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Individuals 1. 'The next day, in Washington, the same arguments were made by other NSA [National Student Association] leaders to Sol Stern, who was writing the story [why its CIA relationship shouldn't be exposed]. They actually advanced the intriguing contention that such a disclosure would be damaging to the enlightened men of the 'liberal' internationalistic wing of the CIA who were willing to provide clandestine money to domestic progressive causes.' Part of the 'liberal CIA' network. It wasn't until 2014, while writing ISGP's article, that I really began to notice the manipulation of the political and religious/spiritual left in society, largely by certain liberal Eastern Establishment families and individuals.

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This trend continued into early 2015. First I noticed that alternative media outlet on occasion receives major financing from the. At the time this blew my mind, because donations like these are very easy-to-spot proof that the government - or superclass - is financing supposedly independent opposition groups to the regular media. The Democracy Now! Financing reminded me of 'rumors' that magazine also has ties to the superclass. Around the same time I ran into the, an outfit with massive Eastern Establishment backing that pushes not just, but also stimulates research into MDMA, DMT, ayahuasca, ibogaine, mushrooms and other psychedelics.

While today ISGP has, mainly due to time constraints, at the time I did little with all this information, assuming for the time being that these ties and financing were incidental. I actually did try to inform Joe Rogan about this last fact regarding the Drug Policy Alliance, considering his extreme interest in psychedelics, but that was about it. As usual, this effort fell on deaf ears.

Rogan, as it turns out, transforms into an whenever conspiracy topics are brought up. This introduction is not the place to discuss this, but it's ironic that a year later Rogan actually invited Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance and Soros agent par excellence, to his podcast for the first time. During the hours-long conversation, not a word was mentioned by either person of all the big establishment money behind the Drug Policy Alliance. It's one of numerous instances that made me wonder to what extent the debate on the left is controlled by the superclass. Questions and partial answers kept piling up throughout 2015 and 2016. Awaiting clarification, I actually couldn't finish more than half a dozen articles. In one I had to discuss superclass influence on the, in another the so-called, and in yet others topics as NSA domestic spying,, the,, professional skeptics,, Jeffrey Epstein, Joe Rogan,.

As already determined to a large extent in the 2014 article, each and every time the same elite foundations and individuals appeared to be operating in the background, also while exploring these related subjects. I briefly tried discussing this elite network in sections of ISGP's and articles, but by early 2016 the situation had become really unmanageable. Apart from virtually duplicate content being generated throughout the site, it was clear that a ton of additional research and organizing still was needed. Really the only way to go was to create a separate oversight of whatever this network is. The result the reader can find here.

This page is not exactly an article in the traditional sense. It's more like a quick reference guide by presenting brief summaries of a vast range of organizations and, even more important, supplementing it with credible sources. It's also structured in such a way that updating - including the updating of other ISGP articles that tie into this oversight - is made as easy as possible. This easy updating aspect turned out to be essential, because an endless amount of additions have been made since the first version of this oversight. The main problem is that the discussion of this network, and certainly in the manner that it is here, has been a rather unique endeavor. I had to gather sources from everywhere, in many cases having no other choice than to manually crawl through annual reports and Form 990s in order to figure out who has been financing what.

From there I would run into other foundations and organizations that needed checking. To be honest, in comparison with some of the other articles on ISGP, the amount of research to put this oversight together really hasn't been that much. It may have taken close to a thousand hours, but certainly no more. 'Liberal CIA' explained: controlled opposition aspect of the liberal Eastern Establishment Key financiers of the 'liberal CIA' network. Bottom-row, from right: widow of and Brooke Astor, the widow of Vincent Astor. Earliest history: Vincent Astor was a key founder of secretive private intelligence network pre-WWII, which liasoned with British intelligence chief Sir Stewart Menzies and spawned the OSS and CIA.

Nelson Rockefeller was part of this network. This past year, 2016, while studying the liberal 'new left' establishment, I sometimes ran across insiders talking about working with 'liberal CIA. The best mafia you can deal with in the twentieth century' [] or appealing to the 'enlightened men of the liberal internationalistic wing of the CIA who were willing to provide clandestine money to domestic progressive causes.' [] Subsequently I see these persons and their cliques flock around foundations as Rockefeller, Ford, Soros, Tides, and others. Then I find that the first two of these, along with the Carnegie Foundation and USAID, back in the 1950s and 1960s took over CIA financing of the important America-Africa Institute in order to prevent any kind of negative backlash.

[] More and more it made me suspect that the Rockefeller family and their associates are CIA, suspicions I, of course, had long before, but never really attached in any detail to the new left, alternative media and anti-Wall Street activist groups pushing for social reform. So, could it be that all these foundations and the media and institutions they finance actually are part of the CIA?

That's a very tough question to answer. The fact is, as time went on, I became a little uncomfortable with the term.

