The Exorcist Tradition In Islam Pdf By Bilal Philips Video

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* describes her attempt at exorcism and the conversations that occurred during this experience. Please note that this questions of fiqhi nature may not be addressed, as this was not intended to be a course on the methodology of exorcism. Also, as we all know, the Jinn mix a hundred lies with one truth. So, the mention of the Jinn’s profession of Sikhism/Hinduism faiths could be complete lies, esp. is the largest Bnagla Islamic website in Asia even Bangladesh. Islamic alo website have Many Important Content as the Quran and Sohi Hadis Content Wise, 100 More scholars - 5000 More Audio and Video Lectures, 5000 Articles, Islamic Online Bangla Courses, 2000 More Quran and Sohi Hadis Related.

Since these faiths do not worship Satan as the Jinn professed. No offense is intended to other faiths as the story is being narrated from what was told to Umm Reem, so she she cannot control what was said or not said to her. Finally, please do not try this at home!* We read and we believe in every word of Noble Qu’ran and the ahadeeth of the Prophet. We believe, without ever doubting, in all that Qur’an and ahadeeth talks about although we may never witness it. However, sometimes by Allah’s Mercy, we get to experience something further which affirms our faith and satisfies our hearts, and we thank Allah azzawjal for allowing us such an opportunity.

It is for this reason that I want to share an incident, hoping that may this be a beneficial and Iman-boosting read for everyone. During my visit to Pakistan last month, I had the opportunity to read over a ‘possessed’ girl. I will not discuss the details, but my conversation with the jinn, a creation of Allah that we have heard of but never seen, is definitely worth sharing. The conversation was a mixture of Urdu and Punjabi and I tried to be as precise as I can with the translation. This is not the complete conversation, but bits and pieces. I started of with the adhaan and some recitation from Qur’an until it, or she to be precise, agreed to talk to me. She was a female Jinnee named Seeta who had possessed a Muslim girl for almost 6-7 years.

The Exorcist Tradition In Islam Pdf By Bilal Philips Video

It wasn’t a voluntary possession rather a case of black magic. As advised, I tried to invite her to Islam first.

Apparently it was the first time anyone had ever invited her to Islam so she was a little shocked: Seeta: How can I become a Muslim? Me: Why not, anyone can become a Muslim. Amazing, subhanallah. I had a conversation about this very subject with some non-Muslim friends recently – they also held beliefs in the “unseen”, though with a different explanation to that of Qur’an & Sunnah. One thought I had was this kind of activity seems to be a lot more prevalent “back home” (i.e., Pakistan/India), than here in the UK. I’m not sure if my observation is correct though. I haven’t read Bilal Phillip’s book.

I was wondering, does it explain the difference between the signs of true possession, and potential mental illness? I worry that many people automatically assume the involvement of curses and jinn, whereas in fact the problem may be entirely medical in nature, and thus requires the relevant treatment. Though ruqyah should help in any circumstance I suppose (is the exact intention important in the efficacy of ruqyah?). Assalamu Waalaykum I have studied Demonology and I can tell you that the signs are very distinct and is like night and day compared to mental illsness for example one who is possessed often displays un-human strength and will have bowl movements unlike humans. In one of the most infamous possession cases a girl who I wont mention her name was possessed by 9 demons and shaytan was present during 14 days of the 28 that the exorcism took place.

She did not eat hardly anything and would only sip water and milk but would pee up to 4 gallons of urine at a time and was reported that the smell was so horrific that no one who was there that day had ever smelled such smell she was under a 100 lbs in body weight but possessed strength of a body builder on steroids as she could throw people thru air like nothing. Asalamualakum can i recite on myself as I don’t want to be read on due to the hadith of the 70,000 that wouldn’t enter jannah.I have always had an issue with iilluminations as a child and seeing people in my room since the age of 9 but just put this down too a wild imagination I also used to see the Muslim jins in the mosque and disappear after a while but again thought this to be my imagination. However recently I have been seeing them in my sisters form in the kitchen ever since I started trying to memorise the Quran and start practicing. I know that this is not my imagination as I talked to it and my father also talked to it but it was in my mothers form at the time.

I can’t seem to memorise a lot now a days i keep forgetting and crying out to Allah due to doubts in my head but after finish crying I am fine and the is no cconfusion. I would like to know whether this could be magic as I started to get severe cramps in my stomach and movements in my body and only happened after eating something accidently from a Hindu, however my family say that it may not be because of this. I did get read on when I was 3 years old but not out of my choice and the person said i had a stubborn jin, is it possible for the jin to stay with a person all their life. Assalamu’alaikum Umm Reem Jazzakillah for sharing your experience.

I remember when I was a child, something heavy would be tickling me on my feet or sat on my chest in bed. Alhamdulillah, not knowing anything about the Jinn but my mom always reminded us to recite ayatul Kursi and the three Quls before bed time, whatever the thing was, dissappeared in time. I think, your suggestion is great, it is good for mothers to teach their small children all those du’aas before eating, going to the bathroom, going in and coming out of the house, before sleeping, make Wudoo, recite Qur’an and do Witr prayer.

Now days I see kids are becoming more like the Jinns themselves. Assalam alaikum. IMuslim has raised an important issue. ‘Back home’, in India, Pakistan, and indeed in KSA where I have also lived, many people with mental illnesses are first taken to ‘aamil’s (“exorcists”) and the awareness about mental illness is abysmally low. So how do you know if somebody is behaving oddly, that it isn’t something like schizophrenia with hallucinations or some other psychosis? Do “exorcists” ever end up mistaking one for the other? — What you’ve written is interesting, but for some reason, I didn’t come away fully convinced.

Guess some of us are more skeptical than others. (Maybe it’s because you only gave us some details:-)). I do keep up with the entries on your blog, which are always very good. I was thinking along the same line as this writer about ‘Pakistan etc having more than UK.” The number of mentally sick are staggering in the west but they are taking prescriptions to keep “calm”.not cured. It is hard to get hold of the Psychiatrist Chart and many veils to investigate it. Many families have it as a genetic disease and does not want the world to know as hold key positions in UN and heads of countries. I would assume they will definitely not want the Arab world or Muslims to know of their mental problems?

I once heard that a certain faith group (cannot mention d/t liability.) has so many genetic problems in the mental area that few were reverting to Islam for cure and then cured. These are arch enemies of Islam now muslim. Good question. A very valid one surely not all cases are of jinn possession or black magic and it is possible to differenciate one from the other if u visit a proper alim or a priest, he will be able to tell u right away or by performing some ruqya what exactly is the case cuz jinns react to the recital of the Quran, duas and ruqya infact many correct alims or priests will tell u inadvance that it is not necessary that it is black magic or possession. That it could be a medical condition also. Irum: No she never converted. In fact, the last day she told me that whatever I call Hellfire is paradise for her!

As for her ‘keeping in touch’hmmi’m not sure, i might have a surprise guest one day!:) Seriously though, I just have to be more careful with the adhkar. Khawla: “Now days I see kids are becoming more like the Jinns themselves.” I used to think that too until I saw the harms this evil jinn had caused on that poor girl, may Allah release her from this difficulty. Dawud: Wasn’t all that enough to motivate?! IMuslim: I don’t know about the ‘qualifications’. All I did is asked sh.

Yasir before i did it. But I had heard a shaikh say once that exorcism is not for everyone because the jinn can come after them. Besides, jinns try to cause confusions during the conversations, so a person must be sound and firm, wAllahu ‘alam. And you are right, it seems more prevalent in Pakistan.

In fact, I was thinking about writing a part 2 on my observations there. Women have too much time to become jealous of others, leading themselves to go to magicians. I went to find the ‘spell/voodoo’ with her to different graveyards, and subhanAllah the number of voodoos that were there, it seemed half of Lahore should be under spell, iyyadhobillah!! *Shudders* May Allah protect us all, ameen!

My dad’s had a number of experiences with jinn possession, not just from his Medinah days but even here in Canada! The last one was the scariest a teen boy possessed by a female jinn (10 times stronger than the male!) he’d fly into rages, attack people, had unnatural strength his parents took him first to the more cultural desis to be read over and stuff, but they did the wrong thing – gave him amulets, which just made it worse. Finally they took him to my dad, who recited Qur’an, talked to the jinni, thumped on the chest, etc. I remember the one night my dad came home, he was soooo tired and worried about all of us and kept reminding us to say the adkhaar and recite Aayatul-Kursi and the Mu’awadhatain, because that day was apparently the day the jinn was most active and talkative (and angry!), and he was afraid that she might come after us or get other jinn she knew to harm us somehow al-Hamdulillaah we’ve been safe so far! (This was a couple years ago.) Always, my dad emphasizes that you HAVE to be strong in emaan and ‘aqeedah (because of the confusion they like to cause) strenght of emaan/ taqwa is the most important, because if you’re weak, then even if you’re doing the right things (reciting Qur’an and so on), it may not have the desired effect on the jinn.

Assalam alaikum, Umm Reem. Perhaps there is comment moderation enabled here, or perhaps my 1st comment ended up in the spam folder. IMuslim raised an important point, which would merit answering.

From my own previous experience, I know that ‘back home’, i.e., India, Pakistan, anyone behaving oddly is taken first to ‘aamils’ (“exorcists”) without a thought being given to the possibility of mental illness being present. How would you know the person deemed to be ‘possessed’ is not in fact suffering from schizophrenia with its various type of hallucinations or some other psychosis?

Is there a possibility that a person with a mental illness could be mistakenly deemed “possessed”? As to the above narrative that you have described, it is fascinating, and I think we should always say our dua’s, whether we have read this article or not – there is indeed great power in the verses of the Quran. However, on some level, I am not entirely convinced about this incident. I don’t know why – maybe because some ‘details’ were missing?

Or because it is still a 3rd person narrative? Just being really skeptical here, I suppose. Wallahu ‘alam:). Sorry mummyjaan, Akismet spam folder caught your comment! Also, it is indeed important to distinguish between mental illness and jinn possession – many times my father has had people coming to him complaining that they or a family member is being “haunted” by jinn when in fact it’s a purely medical issue I think that this is something imaams/ shuyookh need to remind people in the community of, because there’s so much stigma attached to mental illness that the people would rather pretend it’s a jinn’s fault!

I should add a few background points: 1) The family is actually very educated. The kids (including the girl) were raised in Dubai and all went to some of the best schools. 2) The father is the most skeptical out of the bunch.

So, he took the girl to a psychiatrist and was treated for almost 2 yrs. The meds had essentially no affect, except that she bloated as a side-effect of it. 3) The jinnie actually gave some specific information about the magician’s residence, which was later confirmed. In fact, this guy is a well known black magician but people are afraid to “mess with him” for obvious reasons.

I would also like to remind everyone that being a Muslim implies that we believe in the unseen world. We are the same people who believe in the miracles that the Prophet (S) performed, we believe in the miracles such as the parting the sea that Prophet Moses (AS) performed, the miracles such as the healing of Jesus (AS), and so on. And for any Christians reading this, the belief in something even more incredulous, in that God Himself was incarnated in a man on earth. Now I am not saying that you have to accept this story or any other specific story in order to affirm your belief in the hidden, but I do find it amusing when some of the “intellectuals” deny anything that is supernatural, even the miracles of the Prophet (S) -such as splitting of the moon, yet forgetting that our belief in God itself is faith in the unseen and supernatural! I also wondered why Pakistan has more than its fair share of these issues, but it only takes a visit to the graveyard and witness the spells wrapped up in pieces of clothes completely covering trees.

Amazingly, many people don’t realize the kufr that is involved in it. But it reminds me of the article that Sr.

Irum wrote about the religion-less class of Muslims in Pakistan. In fact, I was told by a tablighee brother that many people in the villages don’t even know the kalimah! So, yes, many don’t realize. May Allah help us all.

