Pdf File Upload In Joomla Extension

Posted in: admin13/11/17Coments are closed

Requirements: • Joomla 1.5 or 1.7 or 2.5 • PHP 5.3+ Urgent Notice: Version 2.0 maintains Security Release status. If you use a version earlier than 0.6, you need to upgrade immediately. See changelog.txt for change log details. Description: This is a flexible file upload module.

It allows the administrator to specify a destination folder, and allows the user to upload files to it. The administrator can also specify how many files that can be uploaded simultaneously, as well as the text in the front end. You can even have more then one module of its kind on the same page.

Download (Valor Apps): • Main features: • Upload files to a specified folder in the root directory. • Specify the maximum file size permitted to tbe uploaded. • Specify the types of files, by MIME type, that are permitted.

• Customize the upload label and submit button texts. • Specify the background color of the results block to match your theme. • Upload multiple files simultaneously (Up to a maximum of 10) • Customize your front end text • Customize your file input variable, which allows to have multiple modules on a single page • Provide the front-end user with the option to replace existing files on upload • Option to save files in username subfolders • Displays MIME Detection Compatibility in Module Manager Known Issues: This module is designed to work on PHP 5.3+. If you have an earlier version of PHP, it should still work but you may encounter issues with detecting the MIME type of the uploaded file.

This depends on your server setup, as it should work fine if PHP is allowed to call the exec function. See the for further details and considerations. Support and Documentation: Feel free to visit for online support. You may also contact me via the Please visit the digital store for documentation: • • Credits: • Jeff Channell – providing the code fix for the MIME type tamper vulnerability Screenshots. HI firstly, what a great extension. It is almost perfect for my specific needs and the few issues I have encountered were quickly resolved by searching your support forum. I have a question however and the registration process on your support forum does not seem to work.

I have attempted to register two separate accounts with different emails but haven’t received any confirmation emails yet, so I am unable to use the forum. I would simply like to add a script to redirect the user to a new page once the php process for upload completes and the results have been shown. I have tried to do this myself, but have been unsuccessful thus far this is simply because I am not very experienced with php. Could you possibly help me or point me in the right direction? Kind Regards, Martiens. Hello, thank you for this module.

It’s very usefull for me. I have two questions regarding its work: 1. Currently my module is placed at the bottom of the page. When someone uploads file he moves to the top of the same page and doesn’t see information message about uploading status until he scroll down the page to the bottom.

Can I somehow customize this module to show information message at the top of the article? Buttons “Choose file” and “Upload file” have different styles on my site.

How I can make for them the same style? Michael, after using your extension and replace an article I get the following error. Can you help me? Regards, Fred Wormsbecher Warning: Missing argument 4 for modEasyFileUploaderHelper::storeUploadedFile(), called in C: xampp htdocs biz-fpcomputers modules mod_easyfileuploader helper.php on line 96 and defined in C: xampp htdocs biz-fpcomputers modules mod_easyfileuploader helper.php on line 194 Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in C: xampp htdocs biz-fpcomputers modules mod_easyfileuploader helper.php on line 197. I want to be able to upload video and audio files, I guess up to 60 megabytes each. Wmv,wma,avi,mov,divx,mp4,mp3 Can this module do this If so, I will gladly pay, donate Please inform, In my module I have, image/gif;image/jpeg;image/pjpeg;image/png;application/pdf;application/msword;application/zip;application/x-compressed;application/x-zip-compressed;multipart/x-zip;application/excel;application/vnd.ms-excel;application/x-excel;application/x-msexcel;application/avi;mov;wma;wmv;divx;mp4;mp3* If you could tell me exactly what I need to make it upload the extensions I want, OMG, would be so awesome! I used your extension on the reckless side and got my site hacked.

The only flaw was that there is no captcha for it. I also made it available to non-registered members of my site and increased the file size permission for large pictures and movies.

BT Slideshow Pro is a perfect slideshow module for Joomla! It allows you to easily display images with many flash type animations done in Javascript. You can upload.

This got my site hacked. It would be better if I could have chosen another directory for the uploads.

So the lesson learned? 1)great extension but vulnerable without captcha 2)don’t let non-members access it 3)keep file size permissions low For the whole gory story see: 🙂. Thanks for using my module. This issue is currently being addressed at my support site: From what I can tell, this issue is occurring with PHP versions that are less than version 5.3. Basically, the reason is that the earlier versions of PHP don’t support MIME type testing out the box, and the methods that the module uses to test the MIME type in those versions rely on whether you host server is allowed to call exec(‘file -ib’), which is a UNIX command. Oh, there is a known syntax error on line 113 of the helper.php file of version 0.6 of the module, where $valid is spelled $vaild, by mistake. The next release fill have all the fixes.

But, you can quickly change it. Fantastic work.