Despite that, on a regular basis I kept finding evidence of its accuracy. For example, one of the last additions to this oversight has been famous inventor and scientific theorist. At first glance, it sounds utterly ridiculous to label Buckminster Fuller 'CIA'.

But I maintained these suspicions based on Fuller's involvement in the (Laurance Rockefeller-influenced) and because he has been such an inspiration to various members that built the, not to mention the curious John Brockman of the and -tied annual Billionaire's Dinners. In the end, it's just a 'gut feeling' based on a limited number of facts. But, as usual, where there's smoke, there's fire. Months later I ran into the fact that Fuller's closest associate in writing a lot of his key work was E. Applewhite, a CIA covert operations officer who actually was detailed to undermine the (bizarre) left-wing magazine.

Apart from the fact that this is the gazillonth piece of evidence that the CIA has always been active domestically, and not exactly in a legal manner, it also clearly ties Fuller to the CIA. Another few months later I find that Brendan O. Regan has been 'Research Coordinator for R. Buckminster Fuller'. There's no absolute proof, but looking at Regan's deep involvement in and, as well as a number of statements that exist about him, he appears to have been an important CIA officer (or asset) and in any case was an important national security insider. Yet another few months later I find that early board members of the Buckminster Fuller Institute have included Margaret Mead, whose can be linked to the CIA's MKULTRA program, among other ties of hers; Norman Cousins, a member who founded the United World Federalists under the CIA's Cord Meyer; and Neva Rockefeller Goodwin, a daughter of David Rockefeller and future vice chairman of the.

Obviously, the Rockefeller family has been best friends with a number of past CIA directors, most notably the Dulles brothers, John McCone and Richard Helms. So, what are we left to conclude here? Certainly that there is something going on here with Buckminster Fuller that we, the masses, have never been informed about. The same goes for all other persons, institutes and media outlets discussed here. There are all kinds of covert elite and national security/CIA overlaps. And, ultimately, shedding light on these anomalies is all that this oversight is trying to accomplish. September 11, 2006: Fake debate about Pentagon-no-plane theories and the like between the creators and representatives (both tied to ultraright CIA interests) on, a 'new left' media outfit massively financed by foundations as Carnegie, Ford, MacArthur, Lannan, Soros, etc.

Keep in mind, these debates usually are utterly realistic with 'actors' having adopted a decades-long or even life-long cover-personality. I discuss this aspect in ISGP's article. Actually, soon after the original version of this introduction here was done, I added chapters to ISGP's article, including, in which the CIA connections of the Rockefeller family and their closest friends are summarized. Turns out, the family not only maintained friendships with CIA directors, secretaries of state, national security advisors and presidents, Nelson and especially David Rockefeller (and through him, certainly also Laurance Rockefeller) were briefed by CIA division chiefs on covert operations and actively fronted for the CIA in the anti-communist 'Cultural Cold War'. The same goes for most of their closest establishment friends (most of whom have been Pilgrims).

In other words, for the longest time the CIA directorship and other key government positions involved in the oversight of the most secret operations actually were handed to key members of the liberal Rockefeller establishment, forming a kind of 'superclass CIA' network that sat on top of the 'bureaucratic CIA' - or even the Special Group, the CIA oversight body that fell under the national security advisor. Certainly not everyone agreed all the time (far from it), but a system was created in which proteges of political, banking and think tank elites invariably emerged as leading candidates for the exact same positions their mentors held. In this process,.

This process also goes on to the present day, although the Rockefellers have slowly left the scene. These ties of the Rockefellers and their friends to the CIA and national security state, as well as the grooming process in establishment circles, is described in much more detail in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article. Ultimately I suspect that the whole 'liberal CIA' network has come together rather organically as a combination of genuine liberal ideas within the Eastern Establishment and the need to satisfy and maintain an anti-communist left in the West. Where one ends and the other begins is impossible to say at this point. I can literally philosophize all day as to why key cover ups as the or 9/11's are never properly exposed - not to mention all the disinformation that has been spread. Old boy networks, national security, superclass ties to criminal elements, psywar, blackmail, psychology and a lack of consciousness on planet Earth most likely all play a role in how key cover ups can be perpetuated.

In the end the fact remains that massive cover ups are a reality and that the 'new left' plays an enormous role in managing dissent. It is completely irrational to claim that the 'new left' media and activist groups operate independently.

Thus the term 'liberal CIA' as a controlled opposition sub-section within the wider liberal establishment certainly conveys the (accurate) message that also on the left - and not just through the - debate is being limited with covert propaganda spread through a variety liberal media and action groups. Whether the CIA technically is behind this, that question is still up in the air, but unacknowledged private sector intelligence operations certainly seems to be a key factor in how the Agency exerts influence on domestic society. Annenberg Foundation • Founded in 1993. Based on the fortune of member and major superclass member Walter Annenberg.