Not only Pakistan. Malaysia/Singapore/Indonesia has its fair share also (nowadays, to speak of such things there labels one as a “cuckoo” I’m afraid). I remember when younger living in a “village” and some possession happening to someone and I was too young “to understand it”. Perhaps it might be related to the region’s Hindu past before Islam. I always kid that there are no (or less incidences) in Canada because all the jinn have to wear bulky parkas because of the cold, and we can hear them coming a mile away! (and the bulky clothes limit their mobility);). Jazakallah for sharing this.

First off, kudos to sister Umm Reem for having the courage to help another Muslim in need. Many men I know, would shudder to even try and face off with the Jinn. I’ve learned a bit about exorcism from my shaykh. I live in India and black magic is all over the place. There is a serious dearth of people who can treat these people using the methods prescribed in the Sunnah. My Shaykh always insists that apart from having others reciting Qur’an and adhkaar over the ‘ill’ person, the affected person must them self engage in regular and intense dhikr. He summarizes it in four points that can safeguard you from the Jinn.

Tahaarah (Purity) 2. Tilaawah (Reciting the Qur’aan) 3.

Salah (which is very important) Of course someone who is regular in practicing these four can still be affected. Therefore, relying on Allah is the most important point that we must keep in mind. Jazakallah once again. I have lots of questions. Only because, as the Pakistani culture is crazy about this stuff, so is the Egyptian culture.

I want to first state. I do believe in the unseen world.

I do believe that there are jinn in their SEPARATE world. I do believe that magic does exist and whomever practices is it is committing kufr! Now, as for my questions: 1) Where in the life of Prophet Muhammad did he perform an exorcism?

2) Where in the traditions of Islam (Quran and Sunnah) does it say that the seen and unseen world mix? 3) How can you tell the difference between a case of mental illness and a case of the Jinns? 4) If what people claim they are doing is according to the Quran and sunnah, where do they get their healing prescription from? (There is an Arabic term for it, that I can’t remember.

I’ve read about famous Saudi shoyookh performing these steps and claiming it’s sunnah). I would like the proof for it. Now, in the case there is no evidence that the Prophet ever performed exorcism, don’t you think it’s odd that RasulAllah wouldn’t teach us something so important? Last Ramadan, a famous Arabic channel hosted a show with various scholars and mental health professionals discussing the issue.

Some scholars claimed to be married to a Jinnyah and having children. The sheikhs with an opposing view determined that there is no such thing as mixing between the seen and unseen world. I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Thank you in advance. Mummyjaan: you are right that anyone having a bit of a different attitude is considered ‘possessed’ in Pakistan, and u can read about it on my blog where i talked about this problem. But this was the first case that i heard had the symptoms of the ‘real’ possession. I don’t feel comfortable discussing her personal life, but the intimate details are not symptoms of schizophrenia or other psychosis.

In addition, she was treated by psychologists for two years. Besides, for her to know all the above seems a little impossible as she was not as Islamically educated. In any case, I do appreciate your honestly about being skeptical, maybe because you don’t know me and to believe some unknown person is not right! This could be a small example of accepting ‘narrations’ from others! I cannot tell you anything more then to ask those who know me, to be satisfied that inshaAllah I wouldn’t make this up:) But if you are skeptical about the girl being possessed or her making up all that stuff, then again she wasn’t islamically as educated. Moreover, she tried to describe my living room to me and she has never visited my home! Sis OM: 1) There are various ahadeeth describing “ruqya” – the practice of reciting Qur’an over someone who is possessed or afflicted with the Evil Eye, and even for medical stuff like being bitten by a snake or scorpion.

Sahih Bukhari, Book of Medicine, #634: Narrated Aisha: The Prophet ordered me or somebody else to do Ruqya (if there was danger) from an evil eye. Also, I can’t find the hadith right now, but I recall the hadith of the Sahabi who treated the son of a tribal chief with ruqya, and when he reported it to the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), he approved of it. As well, there was the incident when the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) was afflicted with black magic, and the angel Jibreel came to him and informed him of it, and taught him how to deal with it. Wa iyyaki, no problem!:) I don’t know if any of the sahaaba were ever possessed, although I do know that they occasionally met/ interacted with them, as with Abu Hurayrah (ra) when he was guarding the treasury and a jinn came to him 3 nights in a row trying to decieve him, and eventually left him with the advice to recite aayatul-Kursi as protection. Also, the hadith I referred to above, with Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri, had to do with jinn possession *Correction, the Sahabi was NOT Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri, it was Alaqah ibn Sahar at-Tamimi, and the hadith is in.

Organic Muslimah: Prophet sallallhu alihi waslam did perform exorcism on a boy and the hadeeth is narrated in Ahmad (vol 4 pg. 170) and al-Hakim. I highly encourage you to read Bilal Philip’s book ‘The Exorcist Tradition in Islam’. This book has all the answers to your questions and in great detail. This book is amazing.

It was originally his thesis paper for his PhD in Exorcism from Wales. He not only talks about Islamic practice but even briefly presents the Christan concept of exorcism. I really wish someone can translate the book in Urdu and distribute it in Pakistan:). Umm Reem, Assalam alaikum.

Thank you for your reply. When I talk of being skeptical, I don’t mean I doubt your truthfulness – indeed, I read your blog, and you write wonderfully inspiring articles, so I have no reason to doubt you. There are other things in my mind.

Like the sequences and conversations you related – you stated that this ‘jinnie’ lied repeatedly. How is one to know it was a jinn/jinniya at all? What if you were conversing directly with the ol’ Shaitan himself? Quite an interview. Whose voice was it that conversed with you?

Was it the girl herself or a different voice? The other possibility that I still entertain is some form of mental disorder because they can take various forms and some can be difficult to treat. Indeed, many patients have chronic courses, having several remissions and relapses, and need continual care from the Mental Health Services. I wonder if, with so much talk about black magic and jinns and all, if patients make up these stories and tell the exorcists what they want to hear?

I’m really wondering out loud rather than disputing what you’ve said, Umm Reem, so I hope you’re not offended. I have actually heard many, many stories of ‘possessions’ and ‘exorcisms’ in both India and Saudi Arabia, so it’s not something out of the blue for me.

(Including the tales of the jinn in our ancestral home who would throw out guests onto the road in the middle of the night – I never saw him – “oh but that’s because you’re family – he doesn’t bother family”.) In fact, I’ve even sat in a gathering with a shaikh who ‘spoke’ to ‘possessed’ women, and ‘cured’ them with Quranic verses and dua’s. However, I’ve always wondered: is it indeed what I’m seeing or hearing, or is it not? It would have been really interesting to actually see you do it – I would have shaken off my skepticism for good. Then again, maybe not – I would probably have died of fright!

One question I have What do we tell people who say they’ve seen Jinn? Many people who go through such trials or have schtizo type problems recall their encounters as, “I know that what I was seeing were the Jinn.” Yet Allah (SWT) says in the Quran “Verily, he and Qabeeluhu (his soldiers from the jinn or his tribe) see you from where you cannot see them” [A’raaf 7:27] Do we believe that whatever these people saw, IF they were truly Jinn, then they were Jinn taking different forms besides their natural state (or also just their mind breaking down on them in their server psychological conditions)? I read from IslamQA already, but my question is more for what kind of understanding should we present to our brothers and sisters who think they’ve actually seen Jinn in their natural form. Don’t want them to believe something against an ayat in the Quran, now, do we?:) Sh.

Do we believe that whatever these people saw, IF they were truly Jinn, then they were Jinn taking different forms besides their natural state (or also just their mind breaking down on them in their server psychological conditions)? “The lowest catagory of jinn in terms of their power or ability is referred to in Arabic as hinn. This catagory includes the weakest of the jinn and also those who appear in the form of dogs which are completely black.” [Lisaan al’Arab, vol. 132] The jinn that suddenly appear in horrible, rapidly changing forms in the presence of humans are rferred to in Arabic as ghool (pl. Mention of them can be found in the hadeeths.

For example, the Prophet, sallallahu alihi wasalam was quoted as saying, “If the gheelaan appear and transform themselves before you, call the athaan.” [Al Musnad, vol. 305] And we know that jinns can appear in forms of other animals like snake. Or in a form of human being like what happened with Abu Hurairah (ra). Bilal Philip’s does mention though of opinions in his book that Jinn cannot be seen in their ‘real’ form except by the Prophet. I had always thought that it was more of an “African & Moroccan” thing.

Even though there are numerous evidences of the existance of Jinns is in the Quran, alot of Muslims and of course non-Muslims, find it really hard to believe. Well, Iguess it is the case of “seeing is believing”, but to reconfirm, what should be known to you all, it is very much true, therefore deny it not, for denial in some cases leads to ignorance.

Over the years I have read, researched, and witnessed all types of cases related to the subject in question, and I tell you that the supernatural world is real, scary and astonishing. Would have been nice to share some cases with you, but I am afraid it is much too long and complicated to capture using these electronic alphabets, which to a cetrtain extent is still an amazing invention, but then non of us doubt this, for we have seen it work and believe in it. Maybe I should compile accounts of different events of such matters in a book for those who are interested in reading about the matter. One thing to keep in mind is that, though there are many cases of possession, only a handful are true. Of lately, some unexplainable medical cases are brushed aside with the notion of them been “Jinnic” possession or influence. You must keep in mind that, out of ten cases of possession, about 60-70% of that figure happens women, especially young un-married women.

Trying not to sound vulgar, but it must be stated that women are more likely to be brushed by Jinns, due to their nature be it anatomically, physiology, physcology or social qualities. Unfortunately, these cases are on the increase globally, for hijabs are on the decrease. I do not deny the fact that efforts are been made by women to cover-up, but you will find that their hijabs have one or two faults. Faults may include excessive use of edenly perfume, leaving tips of their hair open in public and in some cases practising or even soliciting with shamens for magic potions etc. These women are very much exposed, for the tips of woman’s hair is a gateway for the unknown to go through. Just as when a man smells captivating perfume scent from a woman and gets all excited and confused, the same effect can happen to a male Jinn (not that I can blame him) In a desperate need of marrying the “RIGHT” husband (right here doesnt apply to one who is righteous, religious and noble, but one who has the much needed digits stored in abundance in his bank account, with houses all over the world and very liberal) young women seek the blessings and help of the magic potion maker, to cook-up some soup of evil, for a quick fix and one way ticket to a heavenly profitable marriage! Subhanallah- may Allah forbid and guide us from the ignorant and ignorance.

I pray that I have bored you not with this long email, but wanted to share what I know, for such general knowledge should not be forgotten. Allah be ith us all. Subhan’Allah what a experience, Umm reem, May Allah reward you and protect you from all harm. I am sure this was as well as an iman booster a very trying experience for you. I have also been involved in something similar, Alhumdulilah the jinn did leave but i didnt have any conversations that would have really freaked me out! It really shows you the harm that humans can do to one another, to see the affects of balck magic and know that another human has infliceted this on there fellow brother or sister is very painful.

From what i have seen and this experience also i would advise all to make sure they never sleep without doing their duas and bathroom duas etc Really it is very clear it is only Allahs protection we can rely on! May Allah cure those who are suffering and make their trials easy for them, Ameen! Chills no doubt, but we have a powerful weapon and by the help of Allah we should unite in this as an ummah for the oppression happening on this little girl. Maybe we should all read ayat al-kursi and make sincere duaa, Allah will relieve the jinn of this little girl for good.let’s do this now inshaAllah. ALLAH, the One who has power over all things, please remove this evil being from this little girl allowing her to grow strong into a obediant slave to you as a Muminah. Punish this evil jinn harshly and prevent it from hurting another child again.ameen.

Make this child one who rebels against the negativity of her society and implements only of what is pleasing to You.ya Allah releive her of this possession and do not allow this to happen again to her. We are in need of You to save this small human girl from the darkness imposed upon her. If she should grow into the age of accountability then admit her into Jannah for her patience, and give her contenment and have her be amongst the beleiving women in Jannahand if she dies before then, then give her whatever comes easy and prevent her from any suffering.ameen.

