Web Service To File Scenario In Sap Pi Interview

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In Part one of this weblog we looked at Design in the Integration builder. Now let us continue on to the configuration and the testing of the end to end scenario. Configuration: Assumption: 1. We have a Business system or a Business service ready to use. The Sender agreement, Receiver agreement. TekSlate.com is the Industry leader in providing online training to various courses in IT. We specialize in Hadoop Training, Tableau Training, SAP HANA Training and more.

Use of BPM in File - SOAP - File PI 7.1 scenario - Design approach Introduction:- This weblog intends to help the reader with knowledge of how to use a BPM in a File - SOAP - File scenario, PI is serving as a bridge to integrate file interface and remote client or a webservice provider. File is an asynchronous interface, whereas SOAP or webservice is a synchronous interface. So a technical difficulty lies here in implementing the integration scenario including file as a sender and SOAP or webservice as a receiver.

Web Service To File Scenario In Sap Pi Interview

To overcome this dificulty BPM has been used to implement the scenario. BPM:- The term BPM (Business Process Management) refers to the organization of business process processing in general.

This includes classic SAP Workflow in the SAP Backend as well as message processing on the Integration Server. Note:- Using a BPM in this scenario is one of the possible way for implementing the scenario but not a recommended one. This scenario is also possible without using a BPM.

Refer for the same. Assumptions: • Knowledge of configuring the File sender adapter and the SOAP receiver adapter • Basic knowledge of what a WSDL is and how a Webservice and SOAP message works • Basic knowledge of how BPM works. Designing objects in Enterprise Services Repository 1.

Create a new External Definition ED_Convertweight using the WSDL. In this weblog following link has been used to import the WSDL as an external definition:- Sample screenshot of an External definition, created from an existing WSDL Fig: 1.1 ED_Convertweight NOTE: choose category as wsdl 2.

Create 2 Data Type DT_ConversionRequest (File Request) and DT_ConversionResponse(File response) as shown below:- Fig: 1.2 DT_ConversionRequest Fig: 1.3 DT_ConversionResponse 3. Create 2 Message Type MT_ConversionRequest and MT_ConversionResponse for above mentioned Data type as shown below:- Fig: 1.4 MT_ConversionRequest Fig: 1.5 MT_ConversionResponse 4.

What is SAP PI? SAP PI (Process Integration) is an integration platform which provides seamless integration between SAP and non-SAP applications within the organization A2A (Application to Application) or even outside the organization B2B (Business to Business). But this was a technical aspect of SAP PI, but to understand this better we will see the example of implementation of SAP PI. Example: To understand the concept of SAP PI more clearly, we take an example of a large scale Dairy Industry, which is operating in a large portion of a state and dominating the region. But there are some small scale dairy industries operating in the same region, parallel to the large scale industry which is not making profit due to their price variation compare to large-scale industry. So to avoid the pricing conflict and maintaining the same price all over the region, large scale and small scale industry decides to link together, with the help of SAP PI. They inter-connect with each other with the help of SAP PI and started to work as a single unit.

Now, through SAP PI they are able to exchange all the information pertaining to dairy industry, including pricing and share equal amount of profit. Computer Repair Software Free Download For Windows 8 on this page. SAP PI connects different platforms like • SAP and Non-SAP systems • B2B and A2A Scenarios • Asynchronous and Synchronous Communications • Cross component business process management In this tutorial we will learn Why SAP PI? Prior to SAP PI, business would connect with each other through point-to-point communication. But this process is not useful for multiple and complex processes.

For smooth communication between multiple businesses, Mediated communication or Integration broker is used, and SAP PI adapts this system very well. It enables interconnection of different process via a central location known as Integration Broker, unlike the point to point connection which is more like a spider web.

The integration broker or server is an integral part of mediated communication consist of based Advanced Adapter Engine (AAE) and an integration engine for routing. Mediated communication is based on an integration broker which is executed by exchanging XML messages. Let see how SAP PI handles the XML messages by the help of Integration Broker. The exchange of data or message in SAP PI occurs in this four phases. • Message Transformation: During message exchange it transforms the structure of the business data • Message Routing: Forwarding a message sent by a sender system to one or more receiver systems • Connectivity Adapters: Connecting the integration broker and receiver system, the adapter will transform the incoming message into an inbound message and later convert it to the format of the receiving system at the other end • Integration Processes: Cross component Business Process Management (ccBPM) consists of functions for enhanced service orchestration.

How SAP PI works SAP PI performs three basic functions • Connect: SAP PI has an ability to integrate with all application regardless of whether it is an application from a 3 rd party or from SAP. It uses the adapter framework to integrate 3 rd party solutions. • Co-ordinate: It can define a path/workflow for each business transaction that is integrated. It ensures that each message is correctly delivered from the source to the target destination •. Communicate: It can translate files into any format whether an internal file format or any business to business integration standard.

SAP PI Architecture SAP PI is not a single component responsible for the integration of SAP and Non- SAP application, but it is a cluster of components that together makes SAP PI functional. This architecture of SAP PI or components is used during design time, configuration time and at run time. The various components of SAP PI includes • System Landscape Directory: It is a central information provider in a system landscape. SLD contains two types of information, 'Component Information (Installable & Installed) and Landscape description.' • Integration Builder: It is a tool-set which contains a set of tools for accessing and editing integration objects • Integration Repository: To develop, design and maintain data types, message structures, mappings, interfaces, integration processes and integration scenarios independently of system landscape, integration repository is used. • Integration Server: It is a central processing engine of the PI. All messages are processed using this server.

• Central Monitoring: With the help of this monitoring of PI domain is done, and 'workbench' is the tool that is used for monitoring. • Adapter Engine: It acts as a connector to connect the integration engine to SAP systems and other systems. • Message Processing Technique by PI: To access data from SAP and Non-SAP application this techniques is used. SAP PI uses intermediate document like IDoc to Flat files to transfer their data. • Design: Process Integration (PI) uses integration repository to design message structure • Configuration: Integration Directory (ID) is used to configure technical parameters for objects created in IR ( Integration Repository) • Message Processing: Once the IDOC is activated in SAP system, PI takes in charge and convert messages into XML format for its internal processing • Message Monitoring: The messages can be monitored and traced using 'Run Time Workbench'. This tool can be useful in monitoring sender and receiver adapters, Outgoing and Incoming messages, End to End monitoring of complete scenario and error traces. Connectivity: Proxy Framework & Adapter Framework Adapter Framework: SAP PI connects with any external systems (SAP or Non-SAP) using the Adapter Framework.

The adapter framework is based on the AS Java runtime environment and the connector architecture (JCA) version. The adapter framework consists of two default module chains if message processing is to be executed entirely within the adapter, default module chain for adapter can be used.