VV 4,100 1, / 11.6 / 17.6 / 19.6 FG / HG / ML / MO / MP / MS / RU / SM / TC / VV High-quality, sturdy furniture fronts, support or shelf elements and panels in the private and interior design sector, such as in clinics and care home facilities, sports and recreational facilities, schools and day nurseries. Length Width HPL-Thickness in mm Overall Thickness in mm Textures 2,800 2, / 21.4 Front side: HG / MP / SM / VV Rear side: MP Individual furniture and interior design elements, wall coverings, partition elements, etc. In the creative interior design and specification business.

The material is suitable for use at trade fairs and promotion events, in shops and stores, restaurants, hotels and cruise ships, in educational and recreational facilities, doctors surgeries and clinics. The material is not suitable for permanent use outdoors. Core material ClassicBoard P2 Urea resin-bonded particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 (DIN EN, CWFT to 2003/593/EG) Core material ClassicBoard P2 Urea resin-bonded particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 (DIN EN, CWFT to 2003/593/EG) Options / On request Also in anti-bacterial quality with Duropal microplus (for 1,300 mm width).

HPL / HPL Metallic HPL Individual ClassicBoard P2 ClassicBoard P2 HPL / HPL Metallic HPL. 97 DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements Duropal-Element Real Metal P2 Real aluminium foil applied by direct lamination to both sides of a particleboard Type P2 to EN 312. Duropal-Element Magnet P2 Decorative, magnetic high-pressure laminate flat bonded particleboard, magnetic on bothsides thanks to 1.2 mm Duropal-HPL Magnet.

Length Width HPL-Thickness in mm Overall Thickness in mm 2,800 2, / 11.6 / 14.6 / 16 / 17.6 / 19 / 20.6 / 23.6 / 25 / 29.6 /,100 1, / 16 / 17.6 / 19 / 20.6 / 23.6 / 25 / 29.6 / 39.6 Textures HG SM HPL-Thickness Overall Thickness Textures Length Width in mm in mm 2,800 2, / 14.4 / 16.8 / 18.4 / 19.8 / 21.4 / 24.4 / 25.8 / 30.4 / 32.4 / 40.4 HG / MP / VV Flat bonded element with real metal surface made from a particleboard core, Type P2 to EN 312, faced on both sides with Duropal-HPL Real Metal. Furniture, partition walls and wall coverings with magnetic properties in shop and trade fair construction, in offices, schools, day nurseries, care home facilities, public facilities, etc. Core material Note ClassicBoard P2 Urea resin-bonded particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. Please note with format 2,800 x 2,070 mm the visible longitudinal joint of the real metal foil (2 strips) at approx.

Core material Note ClassicBoard P2 Urea resin-bonded particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. Normally flammable Full-size boards have a non-magnetic border approx. Real metal surfaces aren t available. Cut to size delivery is not possible. DECORS M80000 (Alu 1) Stainless steel M80001 (Alu 2) Nickel effect HPL Real Metal HPL Magnet ClassicBoard P2 ClassicBoard P2 HPL Real Metal HPL Magnet. 98 DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements Duropal-Element P2 UZ / F**** Flat bonded element of a particleboard construction, Type P2 to EN 312, faced on both sides with Duropal-HPL or Duropal-HPL Metallic.