“UmA: I told her the same famous answer, ‘I am made of clay but you can kill me with a clay stone’ Mummyjaan, I am not offended at all. You have every right to question and believe me if I had heard of some similar story fromPakistan I would have had my doubts as well. Having said this, readers please keep in mind that my intention to write this article was not to convince anyone about ‘jinn possession’ neither do I feel comfortable discussing the details of this possessed sister in an open forum. In fact, when I started exorcism I had no idea I will have such an ‘inspiring’ conversation with the jinn! I was convinced in my heart that I will make da’wah to jinn and BOOM she will convert and everything will be fine, little did i realize I had no intentions of sharing my exorcism story publicly because it happens all the time, but this conversation was so consistent with the Qur’an & hadeeth that I thought of the greater benefit and how it may become a source of ‘ eman-rush’ for everyone, bi idhnihi ta’ala! May Allah reward you and protect you; Ameen Umm Reem for sharing your amazing story.

It’s really disappointing to get to know about the level of ignorance and acts of major kufr prevailing in my country- Pakistan. I guess the situation here in Karachi might be the same or even worse as the one described by you regarding Lahore.

May Allah Subhan Wa’Taalah give hidaayah to these people and grant them a firm comprehension of the concept of Tawheed and May Allah Subhan Wa’Taalah protect all of us and keep us on the Sirat-e-Mustaqeem. This is an eye-opener.i have somewhat different but true story to tell. It happened to a close relative of mine.

Her belongins (i don’t say what, due to some readers recognition) were unexpectedly stolen in an asian cousin was at her wits end as to suspect a thief.She couldn’t think of one. They kept reciting Sura BUROOJ and one day a young man came there for some reason. Coincidentally my cousin recognized that it was the man whom is known to one of her in-laws who possesses a female jinn and with her help he help find voodoos and charms magicians/spell-casters make. So my cousin told that some misfortune occured. After much pleading he agreed to see what was the problem. According to my cousin he had taken wudu and sat on a musallah and recited something. Then suddenly to my cousin he had appeared somewhat a womam.

He had long eyes (contrary to his big eyes) and he was shy and laughed softly like a woman. He had detailed her about the theft, how it was done, places from which the goods were stolen(from which rooms) and the person who stole them and the name of the thief and his accumplice. More over he had told where the goods are at that moment and the hometown and dwelling place of the thief. When the jinn pessessor came to, he had remembered nothing,my cousin had to tell him all. The jinn possessor is married and he tells that the she-jinn is married too and she wears sarees and shows him if it suits her etc. To my cousin’s surprise the thief is known to her and had come manytimes and befriended her. She’s seeking the help of the police to track him down.Lets all pray that the stolen goods will be found and given to her.

By the way the jinn possessor is not from her town. I have not told you all due to some reasons. But my question this possible. Is this halaland why incidence of this nature happen in asian countries and rarely in westerncountries.? Wa alaikum assalam, Tarannum: according to the dictionary definiton:) ghost is, ‘The spirit of a dead person’ And so we don’t believe that the spirits of the dead person can come back to this world. Jinns are the creation of Allah, made of smokeless fire. Miami: As far as I know, a jinn never agrees to help a human unless and until that human does something for that jinn first, and usually they ask for some kind of act of shirk.

The muslim jinns are not allowed to interact with human beings like this, wAllahu ta’ala ‘alam. Umm Reem; I forgot to tell that this particular jinn is a muslim and i don’t want to make my article a Stephen King fiction.Wallahi every bit I say is true. I fear Allah every minute. Do you say that this man takes my cousin for a ride?But he doesn’t make profit out of thisbesides some ministers and big heads keep him in touch.This man is married and wants a divorce. He has a baby girl too. I remember another incident in the same country where a kafir jinn possessed a teenage Muslim girl.

Girl didn’t show any kind of misbehaviour. She got married.

Her first baby was alive for 6 months. Next she gave to five babies and all were stil-born after a successful normal delivery. Meantime when she was directed to an exorcer (a Muslim) he had told a kafir jinn possesses her and act as her husband. Her mom-in- law affirmed that fact saying when her son goes on thablih jamah she stays with her daughter -in. Sometimes the latter takes showers in the middle of the night several times, despite the cold weather. These things make me scary.

In one way I’m happy to be in a western country where these kind of incidence are seldom heard. Aslamu alakum well i did get help and she has had Rukiyyah, it keeps returning she is a child and whenher emman drops as does ours her dikr ect weakens creating a hole in the shield of protection and its in. She has attacks at home and i am a single parent for the past 2.5yrs, i am a revert so my quran recitation is limmited and poor.

This whole thing is distroying us, me, her. The brothers wont come to make rukiyyah if no mahram is present i have none here. I live in a forgien land i am not native to alhamduillah its muslim but still i have no family here. I feel like i am walking on egg shells, waiting for her to get mad, angery and start as that usually the onset. Why is there no counselling in place for this, my child needs counselling and support as we do, i have none, thats why i am so glad you have found this place at least i can get some support. Sometimes i just want to pack my bags and leave abadon my child, Allah forgive me but thats how i feel, the stress. I feel like this is never going to end, i know allah says He will not burden me beyond my ablity but this one is beyond me.

Allah Al must’aan. I feel anger at why won’t it just leave, it leaves for short pierods but returns the longest being 5months last year. When she is possed she is violent and hurts us, i have to sit on her to gain control, its hard coz i don’t know what i am dealing with, i only know lil i know ifret is a high rank shatan.

People tell me it can be exorcised but i feel in my heart this will stay with her its not letting go, e was told it was born with her, i was pocessing me and lived in my stomach and entered her fetous as i had taken shahdda at that time. I belive i was ppocessed as i recall memories as a child, that i didnt understand but now u have the knowledge you piece it together. Any support or advice wuld be apprechated. I wrote about the incedent recently on a blog i copied it here for you to read to help understand what iam dealing with, Someone I know has some serious illness but also has the cure, to adminster the cure is the hard part. Its difficult as i dont want to go into to much detail, well i may have too.

The condition is a mental illness is the best way to decribe it, most end up in Mental Asylums beacause it goes undetected, the real cause i mean, they call it skizophreniah or a mental break down, in most cases it is but in this case it jinn possesion. Well last night the person(ok lets call the person Maria ) was under the influence of the jinn, who just loves to cause fitnah. As I apporoached to difusse the situation between Maria and one of her household, the Maria began screaming, and yelling and i tried to carm them down but i could see where this was leading, sometimes Maria tries to harm herseld by pulling her own hair or strangling herself but its not really the person present, they are the victim to the jinn over taking there body and senses. As the person fell into unconcence i knew what i now had to deal with, THE JINN. Allah Al Must’aan its a very difficult situation and i knew very little about this until 2-3 yrs ago.

As this person has noone else i can not abbandon them its like its my duty, maybe Allah is testing me through Maria’s test, The victim is being tested big time for sure. The first thought that went trough my mind was have i got wudu and does the victim have it too? I had as i rememebered paying magrib not to long ago i was getting reaady for Isha so i had alhamduillah. I began to make the adan in the hope that the shatan would leave i must have made it 2-3 times and all was still but after a while i could tell by the un-natural movements in the person the jinn was still present. I began to recite ayat ul kursi, falak, nas again and agian every now and then asking the victim to recite with me, i kept getting a violent no head shake.

After a while i could tell the jinn hold was weaking with the quran recitation as i was able to converse a few words in between with the victim and enourage recitation of dikhr. At this point i realised maybe it has left so i rush the Maria to the bathroom and watched while Maria made wudu, then i thought i would bring her back and we will pray isha together before i leave Maria alone. On our return to the room Maria began to slip into an unconcuss state again and i could see i was loosing her again as her eyes began rolling, i knew the jinn was back in, I had lost Maria again. I could tell by the movements of Maria where the jinn was located it was in the head temple area on the left side and moving to the eyes or eye i couldn’t be sure, i had some olive oil with rukiyah that i had from a previous time, i thought to put some on Maria’s head as she said her head was hurting, i said bismillah and put some on, she began to shake violently and scream ”NO!!!!, i am burning,” so i procceded to put more on the eyes. Sister Ummi, may Allah have mercy on you and your daughter. I cannot imagine how you see your daughter go through all this!

Be patient and have trust in Allah. And know that this can only be cured if and until Allah wills. Alhamdullilah as you are being very strong and keeping your faith in Allah, please continue to do so and make lots and lots of du’a for your du’a as a mother will be accepted, inshaAllah. If you don’t mind emailing me, please email me: If you tell me through the email where you live, we maybe able to find someone in your area to treat your daughter, inshaAllah.

Until then, here is what your can do in addition to what you are already doing: 1. When you read Qur’an over her, make sure you hold her forehead. Give adhaan in her ears 3. Read ayatulkursi, 4 quls, adhaan, blow it in her mouth. Read Fatiha 7 times over her with your right hand on her body part that is hurting. Read these du’as over her: “Allaahumma Rabb al-naas, adhhib il-ba’s, washfi anta al-Shaafi laa shifaa’a illa shifaa’uka shifaa’an laa yughaadir saqaman (O Allaah, Lord of mankind, remove the harm and heal him, for You are the Healer and there is no healing except Your healing, with a healing which does not leave any disease behind).” This may be repeated three times or more.

Asalaamu alaikum Wow.It truly amazes me how a sister with very little knowledge and experience can go and preform an exorcism. I did not know by reading a book and going to a weekend seminar with “sheikhs”makes someone qualified to deal with the things of the unseen. Yes, this is how the story came off and this is the attitude of many people who get tons of information (not knowledge) in 4 or 5 days of sitting with a “sheikh” I hope the sister realizes that this job of exorcism is not for anyone to do because they get “excited ” about a conversation with a jinn. Like a sister mentioned above.the person should have strong aqueeda,taqwa and of course this included true knowledge of these issues. And I hope her husband does not respond with an emotional comeback. May Allah reward you sister for your concern and protect your family from the dangers of the unseen.ameen( for choosing to go on the path to attack the unseen). Salaam Alaikum ‘AQ’ Unlike Catholics, Muslims do not need an ordained ‘minister’ to perform ruqya.

Any Muslim who puts his/her trust in Allah and follows the Sunnah may perform it. There is no doubt that this is a dangerous field, and so only if a person really knows the Sunnah and feels confident in such matters should this be done. And there is also no doubt that in any situation, the most reliable and trustworthy person should perform ruqyas. But that does not mean that you have to be an alim to perform ruqya. Umm Reem is well-known to me as I have taught her in many classes; I trust her knowledge and insha Allah her Iman as well. In the situation she was in, she was the only person qualified to do what she did in her locality. So it was either a case of doing nothing, or benefiting her sister in Islam.

And, as the beloved Rasool salla Allahu alayhi wa salam said, in a hadeeth pertaining to performing ruqyas, ‘Whoever is able to help his brother, let him do so.’ And Allah knows best. Asalamu alaikum You may want to advise your student to keep things like this personal and not make it public because others who are not as “knowledgeable “may think this can be done after reading a book and going to a few conferences. We are not Catholics.thank you for informing about thatWe are also not hasty into putting ourselves in situations that we are not qualified in dealing with it in a mature fashion. It is sad to see that there was nobody in the area in a Muslim country, known for having people of knowledge, to help the sister in this affair. Teach your students to know their place and to have some insight in looking for someone who may know how to best deal with this situation. Calling you long distance doesn’t count May Allah help us allameen. Aslamu alakum i would just like to add i am not no way qualified no way expierenced, no way fully understanding this issue but when you are presented with it in your own home in your own life and in that moment what do you do?

