Boingvert Jump Program

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Summary BoingVert is one of the most challenging vertical jump training programs on the market. It has a solid foundation and many great exercises. However, despite being created by world-class trainers, it appears to be 'half-baked' and not very polished. The program is super long (7 months), it does not sit well with an in-season schedule, and the info in it is very much scattered. So while BoingVert can be effective and the information in it is solid, you might be better off going with a more refined program such as Jump Manual or the easy to use and shorter Vert Shock.

Sep 16, 2015 - 3 min - Uploaded by NBA play the gameSTART JUMPING HIGHER ONLY $7 or $9 (BoingVert) WATCH NBA IN. Inside you can read our in-depth, unbiased review of the BoingVert jump program. Read the pros and cons and see if it is right for you.

Table of Content • • • • • • • • • • • • • “ Is BoingVert legit?” “ Does BoingVert actually work?” “ Is it better than Vert Shock?” These are some of the questions I keep getting in my inbox at least twice a day. It’s time to address these questions once and for all and put an end to the debate. If you want to know what the hype behind BoingVert is all about and find out if it can really add up to 12+ inches in 6 months, then read on as I share my review of one of the hottest vertical jump programs on the market! Why BoingVert? BoingVert is one of the more interesting phenomenon’s of the vertical jump community – there are hundreds of people on YouTube and social media that claim to have had tremendous success with the program, yet there’s very little substance of what the program is actually about.

While other popular programs such as Vert Shock or The Jump Manual are pretty transparent about their fundamental principles and have plenty of comprehensive reviews online, there isn’t even remotely as much info available on BoingVert. The program’s sales page is little more than a few sentences and some testimonials, so it’s not helpful when trying to decide if it’s worth your money.

Furthermore, the salesy ads that run on many basketball videos on YouTube make big promises but provide almost no tangible info of what to expect. Still, while most of the big fish in the vertical jump community swear by Vert Shock and The Jump Manual as the two programs that bring the best results (you can find my reviews of each of these programs and, respectively), the significant number of people that have tried BoingVert with success warrants a thorough investigation into its effectiveness. That’s why, seeing that there’s really almost no reviews of the program available online, I decided the only way to clear the mystery behind BoingVert was to buy the program myself and see what’s hidden behind the curtain. To get a complete picture of the program’s principles and share with you exactly what you can expect, I purchased the Lifetime Package ($80) which contains the Animal + Monster programs along with a few other perks that come with it. In this review, I will go deep into every intricate part of this surprisingly comprehensive program to provide you the best possible information to decide whether it’s right for you. By the time you finish reading, you’ll know exactly what the main principles of BoingVert are, how it compares against other programs available today, and whether or not it’s the best option for you individually.

So, if you’re ready to find out what BoingVert is all about, read on below. Initial Impression Right off the bat, the website gets down to business. There’s very little information on the welcome page – just a few buttons to go into different sections, and a short note at the bottom telling you to first do the Animal program, which focuses solely on, and only then move on to the Monster program after a 2-3 week break. As you start exploring the website, your eye immediately gets caught on the sheer number of exercises that are available in both, Animal and Monster, programs. There are literally dozens upon dozens of different exercises, all categorized by muscle group and function. While this seems great in theory, the problem is that there’s little information on why each exercise is important.

There is, however, an in-depth PDF outlining many aspects of vertical jump in the Animal program, called Animal Philosophy. Creators of BoingVert Shawn Myszka. Shawn Myzska The main person behind BoingVert is Shawn Myszka, a prominent name in the vertical jump community who has a great reputation and has trained some of the top athletes in Minnesota.

He’s been an NSCA certified strength & conditioning specialist with distinction since 2003, as well as the co-founder and Athletic Performance Director of Explosive Edge Athletics. Shawn has been heavily involved as a consultant and speaker for various sports and athletic organizations across the country, including the Minnesota Football Coaches Association, Division I Intercollegiate Athletic Programs and many others. In other words, the creator of the program is the real deal – someone who has walked the walk that made a name for himself by helping thousands of athletes perform at their peak levels.