Has been involved in financing the environmental movement and, most importantly maybe, the website. • Foundation website: annenberg.org/initiatives/education/annenberg-public-policy-center (accessed: January 15,2017): 'When the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) was established in 1993, its founders, Ambassadors Walter and Leonore Annenberg, sought to increase the impact of the scholarship produced at Penn's Annenberg School for Communication, the Policy Center's home. The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania has developed such award-winning initiatives as.' • activistfacts.com/foundation/246-AnnenbergFoundation/ (accessed: January 16, 2017): 'The Annenberg Foundation was endowed by Walter H. Annenberg in 1989. Annenberg's family business, Triangle Publications, includes both TV Guide and Seventeen magazine, as well as hundreds of radio and television stations across the U.S. Donations [total]:, $805,000, [by] 2005.,$77,500, [by] 2001.

- & Tides Center, $1,450,000, [by]2006.' • Annenberg also helps finance and. • September 22, 2008, Newsmax, 'Obama, Voter Fraud & Mortgage Meltdown': 'Rathke had been active in Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), known for its violence, and in the domestic terrorist group, the Weathermen, which bombed government offices. William Ayers and his wife Benadine Dohrn, Chicago friends of Obama, also were members of the SDS and the Weathermen. Obama chaired the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, funded by a grant obtained by Ayers [who in December 2016 co-founded the action group, a frontal assault on the Trump administration and the 58% of all whites who voted for him].' • The Chicago Annenberg Challenge which came to be chaired by Barack Obama and also counted the involvement of Obama's friend Bill Ayers (together they also came to serve on the board of the ) was in part financed by the, of which Obama was a long-time trustee. Arca Foundation • Similar to the, the similarly-oriented Arca Foundation was originally based on the R.J.

Reynolds fortune. • arcafoundation.org/history.htm (accessed: November 28, 2015): 'But Nancy Susan Reynolds had her own ideas — some decidedly modern ideas for a Southern woman, a wife and a mother of four — about what the world should and could be. She put those ideas into action in 1952, by founding the Nancy Reynolds Bagley Foundation, which later became the Arca Foundation.

Reynolds renamed the foundation Arca.' • arcafoundation.org/conference_rm.htm (accessed: November 28, 2015): 'As president of the Arca Foundation from 1970-1980, Jane Bagley Lehman [also chair of the Tides Foundation 1976-1988].' • January 12, 1985, New York Times, 'NANCY SUSAN REYNOLDS': 'Nancy Susan Reynolds, the last surviving child of the founder of the R. Reynolds Tobacco Company, died today at her home in Greenwich, Conn., the company announced here. She was 74 years old.

Reynolds was a benefactor to many North Carolina institutions, particularly Wake Forest University. Her father, Richard, died when she was 8. Her mother was Katharine Smith Reynolds.

She married Henry Walker Bagley, from whom she was divorced in 1953, and later married Gilbert Verney. They divorced in 1967. Reynolds is survived by four children, Jane Bagley Lehman [who helped establish the Tides Foundation], Smith W. Bagley, Susan Bagley Bloom and Ann Bagley Grant. ' • April 21, 1988, New York Times, 'Jane Lehman, 55; Active in Philanthropy' (no mention of Tides or Arca foundations): 'Jane Bagley Lehman, an investor and businesswoman who was active in philanthropy, died of lung cancer Monday in San Francisco, where she lived.

She was 55 years old. Lehman, a granddaughter of R. Reynolds, the tobacco company founder, was born in Greenwich, Conn., and attended the Knox School in Cooperstown, N.Y., and the Carnegie-Mellon Institute. She was the former wife of S. Long, the prominent yachtsman, and of Orin Lehman, New York State Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Active in a number of philanthropic organizations, Ms. Lehman served on the board of the Save the Children Federation from 1962 until 1978.

In 1976, after moving from New York to California, she helped form the Tides Foundation, which addresses environmental and social concerns, and was its chairwoman for the last 12 years. She was a director of the American Place Theater, the American Symphony Orchestra, public television station KQED in San Francisco and the Experiment in International Living in Vermont.'

• florycanto.org/filmnight.htm: 'June 4 KPFA On the Air (2000, 60 minutes) A lively documentary providing food for thought about the potential for alternative visions of media and their relationships to community. KPFA, sister Pacifica station to our own KPFK, began broadcasting in April 1949, and soon became a beacon of open-ended discourse in the McCarthy period of the 1950s.