With this board material, the limit values of the Blue Angel, the EPF and the CARB2 standard are easily satisfied thanks to the minimised formaldehyde content. Duropal-Element Living P2 Flat bonded element of a formaldehyde-free glued particleboard construction, Type P2 to EN 312, faced on both sides with Duropal-HPL or Duropal-HPL Metallic. This material supports the LEED certification system for sustainable construction in the categories resource conservation and room quality. 99 DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements Duropal-Element Pyroex Flame resistant flat bonded element of particleboard core with improved flame resistance, faced on both sides with Duropal-HPL Pyroex or Duropal-HPL Metallic Pyroex. Duropal-Element P2 ESA Electrostatically dissipative flat bonded element of an ESA chipboard faced on both sideswith durable Duropal-HPL ESA. Length Width HPL-Thickness in mm Overall Thickness in mm Textures 2,800 2, / 20.6 AH / HG / LI / ME / ML / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV 4,100 1, FG / MP / SM / TC / VV Length Width HPL-Thickness in mm Overall Thickness in mm Textures 2,800 2, / 26.6 / 30 / 39.6 MP / VV 5,600 2, / 26.6 / 30 / 39.6 MP / VV Wherever high demands are made on quality and durability in addition to preventive fire protection in decorative interior design. For wall coverings, installations and interior furnishing in industrial, sales and administration buildings, in recreational facilities and public areas, such as schools, sports and festival halls, cinemas, discotheques, hotels, hospitals and care home facilities.

The products from our ESA system are indispensable wherever electrostatic charges are to be prevented. The conductive constituents in the core plate and facing ensure a reliable and simple earthing possibility for furniture components and worktops in ESD areas, on production and assembly lines, in laboratories or central control rooms. Core material PremiumBoard Pyroex Flame resistant particleboard, suitable for interior fittings and furniture subject to high demands on the spread of fire.

Flame resistant Format 2,800 x 2,070 mm: C-s2, d0 (DIN EN ) Format 4,100 x 1,300 mm: B-s2, d0 (DIN EN ) Core material PremiumBoard P2 ESA Electrostatically dissipative particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for interior outfitting and furniture in dry areas. Durchgangswiderstand RD 1 x 10⁴ 1 x 10⁹ Ohm (EN ) measured dry, measurement voltage 100 V DC, cylindrical electrode, C and% relative humidity (conditioned for 96 hours) AVAILABLE ESA DECORS W10140 (Span 140) Frontal White U12188 (U1188) Light Grey HPL Pyroex / HPL Metallic Pyroex HPL ESA PremiumBoard Pyroex PremiumBoard P2 ESA HPL Pyroex / HPL Metallic Pyroex HPL ESA. 100 DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements Duropal-Element P3 Flat bonded element of a moisture-resistant particleboard construction, Type P3 to EN 312, faced on both sides with Duropal-HPL or Duropal-HPL Metallic. Duropal-Element MDF plus Flat bonded element of a medium-density fibreboard (MDF) construction with uniform structure, faced on both sides with Duropal-HPL or Duropal-HPL Metallic.

101 DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements Duropal-Element MDF black Flat bonded element of a decorative black colour through-pigmented medium-density fibreboard with uniform structure (MDF). Faced on both sides with Duropal-HPL or Duropal-HPL Metallic. Duropal-Element MDF Pyroex Flame resistant flat bonded element of a medium-density fibreboard core (MDF) with uniform structure and flame retardant properties, faced on both sides with Duropal-HPL Pyroex or Duropal-HPL Metallic Pyroex. HPL-Thickness Overall Thickness Textures Length Width in mm in mm 2,800 2, / 17.6 / 20.6 / 26.6 AH / HG / LI / ME / ML / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / SX / VV 5,600 2, / 17.6 / 20.6 / 26.6 AH / HG / LI / ME / ML / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / SX / VV Furniture and design elements with decorative edge solutions and high surface quality: e. Fronts, table tops, racking, displays, partition walls and panels.

