Kimball Opus Pipe Organ Serial Numbers

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This was a comprehensive 2-manual and 32-note pedalboard instrument and was mechanically similar to a medium-sized pipe organ. This model was. 1955 saw a revival in the classic theatre organs of the 1920s, and electronic organs started to emulate them in the early 1960s and Baldwin was no exception.

An old pipe organ isn’t something that can easily be lost, but the one that used to call the Lansdowne Theater home has finally been found after 30 years. An extensive search for the theater’s 1927 Kimball pipe organ has led to a storage unit in Phoenix, Ariz., ending a four-year long search by theater volunteers. The goal of finding the organ wasn’t to bring it back to the theater, which is currently undergoing a multi-million dollar renovation, but to find out simply where it has gone since being removed in the early ‘80s. “I just wanted some closure,” said theater volunteer Blair “Pepper” Reiley.

Reiley was joined by brothers Lewis and Brandon Wallace, all former projectionists at the Lansdowne Theater, on the curious hunt for the theater staple. Through online search engines, phone calls, and a newsletter publication, they finally got their answer last month.

A private dealer named Bob Cague from Parowan, Utah, contacted Lew Wallace after seeing a letter that was published in a newsletter for the Valley of the Sun Chapter of the American Theatre Organ Society back in July 2011. Cague had seen the letter that spoke of the 1927 pipe organ and realized that he was the person that had it. According to Wallace, Cague didn’t have any intention of selling the organ back to the theater, but was planning to bring it up to Utah. When it was posted on the theater’s Facebook page that the organ was found, people were ecstatic and wanted the organ to come back. However, the Historic Lansdowne Theater Corporation’s executive director, Matt Schultz, doesn’t know if it would be worth it.

Kimball Opus Pipe Organ Serial Numbers

“Bringing the organ back here and putting it in a cold building, where the roof still leaks here and there, doesn’t make any sense,” Schultz said. “In the long term it doesn’t make sense to have the organ here, but it was interesting how people were so enamored, so interested in that theater organ.” The theater is currently undergoing a major renovation with the hopes of turning it into an alternative music venue. With no heat, or air conditioning, the building wouldn’t be accommodating for the organ. Schultz added that if a private donor funded the purchase, shipping and installation of the organ after the building is completely renovated, he would consider doing that. “While it would be great to have the organ here, it would be another fundraising campaign for an isolated component.” The Road to Phoenix Wallace has been around organs all of his life.

Growing up on Baltimore Avenue in Lansdowne there was a pipe organ in the basement of his house. It started a life-long interest in organs. When he came to work at the Lansdowne in 1968 the organ was chanting away before the main feature lit up the screen. The thunderous drones could be heard outside as passersby walked up and down Lansdowne Avenue, and the building would rock from the vibrations. Wallace moved away from Lansdowne in 1990, but the thought of the organ still lingered almost 20 years later when he started his search.

“It was curiosity more than anything else,” Wallace said. Bill Greenwood, a volunteer with the theater who had looked after the organ for years, bought the organ in the early ‘80s and shipped it up to New York where it was kept in storage Coupled with the organ’s opus number (a serial number of sorts) and a plethora of resources, Reiley and the Wallaces set out to find where it has been since then.

Private and public sources made for a tricky start. A review of public records revealed nothing, a search of the organ’s opus number yielded no results and perusing organ websites weren’t successful. “We weren’t getting anywhere,” Reiley said. Finally, one of Reiley’s contacts told him to misspell ATOS (American Theater Organ Society), which uncovered a letter that referenced a Durgan Mississippi organ. John Durgan bought the organ from Greenwood in 1988, and transported it down to Jackson in April of 1989. Durgan had restored the organ and posted pictures on a now non-functioning website.

Reiley and Wallace were eventually tipped off that the organ was in a church in Florida, where Durgan was a minister. When contacted to find out about the organ, Durgan told the men that he had sold it to someone out in Arizona in 2011, but he couldn’t remember the person’s name. “How do you sell an organ for $10,000 not knowing who to?” asked Reiley. Knowing that the organ was sold in the Arizona area, Wallace got in touch with the local chapter of the American Theater Organ Society and posted a letter in their newsletter asking about its whereabouts. The letter was posted in July 2011, and it took 18 months to get a response. According to Wallace, Bob Cague had seen the newsletter randomly and saw the letter, prompting him to call in about the organ and tell him about it. They talked on the phone in early February.

Even though Cague plans on bringing the organ from a storage unit in Phoenix to his home in Utah, finding Cague was the light at the end of the tunnel. “It was years and years of searching through public sources, the American Theater Organ Society and it was coming up on dead issues. Finally, it came out the guy was not involved in ATOS, and that’s why he wasn’t anywhere,” Reiley said. “It was just a case of almost disappearing from the face of the earth.” The 1927 Kimball Organ Lansdowne’s theater pipe organ was built specifically for the theater in 1927 and was located at the base of the stage, just off center. It is a three keyboard, eight rank organ built with a standard two-chamber arrangement. The organ was noted for having a special percussion section, where a play of the keys would play instruments like drums, xylophones and cymbals, all located within the chamber. In 1927, the organ would accompany the silent pictures that played.

The organ quickly lost prominence as the advent of “talkies” started to take over. “It was only used for two years, then they went to sound,” said Wallace. “I called it dead in the water in two years.” Wallace added that production of theater pipe organs ceased in 1929 when sound movies started took over. As the decades went on, the organ slowly started coming back to life. In 1963, the organ was refurbished back to its glory and continued to be played by a handful of house organists before the short subjects and features.

“(The organ) sort of set the mood for being in a special place and that movies were much more of an event than they are now,” Schultz said. For Reiley, a matinee showing of the 1970 film “Patton” for WWII veterans made one of the best memories for him.

“I go to start the film, and the organist plays the National Anthem just out of respect because they were there. These were guys in wheelchairs, they could barely walk,” Reiley said. As the opening scene came up with Patton addressing his troops, the veterans stood up as if they were standing in front the general himself. “Some of them who could stood up, out of respect It hit me like a bombshell.” As the years went on the organ fell victim to the building’s crumbling structure. Leaks in the building caused water damage in one of the chambers, causing some of the organ’s traps to get wet.

The organ eventually became unusable. For 50 years the organ filled the theater’s auditorium with a plethora of music from Broadway tunes to classical arrangements, and for the past 30 it has been played and restored in different spots all over the country.

Following the restoration of the marquee last year, the discovery of the organ is just another feather in the cap of the individuals working to get the theater back up and running. While the marquee will forever be noticeable, many will miss the organ’s presence in the theater, but the gothic notes can still be heard bouncing off the walls. It’s the phantom of the Lansdowne.

By the very early 1930's, motion picture sound had reached most tbeatres in the United States. The 'Mighty Wurlitzer', a much desired fixture from the last decade, was rendered obsolete over night. Many theatres discontinued their use of the organ, and theatre organists began looking for other lines of work. At the same time, Radio was entering the American home and live radio production was sweeping the nation. In local radio stations across the land, there developed a need for relatively low cost live music for these in-studio productions.

Studio orchestras were standard at most of the larger stations and network program centers, but many station managers and producers realized that the theatre organ was a perfect fit for this application. As theatres removed their organs and organists, the instruments and the musicians found their way to radio stations across the land where they became the substitute for a more expensive studio orchestra. This is a listing of those radio stations with theatre organs installed. We have combined the station organ page with a previous page, by the late Harry Heth, that lists organists who were involved in the radio profession. The two lists are now connected so that searches span both realms of information.

NETWORK AFFIL. Birmingham, AL CBS Boston MA Hamburg, Germany Chicago, IL CBS Rochester, NY Los Angeles, CA Brooklyn, NY Dayton, Ohio CBS Davenport, IA CBS Philadelphia, PA Los Angeles, CA MBS Portland, OR New York, NY CBS Cleveland, OH MBS Seattle, WA Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN CBS Spokane, WA NBC Seattle, WA NBC Parsippany, N.J Chicago, IL New York, NY MBS Chicago, IL Miami, FL NBC Ft.