Included among its guests were Langston Hughes, Dylan Thomas, Allen Ginsberg and Linus Pauling [Rockefeller-funded], along with Caspar Weinberger, Edward Teller, the father of the H-Bomb, and the John Birch Society. The video documents the growth of KPFA from the brainstorm of some WWII pacifists to a rare and dynamic voice for cultural and political pluralism through the 1950s, and as a voice for the social movements of the 1960s. It provides diverse perspectives on the complexities of building a multi-cultural media community. Alice Walker narrates viewers through this lively documentary on the history of this pioneer of listener-sponsored radio.' • paulingblog.wordpress.com/2008/12/09/pauling-and-the-rockefeller-foundation/: 'Pauling received his first grant from the Rockefeller Foundation in 1932 for a program of research in structural chemistry. Shortly thereafter, in the fall of 1933, Pauling applied for and later received a three-year grant from the Foundation to support his experimental researches.

In 1934 Pauling received more funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, this time in support of his hemoglobin research. It is also clear that Pauling was, at least to a degree, shifting his research focus to match the lines of inquiry that the Foundation was interested in funding. In 1986, Pauling would note I'd had one elementary course in organic chemistry and no biochemistry. Didn't know much about these things. I was getting support from the Rockefeller Foundation.

Warren Weaver said to me, 'Well it's alright. We've been giving you some money to determine the structure of the sulfide minerals. But the Rockefeller Foundation isn't really interested in the sulfide minerals. We're interested in biological molecules and life.' So I said, 'Well, I'd like to study the magnetic properties of hemoglobin and see whether the oxygen molecule loses its paramagnetism when it combines with the hemoglobin molecule.'

So they said, 'Alright, we'll give you more money.' And so it was, more or less, that Pauling's hemoglobin work received Rockefeller support on the order of $70,000 per year circa 1940. Listen: Pauling discusses the roots of his relationship with the Rockefeller Foundation [audio clip]. Pauling not only sought and gained special assistance from Rockefeller funds, but Rockefeller personnel also contributed to the development of his hemoglobin work throughout the 1930s.

Mirsky, a professor in cell biology at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, was one of the first individuals with whom Pauling discussed potential hemoglobin research. Pauling quickly developed a personal friendship with Mirsky and clearly held his colleague in very high regard as a scientist. In a 1944 letter recommending Mirsky for a position at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Pauling wrote I do not know any one who is so keenly interested in the development of the field of science involving the applications of chemistry and physics to borderline problems of biology, and especially of genetics, and who has such a penetrating understanding of the work which has been done. I find that every conversation which I have with Dr. Mirsky gives me some valuable idea.

He has a masterly ability to coordinate results into a significant whole.' Indeed, over the years Pauling gave a number of lectures at the Rockefeller Institute and continued to benefit from a wide array of academic and personal relationships that began with the Foundation. The Foundation also continued to fund Pauling's work well into the 1950s, contributing mightily to the 'big science' phenomenon that helped define academic research following World War II. The Rockefeller Foundation was pioneering in its recognition of the importance of supporting interdisciplinary work; in particular, it actively sought to foster research between biology and chemistry. In many ways, Pauling with the prototype scientist that the Foundation was looking to support. Looking back, few can deny the impact that this partnership made on the history of twentieth century science. For more information on Pauling's relationship with the Rockefeller Foundation, see the website It's in the Blood!

A Documentary History of Linus Pauling, Hemoglobin, Sickle Cell Anemia. We also strongly recommend the book The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology (1993), written by the late Dr. Bauman Foundation • Foundation set up as the Bauman Family Foundation in 1982 by Lionel Bauman.

Upon his death in 1987, Patricia Bauman and her husband John Landrum Bryant took over the managing of the foundation, which contains about $100 million in total assets. • Grantees: • As usual, the foundation supports a mix of 'new left' media (The Nation, AlterNet, Media Matters, The New Press, National Security Archive), environmentalist, social justice, pro-black (NAACP, ColorOfChange.org) and pro-Third World immigration groups. • baumanfoundation.org/grantees (accessed: April 24, 2017): 'Grantees for Fiscal Year 2009 – Current.

Alliance for Justice. Brennan Center for Justice. Brookings Institution.

Center for American Progress. Center for Community Change.

ColorOfChange.org Education Fund. Environmental Defense Fund.

Environmental Law Institute. Federation of American Scientists. National Women's Law Center.

Tufts University.. Urban Institute.

Voces de la Frontera.. Wellstone Action Fund.' • Apart from the grants, the Bauman Foundation's board has major ties to the Rockefeller and Soros foundations: • baumanfoundation.org:80/node/57 (accessed: Sep.

21, 2012): 'Board of Directors. - Anne Bartley. She has participated in founding several organizations, including. Democracy Alliance, America Votes. She is currently on the following boards: the Bauman Family Foundation, the, America Votes.

- Jessica Bauman. - Patricia Bauman, President.

- Deepak Bhargava. Executive Director of the [-founded and major foundation-supported] Center for Community Change [who] currently serves on the boards of. Editorial board, the National Advisory Board for [George Soros']. Graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College. - John Landrum Bryant, Vice President and Treasurer.