Length Width HPL-Thickness in mm Overall Thickness in mm Textures 2,800 2, / 20.6 AH / HG / LI / ME / ML / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV 5,600 2, / 20.6 AH / HG / LI / ME / ML / MO / MP / RU / SM / VV Wherever a durable, outstanding surface quality for profiling and lacquering is required in conjunction with improved fire protection: For furnishings and installations in sales and recreational facilities public buildings, special buildings and public areas, also in the trade fair and event sector. Core material StyleBoard MDF black Decorative black colour through-pigmented medium-density fibreboard (MDF) in accordance with DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure and outstanding surface stability. Normally flammable Thickness mm: D-s2, d0 (DIN EN, CWFT to 2003/593/EG) Core material StyleBoard MDF Pyroex Flame resistant, medium-density fibreboard (MDF) in accordance with DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure and outstanding surface stability. Flame resistant B-s2, d0 (DIN EN ) HPL / HPL Metallic HPL Pyroex / HPL Metallic Pyroex StyleBoard MDF black StyleBoard MDF Pyroex HPL / HPL Metallic HPL Pyroex / HPL Metallic Pyroex. 102 DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements DECORATIVE PANELS Flat bonded elements Duropal-Element MFP Hybrid MFP Hybrid consists of a PremiumBoard MFP as core layer combined with StyleBoard HDF as top layers that can also be laminated on both sides. The MFP and HDF panels are glued using PVAC-glue (D4-glue). Due to its isotropic bending strength, its very good screw-holding strength and its high durability, the Hybrid wood-based panel is mainly suited for applications where high stability and load-bearing capacity are required.

Duropal-Element Birke-Multiplex Birch veneer panel, glued AW 100 moisture-resistant, faced on both sides with D uropal-hpl or Duropal-HPL Metallic. This flat bonded element guarantees the highest stability andmaterial quality HPL-Thickness Overall Thickness Textures Length Width in mm in mm 2,800 2, / 20.6 / 23.6 / 26.6 AH / LI / ME / ML / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / SX / VV HPL-Thickness Overall Thickness Textures Length Width in mm in mm 2,800 2, / 28.6 AH / LI / ME / MO / MP / NW / RU / SX / VV 5,600 2, / 20.6 / 23.6 / 26.6 AH / LI / ME / ML / MO / MP / NW / RU / SM / SX / VV Furniture construction and interior fitting, stage and set construction, shelving systems, furniture, shelves. Suitable for use in dry environments. High-quality furniture and installations on which high static demands are made: Shop fitting, discerning interior design, library, shop and chemist fitting and in the office furniture sector. Core material PremiumBoard MFP Hybrid P5 Heavy-duty, stable composite material for shelving systems or shelves. Normally flammable D-s2, d0 (DIN EN, CWFT to 2003/593/EG) Core material Birch multiplex board Extremely stable veneer panel with attractive narrow edge for indoor elements and furniture.

Normally flammable D-s2, d0 (DIN EN, CWFT to 2003/593/EG) HPL / HPL Metallic HPL / HPL Metallic StyleBoard HDF thin PremiumBoard MFP P5 StyleBoard HDF thin Birke-Multiplex Birch-Multiplex HPL / HPL Metallic HPL / HPL Metallic. 104 DECORATIVE PANELS Worktops and windowboards DECORATIVE PANELS Duropal-Worktop, square edged profile Worktop with particleboard core to EN 312, surface bonded with highly resistant Duropal-HPL to EN 438, underside sealed with water-repellent backing, for thickness 19.2 mm with HPL backing. The longitudinal edges of the worktop are machined. Duropal-Worktop PerForm Worktop with particleboard core to EN 312, surface bonded with highly resistant Duropal-HPL to EN 438, underside sealed with water-repellent backing, for thickness 19.2 mm with HPL backing. The front longitudinal edge of the PerForm worktop has a laser edge, the rear edge is sealed with a protective edging strip. As a variant it is also available with a laser edge on both sides. 105 DECORATIVE PANELS Worktops and windowboards DECORATIVE PANELS Worktops and windowboards Duropal-Worktop Quadra Worktop with particleboard core to EN 312, surface bonded with highly resistant Duropal-HPL to EN 438, underside sealed with water-repellent backing, for thickness 19.2 mm with HPL backing.