Turn and run? I have lil knowledge and expierence, have had no training or expierence, have not read any book in depth on the mater, yet what i am doing is helping my child, what i recite eventually drives the beast out, be it temporaliy but it works, this is all i have to aid me subhan Allah, the sister sharing this expierence here means alot to me as someone who is walking on egg shells day in day out, inshaAllah more sisters will train in this field so i for one can bennifit when there is no mahram around. I live in a muslim country but most people performing ruqiyah are not doing it the right way, there is a lot of shirk and biddah involved and the sunnah example are few and far between. JazakAllahu Khyrun to the spreads of the sunnah, seekers of ilm, those who help thier brothers/sisters as i said in an earlier post most people (muslims inc) run from this issue, and discrimnate againist the possed. Allah Al-must’aan. I have a couple of storiesone with this girl and a couple of male jinns and female but i wont discuss because it involves some sexual conten, and its lengthy I will share this one Jinns are a creation of Allah, as are humans, but the jinns were created before the creation of man. One should constantly recite Ayatul Kursi, which will keep things like jinns away and thus they will not be able o harm you.

Shri Krishna Govind Hare Murari Ravindra Jain Mp3 Free Download on this page. There is a human female who had a male jinn posess her. They took her to a Shaykh, who made the jinn talk. The Shaykh asked the jinn why he possesed this girl and the reply was that the girl was walking out one day and went past the jinn.

The jinn said that she had a beautiful perfume on, which attracted him towards her. So he began liking her. The jinn said that he is a muslim but cannot help himself and loves his girl.

Well the Shaykh told him to go away and leave the girl alone. He gave the girl taweez and wazaif to read. She is alright now. These things do happen and one should not be surprised by it. One should stay in constant Wuzu and recite quran, especially Ayatul Qursi. It is strange when you first hear about it and its hard to believe when you havent personally experienced it. But it happens.

Jinns are attracted to perfume. Womens hair and beauty.

Just like we are. I have seen a cousin sister suffer from this and many other people too. It really is a shock to the system when you see them suffer!! Staying in wudhu, keeping hair covered, not standing under trees close to sunset and after (it is known that the jinn like to sit on trees at this time), reciting daroordshareef/ last 2surahs of the quran, aithal kursi can all help us keep ourselves safe.

And one should never doubt works of Allah SWT, NOTHING is impossible for Him to make anything happen. They are all around us, we can not see them!! They can see u. They are attracted to us at various places and times, it is just like us humans can be attracted to someone in a specific place. The attraction is just how it is between us humans. Anything that makes one look attractive will attract the jinn. I had a response to the question that says why doesnt the west have jinn?

I lived all my life in Americaand it does. You here stories of “paranormal” and “ghosts”the only difference is that in Islam it is the Jinn trying to lead them to believe they are “spirits of the past” or “ghosts”there are even shows about this.shows like Ghost hunters, Paranromal investigatosr, sightings, A haunting. The west does certainly have jinnbut since it is a non Islamic countrythey dont refer to them as jin.they call them “Ghosts” and “spirits”.and we all know that the Jinn are playing with their mind and causing them to believe that they are spirits and stuff. Mcpagal: Allah azzawjal has given Jinns some ‘physical’ characteristics that humans don’t have, like them not being able to be seen by human eyes, whereas we cannot make ourselves disappear. They have the ability to cross ‘through’ things, we don’t. They can see us, we cannot unless they make themselves appear in some form or the other so, they have the ability to possess, we don’t.

Allah azzawjal is the best Creator and He alone knows the wisdom behind this set up. I don’t think the jinns worry about getting possessed!

Best of all, Allah has chosen us (i.e. Humans) over them. WAllahu ta’ala ‘alam.

“One of the greatest contributions made by Arab scholars to the extension of knowledge was their development of the science of astronomy. If you look at a modern star chart, you’ll find hundreds of stars whose names derive from Arabic: Altair, Aldebaran, Betelgeuse, Vega, Rigel, and Algol, to name a few. The derivation of the last of these is intriguing: It comes from the Arabic al-ghul, a word meaning “demon,” from which the English word ghoul and its adjective ghoulish are also derived. Algol was named “the ghoul” by the Arabs because of its ghostly appearance, for, as an eclipsing binary star, it appears hazy and varies in brightness every two days. Beyond star names, many astronomical terms, among them zenith, nadir, and azimuth, also derive from Arabic.” read the rest of this article at: Some of the words in the article I knew of, but alot of them I didn’t. I love linguistics and languages and how they connect and influence eachother!

Asalamu alaikum wr wb May Allah make your affairs easy,Ameen!(ummi) I really feel for you. It’s like when your child cries out of him/her being sick and you really can’t do anything until the medicine starts to take affect or something like that! Allah make it easy!! Anyway i was just wonder you said that the brothers won’t come to your house, cause there is no mahram?!

Are u serious? I mean really i hope it’s not one of these gulf countries(K.S.A) it would just add to the couple of checks on my “Cons of living in K.S.A!” list really you won’t help a sister in this type of serious situation cause she doesn’t have a mahram?

May Allah guide them!! It’s really disgusting! How do you know if one has been possessed before in the past? Is it possible that I could have been? My past behaviors I cannot explain, but they were out of character as compared to who I am today.

I do remember it all though. Then out of nowhere I stopped the absurd behavior immediately without any thoughts or plans or anything. Almost as if I went from one extreme (evil) to the other extreme (good). I always tell myself that it isn’t important because “your last form is better that the first” and I am pleased with myself today.

But it is still a curious topic. Assalam, I have forwarded this Link to one of my non muslim friend with whom I am having a debate regarding Jinn. May this story help him answer some of his questions ( even if he doesn’t believe the story) Being a Pakistani myself all I can say is that maybe my country has more than it shares of these cases bec Pakistan is vey much divided into sects and anybody can lead them astry very easily thus with limited knowledge of quran Satan can play with their mind more easily. And as Jesus (pbuh) said truth shall let them free. And as Allah say in quran: ” Deaf dumb and blind they will not come to the right path.”. Dear, zulqarnain Asalam Walaykum as of all the studying I have done of jinn posessions and what not.

I recommend you first seek professional help from experienced Amaals. Exorcism is nothing light, it is something sensitive and heavy from each side. You first have to be prepared in order to take up the challenge with a being (jinn), from the ghaib(unseen). You have to first aknowledge if you yourself are capabale of handling this from the birds eye point of you. (Meaning up close). You have to look at things like hows your emaan, praying on time, staying away from sins, and all those things. Conducting exorcism can be a mind game as well between you and the jinn, the jinn can also win (meaning control your mind) he will try and hit you on your weaknesses,fear, you name it and the jinn will use it to his/her advantage.

So if you think you can handle it, then try it( try to have some pious people with you incase anything happens.) And always have allah in your mind and heart (Zikr) while doing it, dont be afraid and believe that Allah can only heal the sick. Allah will reward you for your efforts.(inshallah). Aslamu alakum /hello all its been some time, things got worse for us and my uaghter and the attacks became more frequent. The jinn seemed to up the antiy and started to terrorise my other 2 children, getting to my possed daughter via them, at first it was me but as i increased my adkar and dikr it stopped. Alhamduilah we had rukiyyah done and each time after, when the jinn returns things got worse in the sense the effect on my possed child, like she went out and was all normal and then later ran me from accross town and had no recolection of how she got there, she was in a state when she only poped out for 10mins to the local shop.

Another time the jinn made me look like a devil to her eyes but it was me and she tryed to beat me, she has become more violent and aggresive. One day my 6yr old went to bed and after abit i heard her crying and i knew something was wrong so i rushed to her room as i entered i felt my hairs stand on end and felt uneasy, so i removed her fromthe room and we made some dua latter my daughter who gets possed came up and fainted at the door of this room and she was possed again. I see its a battle a war really but its hard when my young children are suffering at the hands of this 70yr old shyite jinn, I have moved to the Uk now and my husband is doing rukiyyah but it keeps returning. We used olive oil and water with verses read in it and this helps alot. My child has lost aa lot of hair on her hair line, wakes up some days covered in bruises unexplained on her breast, suffers from insomia. At irst the jinn was only coming between asr and magrib but now comes during the day time too.

We gave dawah to the jinn but he won’t acept muhammad (SAW) as the prohet. He said he is an Ifreat and high ranking and he can not accept our dawah as he is old now and other jinn of his kind will hurt him if he fails in his mission. We know he lies alot and aviod conversation with him. It’s just i see him becoming stronger each time but knowing he is scraping the barrel with his tricks. Allah al Must’aan.

Wa alakum aslam bint jazak allahu khyrun for your duas and kind words, we did ask and have 2 different answers as they lie a lot so we don’t know wheither to belive or not? Frist response was he felt hassad from her when she was reciting quran at her class when she was 5yrs old, as he said she recite better than him so he possed her, another time he said she sat on him at her quran class and there for took possion as a revenge when she was 5yrs old, he said he frequented her quran class to listen and learn quran and he said he is a shiyte so has knowledge of quran and said his fav surah is Surah /maryam.

I don’t know if this helps? Ummreem i sent you an email a daughtersofadam but the mail service said the account is closed. Ummm I am a convert to Islam. I was raised christian and I was very turned off of the crazy christians who believed in possession. They would dance around the church and “speak in tongues” and really act all crazy. They were just on a spiritual high and showing off for each other, but the did believe to an extent in possession.

This is ignorant. How come there aren’t any possessed little girls in the US – because converts don’t have the lame cultural influence that “original” Muslims have.

Many converts like myself are RUNNING from this type of ignorance. But Allah does not allow for any other being to take over or possess any of us! This is why we are held accountable for our actions.

This possession talk is just superstition and may Allah have mercy on all those who propogate it. InchAllah we will all be guided to knowledge and to the straight path. Sister Jannah, you made the right decision in accepting Islam.

May Allah protect your faith, and keep you free from serious tests of it. Also, i say ameen to the dua in the last sentence of your comment. A shaykh i have studied with told me that well over 95% of the cases of Muslims who claim to have had direct interaction with the Jinn or of possession by them are fakes. He is a man whose integrity is flawless, mashaAllah. Who was the student of the most serious and knowledgeable scholars of Islam from Saudi Arabia. And i believe him without doubt when he tells me of the exorcisms in which he has participated. It does not bother me in the slightest, nor does it affect you as a Muslim if reading my last statement causes you to doubt me.

Because i am nothing more than a man. And a man you know only by way of words printed on the internet — and the internet is a place where grains of salt are just not enough when it comes to good digestion.

On the other hand, as a Muslim, you should trust the literal word of Allah, and you should trust His Messenger, sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam. I have no personal knowledge of the Jinn, and i do not seek any. But the One Who Created all of the universe and every living thing in it — He Knows exactly what He Made. Allah tells us that Satan (Iblis) who refused to bow to Adam was a Jinn, who became the real and spiritual father of all the devils and devil-minded. Allah has revealed an entire Surah that we know as “.” Finally the Messenger of Allah confirmed the existence of the Jinn in authentic hadiths transmitted by people whose veracity, memory, and reliability were tested and found to be without doubt. So, as a Muslim all you have to know about Jinn is that they do exist. Everything else that people talk about the Jinn is either from the authentic sources i have listed (Qur’an, hadith, or trustworthy report), or from their own supposition.

But the details do not have to be studied by a Muslim who is not interested in the Jinn. And if i have misspoken, i am certain that someone will correct me. Heck, people will seek to correct me even if i have spoken correctly. But any mistake is from me, and any good of what i have written is from Allah.

May He be pleased with the scholars who have shared knowledge with me, with all of the Muslims, with me, and with you. As salaam walaikum Umm Reem, Thank you for sharing the story with us. It is really something else when you have a misbelieving jinn tell you about things mentioned in the Quran.

It makes you realise what you have and how lucky we are to be Muslims. I did have a few questions regarding your conversation with the jinn.

As you’ve mentioned, and so have many more people who have been involved in rukyah, that a jinn tries to lie and fool you. Do you mind sharing some of the ways the female jinn tried to fool you and how did you respond to her? Also, when conversing with the jinn, did you ever feel threatened or did the jinn try to scare you in any way and if so, how did you deal with that? Is it possible for a jinn to know what you are thinking or feeling? Personally, I do not wish to ever have an encounter with bad jinns but at the same time, I am interested in learning about jinn possession, rukyah and how to protect oneself. A friend of mine was under the influence of black magic and there was a time when we were living together with a few friends and we noticed some strange experiences. Alhumdulillah, I don’t believe it affected us but I was wondering if that is possible?