NBC Green Bay WI MBS Yakima, WA NBC/ABC San Francisco, CA Fargo, ND NBC Chicago, IL Denver, CO Pittsburgh, PA Vancouver, B.C. Raleigh, NC Chattanooga, TN CBS Seattle, WA Dayton, OH Cleveland, OH ABC Milwaukee, WI Charlotte, NC NBC Boston, MA Buffalo, N.Y ABC Spartanburg, SC CBS Burbank, CA (see KTAR) Windsor, Ontario Toledo, OH NBC Chicago, IL ABC Cincinnati, OH CBS Minneapolis, MN NBC Portland, OR Oklahoma City, OK St. Petersburg, FL ABC Los Angeles, CA NBC Nashville, TN CBS San Francisco, CA Philadelphia, PA Lawrence, MA Cleveland, OH NBC Long Beach, CA Chicago, IL ABC Phoenix, AZ Ft. Smith, AR CBS Cincinnati, OH MBS /NBC Milwaukee, WI NBC Spokane, WA Chicago IL NBC Savannah, GA CBS Toronto Canada CBS Kansas City, MO CBS Raleigh, NC San Francisco, CA Chicago, IL Tulsa, OK NBC Culver City, CA New York, NY Detroit, MI NBC Los Angeles, CA Boston, MA New Orleans, LA CBS Chicago, IL Fresno, CA NBC Wheeling, WV CBS Stockton, CA CBS Tacoma, WA Portland OR Long Beach, CA St.Louis, MO CBS Chicago, IL NBC Chicago, IL MBS Los Angeles, CA New York, NY NBC Buffalo, N. CBS Boston, MA MBS Los Angeles, CA NBC Portland, OR San Francisco, CA NBC San Francisco, CA MIlwaukee, WI New York, NY Armed Forces Radio Svc/ Louisville, KY CBS New York, NY UK BBC New York, NY Hollywood, CA Thanks to Jack Bethards for submitting information on network affiliations of the various stations listed above. WAPI Birmingham, AL Kimball 3/8 The organist at WAPI was none other than Stanleigh Malotte, better known for his work at the Alabama Theatre in Birmingham. The only known recording of Malotte that exists today is an eleven minute demonstration called 'A Walk Through The Organ.'

The tape was released to the public in 1990 as a fundraiser, however, Malotte's first name was mis-spelled as 'Stanley.' Malotte's bio from Wikipedia appears below and you can hear the recording by clicking here. Charles Stanleigh Malotte (born, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – died February in New York, New York) was the house organist for from to. Stanleigh Malotte came from a musical family; his father, mother, and brother were also musicians. He began violin lessons at six and began taking organ lessons from his church choirmaster at 12. Malotte first became a theatre organist for Sid Grauman on the west coast, but later got a job with the Paramount/Publix chain and wound up working for at the Olympia Theatre in Miami, Florida.

Malotte was in Miami for approximately ten years, doing some work on radio as well as later working as organist at the Capitol Theatre. Falkenburg brought in Malotte from Florida shortly after Falkenburg transferred to the Alabama Theatre. Malotte's first performance at the Alabama was on,. During his time at the Alabama, Malotte was well known for rewriting the lyrics of popular songs of the time with lyrics pertaining to current events, from the local to national levels. He also often selected music to be performed based on the movie being shown. He was also known to drink quite a bit, although some maintain this actually made him a better entertainer.

Malotte also played the organ for from their studios in the. In August Malotte left his organist job to become a morning disc jockey at radio station WWSW in Pittsburgh. On, published on its front page a lengthy letter by Malotte that was highly critical of Pittsburgh and its residents, calling them 'dim-witted citizens—a race of robots—human refuse... With a complete absence of social consciousness....' He was fired from his job by program director Fred Joyner the day the letter was published, although Joyner cited Malotte's failure to come to work twice that week as the cause. A few days later, the Alabama announced Malotte would be returning to its organ console on.

After leaving the Alabama Theatre in, Malotte was associated with the Hammond Organ Company. He also wrote material for television and commercials. Malotte later returned to his birthplace of Philadelphia. He died of a heart attack in New York City. BBC London (information provided by Ian McIver) BBC Theatre Organ II was Foort's 5c/27 travelling Moller organ that was loaned by him during the war and installed first in Llandudno and later in Bangor (both in north Wales) before being purchased by the BBC after the war and installed in the Jubilee Chapel, Hoxton, London until its sale to the Netherlands in 1963. It is now in Pasadena after a spell in a pizza restaurant. WBBM Chicago, Il.

Wurlitzer Opus 1563 3 Manual Special Also had 1929 Barton 3 manual with blower # 22890 and a 2 Manual Barton with blower # 18653 WBBM staff organist Milton Charles WBBR Brooklyn, NY Organ was Gottfried formerly from WHK in Cleveland (see notes below) Edith White was the staff organist. The following information was provided by Frank Muller - WBBR was erected by the Watchtower Society (then International Bible Students) and began to broadcast in 1924 - The studio was first in Staten Island at the radio station. - 1929 the studios moved to 122-126 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. They were situated in a rear building near Furman Street.

- 1931 they installed there the Gottfried Organ formerly at WHK, Cleveland, OH - With the erection of the motorway along Furman Street the Watchtower Society had to sell a stripe of 15 metres of their property with the consequence that the studio had to be knocked down. Therefore between 1948 and 1950 the WBBR studio moved back to Staten Island. It is unknown what happened to the organ. - In 1950 they dedicated a new broadcast studio at 136 Columbia Heights which also served as a kingdom hall.

The new studio was equipped with a larger concert organ with 1200 pipes. It was in fact the III-manual 15 ranks Austin op. 1788 which had replaced the old Gottfried organ at WHK, Cleveland, Ohio in 1931.

- In 1957 the Witnesses sold WBBR. The organ remained in the hall until 1960, when it was sold to St. Augustine Presbyterian Church in the Bronx, where it was situated at least until 2009, though unplayable.

For more info, see Watchtower magazine, 15th August 1950. There is also a 1954 PR film released by the Watchtower Society about their work which briefly shows the studio with the organist playing at the console and the grills of the pipe chamber behind the speaker at another occasion. WCAU Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Wurlitzer Opus 1544 2/4 Style B Special WCBS New York, N.Y. Kimball - Lew White's organ. WCCO Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN This long time CBS affiliate had a Wurlitzer 3 Manual Style 260 (Opus 2080) built in 1929.

It was installed in the Nicollet Island Hotel studios near downtown Minneapolis. It was then moved to the station’s new facilities on Second Avenue and South 7th. Staff organists were Eddie Dunstedter and Ramona Gerhard. After being away for nearly five decades, the WCCO Wurlitzer is being restored to be installed in the Historic Heights Theater located in Columbia Heights, MN. There was an article written about the WCCO Wurlitzer in the Saturday October 2002 edition of the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

WCDA Parsippany, N.J Estey 2/3 OPUS 2829 GRAND MINUETTE WCFL Chicago, IL Barton 3/10 1923 Blower # 14240. Eddie Hansen was staff organist and Ralph Waldo Emerson recorded on this instrument. WCLO Green Bay, WI Kimball 2 manual WDAY Fargo, ND (contributed by Dave Knudtson) 3 Rank Barton that was played by Hildegarde Usselman Krauss who also played in theatres well into her 90's. The Barton was later moved to a roller rink. The station continued to utilize live organ music into the 80's first with a Hammond and later with a Conn.

KDKA Pittsburgh, PA. (The following items were contributed by Dr.

Barry Henry) Wurlitzer Opus 2231, a 3 manual Special. Bernie Armstrong, staff organist, with the KDKA Wurlitzer KDKA music staff gathered at the KDKA console.

WDOD Chattanooga, TN. (Contributed by Larry Davis) had a style 150 Wurlitzer, Opus 1981, in the station's studio. Disposition of this organ is being checked out.

WEAR/WTAM Cleveland, Ohio Wurlitzer Opus 1099 3/15 Special WEII Boston, MA. Estey 3/7 OPUS 2618 from Castillo Studio WENR Chicago, IL Contributed by Doug Powers Wurlitzer Opus 1659 3 Manual 10 Rank Special (Installed 1927) WENR Chicago (known affectionately as 'Weiner Radio' was a 50 kw station that shared time with WLS until 1954 when the station disappeared and WLS took the frequency full time. WLS boradcasted in the daytime hours and WENR at night. The two stations shared the same transmitter site, and only the program lines were changed at the appropriate times of day. WLS and WENR were the NBC Red and Blue affiliates in Chicago. (Information and photo below courtesy of Dave Burns). See the WLS listing on this site for more information Console is owned by Doug Powers.

It was said to have been played by Jesse and Helen Crawford regularly. This was a special console which was fully loaded with 72 tabs on each of two stop rails. The console has undergone modifications by Chuck Blair and finally Ken Crome.

Some of the pipework was reportedly in the possession of Ron Rhode. The present console owner, Doug Powers, has converted it to operate a Walker Digital organ.

And here is another one of Irma Glen's publicity shots. Photo courtesy of Gordon Crook An advertising brochure from the WENR radio organ era. KEX Portland, Oregon Wood 2 manual KFI Los Angeles, CA Maas 2/4 organ The following information was submitted by Mr. Jack Bethards: KFI, Los Angeles.

KFI was the NBC Red affiliate owned by Earl C. Anthony, California Packard dealer, who also owned KECA, the NBC Blue affiliate. KFI had a Maas organ of two-manuals and 4-ranks. I saw that organ in the Vermont Street building and remember that the console was painted in the same institutional green color as the wainscoting of the studio!

The building has been destroyed and I have no idea where the organ went. It is possible that KFI may have had an organ before this time in some earlier studio location, but I have never heard about it. I don't think that the Maas organ was installed early enough to have ever been used on NBC network broadcasts.