- Gerald Torres. He is presently Chair of the Advancement Project and a Trustee of the Natural Resources Defense Council.

He is a graduate of Yale Law School.' • baumanfoundation.org/about-us/board (accessed: April 23, 2017): ' - Anne Bartley. She is currently on the following boards [as well]. The, America Votes. - Amy Bauman. - Jessice Bauman.

- Patricia Bauman, President. She is Chair of the, Co-Chair of the Brennan Center for Justice, a Trustee of Montefiore Medical Center. Bauman is a graduate of Radcliffe/Harvard College, Columbia University School of Public Health, and Georgetown University Law Center. - Deepak Bhargava. Currently serves on the boards of. The Nation editorial board, the National Advisory Board for [George Soros'] Open Society Institute. - John Landrum Bryant, Vice President and Treasurer.

- David Brock. Founder and CEO of [financed by, as are other political groups of Brock].

- Gerald Torres. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation • Founded in 2000 by Bill Gates of Microsoft. $44 billion endowment by December 2014.

Bill and Melinda Gates are co-chairs. Anno 2014 gates had donated $30 billion to the foundation, which is seen as the most generous, right after Warren Buffet, who is a trustee of the foundation. • gatesfoundation.org/Who-We-Are/General-Information/Foundation-Factsheet (accessed: February 29, 2016): '- Bill Gates, Co-chair. - Melinda Gates, Co-chair. Gates Sr., Co-chair. - Sue Desmond-Hellmann, Chief Executive Officer. - Warren Buffett, Trustee.'

• June 26, 2006, NPR, 'Buffett Gift Sends $31 Billion to Gates Foundation'. • The foundation is primarily focused on relieving poverty and sickness in Africa. • tides.org/i-want-to/increase-my-foundations-impact-capacity (accessed: September 3, 2015): 'In partnership with institutions like The California Endowment, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, [George Soros'] Open Society Institute, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, [Bill & Melinda] Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, and many others, we have granted hundreds of millions of dollars.' Clinton Foundation • Founded in 2001 by Bill Clinton. Heavily politicized.

Through 2014 the foundation had raised almost $2 billion from U.S. Corporations especially Wall Street; foreign governments and corporations; political donors; and various other moneyed interests.

• At this point the annual Clinton Global Initiative is part of the Clinton Foundation. • clintonfoundation.org/about/board-directors (accessed: April 29, 2017): 'President Bill Clinton, founder and board chair. Chelsea Clinton, vice chair of the board. Cheryl Mills.'

• Anno 2017 Chelsea Clinton is director of InterActiveCorp, a company that controls The Daily Beast, Vimeo, About.com and basically all western online dating apps: OKCupid, Tinder, BlackPeopleMeet, etc. Barry Diller, the former Fox chief and, since 2001, the husband of Diane von Furstenberg, has been the long time chair of InterActiveCorp, with Alexander von Furstenberg, Edgar Bronfman Jr. And Michael Eisner also serving on the board.

See the for details. Doris Duke Charitable Fund • Founded in 1996. Assets of $1.72 billion as of December 31, 2016. • Helps finance, the, the Nature Conservancy with many millions.

Universities as Harvard, Yale, Washington, UCLA, Florida and others also receive millions. • Anno 2017, Doris Duke Charitable Trust chairman Peter Nadosy, a graduate of Harvard and Columbia and top executive of Morgan Stanley, also serves as a trustee of the. In addition, the foundation is linked to 's Zuccotti Park.

• ddcf.org/about-us/board-of-trustees/ (accessed: March 26, 2017): 'Peter A. Nadosy, Chair. Past Board Members. Mack [chairman Morgan Stanley]. Nicholas Scoppetta [New York City Fire Commissioner January 1, 2002 - January 1, 2010, right after 9/11]. Zuccotti [chair and CEO Brookfield Office Properties; Zuccotti Park, famous for Occupy Wall Street, is named after him]' • fordfoundation.org/people/peter-a-nadosy/ (accessed: March 26, 2017): 'Peter A. Nadosy, managing partner of East End Advisors, serves on the Ford Foundation Board of Trustees.

President of Morgan Stanley Asset Management in 1985, and vice chairman in 1995. Nadosy spent 27 years at Morgan Stanley. Nadosy is board chair of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.' Ford Foundation • Founded in 1936 by Edsel Ford and Henry Ford.

From 1947 to 1955 it owned 90% of the shares in the Ford Motor Company. By 1974 it had sold all its holdings in the the company. • Back in the 1950s and 1960s, the Ford Foundation,, and USAID took over CIA financing of the important America-Africa Institute in order to prevent any kind of negative backlash in the future. • 1983, Edward Berman, 'The Ideology of Philanthropy: The Influence of the Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller Foundations on American Foreign Policy', pp. 131-132: 'The AAI [America-Africa Institute] was founded in Washington, D.C., in 1953 and soon became an important nongovernmental organization concerned with African-American relations.

