Exe To Autoit Script Converter Srt

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VidProkEnMasse is an all-ffmpeg solution for your daily video encoding needs. The name is derived from its two major apps in the collection.

Exe To Autoit Script Converter Srt

'VidProk' processes videos 'piece-meal' while 'En Masse' batch processes videos (last tested on 1849 files). Apart from their intended use, VidProk and En Masse are also excellent learning tools for new ffmpeg users as both apps readily reveal their ffmpeg 'recipes'. While the GUI provides convenience for experienced ffmpeg users, you don't have to be an ffmpeg guru to use VidProkEnMasse. It does not include a large collection of device-specific presets, but it fairly outlines some of ffmpeg's vast capabilities.

Jul 24, 2017. Exe To Autoit Script Converter Srt. Free script to synchronize subtitles downloads - Collection of script to synchronize subtitles freeware, shareware download - Open Subtitle Editor, exportldap. Discover answers on How To Convert.Exe to.Au3? Post you answers or question onFiddler Q&A. Example: Program name: SubtitleEdit.exe. Sub-Menu: Tools Sub-Sub-Menu: Batch Convert What I want to do is: write a batch file to convert a subtitle files. I would look at the free autoit it gives more options than batch file and if you're stuck you can record what you want to do and it will write code for you.

You can consider the example presets as a sort of walk-through. VidProkEnMasse is a home-brew solution created by a frustrated end-user for other end-users.

It does not write to the registry, does not automatically 'phone home' for updates, does not nag, does not coerce your browser to a new home page/search engine or to install a new toolbar, and does not require you to join a cult. VidProkEnMasse is absolutely free, though small donations are very much welcome. Email me: chiqboygmailcom En Masse features: 1. Easy operation: Select preset, select folder, generate batch file, convert. The usual features: Burn-in *.srt (SubRip) subtitle files, single-/two-pass encoding, crf-/quantizer-/bitrate-based encoding, generate video statistics logs, shutdown after encoding, etc. Logged encodes: Elapsed time, render speed, rendered file size, possible failed encode, etc. Preset Manager - Bitrate-based encodes: Integrated qf calculator.

Max duration on DVD-5/-9. Resize all videos to one width or depending on aspect ratio, or no resize at all (square pixel/anamorphic).

Queue Stats readily displays total number of files/size, total duration, and estimated total output size (if available). Integrated bitrate calculator (Duration/x). Suggests video bitrate based on total video duration (as on Queue Stats) and the number of discs you specify. Text expansion support (%variables%). VidProk features: 1. Easy operation: Drag/drop video, select preset, add video filters, tweak, preview, encode. The usual features: Burn-in *.srt (SubRip) subtitle files, single-/two-pass encoding, crf-/quantizer-/bitrate-based encoding, extract frames to jpg files, extract screen shots, extract embedded subtitles to srt, extract audio to wav, change container or discard/copy stream, generate video statistics logs, crop/scale/distort frames, select/tweak/preview video filters, etc.

Logged encodes: Elapsed time, render speed, rendered file size, possible failed encode, etc. Text expansion support (%variables%). Unique feature: LAP (low, average, peak). Answers the question: 'What's the peak video birate like if I were to encode with XYZ settings?' Some of the other tools included: GetTotalDuration.exe: Computes total and average duration of dragged/dropped video files. JoinAVstreams.exe: Stream copy/mux. May fix generally faulty videos or some rogue mkv files (variable frame rate with missing frame count).

AnalyzeVstatsLogFile.exe: Similar to 'LAP'. Reads ffmpeg-generated video statistics logs and retrieves low/average/peak q, low/average/peak bitrate, etc. Ever wondered what the bitrate is like for T.V. En Masse demo: Download VidProkEnMasse: Update: VidProkEnMasse_20170116 1.

Modified scale routine: If Width combo boxes are left blank, no scale filter will be applied. I was compelled to implement this when I processed videos from a smart phone (annoying 'portrait' videos). Added 'SRTFix.exe' (GUI) and 'SRTFixCLI.exe' (command line).

Both attempt to fix subtitles (*.srt) with long lines that go right off the screen. Limits subtitles to two rows when max characters is exceeded.

Added 'GaugeVideoGenerator.exe'. Default settings attempt to replicate the visual content (bitrate-wise) of 'Transformers - Age of Extinction (2014)'. Shortened to 100 seconds.

Lets the user guesstimate output file size of crf-/quantizer-based encodes. Said movie, AFAIK, has the highest bitrate for a feature film. May answer the silly question: 'What is the equivalent bitrate of crf 23?' Added%presetdetails% to text expansion. Useful when used on metadata comment.%presetdetails% expands to: PresetName: V/A codec: vc+ac. V/A bitrate: vb+ab.