By that time, NBC had their own very large facility. WFIL Philadelphia, PA Kilgen Opus 5931, a 4 Manual 14 Rank organ installed in 1937. This appears to be an original installation and not a transplant from a theatre. Information from Steve Frank stevenfrank@MAC.COM When I lived in Albany from mid 60s-72 that was my main practice organ!

I'll send you a private email with a picture. It was WFIL, Philadelphia, 1937 according to the current owner, Al Adair. He and I were both students of Jim Barnett, whose organ it was.

He also acquired a number of Skinners and peppered the city with collections of pipework and various consoles (including the 1928 Grace Church, NYC Skinner) When Covenant finally built their 'new' church building, the old building became Fellowship Hall. Jim removed the Kilgen and put it in a building downtown. It got vandalized for the copper wire!

He died a number of years ago, and left it to Al. In June, 2008, Al wrote me, 'He never got it going, and it sat for years deteriorating. The console is only a shell now; in fact I had to take it apart in order to get it out of the room.

The original entrance had been bricked up, so that I had to take it out in pieces through a small door. The relays, wiring, etc.

Were a hopeless mess. I was planning to sell it this summer. Of course, after all this effort to save it, I'd like to keep it intact.

Maybe there's someone out there who will take it on. If there's no interest, maybe I'll piece it out. It's in storage in Cincinnati.' Haven't been in touch in a while. Interesting note, was the exposed Positiv division with some copper pipes that Jim had added.

Made it authentic for my Bach Steve PHOTO BELOW: Steve at the WFIL organ once it had been moved to Albany, GA. On Jul 28, 2011, at 12:06 AM, Terry Charles wrote: When I was attending a Georgia college, I became involved with the Kilgen Organ from the radio station in Louisville, KY. It was installed in Covenant Presbyterian Church in Albany, Georgia. I was permitted unlimited use of it, tuned it a couple of times and POOF - graduated from college and never saw it again. KFOX Long Beach, CA. (Information provided by Jim Spohn) History/Disposition: On December 28,1928, a 3/7 Robert Morton organ, Opus 2471 left the factory to be installed in the California Theatre in Glendale.

In 1932, the organ was moved to the studios KFOX in Long Beach. It is uncertain when it was again moved from the KFOX location, but it later went to the Church of Latter Day Saints in Porterville, Ca.

In 1980, Jim Spohn purchased the organ and installed it in a studio in Bakersfield. Jim later purchased the Granada Theatre and installed the organ there where it is still playing.

Jim also has part of the KNX Columbia Square Hollywood organ at the Granada also. According to the Junchen database, KFOX also had a MAAS 2/4 KFPW Ft. Kilgen 2/6 OPUS 5616 KFPY Spokane, WA. This is a 1939 Balcom and Vaughan installation of a Wurlitzer 3 manual, 10 Rank which was originally Wurlitzer Opus 977.

Opus 977 was first installed in 1924 in the Scheuster’s Theatre in Long Beach and then was relocated to the Arcade Theatre in Los Angeles in 1933. In 1953, the organ was removed and Balcom and Vaughan installed it in Seattle’s Rolladium Skating Rink.

KGER Long Beach, CA (Information provided by Ray Thursby) Wurlitzer Special 3M, #2047, was sold from the factory to radio station KGER in Long Beach, CA in 1929. Sometime in the 1950s, it was sold to Bill Coffman and Bill Field, who kept it in storage for many years. It was later sold to an unknown individual. WGN Chicago, IL Wurlitzer This instrument started out as a 2/7 Wurlitzer.

It was installed in the Drake Hotel. It was repossessed from a band leader who defaulted on his payments and resold to WGN. When WGN built their studio in the Tribune Tower. They had Kimball rebuild the organ as a 3/10 adding 3 Kimball ranks. These were defined as Open Diapason with 16 foot extension being diapason and not a Diaphone as Wurlitzer would have done, a church style English Horn and a Clarinet.

The organ had two consoles, one in the studio where the chamber was located and one in a remote studio on the first floor. The organist had to listen to the instrument through earphones in the remote studio. When the organ was removed from WGN, the Kimball portions, including the console, were sold to a private individual, and the Wurlitzer portion was installed at Mundelein. The Kimball console and the 16’ Open Diapason were destroyed in a house fire in Wisconsin. THE ABOVE INFORMATION, REGARDING THE WGN CONSOLE, WAS CORRECTED BY PAUL@ SZYMKOWSKI.NET ON 8/22/2010. PAUL REPORTS THAT HE HAS THE ORIGINAL CONSOLE AND IS IN THE PROCESS OF RESTORING IT.

A further report from Jon C, indicates that the Kimball console was sold to Balcom and Vaughn, and that it ended up in Seattle. A photo of the WGN console The WGN organ was heard into the late 1950’s with staff organist Harold Turner providing program each Sunday morning called 'Pipe Dreams'. After Harold Turner retired, the organ was used infrequently if at all. (see comment from Walt Strony below) One notable program that originated from WGN was the Hartz-Mountain program. Jon Habernaas recalls that the program featured live canaries in the studio that were trained to sing along with melodies played by an organist referred to as Gloria and violinist referred to as Gene.

Jon tells us that the WGN organ survived much longer than most broadcast organs as it was a favorite of Colonel McCormick and was included in the move from the Michigan Avenue studios to the new broadcast facility on Bradley Court, which was located about a mile NW of the old Riverview Park location at Western and Belmont. The organ was removed from the Michigan Ave studio by Frank Wichlac and Associates and later installed by him in the new studio. Jon had the opportunity to work on the crew during both the removal and new installation. The organ was installed in the larger TV studio at Bradley Place and remained there until WGN-TV decided that the space occupied by the organ chambers could be better used to store the equipment used by the station for the Illinois Lottery. The organ was donated by WGN to the Archdiocese of Chicago which sent it to be added to the theatre organ in the auditorium at Mundelein. The original 7 rank Wurlitzer portion along with the Vibraharp was used and the Kimball portion rest of the percussions were sold to help defray the cost of the installation.

The organ had a xylophone and bells originally, but no traps. To hear an authentic recording of the WGN organ, as it was heard on the Hartz-Mountain program, click here Additionally submitted by John Scott: Your info about WGN is fine but incomplete. After the TV era began, the Wurlitzer-Kimball was moved out of Tribune Tower to new studios at a suburban location in Chicago, where Harold Turner played it on both radio and TV.

At that location it was played by Turner as a featured concert at one of the national ATOS conventions. An additional note from Walt Strony: I am offering a correction / addition about the WGN Organ.

I knew Harold Turner quite well and the Executive Vice-President of WGN, Alexander Field was a close friend. I was in contact with both of them (especially Al Field) until they passed away.

Al Field was an organ enthusiast and member of CATOE when I was young and just getting started as a theatre organist. When Harold retired, as you state, the organ wasn't used. There were calls from the public stating that they missed it.

Al Field arranged for WGN to hire me to videotape some Christmas music. That music was aired several times in several versions, usually with another choir. To my knowledge, that was the last time the organ was played for broadcast. The director was Orlando White, a black man - so his name will forever be in my brain! Supposedly the console still exists, having survived a fire, and it is in storage somewhere. (see note above indicating tha the console is now in Seattle WA. WGR Buffalo, New York Wurlitzer Opus 1118 3/10 stated as a Style F (contributed by Terry Hochmuth) KGW / KEX Portland, Oregon Wurlitzer 3 Manual 9 Rank This instrument was originally a 1924 Opus 957 Style DX (2 chambers) which was installed in the Multnomah (Venetian) Theatre in the St.

Johns District of Portland. In 1936, Balcom and Vaughn moved it to KGW / KEX Radio’s studio (NBC) located in the old Oregonian Building.

Later that year, the console was modified to hold three manuals, and three Gottfried ranks (an English Horn, a French Horn and a Clarinet) were added. Glen Shelly at the KGW organ console The following information on Glen Shelly was submitted by Tom DeLay. According to Bob Rickett, this was a very good broadcast organ and it was played for many years by Glen Shelley. In 1946, a fire at the studios damaged the console but not the pipe work.

The insurance company sold the organ to Jerry Gilmore and two of the regulators made their way to Bob Rickett’s organ in Portland. WHAD Milwaukee, Wisconsin Wurlitzer Opus 1579 2/5 R5 Special WHAS Louisville, KY (Information supplied by Timothy Jones) WHAS, Louisville, KY, had a Kilgen which started out as a 3 manual 11 or so rank instrument. Over the years, additions were made by Kilgen bringing it up to a 4/17 I believe.

At some point, the organ was sold and reinstalled in a local arena, Memorial Gardens, where it currently resides. It plays but is rarely used. Herbie Koch used to play the instrument when it was in the radio station. This organ was Opus 5009 (1933).