At the time, whenever I would feel scared I would recite ayatul kursi. I believe, the jinn(s) (if it was not my imagination since I have no logical explanation for it) were only trying to scare us. Lastly, the question is regarding Qareen. Is it necessary that our Qareens be bad and motivate us to sin or can they be good as well? May Allah reward you for your efforts in helping the sister. And May Allah make it easy for her and her family and restore her health and well being.

Sister ummi, I’m really sorry to read about what your daughter is facing. Surely no harm can come to you or your family, except by the will of Allah (swt). Alhumdulillah that you now have a husband who is helping you through this difficult time. Whatever happens, don’t give up.

May Allah give you and your daughter the strength to overcome and defeat this. Ummi, I am sad to hear this about your daughter, I recently found out of a muslim that I knew went through a similar situation: i.e jinn possession and for what? Some silly reason as that mentioned by the jinn. Either case, Please please take your daughter to a righteous/or righteous mashaaikh; let them take it out of her this entity. Please give us an update in shaa Allaah. I pray that Allaah rewards you for your patience and gives strength to your daughter to overcome this. I believe there was a lady at the time of Prophet SAW who use to get attacks from Jinn possession; some explainers of hadeeth say epilepsy.

Either way, she was patient and Rasool SAW told her that jannah would be a reward for her. This life is temporary and it will end. What an epileptic, or mentally ill, or possessed person is not accountable for their actions; so to think that they are not accountable for their actions; i.e no sins It made me really sad as soemthing similar to this subhanallaah happened to someone I know. I was more sad than scared and made me think how much we need to value our time and life and use it for the best way possible while we have it or are in is a lesson for all of us. Jinns like the shayateen generally love what we hate and angels generally love what we love. For example Jinns love bad ordours and Angels love perfume, (The prophet (s.a.w) also loved perfume.).

The angels dislike the smell of garlic in the mosque just like we dislike to stand in prayer beside one who has just eaten it and discharges bad smell from his mouth. As for women attracting the evil jinn by wearing perfume, it can only be said that they put thiemselves in such a predicament by disobeying the prophet (s.a.w). May Allah grant the women who do not walk the streets wearing perfume in obediance to the prophet(s.a.w) protection and make them free of any bad smell. Jannah, apart from the other answerers to your comment, there’s a desperation in the third world that you won’t find in the west. Like Sister Ummi says, the practises are so widespread it must have a lot to do with the what was around in the subcontinent prior to Islam. Alhamdulillah, you do not live in a nation of people burning with hatred and jealousy towards others, people who would spare the little they have to see that their OWN daughter or son is married off to an ‘elegible spouse’ at the expense of someone else’s misery, and by resorting to those who earn their income through meddling with the jinn. The practise mentioned in the Quran in Surah Baqara, where the Babylonians were taught by two angels as a test, the sorcery of seperating husband and wife, must be the same thing practised in the subcontinent.

A ticket out of the subcontinent if you can get your child married off to someone settled in the Europe or North America. As-salamu `alaykum, I stumbled upon this blog entry while browsing. May Allah protect you and your family, Umm Reem. While I wholeheartedly believe your account, and please forgive me for my criticism, but I don’t believe blogging about this subject (in this particular manner at least) was the best idea. The details should have been spared and I’m afraid this will arouse people’s curiosity in something that they are best left relatively oblivious to. Follow the Sunnah in Adhkar (i.e. Recitations before entering areas of najasah, Ayat al-Kursi before bed, etc.) and this should suffice.

The devil truly is in the details and those details can be very harmful. In my opinion, the perceived Jinnah was not necessarily a female Jinn. If it has been with the girl that long than it might even be a Ta’ifah from the Jinn which is often the case. Sometimes an entire lot will possess a person and they will either have a representative speak for them or even take turns making fun of the questioner. Often times Jinn mischievously giggle when speaking under exorcism and this is the reason. They are trying to make a fool of you and humiliate you. This has been their goal since Adam (`alayhis-salam).

If you prove to be an actual threat to them then you become a target and you can incite an entire army of Jinn to attack you. This is serious business. You can be kidnapped for years and even killed by them (or worse) and there are reports of such things happening to some of the Sahaba and their successors. There are also controversial reports of the “Mugharibun”, as the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) described them to `Aisha, which open the door to even scarier subjects. Even in the Bible there are reports of Jesus casting out an entire army of Jinn inside one human that preferred to possess a herd of pigs which they charged to their deaths.

This story actually conforms to what we know about the Jinn from Islamic sources. I do not think it was Sikh or a Hindu or anything like that either. It obviously worshiped Satan so it was probably just toying with you when it told you that stuff. Remember the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said for every one truth they will tell you several lies. Sikhs and Hindus do not openly adore Satan the way this Jinn described. This oversight also led to a Sikh commenter (“Singh”) to be offended and I am sure that is not what was intended at all. He deserves an apology in my opinion.

I’m commenting on this months after it was written and nobody will probably ever read it, but if anything, please know, Sister Umm Reem, that your worship and good deeds and refraining from even small sins must be even more vigilant than before you encountered this girl. I would say it should be so for the rest of your life. To everyone else. If you want Sci-Fi or Fantasy stick to Tolkien.

Don’t seek or delve into the real stuff. People’s lives are destroyed from it every day. May Allah protect us from dark knowledge and craft. Allah knows best. Asalamu Alaykum Selene- Black magic is not only a sin its considered Shirk or associating partners with Allah swt.

Shirk is a grave and the worst sin possible to be done, so one has to stay away from it at all times. I would recommend you read more on this further, a good start is “Book of Emaan” by ibn Tayymiyah (can read the book online here: ), possibly even watch this video: It is true that Prophet Sulaiman alayhi salam had the power to rule over both humans and jinn, as well as other animals and creatures.

This was a miracle and gift given to him by Allah (swt) as is stated in the quran. It was a sovereignty granted to him by Allah, for Allah bestows His abundance without measure on whom He will.

(38:35-45) He said, “O my Lord! Forgive me, and grant me a kingdom which, (it may be), suits not another after me: for Thou art the Grantor of Bounties (without measure). I agree with Br. Shibli that Jinns can and will lie, so it is quite possible that her assertion of being a Sikh was also a lie since only Satanists worship satan, not Sikhs or hindus. I just relayed what the “voice” said to me, wAllahu ta’ala ‘alam please know, Sister Umm Reem, that your worship and good deeds and refraining from even small sins must be even more vigilant than before you encountered this girl. I would say it should be so for the rest of your life. Truevery true If you prove to be an actual threat to them then you become a target and you can incite an entire army of Jinn to attack you.

This is serious business. You can be kidnapped for years and even killed by them (or worse) JazakAllah khair for your concern br. May Allah protect me, my children, you and all the Muslims. I didn’t “jump” into this just like thatI made istikharah, consulted those i trust, including a student of knowledge who is experienced in this field, and when i felt very strong that is when i decided to do this. Also, do remember the hadeeth of the Prophet sallallahu alihi wasalam, that the one capable of helping his/her suffering brother/sister in this matter should help (i am totally paraphrasing the hadeeth) If the fear of getting hurt should stop someone then, wAllahu ‘alam, it seems like that that person wasn’t ready to read over another Muslim to begin with.

However according to the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa-ah, the act of extracting the jinn through Quranic recitation is an act of ibadah and does not include conversations. The Prophet pbuh did not converse with the Jinn during exorcism but only exclaimed, “Leave oh enemy of Allah” It’s quite silly how we believe what the Jinn is telling us. The Shayateen are known to lie and deceive all the time. Recall the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah in which the shaytaan was stealing? What the the Messenger pbuh say? “He has been truthful to you yet he is a compulsive liar.” Accounts like this only increase people in fear without viable solutions. It opens up a door into another world which we cannot handle.

We were only ordered to read the Quran and the adhkaar in fighting the Shayateen. There is obviously no prohibition in holding conversation with a jinnon many occasions ulama of ahlus sunnah have held conversations with jinn in their effort to order them to leave, or to make da’wah etc. If anyone reads sh.

As-salamu `alaykum, Sister Umm Reem, you stated: “but rest assured it was with the advice of People of Knowledge who have far more experience in this field and they are FROM ahlus sunnah wal jama’ah.” I have to be frank, and I appreciate ExExBlogger’s input on this as well. Whatever People of Knowledge advised you to open yourself up to warfare with Jinn made a terrible lapse in judgment.

I can not, for the life of me, think of any reason why any Person of Knowledge would advise a layperson to converse with, exorcise or have any at all to do with a Jinn. Unless you live in a place where there isn’t a single `Alim then there is no reason for this. In Pakistan it is highly unlikely that there is any area where there is no resident scholar. He may not belong to the “Manhaj” one prefers, but in matters like this that is a useless criterion so long as they aren’t using Sihr themselves to battle Sihr. As usual, I am earning people’s ire with what I say, but lookiing at the fear that is obviously generated as evidenced in the comment above, “How can I get the jin out of me?

How can I control them or it?” makes it all the more clear that this blog shouldn’t have been published and the events which they document should not have ever even happened. Forgive me for any offense and Allah, indeed, knows best.

With all due respect to Shibli Zaman, I think that Umm Reem has done a great service by trying to help someone in a dire problem that obviously want getting proper treatment otherwise.I believe she stated earlier as well that a qualified Aalim was not really an option in her case. As for warfare with jinn we as Muslims have been given a great deal to use for protection against them and being worried about how they will harm us doesnt help. Indeed nothing can harm us but by the leave of Allah(SWT).

This is not coming from someone who has not seen these things.When depraved ppl subject u to black magic and its like, one learns the great power of the miracles bequethed to us by the Prophet (SAW).And not everyone has a scholar to go to for treatment. Having solid Iman, and being well versed in the proper Adhkar and dua, from the Quran and sunna does not require someone to be an Alim.As for avoiding sin and being careful with cleanlinessthats something we should be doing anyways right?Though I understand the point that not everyone should attempt this, it is evident that the sister has taken the advice of the right ppl before her jumping into the situation. As well, she has made known her intentions in publishing this story, and they are above reproach.It may make for disturbing reading for some, but thats to be expected:).

I understand that you are saying that their are some people that do otherwise. I really can’t be bothered with other people. I am only concerned about the way how the Prophet exorcised on people and no where in the Sunnah does it say he conversed. This is not a matter of Halal or Haram but rather an issue of emulating the prophetic way in exorcism to the best of our abilities. You might be able to find “stories” of the past predecessors that might have “talked” to the jinn. My point is not to point the finger of mistake at them and I dare not but rather to exercise caution in a matter which the Prophet didn’t perform.

I would think it’s quite unnecessary for anyone to talk to the jinn. Next time are we going to invite them out for a cup of tea or coffee.

Furthermore, you have no proof as to how you will ascertain the things you mentioned about the Seeta’s statements about her life and her marriage. It really is pointless for the person performing the exorcism.

The exorcist should only be busy reading Quran and reading adthkaar. It’s really not helpful when we read that Iblees according to Seeta is handsome when clearly the Prophet told us how ugly they are and that they have horns.

Seeta is a true shaytaanah because she is possessing someone. Only evil jinn do that kind of stuff and not Muslim jinn and so I will assume she is just making some noise to prolong the agony upon her captive. I decline to get points of truth from a jinn even if they are true especially after knowing the sources of what she is saying already. I can go directly to the sources of her points. Finally, May Allah reward you for your efforts in helping that sister. However you never bothered to mention anything regarding the fate of that girl?

Dear “H”, as-salamu `alaykum. I am very sorry. When I said “layman”, I was using the word according to its definition and not according to any misconceptions you may have about the word.

This is the definition of the word: lay⋅man –noun, plural -men. A person who is not a member of the clergy; one of the laity. A person who is not a member of a given profession, as law or medicine.