The postforming front edge of the Quadra worktop has a radius of 3 mm, the rear edge is sealed with a protective edging strip. As a variant it is also available with profiled edges on both sides. Duropal-Worktop Classic Worktop with particleboard core to EN 312, surface bonded with highly resistant Duropal-HPL to EN 438, underside sealed with water-repellent backing. The postforming front edge of the Classic worktop has a radius of 6 mm, the rear edging strip is sealed with a protective edging strip. As a variant it is also available with profiled edges on both sides.

106 DECORATIVE PANELS Worktops and windowboards DECORATIVE PANELS Worktops and windowboards Duropal-Windowboard FBK Windowboard with moisture-resistant particleboard core, Type P2 green to EN 312, surfaced with highly resistant Duropal-HPL to EN 438. The postforming longitudinal edge has a radius of 5 mm, the rear edge is sealed with a protective edge. Duropal-Windowboard FBL Windowboard with a moisture-resistant particleboard core, Type P2 green to EN 312, faced with sturdy Duropal-HPL to EN 438. The postforming longitudinal edge has a radius of 5 mm and has a folded edge.

The 38 mm folded edge is a visual highlight. It allows recesses to be elegantly concealed or radiator covers to be connected. Design of Textures Core front edge Rear edge Front side Rear side material Radius 5 mm Protective edge 4, TC / VV WW P2 green 4, TC / VV WW P2 green 4, TC / VV WW P2 green 4, TC / VV WW P2 green 4, TC / VV WW P2 green Design of Textures Core front edge Rear edge Front side Rear side material 38 mm folded edge Protective edge 4, TC / VV WW P2 green 4, TC / VV WW P2 green 4, TC / VV WW P2 green 4, TC / VV WW P2 green 4, TC / VV WW P2 green The ideal solution for new buildings and refurbishment.

The indoor windowboards are preferably used in areas such as office and administration buildings, in conference and sales rooms and in laboratories, clinics and doctors surgeries, and in schools, residential and care facilities. The ideal solution for new buildings and refurbishment. The indoor windowboards are preferably used in areas such as office and administration buildings, in conference and sales rooms and in laboratories, clinics and doctors surgeries, and in schools, residential and care facilities.

Core material ClassicBoard P2 green Core material ClassicBoard P2 green Urea resin-bonded particleboard, Type P2 green to DIN EN 312, Urea resin-bonded particleboard, Type P2 green to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in damp areas. Suitable for non load-bearing purposes in damp areas. Options / On request Also in anti-bacterial quality with Duropal microplus Options / On request Also in anti-bacterial quality with Duropal microplus DECORS DECORS U11026 (U1026) Crystal White U12188 (U1188) Light Grey R63003 (R6254) Light Marble U11026 (U1026) Crystal White U12188 (U1188) Light Grey R63003 (R6254) Light Marble HPL ClassicBoard P2 green ClassicBoard P2 green HPL HPL HPL. 107 DECORATIVE PANELS Edges DECORATIVE PANELS Edges EDGES. A PERFECT CONCEPT ALL ROUND. Moisture resistant Scratch and wear resistant Impact resistant Heat resistant Resistant to household chemicals and cleaning agents Easy care In addition to the core material, the decor and the structure, it is the edges that turn a DecoBoard or a Duropal flat bonded element into a complete, elegant and perfected workpiece.

CPL laminate edges and ABS edges finish off the overall picture visually and make a major contribution to durability. Edges for our panels can be obtained directly from your Pfleiderer dealer or through our partner: Ostermann UK / Ireland Ostermann UK Ltd. Stonebridge Cross Business Park Unit 104 Pointon Way Droitwich WR9 0LW United Kingdom UK Phone: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) Ireland Phone: +44 (0) Further contact data can be found.

109 RAW CORE MATERIALS BalanceBoard RAW CORE MATERIALS BalanceBoard BALANCEBOARD NATURALLY LIGHT, VERY SUSTAINABLE It is this easy to combine ecology and economy: thanks to a high proportion of particularly rapidly renewable raw materials, BalanceBoard offers an up to 30% weight reduction with unrestricted stability, machinability and processability. On request, the board can also be supplied with PEFC or FSC certification. BalanceBoard has received multiple awards for its high level of sustainability, e.g.