Widths: a, b, c, d. Added%loud% to text expansion which makes audio output significantly louder%loud% expands to: -af 'aformat=channel_layouts=stereo, compand=0 0:1 1:-72/-72 -48/-6 -3/-3 24/-3:0.01:0:-96:0' 6. Updated to 'ffmpeg-20160116-git-d7c75a5-win32-static' which works on my OS (Windows XP 32-bit). Please feel free to replace with the latest ffmpeg Zeranoe static build if desired/required.

Unfortunately, VidProkEnMasse, being written in AutoIt, still suffers false positives from lazy AV software companies: Update: VidProkEnMasse_20140714 1. Renamed app to 'VidProkEnMasse'. Added text expansion feature (%variables%). Added 'AnalyzeVstatsLogFile.exe' which retrieves info (like peak q, peak bitrate, etc) from vstats log files. VidProk: Added 'LAP' (Low, Average, Peak) which performs video statistics gathering and retrieves info similar to 'AnalyzeVstatsLogFile.exe'. Added 'Longest.Line.In.Srt_[DROP.SRT.FILE.HERE].exe'.

Numerous tweaks. Updated to ffmpeg-20140712-git-ca671be-win32-static. Moved site to Update: EnMasse_20140528 1. Dropped MediaInfo in favor of ffprobe (En Masse is now an ALL-ffmpeg solution). En Masse: Burn-in subtitles (batch mode). New policy: Maintain anamorphic dimensions if not resized. Two-pass encoding.

VidProk encoding is now logged. Numerous tweaks. Updated to ffmpeg-20140502-git-0f9f24c-win32-static.

Why: needed something to help find videos that wouldn't play directly on the Roku, but ended up required transcoding to do so. Notes: This only detects at present very basic reasons a file might fail. Container not mkv, mp4, mov, m4v, m3u8, ts Video Codec not H.264 Audio Codec not AC3 or Stero AAC Requirements: Instructions: Install AutoIt and set it to execute scripts when double clicked. Create a folder somewhere.lets call it 'Roku Detect uncompliant Videos' just to be unimaginative. Now inside 'Roku Detect Uncompliant Videos' create a sub folder called 'Bin'. Now extract the contents of FFMpeg's 'Bin' folder into your new 'Bin' sub folder.

Now going back into 'Roku Detect Uncompliant Videos' folder Right Click on it's background and select 'New AutoIt v3 Script' from the context menu, and Rename it 'Roku Detect Uncompliant Videos.au3' Now Right Click 'Roku Detect Uncompliant Videos.au3' & select 'Edit Script' from the context menu. Now paste the following code into: #Include #Include #Include Dim $aKnown[7] = [6, '.mkv', '.mp4', '.mov', '.m4v', '.m3u8', '.ts'] Dim $aUnknown[1] = [0] Dim $sErrorLog; Select Video Folder While 1 $sFolder = FileSelectFolder( 'Select Video Folder.' , ', 6 ) If @Error = 1 AND $sFolder = ' Then MsgBox( 4096, 'Exit:', 'Ending Application' ) Exit ElseIf $sFolder = ' Then MsgBox( 4096, 'Error:', 'Unable To Open Folder.' ) ElseIf NOT FileExists ( $sFolder ) Then MsgBox( 4096, 'Error:', 'Invalid Folder.' ) Else If StringRight( $sFolder, 1 ) ' ' Then $sFolder &= ' ' $aAllFiles = _FileListToArrayRec( $sFolder, '*.* *.bif;*.db;*.jpg;*.nfo;*.png;*.tbn;*.xml;*.srt;*.sub;*.ssa;*.mp3', 1, 1, 0, 2 ) If NOT IsArray( $aAllFiles ) Then MsgBox( 4096, 'Error:', 'No Videos Found.'

Okay cheese script time. This is used to take an error log, and convert it's info into fake INI entries for use with VideoGain.

Create a new AutoIt script call it 'Fake INI's.au3' Add the following code to it. Okay new helper script.this will read the error log and move files into new sub folders for further processing. Ideally to make things easier for folks not using something like VideoGain.which in it's self has limited use. By default this will move files into sub folders, located in the same folder as the script.this can of course be edited.lines 32 through 36.

Please keep in mind you'll need space for all the files being moved. Now there is a var on line 7.which is currently set to 1.this means it'll grab the parent folder name, that the file is in. Example: D: Movies 21 Jump Street (2012) 21 Jump Street (2012).mp4 Turns into F: MyScripts Roku Detect Uncompliant Videos _Unsupported Video Codec 21 Jump Street (2012) 21 Jump Street (2012).mp4 This of course can be changed to say a value of 2 for TV shows. Example: W: TV Shows Vikings (2013) Season 03 03X01 - Mercenary.mp4 Turns into F: MyScripts Roku Detect Uncompliant Videos _Unsupported Video Codec Vikings (2013) Season 03 03X01 - Mercenary.mp4 Anyway here is the code.have fun. I glanced over the script and it probably should be updated to reflect some of the codecs that Roku added support for (FLAC, notably, and HEVC for the 4k models).