Kelly Baggett. Kelly Baggett The Monster Program was done in collaboration with Kelly Baggett, a certified trainer that has a lot of experience with strength training – he’s got a big reputation in the vertical jumping community, being the creator of the very popular Vertical Jump Bible book. While the Vertical Jump Bible might be a bit outdated by today’s standards, it still is regarded as a very influential program that paved the way for many of today’s vertical jump experts, so the fact that he’s one of the people behind BoingVert is a huge plus. What is BoingVert & How Does It Work? BoingVert is a vertical jump training program that promises to dramatically increase your vertical leap by using a combination of two jump programs, a plyometrics-only Animal Program, and a more strength oriented Monster Program. The Animal Program lasts around 16 weeks, while the Monster Program is an additional 11 weeks. You are also recommended to take at least 2-3 weeks off between the two programs in order to maximize results and allow your body to fully recover.

BoingVert Animal As mentioned before, the Animal part of the BoingVert program focuses exclusively on plyometrics or body-weight exercises. The only equipment you’ll need is a bench – you can do all the exercises in a park or even at home. The first thing I did when going through the Animal Program was reading through the Animal Philosophy PDF manual. It’s a 32-page e-book that goes through the background of the program, key factors to jumping higher, and a general breakdown of what the program is about. The e-book discusses some of the key components of vertical jumping like landing absorption, core strength, and the cool down.

It also talks about few other aspects that are not as emphasized in other programs, such as choosing the right footwear and the importance of training surface. After going through the “big picture” information in the e-book, you can jump right into the nuts and bolts of the program, which is the Animal Workout Log. It lays out the phases of the program, complete with planned out workout sessions for each workout day of the entire 16-week program.

Animal Workout Log – Day 1 preview The Animal Program is made up of 6 phases that are 2-3 weeks long each. Here are the 6 phases of the program with a short description: • General Body Preparation During this phase, you will be doing exercises that will prepare your body for the stress it’s going to endure over the following stages. It focuses on improving stability and skeletal strength so that you can perform the compound exercises safely. • Jump Mastery In this phase, you will learn about the correct movement patterns that ultimately determine your jumping ceiling. Your muscles will learn to be in complete synergy so that your entire body is working toward jumping higher.

• Force Absorption In the third phase of the Animal Program, the exercises will focus on the ability to absorb and rapidly stabilize the tremendous amounts of force that jumping entails. According to the program’s author, learning to absorb force is a key element of being able to generate explosiveness.

Shawn explaining this element in detail • Jump Acceleration The fourth phase will build on the previous phases that emphasized stability and force absorption and will help you improve your jumping acceleration through increased rate of force development in each of your jumps. • Reactive Emphasis In the fifth phase, the program develops reactive strength, which is basically your ability to start, stop and change direction while jumping. This phase is one of the most difficult phases of the program and it’ll push your body to the limit through intense plyometric exercises. • Jump Mastery The final phase will be a bit similar to phase two and will revolve around improving jumping technique and efficiency, helping you maximize the gains that you attained in the previous weeks, as well as help you jump and land safely to prevent injuries. During these 6 phases, you should expect to be training 2-4 times per week, depending on the phase of the program and the intensity of the exercises that you will be performing.

The program can be very demanding, as some weeks have very heavy workloads. While the exercises in the Animal Program don’t use weights or a gym, the intensity and number of reps can make it difficult to follow, especially during the season. If you’re looking for a program that finds a better balance between workload and results, you might be interested in checking out my review of Vert Shock. However, the program is science-based and goes real deep in covering all the bases.

And while The Jump Manual, another program I reviewed recently, is much more organized in the way it presents the info, that doesn’t take away from the solid material presented in BoingVert. BoingVert Monster The Monster Program is designed in collaboration with Kelly Baggett and builds on the Animal Program by introducing strength-based training to maximize your vertical. It contains four phases that span out over a period of 11 weeks. Here is a short description of each: • Adaptation & Activation The first phase of the Monster Program will prepare your body for the rigorous weight training that follows by gradually working your muscles and getting them used to new movements with weight resistance.

• General Strength The second phase starts to build on some basic weight room exercises and develop a foundation of strength which will be the basis of your next level vertical ability gains. • Max Strength & Power In the third phase, once you have become comfortable with strength training exercises, you will begin combining strength movements with plyometric movements. This will be the most intense phase of the Monster Program, but it will also be the most rewarding one. Monster preview • Max Power The final phase of the Monster Program is where you can expect to see the most gains – the intensity and volume of the exercises become lighter, and your body will begin to take advantage of the increased strength as you enjoy a tremendous increase in your vertical. Throughout the Monster Program, you will be training three times per week, but the intensity and focus of the exercises will differ significantly in each phase.