[11] Its private character was a major consideration when government officials began searching for an organization to administer the growing African scholarship programs in the mid-1950s, in response to impending independence for several West African countries. The Central Intelligence Agency was centrally involved in the institute's affairs and remained so for nearly a decade. The chairman of the institute's board of trustees during the 1950s admitted that 'the largest proportion of the more than $1 million which AAI spent in the 1950s came from the CIA.' Nor did he find this particularly noteworthy, since he felt that 'AAI's scholarship programs, as well as its other activities, served the interests of African students, the countries from which the students came, and the interests of the United States.' Officers of the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations were distressed, however, when rumors about the CIA's support for the institute began to circulate more widely in the early 1960s. First, they feared that the public disclosure that such ostensibly independent organizations as AAI were in fact part of the American foreign-policy nexus would destroy whatever credibility they had developed for their own overseas projects, as well as their fellowship programs.

The increasingly vocal Third-World claims regarding the omnipresence of the CIA, which was intent on insuring the continuance of indigenous regimes aligned with American interests, gained credibility as documentation of covert CIA activities affecting foreign nationals was revealed. Second, the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations were closely identified with the AAI through board memberships and program subsidies, associations that seemed certain to raise questions about their claims of disinterested concern for Third-World development. Several years before the 1967 disclosure about CIA funding for the institute, representatives of the foundations gathered and decided that deliberate action was necessary to place funding of the institute on a more respectable footing. Without undue delay, consequently, officers of the three foundations--joined by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, whose president also served as chairman of AAI's board of trustees--agreed to underwrite the budget of the institute. Part of this effort to legitimate the institute's standing involved the recruitment of a new president. Ford Foundation officer Waldemar Nielsen agreed to accept the position, with the proviso that CIA funding ceased.

Nielsen and institute trustee Harold Hochschild met with McGeorge Bundy, then President Kennedy's special assistant for national-security affairs and subsequently Ford Foundation president, who assured them that the CIA funds would be replaced by comparable funding from the Agency for International Development (formerly the International Cooperation Administration). After this meeting the level of Ford Foundation grants to the institute increased significantly. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s the ostensibly independent and nongovernmental AAI undertook numerous tasks for the United States government, as indeed did the major foundations.' • In January 1953 David Rockefeller guaranteed his friend Allen Dulles the Ford Foundation presidency in case the newly-elected president Eisenhower would not select him as CIA director. Eisenhower did select Dulles. Rockefeller, Dulles and Eisenhower all belonged to the, where this episode is discussed and sourced.

• When Rockefeller agent John McCloy (also a Pilgrim) was president of the Ford Foundation from 1958 to 1964, he appeased a number of executives by explaining that he went along with placing CIA agents in the Ford Foundation, because otherwise 'the CIA would simply penetrate the foundation quietly by recruiting or inserting staff at the lower levels.' This also has been discussed in ISGP's article. • Henry Ford II was a member of the WWF's secretive, together with the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bechtels, Maurice Strong, Ford Motors president and Ford Foundation trustee Robert McNamara and other elites. • The Ford Foundation has donated enormous amounts to all kinds of liberal mainstream and less mainstream programs since at least the 1950s.

This includes,,,, magazine, and other new left media outlets. Foundation for National Progress • The foundation behind Mother Jones magazine. Adam Hochschild was a co-founder of magazine. His father Harold K.

Hochschild, key founder of the, was chair / then honorary chair of the elite and at one point CIA-backed African-America Institute (AAI: often called Africa-America Institute, but annual reports state otherwise), with board members as • 1976 annual report, African-America Institute, pp. 18, 24-25: 'CONTRIBUTORS OF UNRESTRICTED AND CAPITAL FUND GIFTS. Alcoa Foundation. Atlantic Richfield Foundation. Bankers Trust Company, Barclays Bank International Limited Charitable Trust, Bethlehem Steel Corporation. Caterpillar Tractor Company, The Chase Manhattan Bank NA, Chemical Bank, Chevron Overseas Petroleum, Inc. Continental Oil Company, Corning Glass.

Eli Whitney Debevoise. Ford Motor Company Fund.

General Electric Company, General Mills Foundation, General Motors Corporation. IBM World Trade Corporation. Mobil Foundation, Inc. PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. David Rockefeller, Steven C. Rockefeller, Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Union Carbide Africa and Middle East, Inc., United States Steel Foundation, Inc. CONTRIBUTORS TO SPECIFIC PROGRAMS. Henry Morgenthau III. NON-TRUSTEE MEMBERS OF THE INVESTMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Jon L. Hagler, Vice President for Investments and Treasurer, The Ford Foundation. Ross, Investment Manager, The Russell Sage Foundation.