With the Innovation Prize of the architecture magazines AIT and xia ( Special Sustainability Prize ), the Interzum Award 2011 ( High Product Quality ), the if award product design 2012 and the Woody Award from GD Holz ( Innovative Product 2011 ). FSC license code: FSC-C011773, PEFC/. 110 RAW CORE MATERIALS StyleBoard MDF.RWH RAW CORE MATERIALS StyleBoard MDF.RWH You can find more information in our StyleBoard MDF.RWH and Timber Construction brochures! STYLEBOARD MDF.RWH BREATHABLE UNDERLAY FOR A ROOF OR WALL The wood-based panel Styleboard MDF.RWH is perfectly suited for use as an underlay and a second water-bearing layer or as outer, breath - able wall panelling. Produced from fresh forest and sawmill wood, breathable, and with 100% formal dehyde-free and moisture-resistant glue, the panel has a number of benefits: it is punctureresistant up to a distance between rafters of 1 m, has a wind- and water-proof tongue and groove connection and provides a low risk of mould growth in a moist environment thanks to the moisture-resistant PU-glue. Styleboard MDF.RWH is technically approved in accordance with CE EN.

111 RAW CORE MATERIALS LivingBoard RAW CORE MATERIALS LivingBoard LIVINGBOARD OPTIMAL TECHNOLOGY, ECOLOGY AND PROCESSABLE You can find more information in our LivingBoard brochure! LivingBoard is the perfect choice for timber frames and interior fittings for a healthy living environment: 450,000 residential units constructed with LivingBoard testify to this. Produced from a combination of fresh forest wood and a formaldehydefree glue, it brings together all the requirements for a contemporary, technologically advanced and high-quality panel on the one hand, and for particular sustainability in terms of the materials, production and application on the other hand. It also satisfies the requirements for LEED certification including when coated, as DecoBoard Living or Duropal- Element Living. On request, LivingBoard can be supplied in different qualities and with PEFCTM or FSC certification.

FSC license code: FSC-C011773, PEFC/. 112 RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards BalanceBoard Sustainable, ecological material of wood and light biomass pellets based on rapid-growing annually harvested plants. Technical properties in line with EN 312. BalanceBoard HD Sustainable, ecological material of wood and light biomass pellets based on rapid-growing annually harvested plants.

Technical properties in line with EN,655 2, / 25 / 28 / 38 5,310 2, / 25 / 28 / 38 2,655 2, / 19 5,310 2, / 19 BalanceBoard is a sustainable, ecological, lightweight yet durable material. Wood is used very sparingly and responsibly; a large proportion has been replaced by rapid-growing plants. This panel is just as durable and easy to process as comparable conventional chipboards. BalanceBoard is a sustainable, ecological, lightweight yet durable material.

Wood is used very sparingly and responsibly; a large proportion has been replaced by rapid-growing plants. This panel is just as durable and easy to process as comparable conventional chipboards. Board type LP2 Board type in line with P2 Normally flammable Normally flammable. 113 RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards ClassicBoard P2 Urea resin-bonded particleboard, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas.

ClassicBoard P2 UZ Blue Angel / F**** Low emission particleboard core, Type P2 to DIN EN 312, awarded the Blue Angel, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. 2,800 2,070 8 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 30 / 32 / 38 / 40 4,110 2, / 13 / 16 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 38 5,310 2,100 8 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 30 / 38 / 50 2,800 2,,600 2, The panel type with exceptionally uniformed deck layer satisfies the highest demands on the surface and is therefore outstandingly suitable for use as core material for impregnated decorative paper, thin foils, delicate veneers and even Duropal high-pressure laminate panels (HPL).