If I get some time this weekend, I'll take a better look at it and try to refactor the script so it can be more easily customised for the environment and handle differences between the models. For example, if all of your Rokus are connected to AVRs, then DTS 5.1 audio should be fine, but wouldn't be if one Roku isn't AVR connected.

Also, as speechles pointed out, some framerate/resolution combos wouldn't work on some models but will on others, so I'll see if I can come up with a way to account for that. I have some ideas on how to accomplish all of that, and it may even make it useful for non-Roku devices as well. Basically, creating a 'device profile' for each model, then provide configuration vars to allow users to pick the models they use via boolean vars or some other method.

The media info could be tested against each of those and report which files will direct play on each (or all) models. This would let each model's quirks to be considered and make it easier to extend for new models in the future.

The concept could be expanded to include other devices/browsers, but that's a bit more work. Not sure how long it'll take me to do any of this.time is a bit tight lately.

Thumbs up to Nologic on the AutoIt script, though. It's nicely done.

I always forget about AutoIt when scripting stuff on Windows.I should use it more. Thanks @ for that mod to the script.

I am running it now. I never knew the avi file type was not supported on the roku's - many thousands of files I have in AVI format. I guess I can convert them but that would take weeks - plus be a pain for emby as it will think there is a new media file - and throw off all the watch lists etc for all the users I would think. The rest seem to beĀ Unsupported Audio Codec: (mp3) which is also a daunting number of files.. Seems like way too much work. I assume if I used an android TV box and the emby android app, that would play avi's and the mp3 audio codec?

Gotta weigh up a mass re-encode/conversion vs replacing a load of roku's. Thanks @, when I for example get a better quality file, and replace the existing file in the emby library, that file then appears in the latest media as it is new. Hence if I was to mass convert all the incorrect formats, I assume the same would happen. Not ideal but would fix itself over time. I think the task is just too great for me however - one day, NAS machines will be faster and cheaper, then I can move to one that can handle multiple transcoding and operates as fast as my current PC based system (with the NAS just providing the media). I suspect I will take the lazy option and wait for NAS hardware to catch up with my requirements - while I test an android TV box I have lying around to see what it does on the back end with each of these files that appear in the error logs for format issues.

@ Vaise - You could use the other scripts further down the thread to pull out the buggy vid's, and then batch process them with VideoGain.it can just swap containers for you.(AVI to MP4 or AVI to MKV).however the AVI's likely also have MP3 for audio.so should probably just setup VideoGain to re-encode the audio stream. Converting the audio streams doesn't take long.if you have a few thousand files.probably take three days maybe. Not sure what to do about the Emby new item issue.just have to grin and bare it.

That said I have a few silly issues that I have to take care of with VideoGain.which ideally I'll have solved this weekend. @ Waldonnis - First off thanks.as for AutoIt.well only if you know it.and don't know how to use better langs (C, C++, C#, VB.Net.).don't get me wrong.it's good for what it is (mainly manipulation of GUI's).past that it's at least better than Batch scripts.but not as good as Powershell. As for refactoring the script.I'd suggest a simple GUI with a drop down menu box, that the end user can select their model.and a checkbox for if it's connected to a AVR. I'd suggest the drop menu reads from an INI file.something that looks roughly like this: So the section head is the name of the model.and the key's below describe what is allowed. In the suggested format it's a simple comma separated sets, that are then defined again by pipe symbols.but in the case of multiple options for a set.things are then encased in braces and separated by forward slashes. So 'Container' is rather straight forward with the different containers not really having anything else to note. However 'Audio' lists a codec & the number of channels supported by that codec for that model.my values are fake.so give no heed to them.

Now 'Video' things get more complex.in example 1 it lists H264 being supported up to 4k at 60fps.but in example 2 it lists HEVC supporting both 1080p @ 60fps & 4k @ 30fps.again values are fake. I'm not sure if subtitles should be added or not.given I no longer have a Roku to toy with. Anyways I did a template of an INI based off the values listed on this. I'm not sure it needs to be that complicated.

Most models support the same containers and codecs, with only the 4k models really differing - and even those are mostly the same. There are some subtle differences with things like reference frame count and other such things that some SoCs can tolerate, but I doubt most of that would too useful in the grand scheme. I agree that AutoIt sucks for this, since it lacks a lot of language features that would make this significantly easier (there are workarounds, but some are a real pain).

I haven't had too much time to look at it lately and not sure if I really have the energy to move the whole idea to another language, but I'll see what shakes out when I get some time. Lm Cracker. My main focus would be making it a bit more generic so that it could be easily extended to include browsers or other devices as well. I have some other ideas, but haven't put much thought into how to implement them so far or how feasible (or useful) they would be.