Additions were as follows: 5124 - Replace sax with clarinet on opus 5009. $2- Replaced post horn with trumpet on opus 5009. 5212-Electrify Player piano owned by WHAS, add mandolin and make playable from organopus 5009. $3- Enlarge existing organ, opus 5009; see also opus 7179. New console for opus 5769 Herbie Koch at the WHAS Kilgen console HAVEN OF REST STUDIO Hollywood, CA The following information is submitted by Mr. Jack Bethards: Haven of Rest Studio. The Haven of Rest religious broadcast had an art deco building done in a nautical motif.

It had a 1921 style 210 Wurlitzer from the Apollo Theater opus 415. I never saw the organ but heard it on the air many times and it may still be there. Also submitted by Tom DeLay: Indeed as Jack said, the basic organ was the Wurlitzer opus 415 from the Apollo Theatre--Hollywood--and added to by Dean McNichols and Lorin Whitney interests over the years. When the organ was removed around 1985/86 or so, the organ had grown from the original 10 rank style 215 Sp to 16 ranks and had long since become a put-together organ and lost its original identity.

I know for a fact the organ is gone because Richard Villemin, my pipe organ service mentor, was the person with whom I discussed the Haven of Rest organ removal and the horrors of what was about to be done to it. Richard passed on in October 1987. WHDH Boston, Mass.

Information by Mr. Jack Bethards: WHDH, Boston. This station had Kilgen opus 5465 of 1935, a two-manual organ. This organ was used on early Bob and Ray radio broadcasts and of course many others as well. I had lengthy correspondence and conversations with a musician who was on staff there who verified this instrument.

WHEC Rochester, NY (Information provided by Kenneth Evans) Wurlitzer style 235 3/11, opus 411 Installed in WHEC's auditorium studio in 1934. (Opus 411 was originally in the Palace Theatre in Dallas, TX and was moved to the Coconut Grove at LA's Ambassador Hotel before reinstallation by Wurlitzer at WHEC.) The dedication at WHEC was by Ann Leaf on October 10, 1934. The first regular WHEC staff organist was Dick Hull and the last staff WHEC organist was Jerry Vogt. It was used in conjunction with several live variety organ solo programs originating from its studio until WHEC moved to new studios. It was then purchased by Dick Hull (WHEC's first staff organist) and moved to Denver, CO. WHIO Dayton, OH Wurlitzer Opus 394, a 160 3Manual Special installed in 1934.

The instrument was originally installed in the Warwick Theatre of Kansas City in 1921. KHJ Los Angeles, CA.

Estey 2/16 OPUS 1699 (builder dated 1920) The following information was submitted by Jim Lewis: The Estey organ installed in KHJ was a two-manual instrument of around 13 ranks. It was originally installed in Estey's Los Angeles studio and when it was replaced by a larger organ, it was purchased by KHJ.

KHJ later sold the organ to Forest Lawn Mortuary in Glendale, Cal., where it was installed in one of the three chapels. I played it a few times for funerals and remember that the felt of the pedalboard was shot and they made a terrific noise when pushed down. There was also a 16' Pedal Diaphone that was probably added to the organ when it was used on the radio. A few years ago, all of the pipe organs in the Forest Lawn chapels were removed and replaced by bottom-of-the-line electronic instruments. WHK Cleveland, OH Gottfried 2 Manual of undetermined size. This station also had Austin Opus 1788, a 3 Manual 15 Rank instrument that appears to have been built for this station in 1931. Staff organist Helen Wyant at the WHK Gottfried console ( Photo courtesy of Gordon Crook) Helen Wyant was featured on an afternoon program titled 'Matinee Memories' where she performed with Jimmy Ague, Don Dewhirst and Betty Schrimer.

Another view of the WHK Gottfried console as provided by Jim Lewis. KHQ Spokane, WA. Wurlitzer 2 manual 10 rank. WHT Chicago, IL (Studios in Wrigley Building) (contributed by Larry Davis) Page Organ 4 Manual, 15 Ranks (10 HP blower serial # 21042) Voiced on 15' pressure.

Organ is now in Stephenson High School, Stone Mountain, GA. Previous to the Page organ, there was a Kilgen organ installed at this station. William Wrigley liked the sound of Page organs and replaced the Kilgen with the Page. He also installed a Page organ in his Catalina Island theatre off the coast of California. In 1929, the WHT Page organ was relocated to the Michigan Theatre in Flint, Michigan.

WIOD Miami, Florida Wurlitzer Opus 1466 2/7 EX KIT Yakima, Washington Wurlitzer / Balcom and Vaughan 2 manual 5 rank based on Wurlitzer Opus 835, a 2/4 originally from Portland’s Victoria Theatre. WJJD Chicago, IL Junchen's information is that Wurlitzer opus 1359, a III/11 originally built for the Drake Theatre, Chicago, was moved to WJJD's studios in 1935. (contributed by Les Hickory) Howard L. Peterson also did broadcasts from the Arcada Theatre in St.

Over WJJD WJJD first put on the air in 1924 by J.J. Davies (WJJD) in 1924 at Moosehart, the Moose Club Children's Home, located north of Aurora, Illinois. It was reallocated to Chicago in 1941 and operated on 'limited hours' from 1941 to 1980. The first organ music broadcast over WJJD was the Geneva Marr and Colton 3/16.

From the Arcadia Theatre in St. The original Marr and Colton was a 3/10. Geneva made two modifications to the Marr and Colton with each organist hired after the first. There were two and Howard Peterson being the 3rd. The original Marr and Colton was installed over the summer of 1926 and was ready for the opening on Labor Day in September 1926. Nine months later the organist left and 2nd one wanted changes. 3 ranks and a piano were added to what was a cold air return and would have been a chamber if a larger organ would have been installed.

A 2nd blower and relay were added in the basement next to the boiler in a room where the electric service entered the building. One year later Howard was hired. The Marr and Colton console was stationary in the pit.

The pit was expanded, a whole dug and a cable lift installed and a new console build by Geneva and design by the theatre owner, who was an artist, was built and installed. Three more ranks were added and installed in the back of the theatre in what was a storage room in the booth area. The Geneva relay that was installed a year ago was added to and the wind from that blower was ran to the back of the house. No other changes were made to the organ after that. We don't know when Howard left, but do know that a Les Doyle played the organ either during WW2 or after. Then the organ was silent for many years until CATOE came in and I became the next paid house organist. 1974 to 1985.

CJOR Vancouver, B.C. Kimball 2 Manual 4 Rank According to the Junchen opus lists, CJOR had a 2/4 Kimball. The install date and theatre of origin are unknown. KJR Seattle, Washington 1930 Estey Opus 2945 2 manual 3 rank OPUS 2945 GRAND MINUETTE The organ was removed in 1939 and was transferred to the Bethany Lutheran Church in Warren, Oregon.

Two ranks were added at that time. In 1947, it was enlarged to 12 ranks and went to the home of William Hubley in Seattle.

WKAF Milwaukee, WI Kilgen Opus 3740 2/4 installed 1926 (according to database, this organ was shipped but not accepted.) WKBW Buffalo, New York Wurlitzer Opus 2238 (last organ out) was originally shipped to the Rialto Theatre in Lockport, N.Y. It was then repossessed by Wurlitzer and installed in WKBW. In 1947, it was removed from the radio station and purchase by Transfiguration Catholic Church in Cheektawoga, NY (suburb of Buffalo). Terry reports that he purchased it in 1992 and removed it for installation in his office supply store. After an accident and fire in 1995, Terry sold it to Jerry Critser in Joliet who Terry believes still has it in storage.

The organ was a 3/10 with a single stop rail console. Specs were: Main- Open Flute, Solo String, Celeste and Kinura swapped out with a church Quint.

Solo- Tibia, Tuba, Vox, Orch. Oboe, and Kinura but the percussions were gone. The trap counter was also with the instrument but all of the traps had been removed and the holes stuffed with rags. CKLA Windsor, Ontario Wurlitzer Opus 1483 2/5 Style B Special WKRC Cincinnati, OH Wurlitzer Opus 2643, 2/4 Style B Special WKY Oklahoma City, OK KIlgen Opus 5281 originally installed in 1935. This is a 4/10 that was built for this station and later expanded to a 4/14.

According to the database at, the instrument is still complete and in storage with plans to install it in the Oklahoma History Center. (See update below) An update for your entry at RADIO STATION ORGANS AND ORGANISTS FROM RADIO'S GOLDEN AGE: WKY Oklahoma City, OK Kilgen Opus 5281 Restoration of the subject instrument has been completed by The American Organ Institute at The University of Oklahoma. Dedication of the WKY Kilgen Organ is scheduled for Monday, April 24th 2017, 7:00 PM at the Oklahoma History Center (). Best regards, David L. Caster Previous entries: The following update was submitted by Max Gould. It was/is a Kilgen theatre organ.

