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Posted in: admin22/12/17Coments are closed

• Cloud Castles by Michael Scott Rohan has fake Greek: 'Βυγγερ οφφ. Γετ τηισ φαρτινγ χλοχxωορx ηαρπψ οφφ μψ φυχxινγ δεχx. Γυεσσ τηε ωορδ Ι ωανθ ωιτη ψωυ. Note Bugger off. Get this farting clockwork harpy off my fucking deck. Guess the word I want with you. Not so bad but what has Psi to do with Y?

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It didn't get translated (it was left as is, English written with Greek letters) in Polish translation. • Democritus in The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question? Sometimes speaks 'Greek' or English in Greek letters.