A few thoughts: a) I agree with previous suggestions: it would be nice to have an email sent out to a hardwired address in the module configuration e.g.: [x] files, total [y] MB submitted on [datetime] b) Is there a way to add a captcha to avoid someone uploading files until they fill up the hard drive? C) is there a way to control the width of the file dialog box? D) My php.ini is set at upload_max_filesize = 200M and the module at 250000000. I can upload a 6MB zip file no problem, but not a 14MB. No error is shown, the page return with the fields blanked out. On one machine the page comes back after just a few seconds and on another after a few minutes.

Thanks, Mixie. It’s really a nice tools, thx Michael. I would like reply on inquiry sent by “Haitham” “2.

Is there a way to add something to the file name when saving it such as user name or page name or date for example?” In my case I add following change to “modules Easy File uploader helper.php” in order to add connected user name to the name file. I add the following in line 66 // ArtdigiPrint: Add connected user name to the file name $user = &JFactory::getuser(); $file_name_temp = $user->username.”_”.$_FILES[$params->get(‘efu_variable’)][“name”][$i]; $_FILES[$params->get(‘efu_variable’)][“name”][$i]=$file_name_temp; I made also some French localisation in the same file. Hopping it can help. Now I’m looking for a way to send an automatic mail to the admin in order to inform that a new file is present on server.

Does anyone have an idea how to do it? Hi, I’m using your module to upload mpeg files to a music directory on my server. This catalog is being read by a mp3 browser plugin. The mp3browser is displayed in an article, and the uploader accompanies it in a module. Problem 1: upload files get permission 600, which makes them unreadble for mp3browser – I have to manually change the permissions to 644.

Problem 2: after a succesful upload (and a manual file permission change), I will have to reread my mp3browser page to get it to display all mp3files in the directory. Now the problem is that the module tries to upload the same file once more. How can I “reset” or clear the uploader after a succesful upload? Finally I will give you credit for your efforts – very nice work 🙂 regards PerC. Hi Just installed your upload module and I love the simplicity of use!

A few things come to mind that would make it more applicable and universal in application for complex community sites without too much fuss I think. 1] Instead of the “select folder” drop down allow users to input the folder path so that they can maintian any folder structure that is deeper than just the images folder root. Miller Bobcat Welder Serial Number Location. Ie: /images/site/general/specific/file.jpg 2] That The module can be employed in a multiple way so that each page can have a unique folder destination ie: /images/site/general/specific02/file02.jpg possibly creating a profile creation system then by using this profile to facilitate module insertion.

Alternatively for ease show how to upload/install the same module but giving it a different module title. Ending up with a similar situation employed by the menu manager. Easy uploader 01 easy uploader 02 etc etc summary: 1] instead of drop down folder list a input field for folder destination 2] mulitple instances of the module inthe module manager thanks though, fantastic module. Hi Armando, Thanks for using my Easy File Uploader module.

The issue you are having can only be fixed if you edit the php.ini file for your web server. You can find out what the current value for upoad_max_filesize is by opening up a php file that calls the “phpinfo()” function. However, to change it you must alter your server’s php.ini file. If you do not manage your own web server, you may have to ask your hosting company to change the value for you.

The value in the php.ini file overrides the max file size value in joomla and the module. Hope this helps. Hi Haitham, Thanks for your comments. To answer your questions, follow my responses below: 1. To use it on different pages to upload to a different folder, just go to the module manager, and create multiple instances of the module, one for each article page, each of them with different arbitrary positions, and specifying different upload folders. Then create individual article pages corresponding to each module that you create.

No, there isn’t a way to add something to the file name to make it a different file name when you upload it. You would have had to rename the file before you upload it. I hope this helps. Best Regards. Hi Michael i saw your extension on JED, and for me is this perfect. But i have a problem.

I want to use it for different folders. So i have copied this module, without any problem. But if i chose the same file in both modules (for different folders),i’m get a error message, that this picture already exist. But the error message is displayed on the other module. The upload is absolutly correct.

Just the error message is wrong. And a question.

Do you see the possibility to make an upload with more then one file at the same time in the future? Nice greetings from the sunny switzerland. Hi Tinu, Thanks for using my module. I am glad that it helps you. I would love to help you solve your problem. So, basically, you made two different modules, each specifying a different folder to upload files to. Well, if you have both modules showing on the same page (or article, in joomla terminology), the image will be automatically uploaded to both locations then the first module displayed will move the file from its temporary location, even if you clicked on the upload button for the second one on the page.

You may have to give each module its own article. I would like to see a screenshot of your problem, though.

That way, I can better address your exact issue. I hope my explanation helps. As for multiple files, I think that that is a great idea for the next revision.

I will start working on it soon. Thanks a bunch. Please feel free to email me.