From WKY, it went to the Civic Center, and thence to the Oklahoma History Museum. A local hack was hired to install it, and it never played. It sits silent on display. There is some talk of a proper restoration in the not-too-distant future. (from a follow-up post from Jeremy on Theatreorgans-L) Ken Wright at the WKY organ WLAC Nashville, Tennessee (contributed by John Alford) WLAC had a 4 manual 12 Rank Kilgen organ (Opus 6013-A-B).

The owners of the station were Life And Casualty Insurance of Nashville. John is not sure about the total disposition of the organ, however, he presently has the post horn which is voiced on 15 inches. Organist Al Bain at the WLAC Kimball organ Mary Elizabeth Hicks was also a staff organist at WLAC (Photo courtesy of Gordon Crook). WLAW Lawrence, Mass.

(Information provided by Jeff Weiler) Wurlitzer Style 'H' 1937 (OPUS 1347) 3 Manual WLS Chicago, IL WLS had a 3/12 Barton with a straight console. It lasted into the fifties when ABC bought WLS and terminated the WLS original studios WLS also had a 1928 Link 2/3 with blower # 21959 The following information is provided by Jon Habermaas: Just visited your site about radio organs, great site. WLS and WENR shared the same frequency.WLS broadcasting during the day and WENR at night.

WLS was owned by the Prairie Farmer Magazine and was primarily a farm station. One of its prime shows was the WLS Barn Dance Program which originated from the 8th Street Theatre in Chicago. The WLS Barton was on the air until the end of the station as a farm station and the organ was heard daily on a program called the Noon Show with Howard Peterson at the console. WENR was the ABC radio outlet in Chicago and came on the air at dusk with WLS signing off and WENR signing on with the first network program, 'The Lone Ranger'. ABC bought the Prairie Farmer magazine, I suspect to get a full time access to the frequency and that ended the WLS studio on Washington Blvd and the Barton was sold.

From what I understand it languished and deteriorated in storage in a barn somewhere in Indiana never to be heard again. The WENR WurliTzer was installed in a studio in the Civic Opera Building where WENR had its' studios. It was a very popular organ with the artists and I understand also a favorite of Samuel Insull, who at that time owned the building and had offices on the floor above the WENR studio. The Sunday funnies were also aired on WLS radio with Howard Peterson at the Barton. WLS organist Ralph W. Emerson II at the console of the WLS Barton.

Seated at the microphone are Chester Lauck and Norris Goff, better known as radio's time honored characters Lum 'N Abner. WLW Cincinnati, Ohio (contributed by John Alford) This station, owned by Powell Crosley, actually had three pipe organs including a Style B. The main organ. Wurlitzer Opus 1001 began as a Style H Special and was enlarged, including the addition of a three manual console in 1929.

The organ was removed and relocated in the Shady Nook restaurant in Cincinnati. At some point, the restaurant closed and the owners had the power to the building cut off. Which disabled sump pumps and allowed the organ chambers to flood. The crew who removed the organ had to wear masks because of the mold that had formed.

There was some question about how much of this organ was actually the WLW organ because of the various additions that had been made in 1929. John Alford obtained some of the pipe work at that time on the chance that they were actually the pipes used at WLW and played by Lee Erwin. During the time at the restaurant, however, the owner swapped out some of the ranks, which clouded the whole matter of what parts were from the original organ. At this time, the Shady Nook Restaurant is in bad condition. Pat Gillick seated at the WLW console in a 1932 photo. Thanks to Dave Burns for the use of this photo Another photo of the WLW studio. The 'Moon River' program originated in this room.

WMAQ Chicago, IL Wurlitzer Opus 309 3/13 Special Wurlitzer Opus 309 shown in the WMAQ studio. This organ provided the theme music for shows such as Kay Fairchild, Stepmother and the Amos N' Andy Show. KMBC Kansas City, MO (Preliminary information indicated that a Wurlitzer 3 manual was at this station, however, according to the info below, the organ was a 3/10 Morton). Howard Ely was the organist, however P. Hans Flath was also a staff organist.

Message from Charlie Porter regarding KMBC and the above recording: I have information concerning the KMBC studio organ in Kansas City, Mo. Download Ubersocial Pro Android Gratis. Not only do I have info, but I have found in my archives the last broadcast studio transcription recording of the organ in Feb. This recording was loaned to me a number of years ago by the late Don Keilhack, who resided here in San Diego for a number of years, and moved back to his hometown of Kansas City.

I copied these recordings onto a high quality TDK hi bias cassette tape (the best available) back in the early 90s. Don took his studio recordings with him when he moved back to KC. He personally new the (then) organist P. Flath was a well known organist in KC for years. He opened the Loew’s Midland Theatre “Wonder Morton“ in 1929, as well as a very respectable church organist. I have found a picture of Flath, courtesy of the University of Kansas, The Arthur B. Church KMBC Collection.

Not sure what might have happened to those original recordings upon Don’s sudden demise, as I lost touch with him after he left SD. In my research at the University Website I found no existence of these particular recordings.

Don was also an excellent theatre organist and copied Flath’s style. Being somewhat of a reclusive, he never really did public performances. The organ at KMBC was a 3/10 Robert Morton Opus # 23450, not a Wurlitzer. It was an organ transplant from the Wade Hamilton Organ & Piano Studios in Tulsa, OK. Installed there in 1929.

See page 579 in the Encyclopedia Of The American Theatre Organ Vol. Not sure when KMBC acquired it, page 536 (same volume II) has a picture of Ann Reiling (no info on Ann) at the KMBC console in KC. That finish on the console looks to be a ugly thick textured finish.

It was a faded almost Army green. Now this recording is of good fidelity, except for some LP surface noise. It has now been transferred onto CD.

It could easily be “cleaned up” with today’s many digital programs available for computers. However, it is quite listenable and enjoyable. The announcer is Paul Taylor, and he identifies with the station call letters at the end of the late night ½ hour broadcast. But what makes this recording even more eventful and rare is Flath himself comes on at the end with Paul Taylor and they have a friendly exchange about the organs imminent removal, being sure to give the date of this historic broadcast. Apparently more recording was done after the broadcast that evening, as there is another person in the studio which you hear making a request of Flath.

Could it have been Flath’s wife? There is even a short cipher noted several tunes later, but Flath plays it out. At the very end of the recording are two selections played at the pipe organ by Flath in the 3rd Christian Science Church of KC, accompanying an unknown soloist. Sadly the KMBC organ was dismantled quickly as the old building was scheduled for demolition. It was seen as not cost effective to re-install and besides, the new station had provided a new Hammond organ and grand piano in it's own studio room for Flath's broadcast. The Morton eventually found it’s final resting place in a barn, on a dirt floor, outside of Kansas City for over 30 years.

When it became available, time had taken it’s toll. What remained and salvageable, was rescued by a local member of our Theatre Organ Society of San Diego about 25 years ago. Wood crates with wood pipes had suffered major termite damage. The console was falling apart.

But all was packed up and lovingly brought back to San Diego anyway to be parted out like an old junk car. The console was a basket case, but has been rebuilt and brought back to the beautiful original oak finish and is now playing in a home installation here of I believe about 20 ranks. Well there you have it. A real lost treasure!

Now I have also found your site with the recordings of famous broadcast organist, and this recording belongs with them, but I’m not sure who should receive this. If you can give me your address, I can forward this recording on to you.

I can mail two, one for you and one for the archive site (Sounds Of American Organs). I also intend to contact the University of Kansas to see if they want a copy for their KMBC archives. I could be wrong, but in my research of their site I don't believe they have this recording. Many studio transcriptions pryor to 1951 seem not to exist.

Thanks and best wishes from San Diego! Charlie Porter WMBI (Studion 'B') 820 North LaSalle St. New info update from Larry Keesler (7/2016): The WMBI Kimball at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, has quite recently been incorporated into the school's 4/64 Moller [c.

1954] as a 'Gospel' division in Torrey-Gray Auditorium. I believe its ranks now sound far more theatrical than they ever did in the radio studio. Original studions of Moody Bible Institute Ministries (1920's-1930's) Although not in regular use, facility it still exists.

Information provided by Larry Keesler: Two Manual Kimball, enclosed in one chamber Analysis: Open Diapason [large scale] at 8, 4, 2 Rohrflute unified at 16, 8, 4, 2 Bourdon 16 in Pedal [independent] Viola and celeste 8 Vox Angelique and celeste 8 Nazard 2 2/3 [independent] Mixture III [lightly voiced and I think independent] Trumpet at 8, 4 Oboe at 16, 8 Chimes Tremulant [Church — Theatre (toggle modifier)] WMCA New York, NY Wurlitzer Opus 748 2/7 Style E WMEX Boston, MA 1934 Wurlitzer Opus 1795 Style' B' Special. KMJ Fresno California (contributed by Tom DeLay) The KMJ organ was soldt, intact, to Bob Kates in Berkeley, CA.

Bob added 4 ranks to the organ when it was in his home, now comprising a 2/13. Bob made a few recordings on the instrument. In 1962, it was sold to the late Carsten Henningsen and installed in his Ye Olde Pizza Joynt in Haward/San Leandro, CA.

