Ikea Kitchen Installers Michigan

Posted in: admin16/11/17Coments are closed

So we ordered a new kitchen from Ikea. Our timeline was a bit squished, because we had our flooring installation scheduled, but we needed to have the base cabinets in place before that could begin. Thankfully we never actually filled all the kitchen cabinets with our stuff, so we didn’t have much to relocate.

Ikea Kitchen Installers Michigan

Demolition was underway! Unable to get a good angle for prying up the countertop, Justin hopped into the empty hole left by the sink. Finally got everything taken out. Cleanup took longer than the actual demolition, but we got there. Justin is now a pro at assembling all things Ikea. While he worked on assembly, I gave the kitchen a new coat of paint! It is Popular Gray by Sherwin Williams.

The pantry got some paint as well, and we placed one of the cabinets in there. It is gray also, but since I took this picture around 2 a.m.

The light is a little off. Putting the cabinets in was easier than we thought. The floor is pretty uneven, so there was a lot of adjusting of the legs.

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We were very happy we bought a 4-foot-long level as the directions suggested, rather than making do with the 2-foot-long one we already had. The sink cabinet needed some holes for the water pipes to pass through, so here is Justin doing just that! The masking tape is on the surface so it won’t split or crack.

The empty fourth hole will have a line to the dishwasher eventually. We were advised to leave a message on the walls behind the cabinets, for some future schmuck who decides to tear apart my beautiful kitchen. If you can’t tell, I played Portal. I did this very, very late at night.

For the crafters out there who are just dying to know my materials, I used black Folk Art craft paint from Michael’s, which is probably about 15 years old. I used a 29-cent sponge brush to apply it to my left hand.

I used my right index finger to write on the walls. Custom Ai Droid English Story Translation Spanish. We did leave something a little nicer on the adjacent wall. 😉 Everything’s starting to come together!

The stove was never actually unplugged, we just kept using it whether it was in the kitchen or the middle of the hallway. And now the floors have been installed, and it’s getting better! Fitting the cabinets around the refrigerator. Here is the countertop! Beautiful white quartz flecked with gray.

It goes so well with our gigantic farmhouse sink! Now all we need are some cabinet doors, a backsplash, white outlets, a range hood oh, and some plumbing. We’ll save that for another day.