ClassicBoard P2 has a wide variety of applications, such as in furniture production and interior fitting or roofing applications. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. FLOOR PANELS The ClassicBoard P2 floor panel is PEFC-certified and has a wide variety of applications, e.g. For floating floors or roofing applications. The high dimensional accuracy of the tongue-and-groove joint guarantees an optimum fit and level, flush laying.

On request also FSC license code: FSC-C certified. * Number in package / Thickness, / 19 / 22 / * The format data refer to the overall dimensions (incl. This panel type satisfies the same demands as the standard P2 panel, but is suitable for fields of application with stricter emission demands. ClassicBoard P2 UZ Blue Angel / F**** has a wide variety of applications, such as in furniture production and interior fitting or roofing applications. On request also FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. Board type P2 Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Blue Angel / F**** Blue Angel = German ecolabel Blauer Engel UZ 76 Board type P2 Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Also available in CARB 2-, EPF-S- or F**** -quality!

114 RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards ClassicBoard P3 Melamine resin-bonded particleboard, Type P3 to DIN EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in damp areas. PremiumBoard Pyroex Flame resistant particleboard, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas, for interior fitting and for furniture subject to higher demands on fire protection.

(Construction materials class DIN 4102-B1). 2,800 2, / 13 / 16 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 38 4,110 2, / 22 2,655 2, / 13 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 38 5,310 2, / 13 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 38 Thanks to the bonding with melamine-reinforced urea resin, this panel type is resistant to high humidity and exposure to higher humidity exposure for limited periods. This quality is suitable for lamination with films, veneers, melamine resin impregnated decorative paper and Duropal high-pressure laminates (HPL) and has a wide variety of applications, such as roofing, roof panelling or steps. ClassicBoard P3 is also available in low-emission plus quality. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified.

This panel type combines all the advantages of the particleboard (high strength, above-average durability, easy to process, wide range of decorative lamination possibilities) with additional safety in the event of a fire. Through the addition of flame retardants, the burning rate of the raw particleboards is reduced, thus significantly increasing the fire resistance and delaying the flash-over point. The primary areas of application are interior fitting of rooms with high fire risk (laboratories, fuel station sales offices, TV studios). On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. FLOOR PANELS The ClassicBoard P3 floor panel is PEFC-certified and has a wide variety of applications, e.g. For floating floors or roofing applications, roof panelings or steps.

The high dimensional accuracy of the tongue-and-groove joint guarantees an optimum fit and level, flush laying. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C certified.

* Number in package / Thickness,, / 13 / 16 / 19 / 22 /, / 13 / 16 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / * The format data refer to the overall dimensions (incl. FLOOR PANELS The high dimensional accuracy of the tongue-and-groove joint guarantees an optimum fit and level, flush laying. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. * Number in package / Thickness, ** 10 / 13 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / * The format data refer to the overall dimensions (incl. * * These formats are tied to minimum order quantities. Board type P3 Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Board type in line with P2 Flame resistant B-s2, d. 115 RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards PremiumBoard MFP P5 Particleboard MFP, Type P5 to DIN EN 312, suitable for load-bearing purposes in damp areas.

LivingBoard P2 LEED-conformant, formaldehyde-free glued particleboard, Type P2 to EN 312, suitable for non load-bearing purposes in dry areas. 2,500 1, / 12 / 15 / 18 / 22 / 25 2,800 1,,030 2, / 12 / 15 / 18 / 22 / 25 2,655 2, / 19 5,310 2, / 19 This multi-functional, moisture-resistant glued wood material is characterised by high bending and transverse loading resistance in longitudinal and transverse direction and high moisture resistance.

This is ensured by the randomly distributed wood chips and the high-quality melamine-reinforced urea resins in the glue. It is thus ideally suited to a wide range of constructional applications and for the production of sturdy packagings. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. Thanks to the (formaldehyde-free) PMDI gluing, this panel type is suitable for all fields of application with stricter emission and high strength demands. This wood material thus satisfies the special demands on healthy living in wood panelling and interior fitting.