There’s not a lot of info behind the individual exercises of the Monster Program, but if you simply want to follow the steps, it’s all laid out pretty clearly – the workout log is pretty straightforward, and the videos are easy to follow along with. Pros & Cons of the Program Here are some of the biggest pros and cons of BoingVert. Pros • Very Comprehensive Philosophy When reading the Animal Philosophy Manual, it becomes clear that Shawn Myszka is a real expert – he approaches vertical training from all angles and gives you the full picture of what techniques will be used to maximize your jumping ability. Some of the stuff wasn’t even on The Jump Manual, which is considered by everyone to be the most comprehensive vertical jump training program in the world.

• Touches on subjects few other programs do BoingVert gives you insights into jumping form that isn’t as thorough in other programs. It goes in-depth in areas such as choosing the right footwear, what training surface works better, learning to absorb contact safely, properly cooling down, etc. • Great Quality Videos While the videos have to be accessed through the member’s website each time, their quality is great, and they are very informative. So while it’s not easy to use, the contents themselves are terrific. Here’s a small demo of how the videos look: • The author has a good reputation As mentioned before, Shawn Myszka is a renowned trainer and jump training specialist. But even without his impressive credentials, you immediately get the feeling this guy knows what he’s talking about just from the info he’s presenting. • Part of the program can be done without weights If you don’t want a program that uses weights, this is a great option – the entire Animal Program doesn’t require a gym and can be done anywhere.

However, it does take 16 weeks, and the workouts are sometimes unnecessarily intense, so if you’re looking for a shorter and more balanced program, you might want to check out Vert Shock. • Lots of Exercises Another strength of the program is just how well it touches all the main aspects of the actual training of vertical jump – dozens upon dozens of exercises are utilized to make sure your jump training is as thorough as possible. Cons • Not Refined. Unfinished product Probably the biggest problem with BoingVert is that it just doesn’t look like a finished product. There’s a lot of golden information, and the program itself follows rock-solid principles, but it seems that everything is scattered and there’s simply too much going on. The fact that the program uses so many exercises means that the author has not yet refined it into a polished jump training methodology.

• The Animal and Monster programs don’t work in conjunction Another way BoingVert comes short is the fact that the Animal and Monster Programs almost seem like two unrelated products. You have to do them separately, and they do not connect in any way. In some way, it reminded me of with regards to the workload and time-efficiency aspect where the workouts are too long and need to be fine-tuned in order to get the most out of them. And while you do take away great things from both, if BoingVert was more polished and was able to combine the two parts (Animal & Monster), it might not need the whopping 30 weeks total to complete. At this point, The Jump Manual seems much more developed if you’re looking for a weight-based training program. • Super Long (30 weeks).

Now multiply by 7 months As said before, in order to realize the full potential of the program, you will have to spend more than half a year rigorously training. That might make your jumping ceiling a bit higher, but a program such as Vert Shock offers much quicker results (8 weeks) with a lighter workload. • Little Explanation on Exercises While there is a big picture view, there’s little explanation of individual exercises and their value. This might not be a problem if you’re okay with just following instructions.

• Poor Layout The program isn’t convenient to use on a day-to-day basis – you have to either print out the 100-page workout log or switch between the workout log and exercise videos, which you can only access on the website. This means you have to always be online when working out and that’s another inconvenience, especially considering that the program is time-consuming on its own. Summary So what’s the verdict, does BoingVert really work? Well, sort of. Let me explain. BoingVert may seem very scattered in the way it delivers its message, but the individual parts of it are very solid.

The exercise videos are clear and sufficient in their quality, the information that is laid out is backed up by scientific studies, and the program has a clear structure that is bound to bring great results. So while it may not bring quick results such as Vert Shock, or be as comprehensive and refined as The Jump Manual that has been around for more than a decade, BoingVert is based on solid principles and covers all the main aspects that should be in a vertical training program. Fgtech V54 Keygen Download.

In other words, it wouldn’t be my first choice, but that has less to do with the program’s structure, and more to do with the fact that there are that use the same basic principles better. However, the program itself is legit, and if you follow its instructions, you will definitely see some results over time.