In the late 1960s a 3 manual style 235 console was added to the Fresno State/KMJ organ and surplused the original 2m console. This console was not sent through a series of owners. From Carsten Henningsen, the original 2m Fresno console was sold to Warren Blankenship in Pacific Grove, CA. The console remained the property of Mr.

Blankenship until his death in the late 1990s. The hybrid instrument owned by Mr. Blankenship (including the Fresno State/KMJ console) was donated to Nor Cal Theatre Organ Society based in Berkeley, CA. The Fresno console was then sold to local enthusiast Bob Coffin. He then sold the console to Dick Taylor who will use the console as parts. KMO Tacoma, WA.

Robert Morton 2 manual 8 rank A 1931 installation by Balcom and Vaughan based aroung a 2/4 Wicks manufactured Morton from Tacoma’s Park Theatre. In 1953, the organ was moved to Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Tacoma.

In 1956, it was removed from the church and the current disposition is unknown. KMOX had a 2/5 Kilgen Opus #3502 that was installed in 1926. Between 1926 and 1937, the instrument was enlarged to a 4/16 under a succession of jobs that were assigned opus numbers: 4443, 4577, 4816, 5225, 5302 and 5869. Additional information from Terry Charles: Hi gang. When I was attending a Georgia college, I became involved with the Kilgen Organ from the radio station in Louisville, KY. It was installed in Covenant Presbyterian Church in Albany, Georgia. I was permitted unlimited use of it, tuned it a couple of times and POOF - graduated from college and never saw it again.

A side note, going back - while in college, I was responsible for Fred Pillsbury's KMOX Kilgen to be installed in First Methodist Church in Cuthbert, Georgia. THAT organ, console and ALL of its pipework was 'junked' according my conversation with the organ company that built a new organ for that church just after I learned of it. QUESTION - did that Albany Kilgen organ bite the dust? I cannot find a website for the church. TC More from Terry: Here's the interesting story about how the famed KMOX Kilgen came to rest in the Cuthbert Methodist Church, Cuthbert, Georgia. I had 'discovered' in the Covenant Presbyterian Church, Albany Georgia the almost twin to Fred Pillsbury's KMOX Kilgen, the 4/14 Kilgen from WFIL in Philadelphia (after all these years believing that organ was the WHAS Kilgen.

Steven Frank substantiates it was really the WFIL Kilgen). Now I have to look at your site and find the WHAS data., Anyway, the story - I wrote to Fred, described everything about the Covenant installation including the added, exposed copper positive. I described the two large chambers under the choir loft floor area. The organ spoke into a hallway sort of area, maybe 6-8 feet deep and the sound reflected upward.

I told him what he already knew by his own KMOX Kilgen, that the organ was a POWER house, with a huge scaled Tibia Clausa, 16' Post Horn and Oboe Horn. The strings were gorgeous. The trems did not work or were disconnected. A friend and I tuned it a couple of times while I was in college.

Well, Fred wrote to me that he was very impressed with my keen interest in the Kilgen Organs, mentioned he was selling his KMOX Kilgen in preparation to install the Saint Louis Ambassador Wurlitzer. I hadn't had the chance to write back when on a Saturday afternoon, my girlfriend, Carolyn Milner and I were seated in the town's only movie theatre when on the screen in little letters came the words 'Terry Charles Come To The Box Office'. Startled, I went as fast as I could and they gave me the phone. He again commented on my keen interest in the pipe organ and said 'IF YOU CAN FIND A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION YOU MAY SELECT THE PLACE FOR MY ORGAN TO GO TO AND I WILL PAY FOR INSTALLATION.' I'm sure I didn't sleep and my grades probably suffered. But I wasn't happy with the hierarchy of the College (which had a Hammond Model D I think it was) and ruled the college out immediately.

Trellis Case was the music professor at the college AND the organist at the Cuthbert Methodist Church of which I was a member. So I told Trellis about the whole thing and we went before the board and they accepted the offer. The church had an old tracker organ in terrible condition. When the organ came for installation it was summer and college was out for the time. When fall arrived and I returned I found the installation a success in every way. Except the console was SO big it had to be placed on the floor outside the choir loft.

And then years later I returned to play it and I remembered it was LOUD. LOL And more years later, I was informed by friends in Cuthbert that the church has a new Greenwood Pipe Organ. I immediately contacted them and was told ALL was junked. So, there you have it!

All the best, Terry KMTR Los Angeles, CA (Information provided by Ray Thursby) In 1928, the Capitol Theatre in Marshalltown, Iowa installed a 3-9 Robert Morton. This was later moved to radio station KMTR in Los Angeles, California. According to Dave Junchen's Encyclopedia of the American Theater Organ, it was either later moved to TV station KTLA in Burbank, CA or else it was listed as KTLA which was the parent station of KMTR (corrected per update memo). I have no information on that move. Regardless, it was purchased by Buddy Cole, who installed it in his North Hollywood, CA home. There, it was expanded to 12 ranks. When Cole built a new studio to house the former United Artists Theatre Wurlitzer (a 17-rank Style 260 Special), nine of the Morton ranks and their chests plus the Crysoglott were added to the Wurlitzer.

The rest was dispersed. The following is submitted by Mr. Jack Bethards: (I don't know anything about the KMTR organ mentioned in your KFWB listing. I know Buddy Cole had a studio organ, but I'm not sure of its origins. I believe the KMTR organ should be listed separately.) WNAC Boston, Mass Wurlitzer Opus 1742, 2/8 190 KNBC San Francisco, CA. Comment by Norm Howard Lehfeldt of San Francisco: The station you list as KNBC should probably be listed as KPO. It did not become KNBC until 1949.It shared space with KGO, the Blue Network station in NBC's still standing building at Taylor and O'Farrell streets.

Although the Taylor/O'Farrell building was sometimes called Radio City, I believe the building you call Radio City is probably the NBC studio at Sunset and Vine in Hollywood. Before the Taylor/O'Farrell building was constructed NBC had leased space in a building at 111 Sutter Street. I don't think there was ever an organ there. WNBC New York, NY NBC Studios Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA. The following was submitted by Mr. Jack Bethards: NBC Studios, Hollywood. The first stand-alone NBC Studio was buillt at 5515 Melrose Avenue right near the Paramount lot.

It was a beautiful art deco building and still exists as a television studio. I don't believe it had a pipe organ. It is possible that they may have used the Paramount Studio organ for broadcasts since it was literally a walk-away. That may also be the reason that they acquired the Paramount organ for their San Francisco building since they may have been familiar with it. (The Melrose building had a very fascinating history. Radio grew so quickly that this 1935 building was obsolete by 1938. It was then used by KHJ and the Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System, then by Capitol Records and later by a succession of radio and television stations.) The 1938 NBC building was a magnificent plant with many large auditoriums It is certainly one of the finest studios ever built.

Strangely enough, given the lavish expenditure on the property, it is surprising that they had a hybrid organ made up for their studio G. The basis of it was the KPO San Francisco Welte organ. To it was added a lot of Wurlitzer material to the specifications of Paul Carson. The organ was installed by Charlie Hershman and Henry Pope. Later, Charlie left the job and Henry Pope finished it along with his helper Will Knights. I met Henry Pope at NBC and I knew Mr.

Knights as well. That organ was one of the most famous radio organs because it became the One Man's Family and Bridge to Dreamland organ after those shows moved from San Francisco to Hollywood. That organ was later acquired by Paul Michelson and I'm not sure where it is now. It has been well documented in the theatre organ magazines from time-to-time. Henry Pope at the NBC Studio organ in Los Angeles NBC Merchandise Mart Chicago, Il.

Wurlitzer 3 manual This organ went to Colorado Springs where it was eventually broken up. NBC Studios New York City New York, NY (Information provided by Wm. Chapman Curator of Organs USMA West Point, NY ) Community (Post) Chapel, West Point, NY Aeolian-Skinner Theatre Organ from: NBC Studios, New York, 1957. Glen Pratt, Resident Staff Organist at NBC studios in New York. Console is unknown organ. NBC RADIO CITY STUDIOS San Francisco, CA. Located at the 111 Sutter Street Studio on the 22nd Floor of the Hunter-Dublin Building (1929) Six rank, 2 Manual Robert Morton from the Don George Teaching Studios.

See an article from the June 9, 1929 local newspaper about the purchase of the Robert Morton organ Thanks to Jim Lewis for submitting the article. 1942: at the new 420 Taylor Street studios: Wurltizer (Opus 464) 210SP 19 rank 3 Manual. Original 1921 installation from the Paramount Studios in Los Angeles. The following exerpt, written by Mr Jack Bethards, gives a picture of the relationships between local studios of network affiliates and the actual network production centers in large cities. NBC Network, San Francisco. It is important to separate networks local station studios.