Thanks to the additional fine surface layer, this wood material can also be used in laminated form for LEED-certified buildings. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. FLOOR PANELS The PremiumBoard P5 floor panel is PEFC-certified and is outstandingly suited to a wide range of constructional applications. The high dimensional accuracy of the tongue-and-groove joint guarantees an optimum fit and level, flush laying.

On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C certified. Board type P2 Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Blue Angel / formaldehyde-free glued * Number in package / Thickness, / 15 / 18 / 22 / * The format data refer to the overall dimensions (incl. Blue Angel = German ecolabel Blauer Engel UZ 76 Board type P5 Normally flammable D-s2, d. 116 RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards LivingBoard P5 LEED-conformant, formaldehyde-free glued particleboard, Type P5 to DIN EN 312, suitable for load-bearing purposes in damp areas.

LivingBoard face contiprotect P5 High-strength, LEED-conformant, formaldehyde-free glued particleboard, Type P5 to DIN EN 312, suitable for load-bearing purposes in damp areas. 2,500 1, / 16 / 19 / 22 / 25 5,040 2, / 16 / 19 / 22 / 25 Thanks to the (formaldehyde-free) PMDI gluing, this panel type is suitable for all fields of application with stricter emission and high strength demands. This wood material thus satisfies the special demands on healthy living in wood panelling and interior fitting. Thanks to the additional fine surface layer, this wood material can also be used in laminated form for LEED-certified buildings. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. FLOOR PANELS The high dimensional accuracy of the tongue-and-groove joint guarantees an optimum fit and level, flush laying.

On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. * Number in package / Thickness, / 16 / 19 / 22 / * The format data refer to the overall dimensions (incl. 2,500 1, / 15 / 18 / 22 / 25 2,650 1,,800 1,,000 1,,040 2, / 15 / 18 / 22 / 25 This panel type can be used under tough and inclement conditions. With the unsanded contiprotect surface, it offers even better moisture resistance and swelling values.

Thanks to the formaldehyde-free gluing, this wood material satisfies the special demands on healthy living in wood panelling and interior fitting. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. FLOOR PANELS The high dimensional accuracy of the tongue-and-groove joint guarantees an optimum fit and level, flush laying. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified.

* Number in package / Thickness, / 15 / 18 / 22 / * The format data refer to the overall dimensions (incl. Board type P5 Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Blue Angel / formaldehyde-free glued Blue Angel = German ecolabel Blauer Engel UZ 76 Board type P5 Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Blue Angel /formaldehyde-free glued Blue Angel = German ecolabel Blauer Engel UZ. 117 RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards RAW CORE MATERIALS Chipboards PremiumBoard MFP Hybrid MFP Hybrid consists of a PremiumBoard MFP as core layer combined with StyleBoard HDF as top layers that can also be laminated on both sides. The MFP and HDF panels are glued using PVAC-glue (D4-glue). Due to its isotropic bending strength, its very good screw-holding strength and its high durability, the Hybrid wood-based panel is mainly suited for applications where high stability and load-bearing capacity are required. 2,800 2, / 19 / 22 / 25 5,600 2, / 19 / 22 / 25 Furniture construction and interior fitting, stage and set construction, shelving systems, furniture, shelves. Suitable for use in dry environments.

Board type Chip-Fibre-Hybrid board Normally flammable D-s2, d. 118 RAW CORE MATERIALS Fibreboards RAW CORE MATERIALS Fibreboards StyleBoard MDF plus Medium-density fibreboard (MDF) in accordance with DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure.

StyleBoard MDF MR Medium-density fibreboard (MDF) in accordance with DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure. 2,800 2,100 8 / 10 / 12 / 16 / 18 / 19 / 22 / 25 / 28 / 30 / 38 5,310 2, / 19 4,110 2, / 19 This panel type offers for good profiling ability, optimal density distribution and outstanding surface stability and is optimally suited for high-quality furniture and interior fitting. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. The right choice for exposure to higher humidity exposure for limited periods the green coloured StyleBoard MDF MR (moisture-resistant). With it s special recipe this panel type features very low volume swell characteristics. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified.