Stone, investment Officer—Economist, The Ford Foundation. AAI board of trustees and international advisory council. TRUSTEES: Honorary Chairman and Trustee Emeritus: Harold K. Chairman: Dana S.

Creel, Vice Chairman, Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Maurice Tempelsman, Leon Tempelsman & Son. INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL. Ramsey Clark. Gardiner, Commissioner of Economic Affairs, Ghana. Humphrey, United States Senator. ' • 1986 annual report, African-America Institute, pp.

20-22: 'Board of Trustees. Vice Chairman: Maurice Tempelsman. Peggy Dulany [Rockefeller], President Synergos Institute. Strong, President American Water Development, Inc. International Advisory Council.

John Brademas. Ramsey Clark.

• 1983, Edward Berman, 'The Ideology of Philanthropy: The Influence of the Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller Foundations on American Foreign Policy', pp. 131-132: 'The AAI was founded in Washington, D.C., in 1953 and soon became an important nongovernmental organization concerned with African-American relations.

[11] Its private character was a major consideration when government officials began searching for an organization to administer the growing African scholarship programs in the mid-1950s, in response to impending independence for several West African countries. The Central Intelligence Agency was centrally involved in the institute's affairs and remained so for nearly a decade. The chairman of the institute's board of trustees during the 1950s admitted that 'the largest proportion of the more than $1 million which AAI spent in the 1950s came from the CIA.' Nor did he find this particularly noteworthy, since he felt that 'AAI's scholarship programs, as well as its other activities, served the interests of African students, the countries from which the students came, and the interests of the United States.' Officers of the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations were distressed, however, when rumors about the CIA's support for the institute began to circulate more widely in the early 1960s. First, they feared that the public disclosure that such ostensibly independent organizations as AAI were in fact part of the American foreign-policy nexus would destroy whatever credibility they had developed for their own overseas projects, as well as their fellowship programs.

The increasingly vocal Third-World claims regarding the omnipresence of the CIA, which was intent on insuring the continuance of indigenous regimes aligned with American interests, gained credibility as documentation of covert CIA activities affecting foreign nationals was revealed. Second, the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations were closely identified with the AAI through board memberships and program subsidies, associations that seemed certain to raise questions about their claims of disinterested concern for Third-World development. Several years before the 1967 disclosure about CIA funding for the institute, representatives of the foundations gathered and decided that deliberate action was necessary to place funding of the institute on a more respectable footing. Without undue delay, consequently, officers of the three foundations--joined by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, whose president also served as chairman of AAI's board of trustees--agreed to underwrite the budget of the institute. Part of this effort to legitimate the institute's standing involved the recruitment of a new president.

Ford Foundation officer Waldemar Nielsen agreed to accept the position, with the proviso that CIA funding ceased. Nielsen and institute trustee Harold Hochschild met with McGeorge Bundy, then President Kennedy's special assistant for national-security affairs and subsequently Ford Foundation president, who assured them that the CIA funds would be replaced by comparable funding from the Agency for International Development (formerly the International Cooperation Administration). After this meeting the level of Ford Foundation grants to the institute increased significantly. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s the ostensibly independent and nongovernmental AAI undertook numerous tasks for the United States government, as indeed did the major foundations.' • motherjones.com/about/philanthropy/programs.html (February 13, 2006): 'Programs Supported by the Foundation for National Progress.

The flagship project of the FNP, Mother Jones magazine, launched in February 1976.' • December 7, 2015, Mother Jones, 'There's One Piece of Democracy That Fat Cats Can't Buy': 'It takes about $13 million to run Mother Jones at our current size. About 15 percent of that comes from advertising, while 15 percent comes from foundations (a few big ones like the MacArthur Foundation in Chicago, and a number of smaller family-based ones). Nearly 70 percent is from readers like you.' • 2007, Bob Feldman, draft of an article that would later appear in the peer-reviewed journal Critical Sociology, 'Left Media & Left Think Tanks: Foundation-Managed Protest?'

(): 'Nor did [Beth] Schulman mention. A $500,000 grant from the Schumann Foundation [of Bill Moyers] that Mother Jones/Foundation for National Progress received in 1995.' • 2007, Schumann Center, Form 990-PF (grants): 'Foundation for National Progress, San Francisco, CA. A two-year grant of $100,000 for general support.' • opensocietyfoundations.org/about/programs/us-programs/grantees/foundation-for-national-progress-0 (accessed: december 16, 2015): 'Foundation for National Progress. Location: San Francisco, CA.

Amount: $320,000. Term: two years. To support Mother Jones' Dark Money reporting project.' • Rockefeller Brothers Fund: rbf.org/grantees/foundation-for-national-progress (accessed: december 16, 2015): '$25,000 for 1 year.