In big cities they were often separate. Until 1927, NBC programs originated from KPO, their local red network affiliate. In 1927, NBC built a large network complex on the 22nd floor of the Hunter-Dulin building at 111 Sutter Street.

From here they broadcast both on their red and blue networks (the local blue network affiliate was KGO and I don't believe it ever had a pipe organ.) In 1927, NBC bought an organ from the Don George theatre organ teaching studio and had it installed at 111 Sutter. It was a Robert-Morton two-manual, 6-rank job very highly unified. This organ was used on the famous network programs, One Man's Family and Paul Carson's Bridge to Dreamland. By 1935, most network production had moved to Hollywood. In 1942, the organ was sold to Charles Hershman, who removed it and re-installed it in 1944 with some modifications at St.

Paul's Community Church in South San Francisco. It is currently being re-located to the Western States Museum of Broadcasting in Ashland, OR. (Above: A 1929 photo of Elmer Crowhurst at the 6 rank Morton in the 111 Sutter Street NBC Studios. This organ provided the music for the long-running NBC serial 'One Man's Family' and Paul Carson's 'Bridge to Dreamland') The following information on Elmer Crowhurst was provided by his grand-daughter: Francis Elmore Crowhurst born 19 May 1890 Oakland, CA.

He married Melva Amelia Pringle on the 10 of February 1911 in Seattle, WA. He hated the name Francis so he used Elmor instead, not sure why he left off the final e. But it was frequently misspelled as Elmer.

When he was between engagements, he advertised in the trade papers using F.E. Crowhurst possibly to save the cost of the ad.

Crowhurst's grand-daughter interviewed her grandmother Melva Crowhurst in 1980 about her grandfather's musical history. This is what she related: 1914-1921 he played organ at the Imperial Theater, which is now United Artists Theater, S.F. 1920 for 4-5 weeks he played organ in the Mission Theater in Los Angeles – the movie was Rudy (Rudolph) Valentino & the Four Horsemen. He then moved to the Pantages Theater (Vaudeville) and played piano, then a few more weeks at the Million Dollar Theater all in L.A. The family then returned to S.F. Where he played with the Wally Lind Orchestra first at the Hof Brau restaurant on Market St at 4th, here he played both piano and organ.

1922 he played at the New Mission Theater for a few years. Grandma was proud that Mayor Rolfe and others stayed after the movie to listen to Grandpa play. 1923 The family moved to Santa Cruz to play at the New Santa Cruz Theater. (During this time he was offered a job in Honolulu but turned it down after he discovered he couldn't bring his car). 1929 He moved to radio work – first played on Charlie Marshall's Hillbilly Band (he played the Jew's Harp) and for One Man's Family at NBC radio. He played the Theme Music “Memory Lane”. Vera Vey played Barbara Jo Allen the little girl in Memory Lane.

Baton Yarboro was an actor on OMF and ILAM. At the 3rd anniversary of NBC radio in S.F. Mel got to dance with Carlton E. Morse, who was writer of One Man's Family. He later married and he and his wife wrote “I Love a Mystery” together.

1930 or 31 – For 8 months he had a ½ hour organ concert at 11 to 11:30 pm, also on NBC radio, later the show became Paul Carson's Bridge to Dreamland. Note: When he was playing at NBC (KPO) they did not have many good selections of saxophone solos so he wrote “Melva” a Volks Caprice type of waltz. He also played on the first Jaquard type player piano rolls that allowed style to be added to the music.

Francis Elmore 'Elmer' Crowhurst in tux. Paul Carson, composer of 'Patricia' and organist for the One Man's Family program at undetermined console. In 1942, NBC opened what was probably the most modern and perfect ra ever built at 420 Taylor Street. It also housed local stations KPO (later KNBC, later KNBR) and KGO. It was a modern-style building and still exists although the interior has been converted into office use.

For studio B in that building they acquired, and Charles Hershman installed, the very fine Wurlitzer opus 2035 of 1929 from the Famous Players - Paramount Motion Picture Studio in Hollywood. This is the instrument mentioned in your Radio City Studios (NBC) citation. You mention the same instrument under KNBC, but KNBC never had a pipe organ of its own and should not be listed. (By the way, the NBC building was known as the Radio City of the West.) This organ was sold to Richard Simonton and installed with additions in his North Hollywood home.

WNEW New York, NY Marr and Colton 1928 Blower serial # 22362. NWDR Hamburg, Germany Stanley Willie, a former BBC organist, later played for NWDR in Hamburg. Here he is shown at the NWDR Console.

Below: A colleague of Willie's was Gregor Gerhard, also shown here at the NWDR organ in Hamburg, Germany More info on current status of this organ: I just found your web site The organ in Hamburg, Germany is still working but nowadays only used for concerts twice a year. The URL of the organ club is It's in German language but on the left side is a button with a flag to translate to English. Kind regards Peter Neidhart KNX Los Angeles, CA Wurlitzer 3 manual 11 rank Styke F Opus 1516 from the Capitol (Legion) theatre in Walla-Walla WA. This is the original Wurlitzer Opus Walla Walla Legion (Capitol) theatre Wurlitzer that was installed in KNX by Balcom and Vaughan in 1937 Mr.

Jack Bethards has kindly submitted information on KNX as follows: KNX, Los Angeles. The organ you list for KNX should be listed und CBS-Columbia Square, Studio 4. This as a CBS network facility primarily and also housed their local affiliate KNX.

Before that facility was built in 1937, KNX had its own studio down the street on Sunset that housed a three-manual, 10-rank Robert-Morton. That studio was taken over by KMPC subsequently and I'm not sure whether they kept the organ or not. It is now a restaurant and the organ is gone.

Supplement to Mr. Bethard's comment above: The original KNX studio on Sunset, later became a Spaghetti Factory restaurant. That has now closed and the building was demolished.

Photo courtesy of Jim Lewis Above: The 3 manual Robert Morton organ at the old KNX studio in Hollywood. The studio later became KMPC and then it was gutted to become an Old Spaghetti Factory restaurant. The facility has since been demolished.. The above photo shows Ivan Ditmars at what was thought to be the KNX Balcom and Vaughan console.

According to Tom DeLay, (see below), this is not the correct console for KNX. The original console, according to Mr. DeLay, would have looked more like the console shown at the top of this page. We have left the above photo in place simply because it does show Mr. INFORMATION ON KNX WAS FURTHER SUPPLEMENTED IN JULY OF 2011 WITH THE FOLLOWING FROM TOM DELAY.

In 1937, Balcom and Vaughn sold KNX/CBS Columbia Square Hollywood the style F 2/8 from Walla Walla, WA. B &V rebuilt the original 2m F console into a 3m with rather simple somewhat crude moderne lines. Two unit chests from the Kilgen were used to add a Gottfried English Horn and Gottfried Brass Trumpet.

The original style F Clarinet was removed and a Gottfried 'Bell' Clarinet was put in the spot where the Wurlitzer set had been. The Junchen list says this organ was a 3/11.

It was a 3/10 but B & V did purchase the 3 ranks from Gottfried for this organ. When KNX/CBS Columbia Square got rid of the organ, the console was sold to Marguerite Moore in Porterville, CA for her hybrid 3/18 organ. The balance of the KNX organ was installed in the Filmore Presbyterian Church (now Filmore Bible Church.) The two Kilgen chests were sold to George Wright for use in his Pasadena studio organ (that burned in 1970.) To replace the Kilgen chests, Richard Villemin of Porterville added a Wurlitzer style 165 from the El Campanile Theatre Antioch, CA. He placed the English Horn (where the 165 Vox Humana had been) and Brass Trumpet (where the 165 Trumpet had been) on this chest and retained the rest of the style 165 ranks. With the B &V KNX console sold to Mrs. Moore, Richard Villemin installed a 3m Moller console from the Hillstreet Theatre in Los Angeles. As far as I know, the KNX/Columbia Square organ is still installed in Filmore.

The Moore organ was donated to Fresno Pacific University in 1981 and installed there in 1982 where it and the B & V console remains. Jim Lewis WOC Davenport, Iowa Subject: Re: ORGAN ON WOC Article from Jim Lewis: Above is a photo of noted organist Clarence Eddy playing the Aeolian organ in the B.J. Palmer residence, Davenport, Iowa. Palmer was connected with the Palmer Chiropractic College in the same town. Palmer broadcast the organ, with well-known guest organists playing it, over station WOC as an advertisement for the College. I assume the microphone on the table is pointed at the pipe chamber and not Mr.

Palmer purchased the station in 1922 and later purchased WHO and combined the two call names WHO-WOC. Ronald Reagan worked there as a sportscaster! KOIN Portland, Oregon Robert Morton 3 manual 6 rank (Originally from the Astoria People’s Theatre and later in Seattle’s Olympic (Town And Country) Theatre. The KOIN installation by Balcom and Vaughan included a 3 manual console that was enlarged from a 2 manual Wurlitzer console by the Balcom and Vaughan firm. At that time, a Style D trumpet and a Wurlitzer Tibia were added.