Board type MDF Board type MDF Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Normally flammable D-s2, d0 Also available in CARB 2-, or F**** -quality! 119 RAW CORE MATERIALS Fibreboards RAW CORE MATERIALS Fibreboards StyleBoard MDF black Decorative black colour through-pigmented medium-density fibreboard (MDF) to DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure. StyleBoard MDF.RWH The natural and open to diffusion fibre board for roof and wall. 2,800 2, / 16 / 19 / 25 5,600 2, / 16 / 19 Edge 2,500 1, blunt 5,050 2, blunt This panel type is completely colour through-pigmented in black and is known for good profiling ability, optimal density distribution and outstanding surface stability. It is ideally suited for high-quality furniture and interior fitting where it adds highlights with its colour.

On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. The fibre board StyleBoard MDF.RWH is produced in dry process by EN This panel type is suitable for use as open to diffusion starking board for roof and wall by EN and ZVDH guidelines. Board type MDF Normally flammable D-s2, d0 FLOOR PANELS The high dimensional accuracy of the tongue-and-groove joint guarantees an optimum fit and level, flush laying. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C certified. * Subtension in mm Edge Number in package Length Width 2,510 1,260 2,500 1, Tongue and groove on 4 sides 50 2,, Tongue and groove on 4 sides 50 * The format data refer to the overall dimensions (incl. Board type MDF.RWH Normally flammable D-s2, d0 formaldehyde-free glued. 120 RAW CORE MATERIALS Fibreboards RAW CORE MATERIALS Fibreboards StyleBoard HDF thin High-density thin fibreboard to DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure and good durability.

StyleBoard HDF 301 High-density thin fibreboard to DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure and good durability. 2,850 2,,850 2,070 3 / 4 / 5 This panel type has an even higher density, has a fine hard surface, high durability and is easy to process. This panel is impressive in many areas, whether trade fair construction, advertising panels, packaging, furniture back panels or as fronts for doors or lightweight construction panels. On request can also be FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified.

This type of board is even more dense, has got a fine and hard surface, high durability, low thickness swelling and has got excellent machining properties. On request also FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. Board type HDF Board type HDF Normally flammable Normally flammable. 121 RAW CORE MATERIALS Fibreboards RAW CORE MATERIALS Fibreboards StyleBoard HDF 106 High-density thin fibreboard to DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure and good durability. StyleBoard HDF 116 High-density thin fibreboard to DIN EN 622-5, with uniform structure and good durability. 2,620 2,,620 2, This type of board is even more dense, has got a fine and hard surface, high durability, low thickness swelling and has got excellent machining properties. On request also FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified.

This type of board is even more dense, has got a fine and hard surface, high durability, low thickness swelling and has got excellent machining properties. On request also FSC license code: FSC-C or PEFC certified. Board type HDF Board type HDF Normally flammable Normally flammable. 122 Copyright 2016 Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH.

This information has been compiled with the greatest care. Nevertheless we can assume no liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of this information. Colour deviations caused by the printing technology are possible. In view of the ongoing further development and adaptation of our products, possible amendments to the relevant standards, laws and regulations, our technical data sheets and product documentation expressly do not constitute a legally binding assurance of the properties described there.

In particular no guarantee of suitability for a concrete application can be derived. It is therefore the personal responsibility of the individual user in all cases to check the processing and suitability of the products described in this document for the intended application in advance, and to take into consideration the legal framework and the respective state-of-the-art. We furthermore expressly draw attention to the applicability of our General Terms and Conditions. Our General Terms and Conditions can be found on our Internet website: Pfleiderer employs wood from certified sustainable forest management. ANY QUESTIONS?

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