So, with the greatest admiration and respect for Sister Umm Reem’s credentials and achievements (ma sha’ Allah), as far as I know she is not a religious scholar specializing in exorcism. Thus, in this context she is a layman (or “layperson” to be more politically correct). While I believe that this should neither have happened, nor been blogged about, there are many who will vehemently disagree with me. I respect that and let us leave it at that, insha’ Allah. I am very sorry if I offended anyone in any way. Allah knows best. I think sister Umm Reem has clearly stated her intention several time that the only reason she wrote about this is for the benefit of increasing iman It is true that we don’t need a shaytaan to confirm any knowledge for us, but from some of that shaytaan’s description of ther world was true (because it is in accordance to the Quran and Sunnah) and that is what the author has chose to blog about.

This is what I got from the article and I know many MANY others benefited from it I just think some people have too much time to criticize everything.the ones criticizing are definitely are not even close to being as knowledgeable as the shayookh she consultedas she mentioned in her article JazakAllah khiar sister Umm Reem for posting this hereit was a very spiritual reminder and for sure reminders benefit the believers. I want to share an ongoing experience with readers in the hope that smoebody may be able to help. I have been married for 6 years now. I am from the UK and my wife is native Moroccan.

On the whole our marriage has been great, but not without the odd hiccup, as is the case with all marriages. However lately we went to see an alim/hakim in Morocco with a cousin of mine who suffers from psoriasis. This elderly chap has a fantastic reputation for healing the sick with the use of the Quran and herbal cures. People come to him from all over Morocco and the world to seek cures. He does not charge a penny, only asking people for their prayers. Our aim was to find a herbal cure for my cousin who has seen this condition populate large parts of his body.

However after examining my cousin, the alim said the cause of the condition was not physical, but rather down to a curse. He was careful to say that the curse might not have been deliberately applied and that my cousin could have “stumbled” upon it. He said he would try and cure it but my cousin refused his help, because he didn’t want it to conflict with the treatment he was receiving in the UK.

Apparently an alim in the UK has diagnosed the same cause. While we were there the alim had a chance to examine all of us, myself for a lifelong medical problem, for which I have had surgery twice, and for which I was on constant medication. The alim gave me a herbal concoction which I have been using for about 6 weeks now, and it is better than any medicine I have ever used. When he examined my wife he said there was a “presence” with her and that must be removed. He told my wife to come back to him 3 or 4 times when she was in a state of purity (ie not menstruating). However my wife has steadfastly refused to believe that she might be the victim of a possession or curse. We have managed to see the alim only once, and that was because I took her there under false pretences.

Even while we were there and the alim put his hand on her forehead and recited the Quran my wife wasn’t taking the matter seriously, giggling like a schoolkid. Recently we have had a marital dispute which has led to our separation. It’s nothing new. My wife has the habit of leaving home even for the smallest of things, and running to her mother and sister to tell them about her problems. Throughout our marriage I have noticed that everything we do finds its way back to my mother in law, whether it’s business, family life, social life.

And every time we have a problem I end up negotiating a solution with her mum and sister (sometimes also brother). Of course this is not normal, but it has been par for the course in our marriage. On the few occasinos when I have got into a row with my in-laws about this my wife has doggedly refused to accept the in our family, as the husband and father, I have the final authority over affairs. My wife says that she cannot disobey her mother but that she can disobey me. More worringly my mother in law seems to be exerting a greater pull on my wife than myself.

Major household decisions like moving house, hiring maids etc are made at the in-laws without my knowledge. I usually get to find out after the event. Not only that but my wife has a greater attachment to her mum than our own infant children. When we finish work the first thing she does is to go and visit her mum, not caring that her own kids have not seen her the whole day. Sometimes she will sit with her mum for hours and hours. Her mood changes when she is in the house.

She is nervous and oblivious of things going on around her. She gets emotional very easily. She ignores me to the point that I have to shout to even get her attention. After the recent row my wife and I started making up and things started getting back to normal. She was coming to work (we have our own business) and we started going out normally and doing most of things spouses do.

However when my mother in law discovered that we were bridging our differences she put a stop to it again by insisting that my wife doesn’t see me, work with me and most of the time even take my phone calls. When my wife is alone with me she is a completely different creature that when Ishe is in her family home. I cannot see how any mature woman would listen to her mother over her own hsuband, especially when her marriage is at stake and the future of her 3 very young children. I was convinced that my wife was not in control of her own faculties and resolved to get to the bottom of the problem. After failing to get my wife to see this Moroccan alim, I was advised to consult an alim in the UK, who again has a proven record of treating those afflicted with curses. He hasn’t told me that there is a spell on my wife, but has simply said that the mother in law is exerting a big influence.

This tactfulness is normal. Apparently the alim never tells victims who their “attackers” are.

One interpretation is that the source of the curse on my wife is her own mother. Another explanation is that it is somebody else who has exerted this malicious influence on my wife in order to damage our marriage. It might sound extraordinary that a mother may weave black magic on her own child but it it is not uncommon in Morocco where wives frequently do it to husbands. My mother in law’s motives might be good, but the effect it is having on our marriage is ruinous. I ask for your sincere prayers and sincere advice. Allah knows, I am at my wit’s end here.

Dear friends, regarding the matters of jins and exorcism, i myself am a strong believer that they do exist and living amongst ourselves. I want to validify someone’s comment that black magic reigns in asian islamic countries also as i am from one of them, Malaysia.

Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand are the places where black magic culture has become a business industry to some, i.e witchdoctors (real or not) that insists on ‘favours’ usually money, printing publications such magazines, radios and even tv. Even in this globalisation and technology era i still could not comprehend the fact that people in my country rather resort to black magic to get what they desire, even the MUSLIMS! In my country, it is not surprising that a modern thinking and dressing (even muslimah in miniskirts) person would engage in such sin. As u would know those muslimah are, yes, the ones who are trying catch hold of a very highly desirable married or not men. They will learn to create spells or concoctions from withdoctors so that the men will go gaga after them, ugly or not. My family ourselves have been in this jin relating mess for decades.

It all brewed from hatred from my father’s colleague because my father had done something righteous (which i will not discussed with the world!) regarding the zakat money. So the story went on and my family had to face the consequences of doing the right thing. The reason i replied to Abu Yaseen is because my sister also has psoriasis. Many ‘person’ we have met told us it was because of black said it supposedly aimed to my mother, this black magic but went to my sister instead. He said that the witchdoctor used dead persons i just wanted to tell you that im glad that this forum exists to discuss something very important and that i can relate to. True or not there to some ppl but there are sooooo many other jin relating events that happened to my family, even me personally.

Like since 2nd grade i am constantly being to what my commnuity refer to as ‘laid’ upon by jin. This is true, believe it or not im a muslim and not lying to you. Everytime i got ‘laid’ upon (not being sexually assaulted in a grave way, only groping), i couldnt breathe nor move any of my limbs except the fact that i could blink and open my eyes wide.

And there is a good reason for the jin to allow me to do so, so that i can see it. But everytime i experienced it i tend to close my eyes as i dont wanna see that wretched thing’s face.

Once i saw a very tall black figure standing at my head. I thot it was my sister but when i revived myself i could see no one.

When i got back to sleep i was laid again and this time i saw the same figure standing over my head and this time i knew it was it. And each time during the experience when i try to recite quranic verses i felt inexplicable pain in my body telling me stop, which i knew is jin’s doing. And to further justify my claims of being haunted by a jin, sometimes i could feel big invincible hands groping my chest. You can mock all you want and say this is a hoax but its not because every now and then i am hurting because of this incident and all you non believers can do is to laugh at me!

In my country this jin incident is only minor, there are other grave incidents of possessions and making the husband and idiotic fellow that becomes literally a slave to their wife. However most jin stories spiralled from simple truths to absolute thriller for the movies. But one thing’s for sure, the sensationalized jin stories all comeback to simple truths, that jins are doing human harm particularly to muslims because we are on the right path and they are trying to lead us astray and the fact that some demon-themselves people uses these creatures to harm other humans while not realising that the jin is doing its summoner no favourable treat either salam.

Salam Have you not tried to get help through sharia methods? People who tell you who it is doing “the magic” or who it wss aimed for etcthese are not reliable people and are usually charaltans who communicate with jinns to find their info (this is not allowed in islam). These people prey on the vulnerable troubled people who come to them seeking help, sometimes they just make things worse telling you who has supposedly cursed you or getting you addicted to a fake cure just to make money for themselves.

You should seek help but only from a pious person who treats with ruqyah from the quran, nothing amulets or water or things to burn! Just the blessed holy book of cures. I feel sorry for anyone going through this, and pray you are relieved of such anguish very soon. So how exactly does one go about conducting an exorcism? I went to a Catholic high school and often talked to many of the priests about it since it was a passing interest at the time. Their procedures seem very akin to what Umm Reem did, however they don’t usually question the possessing force or attempt to convert it.

The idea is to force it out as quickly as possible without harming the possessed. I have never seen any specific Islamic method, other than reciting prayers. What’s the point of interrogating a Jinn about its name, age, and religion–other than utter curiousity? It seems to me that the person conducting the exorcism should kindly request the entity to vacate the possessed, and not try to learn anything that wasn’t meant for a human to know.

Also, what do you do if it attacks you? You can’t exactly fight back because you won’t be hurting the jinn, you’ll be hurting the possessed person. I’ve often heard (from non-Islamic sources) that demonic forces possess humans out of curiosity, and the best way to exorcise them is to converse with them about some basic facts of humanity (i.e. What is love? What is life? Why are we here?) and then politely ask them to leave.

Any thoughts? I also saw somewhere in a post on this blog that stated Satanists worship Satan. This is a common misconception. Satanists live for the moment and follow the example set by Satan after his fall. In a sense, Satanists are hedonistic atheists, but by being a Satanist you acknowledge that God exists. Therefore many people choose to be atheistic hedonists rather than Satanists so they don’t have to acknowledge the existence of God. Although there are Satanist churches, none of them ascribe any worship to any demons.

A true Satanist obeys no one. Satan and other various demons are only worshiped by various assorted cults around the world, hence the term “devil worshiper”. I know this information probably won’t help anyone on this blog, but I think it’s better to understand the differences that exist in today’s religions before you start pointing fingers. God knows, Muslims, Christians, and Jews could certainly benefit from an understanding of each other’s religion. Did you guys know a house with adhan, can cause a jinn to come no where near your house, and the bathroom jinn is harmless unless, if u stay there to long doing bad things( not mentioned) or if u admire ur self at the bathroom mirror alotso rember do wat u have to in the bathromm no more no less and come out.its for ur own good.nd the way ull know if jinns getting u iz ull lose faith in ur belief and ull be more addicited in going to the bathroom,dats y u have to say the abthroom dua, just a reminder to all the dua iz allah huma ine awozubika minal kubusi wal kabiash. Assalamu Alaikum, While I appreciate that you took the time to share your iman-boosting story, I feel like you were acting extremely irresponsibly Why you would actually have a conversation with this jinn, instead of driving the thing out?

Do you have any idea how much agony you put that little girl through for the sake of an experiment that didnt work? Jinn are masters of illusion, not only visual illusion, but auditory and PHYSICAL. Yes, people actually feel physical pain and psychological terror during possession. And while I think your attempts to make dawa’ are admirable, it was not the right time, nor the right place. And even if you did succeed in bringing this abomination to Islam, there would just be another jinn to take its place.

Not only that, a Jinn is bound to his/her master’s wishes, and must complete his/her task. These rogue Jinns are more than aware of the existence of Allah, and do everything in their power to defy him and defame him. This Jinn was lying and manipulative as are all jinns seeking to cause trouble. Assalaam Aleikum Can anyone please recommend me any shaikh/alim in the UK who is experienced in extracting jinn from human bodies. My very near relative is unfortunately possessed by a jinn.