KOIN radio started in 1926 in the basement of the original Heathman Hotel in Portland. The new Heathman Hotel was constructed in 1927, and KOIN eventually moved its studios to the new building. Between 1933 and 1939, several modifications were made to the mezzanine level to accommodate the expanding needs of the radio station. In 1935, the 3/6 Robert Morton organ was installed by Balcom and Vaughan in the new Heathman building studios.

At that time, KOIN had a larger staff of musicians and entertainers than all other Portland stations combined. In 1955, the organ was again moved to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Oregon City. It was eventually broken up for parts by Mike Dillon, with the trumpet going to Dale Haskin and the Tibia to Bert Hedderly. KOL Seattle, WA Kimball 3 manual 12 rank KOL studios were located in the Northern Life Tower in downtown Seattle. A 3/12 organ was installed by Balcom and Vaughan in 1831 and was a combination of two organs: a 2/5 Kimball from the Frand Theatre and a 2/10 Wurlitzer from the Colonial Theatre. The organ was controlled by a Wurlitzer console that had been modified by Balcom to 3 manuals.

According to Eugene Nye, the organ was purchased by Don Myers in 1960 for $2000. It was stored but never inetalled. It was later sold to Dr. Gordon Potter of Portland, Oregon. KOMO Seattle, Washington Wurlitzer Opus 1194 enlarged by Balcom and Vaughan to 3 Manual, 10 Rank KOMO studios were located in the Skinner Building in downtown Seattle. The organ was installed by Balcom and Vaughan in September of 1939 and based around a 2/7 Wurlitzer from West Seattle’s Granada (Egyptian) Theatre.

In 1961, B&V removed it and installed it in the Des Moines, Washington (suburb of Seattle) residence of Bennett Fisher, heir to the Fisher Flour Mills Co. The Fisher Family owned the majority share of KOMO Radio. Mark Andersen of Artisan Instruments reports the following.

The KOMO organ is still around. We just finished rebuildign that organ and I did the inagural concert last weekend. It is now in the Fisher family home. The Fisher family owned KOMO and sold it to a Canadian Broadcasting company but they kept the organ for their home here. The rebuild of the organ includes enlarging it to 13 ranks.

The chest and pipe work was done by Greg Smith using all Wurlitzer components and ranks. The new control system was done by Artisan. The organ will now be featured regularly on the weekly television show Crescendo and can be heard on line. WOR New York, N.Y. This flagship station of the Mutual Broadcasting Network had Wurlitzer Opus 1818, a Style 'E' installed in 1935.

This instrument was transplanted from the Terrace Theatre where it had been installed in 1927. Wayne, IN Information furnished by Stan Krider: Fort Wayne's radio station, WOWO had a 3/7(?) Page in its early studio. It escaped a fire at the radio station in 1929, and was then sold by the station in 1947. Additional information submitted by John Scott: At station WOWO in Ft.

Wayne Indiana, some time after the pipe organ period, a Hammond was played weekdays by Jack Loos until 1958. His style was dance band music, and I still have a 78rpm record that he made of 'St. Louis Blues March'. Jack knew Ken Griffen and had him as a guest on Jack;s show at least once. KPO San Francisco, CA. KPO became KNBC, then later (sometime in the 60s, the call sign was changed to KNBR, which it remains today.

The following information was submitted by Mr. Jack Bethards: KPO, San Francisco. KPO was affiliated with and later owned by NB early days it was owned by the Hale Brothers department store and later in partnership with the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper. It's studios were on the sixth floor of the Hale Brothers department store building on Market Street.

I believe their first organ was a Robert-Morton two-manual, 4-rank style 59. It was replaced in 1927 by a three-manual, 18-rank Welte. I got the specification for this organ from the original installation drawing in the Schoenstein files. It was moved to NBC in Hollywood in 1938.

KPOF Denver, CO Robert Morton 2 Manual WPTF (Originally WFQU and then WRCO and finally WPTF) Raleigh, NC 2/6 Moller House organist Kingham Scott, pictured with organ pipes, at the WPTF 2/6 Moller console. WPTF (Durham Life Insurance Company) built new studios (reputed to be a miniature recreation of RCA-NBC studios at 30 Rockefeller Center, NYC) in Raleigh in 1938 at which time they purchased and installed the 3/7 Kimball (#7045) that was originally installed in the Richard Theatre, Ahoskie, NC, 1928. Photo attached with console behind male quartet at one of two 9’ Baldwin concert grand pianos in Studio A. Here is some history submitted by the present owners: • 1938 - J.

Vernon Suitt, organ technician from Durham, North Carolina, removed the organ to his shop in Durham before installing it in the new studios of WPTF radio station in the Durham Life Insurance Building in Raleigh, North Carolina. The piano was removed from the organ and a Tuba added bringing it to nine ranks when it was installed with all other bells and whistles at WPTF. While at the station the organist was Kingham Scott. The station had a smaller Moller organ in old studios at WPTF also played by Kingham Scott. • 1956 - the organ no longer in regular use at the station. Frank Netherland, student at UNC Chapel Hill discovers organ and begins to have jam sessions with UNC friends on the organ and two 9’ Baldwin concert grand pianos in the large studio. • 1958 - Frank Netherland turns 22 and purchases the organ for $800 from the radio station and moves it to the Roxy Theatre, Martinsville, Virginia, where it was installed on the stage behind the screen.

• 1962 - Roxy Theatre closes to be demolished. Frank builds his home in nearby Stuart, Virginia, and installs the organ there. The Kimball is still there where it was installed in his home. • The organ has not played in over 20 years and is in need of complete overhaul as it approaches its 90th birthday. Upon inspection the Kimball appears to be complete and just waiting for someone to rescue it and smother it with tender, love, and care.

• 2017 - May 23, Frank Netherland passes at age 80. His heirs wish to dispose of the organ as the home and surrounding property are to be sold as commercial development is encroaching. Raleigh, NC ROXY THEATRE STUDIO New York, N.Y. The following information is submitted by Mr. Jack Bethards: Roxy Theatre Studio, New York. The broadcasting studio in the Roxy, had. A two-manual, 8-rank Kimball organ built in 1927.

I saw the organ just a day before the building was demolished. I believe that studio was used for many broadcasts and recordings and should perhaps have a place on your list.

WSMK Dayton, Oh 1933 Wurlitzer Style 'E' Sepcial (Opus 1750) (had previously been incorrectly listed as a Style 'R' Note by the present owner of the organ, John Scott: Thanks very much for all your work in compiling the info about Radio Station organs. As a person interested in this sort of history, I had thought of starting such a project myself. I am glad to see that you included WSMK among the Ohio stations. However, I am curious as to your source(s) of information about Wurlitzer Opus 1750, since the listing as style R is not correct. The Wurlitzer lists compiled by Judd Walton, updated in 1973, indicate that its designation should be Style E Special.

It was a special because it had an extra rank, and because it had a player. I now own this organ, and the small relay for the player is still with it, because that small relay makes a nice pedestal for one of the switch stacks. When I acquired Opus 1750 about 1970, I made a trip to Dayton with a friend, and we researched microfilms of Dayton newspapers in the 1927 period. The Wurlitzer lists indicate initial shipment to 'A New (LH Cox) Theatre'.

What we found were articles and advertising for the Palace Theatre, LH Cox, Manager, which opened December 25, 1927. Another interesting bit was that the theatre was for African-American patrons. We then traveled out to the site and found the building still there, although without heat or electricity, and clearly doomed. I took a color picture of the exterior, which I later had enlarged to an 8' x 10' size. We were able to find an agent, who let us in,and with flashlights we saw the auditorium and a big hole in the wall on stage left where the single chamber organ installation had once been. The Wurlitzer listings indicate Moby's Department Store in Columbus as the next stop for Opus 1750 before it reached WSMK. However, I contacted noted Columbus organist Roger Garrett about that, and have a signed letter from him stating that to the best of his knowledge the Wurlitzer was never installed there.

He stated that he played a Moller at Moby's. The Moby's thing, however does indicate another possible interesting article for T.O.

Mag, namely department stores that had organs. Another one that I know of was the Herz store in Terre Haute, Indiana, which had a Barton of a few ranks; it later went to a church, and after that to an individual. In my Email to you in early 2007, I mentioned a radio station organ in Toronto which I thought was a Casavant.

However, I have since confirmed that it was built by the Franklin Legge firm, another Canadian builder of some note. An interesting sidelight about that is that the Legge organ was sold to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation at auction in 1923 from the Casa Loma mansion where our Canadian friends now have the Wurlitzer. WSOC Charlotte NC Organ programs originated from the Carolina Theatre with organist and station traffic director Paul Norris. Click the photo of Paul to read his story as provided by Michael Johnston. (Article requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view). Acrobat Reader is available from

WSPA Spartanburg, SC Moller 2/6 OPUS 6184 Submitted by Aubrey Calton of Forest City, NC..