It’s been caused by sihr (black magic) 12 years ago. That thing has been in her since then but it exposed itself 7 months ago, when she started having attacks with no medical reasons. She lives in Holland where there is nearly no alim etc etc who can understand what’s going on. 2 Imams of the local mosque were brought to our house by other relatives, and as soon as they started reciting Quran verses, and the person concerned started to have attacks, the Imams ran out of the house. So after that a few others came, did a few things, never showed up again etc. After a while my relatives decided to go to Pakistan to find someone to heal her. They finally ended up with a person who did not want to see her, but only gave a taweez(amulet) to put around her neck.

She had severe attacks for 4 days, then again for about 4 more days, then all suddenly stopped. And she was told that she was fine now, and that the jinn(s) had left her body, and even that they will not return, nor will she ever be possessed again, if she had the amulet around her neck forever. Well she came back from Pakistan, was still experiencing some light shaking of some body parts, but she was told, it’s just an after effect of being possessed. She believed it, and went on. 4 months after returning from Pakistan she visited me in UK, after 2 weeks, she started having attacks again. 1 heavy one, after that little ones daily.

So the search starts again for someone who can really treat her and perform roqya the way it should be done. So please if anyone knows someone who knows how to handle these things please let me know, we’re really desperate to get her treated, as she’s got 2 kids who are being kept away from her due to her possession and attacks. She does not have a violent behaviour and she does remember everything she does while she is in attack, so that’s a bit different to those who do not remember anything from that period. So brothers and sisters, please help us out, and if Allah Subhanahu wa t’ala wills, she will recover and be freed of this evil entity. But I do ask for your help to seek a professional and to do dua for her. And for those who don’t believe in possessions by jinns, the day you’re so close to it as I am now, you will speak in different tones. A few questions now for the experts here: 1.

How long can it take to extract the jinn from the body, days, weeks, or.performing roqya? Does the jinn hurt the person it’s within, so while performing roqya, does the person feels any pain? Or even before or after roqya?

What’s the chance of the jinn coming back to the person? Is it better to let the jinn get out of the body, or is it better that it gets burned, so killed by recitation. Cause reciting kills them doesn’t it? That’s it for now, if I remember more I’ll post them again. Djazak Allah.

Asalam alaikum khowahir (sister) Samira, I am deeply concerned with the situation you are facing, I hope your relative recovers with the will of Allah. Insha-Allah the best will be given to her even if there is no human being there to give it. Allah is very merciful AND giving (Ar-Rahmam & Ar-Rahim).

Some things I would like to mention to you as a Muslim for the well-being and nothing BUT the well-being of this woman are listed below. – the woman should pray regularly. Even though Jinns and Churayls (female version) attempt to or are directed to attack very strong people ( believe in Islam etc.) many attack people who are confused in life or just merely depressed OR live alone – people should get together at a specific location and recite the Holy Quran with the woman’s presence, all the Dua’as should focus on her. – I think the family members should go to Pakistan once again and look for Peer Saabs or any other molle saab ( quran specialist) there are MANY special molvees in Pakistan who are willing to help people like her I am saying this as one of my cousins was possessed and soon recovered as he slept in a mosque for some time ( days) and a molvee would come and pray for him. Also, my sister was 10-9-8 one of those ages when she got nazar ( black magic) on her. We got a molvee to come to our house and preform rituals to help my sister recover. There was incident where the molvee looked at our clothes and told us if something was about to happen to us in the future.

Also, he gave sadqa ( to give food to the poor) so they would give prayers to my sister. These are all possibilities you should try and HOPEFULLY Insha-Allah your relative will get better.

All of my family’s prayers are with you and your relative. Please reply with an update:) Allah hafiz. Walaikumassalam sister, having been in a somewhat similar position for a long time I recommend the document listed above with no reservations.The only “problem” with it, as far I am concerned, is that it is only in urdu. You might need someones help in getting it translated. For people who are in the sort of position that you cite, one of the problems is to know what to recite from the Quran for which type of magic.This is where the document really shines. I know that you might feel that this is just some random piece of literature gleaned from the net, but do have someone you trust look up the references that are present. From my experience, it has been extremely helpful.

And a sincere word of advice,please be very very careful in selecting someone to attempt to cure your relation. There are lots of charlatans and black magicians in pseudo Islamic garb who can try to impress you with their “skills”. They are likely to waste your time and money, and attempt to make you a regular “patient” in their gatherings. To cure you truly they will likely try to make use of Un Islamic and outright haram means, though they never clearly state this.I have been through quite a bit of this so I should know. Regarding your questions, though not an expert, from my experience: 1) A targetted regiment of adhkar(recital) will produce, inshAllah, results quite rapidly. Though please expect it to be at least in weeks, inshAllah.

2) The real pain should only be being caused to the jinn, not the affected person.Though the person might not feel very well,but thats probably the case here anyways. 3) Provided that the person also keeps up reciting the specific prayers for protection, and the charm has been destroyed, inshAllah it will not be able to come back. Shaikh Waleed Basyouni is an expert here in Houston Texas on this subject, he might be able to refer you to someone in the U.K.

I dont have his contact info thats worked, but someone on this forum might. Hope this helps. Sister Samira, Trust me, You don’t need any impostor molvees or pirs who want to suck off your money and leave you with no treatment.

I am not saying I am very knowledgeable but I know one thing for sure and that Is I am very strong in my faith, and with that strong Faith in ALLAH ask your sister to start praying and recite the following on daily bases, Surat Ikhlaas- can be read 3 or 7 times Surat Nass- can be read 3or 7 times Surat Falak-can be read 3 or 7t imes Surak Kaa feroon-can be read 3 or 7 times Surat Fatihaa Ayet al Kursi, surat bakara; ayat 1-10 and last 2 ayats. Ask your sister to recite all these with the true believe in ALLAH that She will be cured of the possession, Inshallah. If you need any further guidance, I am always available and by the way I m from Holland my self and if the famuily need any more information they can contact me when ever they wish. Asalaam O alaikum Wa rehmatullahi wa baraktuhu!! Sister Samira, check this link, I hope it will help Inshallah. And you can also find as I have seen before, the professionals here. I believe in these JIN possessions, those who are muslims but skeptical should better increase their IMAAN first.

We can say and we do say that EVERY HARM is from ALLAH Subhana WA TA AALA but if a person is capable of helping other, they should besides just making DUAs because ALLAH ALONE can do anything, but what if I am the reason by which ALLAH TALLA Uses me to help others. THATS just a wonderful feeling! Those are skeptical or doesn’t even want this blog to be posted, I wanna make it CLEAR that.

When an advertisement of TEETHs is published with pictures containing faces of different smiling people, we just have to FOCUS on the TEETHs, SISTER UMM REEM Said its an IMAAN BOOSTER, I’m sure, wa ALLAH Sure, that it truly increased my IMAAN. So there is not point of talking about why it is here or someone feels its wrong lie, made up! I am a MUSLIM, ALhamdulillah, and i’m not here to offend but anything bad is from me but GOOD from my LORD into my mind.! SO get the GOOD. Ignore the bad as we know our knowledge is limited. (SORRY for my bad english)!

Wa alaikum asalaam wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu!!! Yea I understood it sister, Jazaak ALLAH Khair fe Daraain I won’t waste the time. Because my knowledge isn’t any better than ordinary one.

I feel like, because today’s Christians are wrong in their belief, thats why there are more atheists there because parents cannot answer the question of their children. So the children get the arrogant confidence there at that stage and then (WHEN a person reaches a stage where he/she thinks His knowledge is enough to prejudge everything) they try to go againts ISLAM. NO offence to anybody ( For me, its like telling a stupid that he/she is stupid and then we expecting that they understand they are stupid. ) WE can never ever find ALLAH ( GOD ) until and unless we want PEACE in our heart. We want to FIND HIM.

Because HE (ALMIGHTY) is there. There is a reason we MUSLIM believes are so stronger than others, because we FEEL IT every second of our life. I’m talking about devotee muslims who want to increase their FAITH ( IMAAN ) by knowing more about ALLAH ( GOD ) and believe me they get it There’s been a personal experience of mine which is occuring with me till present and will occur in future, and is INCREASING my FAITH.

That Whenever I have a question about ISLAM, or I am confused. I just get the answer in less than one month, sometimes the same day.

And thats just ONE way of HOW ALLAH helps, NOTHING IS HAPPENING BY CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING AT ALL. Assalamu Alaikum, For any brothers/sisters looking for some help in doing Ruqqya in UK, I would suggest them to contact Sheikh.Abu Haneefa, who also appears on Islam Channel’s Islam Q&A programme. Masha Allah, I must underline the fact that the sheikh does the Ruqqya’ according to Quran & Sunnah and there is NO non-Islamic methods are being practiced.. IF ANYONE WANTS TO CONTACT THE SHEIKH please EMAIL –.

I can not guarantee that you will get a reply promptly for your email, because sheikh is a very busy man. But keep trying.

If you do not get any reply, then I would suggest you to go to Al-Ansar Masjid in East London – and speak to the Imam there to find out how you can contact Sheikh. I hope this will help you. Jazakallhu Kairan. A number of people in this thread have commented about their experiences with supernatural beings and some are quite frightened. I would suggest that those people read about a common disorder called sleep paralysis, which usually comes on during adolescence and which disappears (usually) after about 30 or so. I suffered from this myself in my youth so I know the fear that some of you experience when you wake up unable to move, feeling a crushing weight on your chest, and seeing shadowy people in your room and hearing voices from no apparent source.

It is very frightening. However, it’s a sleep disorder that is related to conditions like sleep apnea, migraine headaches and the like. It is NOT a demonic visitation. It IS fixable. Please, if you have experiences with this horrible condition please read the scientific literature about it and see if some of the common triggers (sleeping on your back, sleep deprivation, high stress levels, caffeine) are a part of your life. You are not possessed. You are not being visited by demons.

You are experiencing something that is actually a common and world-wide phenomena, and which has a completely physical cause. And a completely physical cure. Education beats religion yet again! My best wishes to all who are suffering from this crazy-making condition – especially poor Simran, who is just beginning to experience this condition and who can’t be expected to understand why it’s happening. Simran, don’t believe the superstitious people who will tell you it’s devils. It’s not devils. It’s just a common part of growing up, like having pains in your bones when you’re having growth spurts, and you can control it!

The only way to conquer the supernatural is with science and rational understanding. Please Google “sleep paralysis”. You will be surprised at what you read. Asalamualeikum I am some what astounded by some of the repsonses in relation to this issue.

We all know and accept that Jinns DO exist and are capable of ‘possessing’ individuals with the will of Allah swt. Do we require any further proof than the evidence from the Qur’an and hadith. This issue is widespread and there are, unfortunately, people who will monopolise on this situation and do things like issuing taweez, charms, talismans etc to remove or ward of evil spirits. These things are forbidden and there are only and handful of selected brothers who conform to the correct way of performing Ruqiya. Included in this are Sheikh Abu Hanifah and also Abu Muhammad both of East London. I am well-acquainted with them as I too have suffered from this as have other members of my family. The best ruqiya is that which one performs on themselves, as recommended, the 2 verses of Surah Al-Baqarah, Surahs’ Ikhlaas, Falaq, An-Nas, Fatihah, the use of honey and blackseed oil, regular prayer without fail (and on time) there is no excuse Recitation of Surah Al-Baqrah in any house will ward of evil spirits, saying that do not negate these actions by having pictures/photographs up in your house where the angels will not enter, music, idle talk, being without wuduh the jinn is troublesome and will look for any window of opportunity dont give them a chance.

It is in your own benefit that you do all these “EXTRA” things and inshallah you will see the benefits. Subhanallaah, the Qur’an is the most widely read book in the world today!

Alas it is also the most mis-understood book in the world today. To be able to benefit from the Qur’an we need to understand it and reflect on its meaning not just parroting the phrases “The Qur’an will not go further than their throats” Sounds familiar.

Is that what we have become? It is our own actions and weaknesses that have empowered the jinn who once feared mankind, but the haraaam and sacreligious acts for gain have strengthend them and for them it is amusement. Anything I have mentioned has been from experience, study and help I have picked up over the last 4 years. There are some books which I recommend to help gain a better understanding of how to tackle this problem and also some talks which have helped: Jinns and Magic by Samir Abu Hamza (lecture) Spirit Possession, Save Your Family from Shaitaan by Bilal Philips (lecture) The World of Jinns and Devils by Umar s- Al-Ashqar How to Protect Yourself from Jinns and Shaytaan by Waheed AbdSalaam Baly The Ruling of Sorcery, Fortune-Telling, and Related Issues (The Eminent ash-Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin ‘Abdullaah bin Baaz) I pray Allah swt makes things easy for you. Oh good grief. This is exactly the sort of superstitious nonsense I was talking about! Why don’t you try rubbing your warts with pennies to get rid of them, or throw salt over your shoulder to ward off bad luck?

First you say not to get involved with charms and talismans, then you completely contradict yourself by recommending magical potions (honey and blackseed oil to banish supernatural beings? Snort!!!) and prayers. As if you guys don’t pray enough. Your opinions are from “experience”? What about mine, then. I have experienced EXACTLY what this is all about! “Demons” have sat on my bed and they’ve tried to crush the life out of me.

They are nothing. They are a puff of smoke and an atavistic fear of the unknown, to be banished forever with with science, not magical charms and recitations from your holy books (written way, way before science cleared up the ridiculous concept that imaginary beings can actually hurt you!). You are no better than those ignorant Christians who think that carrying a copy of the Lord’s Prayer around will protect them from harm.

So much for Islam. DEMONS ARE GETTING ME! This whole thread would be hilarious if it weren’t so damaging to those who are vulnerable to this kind of silly thought.

You are child abusers to teach scared young people that they are “possessed”. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Norma: Muslims believe in the Jinn, as being another creation of God, and as being created from fire. We also believe that they are good Jinn and evil Jinn, among whom is the Satan. The evil among the Jinn will indeed posses individuals at times. Sometimes, there are medical or psychological explanations for “strange” happenings with individuals and sometimes there is not. Indeed believing in God Himself is believing in the supernatural.

So, if you think that is okay to do, then it is no leap of faith to believe in other supernatural entities, as long as your life is not driven by those things. You have been a respectful guest at MM thus far, and I urge you to maintain that spirit and not engage in condescending and spiteful remarks.

If you don’t understand or believe in something, that’s one thing, but in that case, you are free to keep it to yourself or ask for clarification instead of insults. Wait, wait, if you think science will not blow your mind with insanely unbelievable experiments, you’re highly mistaken. The common misconception I see among non-science students is the idea that it’s very rational and down to Earth. I suggest “skeptics who believe in scientific rationalism” a little bit of a background in quantum physics, and some of the experimental evidence that when I asked my chemistry professor about, told me it was “freaky stuff” and topped me with another insane experiment. The way I love to see it is back in the day, people thought lightning was something supernatural, before the physics was understood about it. Similarly, I don’t like the word supernatural in these cases, since it is of course, a perfectly normal part of nature.

Just because we don’t understand the mechanisms of it completely, doesn’t make it disappear from rational reality. Just like lightning. I really wish the MuslimMatters admins would come to their senses and just take this blog entry down. It has caused nothing but harm and absolutely NO good has come out of it. I was trying not to be judgmental before, but after reading the past few comments I am seriously starting to wonder if there’s not some nepotism involved in keeping this online. Sorry to call it out like that, but for me the proper representation of Islam takes priority over anyone’s sensitivities.

This is NOT an appropriate display of what Islam is about to the non-Muslim world. TAKE IT DOWN PLEASE. I am too much deppressed now adays.pary for me too much.there r too much difficulties in my life.i am facing too much big problems in my life. I am too much deppressed. Jahngula nd rakifa is my worst enemies. Pary that god makeout rakifa goout from my life.she is my worst enemy.pray atht mustafa goout from my life.he si making alla the time blacka mgic on me.

Iam psychologiacl patient from last 20years.pray for me too much. There si avoice come in my both ears.i am too much deppressed nowa days.pray for me too much.please remeber me in your sincere prayers.please send my answer on my email address. I shall be tahnkful to u. Umm Remm, I pray for your soul, why do you spread such lies and propaganda and what is the reason of hiding it in meaningless stories that you make up? I really feel sorry for you I cam here in search for truth and all I found was a liar, using the verses of the holly book. May allha have mercy on all of us.

It can clearly be seen from your “conversation” with this being that you are lying and spreading propaganda against none muslims! What exactly do you think you will achieve by this? You think Allha almighty will love you more by you lying about none muslims?

Jinn community is a reality and I have met many of them, majority of them are devils as described about Sita. Those who are believers in Islam are really good but do not forget they have their own psychology (Fitrah). Almighty Alloh has blessed me out of which I could see them in their real shape which a normal human may not see and remain unchanged. But even in human shape they are different and a person like me could easily recognize them. I met three Ulema Jinn who are highly scholastic in Islam but do not come near you if unpurified. After thirty years of experience I have decided the following. It is better for you if you keep yourself away from the Jinn community.

Always seek refuge in Almighty Alloh against Shayateen Jinns who are in majority. Jinn depends upon human scholars to learn knowledge. If you come across Muslim Jinn, always exchage Salam, the Shaytan would run away. If you come across scholastic Jinn, never seek any benefit from him but seek anything you need from Almighty Alloh. However, learning and exchaging knowledge is not forbidded provided you are in a position to differentiate truth against false. Allohumma Ihdina Fee Man Hadayt Jazak Alloh.

QUOTE “Almighty Alloh has blessed me out of which I could see them in their real shape which a normal human may not see and remain unchanged. But even in human shape they are different and a person like me could easily recognize them.” First of all I dont know what kind of muslim you are who dont even know how to spell ALLAH second are you trying to say that you are not normal person, who are you then? Because only prophets can see a jinn in its real form and shape, and this is the fact. No matter how scary they present themselves to anyone. Thank you very much for this. I reverted about 3 years ago, and recently have seemed to be sliding downhill.

Experiencing anger, confusion, not wanting to wear hijab, or keep pure (as in cleanliness). I don’t know what is up. I just feel so discouraged. But when I read Quran and hadith (English only – since I don’t know how to say/read Arabic.), it is like a battle going on inside of me.

I feel fearful, because I know I’m messing up and I do fear Allah and the day of judgement. And when I think I will do better, I find myself easily going back to what is wrong. But your article has given me a little insight.

And hopefully I can at least learn some duas in English, so I can enter restrooms, go to sleep, etc. But no one has taught me how to pray, let alone duas, so I’ll see what I can find on the internet. (I know strange but I reverted after buying a Quran in a bookstore, read some of it and Alhamdulillah, knew it was the absolute truth! I haven’t found a place to study regularly.) Just thank you. I don’t think I’m “posessed”, but I can imagine jinn trying to have some sort of negative influence on me. As a Christian people used to say things like, “That ain’t nothin’ but the devil try to deter you” So maybe “the devil” is trying even more now that I have found the true religion, Alhamdulillah.

I just pray Allah will forgive me, and give me the strength to get back on the right path before it is too late, and may my good deeds outweigh my bad before I die. And may I be able to influence my young children to be among the best of Muslims, amin.

I beg for Allah’s mercy and forgiveness, as I feel nothing else will save me. I’m not strong enough on my own. Again, thanks for this.

It has given me some hope and insight on what I may need to do to get out of this horrible “funk”. As salam aleykum i wish this post would have been less on the creepy side. I almost thought that it is a wind up. It hasn’t really boosted my iman, rather creeped me out, and i feel that we could all do with some posts about being muslim and having some mental issues such as depression/psychosis/ocd. I do not deny the existence of jinn, i think that would be equal to deny the existence of angels, but when reading this i wished for some more neutral background information on the nature of jinn/possession to keep us on the carpet (or prayer rug) wasalam. Jinn and idolatry: In fact idolatry started for the first time by Iblis’ cheating people. After that in all places it was initiated by Jinn and later taken up by people as they merely followed their forefathers.

In some places in India, the names of those who are worshiped besides Allah are equivalents of ‘little demon’ etc. Devils among the Jinn take the name of the dead and ‘reveal’ (see Qur’an 6:121- the devils reveal to their friends) to some people, which causes them to start worshiping them and build statues and temples in their names.

It is interesting to note that the demon in this narration had the name ‘Sita’ which is in fact the name of the wife of lord Rama of Hindus.I have read about cases in india where some muslims claim to have had ‘visions’ in which they saw so-and-so ‘god’ of hindus and started worshipping them, turning to shirk and kufr. Dear Brother Umreem, assalaamu alaikum, i have a question about the Jinn and their powers.

I have read your articles and feel you know much about this topic. Recently my grandfather discovered that some jewellry he had made as a gift to be presented to his grand daughters had gone missing. They were all locked up at his home in a safe and it seems someone had stolen them.

It was not a burglary or a break – in since everyting was in order exept for the missing valuables. Since they were worth a lot and were of large value he fell depressed and sick and is always talking about it. We decided to go and see a maulana who controls a jinn. My mother and her sister went and spoke to this person asking who had taken if and if they would get it back. The posessed maulana mentioned details of the people who had stolen it and gave identification marks on their bodies (gaps in their teeth, short toe etc).

I am not fully convinced by this, since my readings and beliefs say that we should not be asking such things from jinns as they lie. Dear brother umm reem, is it true? Can these jinns actually tell who stole it? If they can, then why is it haraam for us to ask them? Isnt it better to ask them and get knowldge as to who has stolen something pressious then to wait and see what will happen while the thieves gain a lot out of something they did not earn?

Why cant we ask a jinn, when Allah subahanawathaala will not give us an answer either? We have got details of another person, apparently not a muslim, who is able to tell you of lost items etc.

My mother wants me to take her there. If his answers are the same it might prove something. How else can we find out? We probably will never, and these thieves will gain earthly pleasures while we drown in distress.

Anyone searching for help: Go down the 6. Remark left there, you click again this: – so the video starts – and patient a little, it starts very calm; once the man falls down the sofa, the jinn action starts to be undoubtedly, just watch and learn a lot!!!

Unforgettable video, also for christians who feel as in the presence of Jesus (a.s.) when driving out jinn in the bible, you will see!!! So you see and hear how jinn are driven effectively out, and how the “medicine of qur’an” functions; hear also this jinn speak inside of that man (the sheikh forced him to vow to ALLAH to go out and not to come back in the end, and he became all normal ). Attention: not everybody can drive out jinn, this is very dangerous, because many jinn may come to you to inflict revenge on you if you have driven one or several out! Inform well, contact for help. Know that your future depends on your own force – you have to protect yourself with your own efforts, no other way out! So do your best to build up a strong iman, seek company of those who have strong iman, learn from and with them, then you are safe. Do only serve ALLAH, not a sheick, always confirm the sources (qur’an, sunna).

Not always just beg from others, searching an easy way! Dunja (this wordly life) is the “house of work”, and jenna the “house of reward“!

It is an illusion that we can build us a jenna in this dunja, a satanic illusion. So learn arabic, if you already do, work with your arabic distributing truth and sound knowledge, read qur’an in arabic, learn duaa’, read tafsir to understand, and biography of our noble prophet (‘alaihi salatu wa salaam), read and think a lot about the other prophets and their stories in qur’an, read fataawa from islam questions and answers,. You have to learn and pracise your 5 regular prayers the best you can, very important: the fajr (morning) prayer, as this is a protection for all day!!! Woman have to wear hijab for further protection. Because people captured by jinn usually lapse on this things – so construct your protection by a strong will and try to mention ALLAH often. Buy “ hisn-al-muslim” – ” fortification of the muslim through remembrance and supplication from the qur’an and the sunnah” by ‘Ali ibn Wahf al-Qahtani (it is small: take it with you wherever you go till you know many Duaa’ by heart; cite them whenever you have the time: when waiting your turn to see the doctor/ waiting at a zebra crossing ) “ ALLAH does not want to place you in difficulty, but HE wants to purify you and to complete HIS favour to you that you may be thankful” (Surah 5:6).