Awarded: December 1, 2014. $25,000 for 1 year. Awarded: August 5, 2013.'

• ARCA Foundation, 'Supplementary Schedule of Grant Expenses. Year Ended December 31, 2009': 'Name of Grantee.

- Foundation for National Progress. - Foundation for National Progress (The Media Consortium). - Institute for America's Future, Inc. - Institute for America's Future, Inc. - Institute for Policy Studies. - Institute for Media Analysis. - People of the American Way Foundation.

- People of the American Way Foundation. - Tides Foundation. - Veterans for peace (Iraq Veterans Against the War).' • July 9, 2011, Bob Feldman article on Wrong Kind of Green, 'FLASHBACK: Democracy Now!

Show Funder Censors Anti-War Journalist John Pilger': 'According to the Lannan Foundation's Form 990 financial filing for 2008, Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! Productions was given three grants, totaling $375,000, by the Lannan Foundation. And that same year the Lannan Foundation also gave three grants, totaling $545,000, to The Nation!/Nation Institute alternative left media group and three grants, totaling $475,000, to Foundation for National Progress/Mother Jones magazine. But the Lannan Foundation apparently doesn't want to allow anti-war journalists who criticize the Democratic Obama Administration's failure to end the endless U.S. Military intervention in Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Libya-Yemen-Somalia to speak freely in the United States these days, as indicated by Australian anti-war journalist and anti-war filmmaker John Pilger's recent experience.' • Discoverthenetworks, 'Foundation for National Progress': 'In 1986 Mother Jones hired a young Michigan underground newspaper founder named Michael Moore as its editor.

Five months later, Moore was fired after he rejected an article by socialist Paul Berman, a piece that Moore claimed was 'unfairly critical' of the [anti-U.S-backed-Contra] Sandinista dictatorship in Nicaragua. Moore sued, claiming wrongful dismissal. He pocketed $58,000 in an out-of-court settlement of his lawsuit, then used the money to produce his first film documentary, 'Roger and Me'. The Mother Jones magazine and website are owned by the non-profit, tax-exempt Foundation for National Progress (FNP). FNP has been supported by other left-leaning foundations, among them the, the, the Irving Harris Foundation, the, Kansas City Community Foundation, the, the, the Bill Moyers-run, and the Streisand Foundation. From 2002 to 2004, FNP received $410,000 in foundation grants.' • September 30, 2012, Frontpage Magazine (ultraconservative), 'Panicked' Soros Bankrolls Obama Campaign: Did left-wing 'Mother Jones' spike a story revealing the radical mega-funder's true state of mind?'

: 'The new donations were announced by Soros spokesman Michael Vachon at a luncheon Thursday hosted by the Democracy Alliance, an invitation-only club for radical plutocrats. (Former President Bill Clinton and former House Speaker nancy Pelosi were also in attendance.) Members of the ultra-secretive Democracy Alliance have committed to swamping Democrats and president Obama's re-election campaign in an ocean of cash this year. Donations could easily reach $100 million or much more before Election Day, especially because other Democracy Alliance members are following Soros's lead. The ultra-secretive group, founded in 2005, is a financial clearinghouse that recommends to its wealthy members [various] projects and groups.

With that said, it is a fact that the [Mother Jones] magazine's 501c3 nonprofit, Foundation for National Progress, has received funding through Soros's philanthropies, Open society Institute ($225,000 since 2008) and Foundation to Promote Open Society ($100,000 since 2010). Democracy Alliance chairman and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay was a member of the magazine's board.

Cara Download Tanpa Kuota 3 Android. Through the McKay Foundation he has given the Foundation for National Progress $165,000 since 1999. Democracy Alliance member and RealNetworks CEO Rob Glaser has given FNP $211,329 since 1999. Another member, Stephen M. Silberstein, has given $117,000 since 2001 through his eponymous foundation. The Soros-linked Tides Foundation, founded by Democracy Alliance member Drummond Pike, has kicked in $126,417 since 2003.'

Google Foundation • The charitable arm of Google.com is Google.org, sometimes also known as the Google Foundation. • The Google Foundation has helped finance the immigration reform group (or at least top Google executives have), the key 'fake news' 'fact-checking' network of the, the -linked and, and the. • Google is tightly linked to the annual Billionairre's Dinners of the. • Larry Brilliant, the former executive director of the Google Foundation / Google.org got involved with and also has been very close to the including through the and Dr. Richard Rockefeller, David Rockefeller's son. Hefner Foundation • Small foundation founded in 1964 by Playboy head Hugh Hefner. Provided the $5,000 seed money for the founding of marijuana lobby in 1970.

Co-financier of George Soros'. • Christie Hefner visited the liberal of 2002. • January 12, 2016, Inside Philanthropy, 'Here's What You Need to Know About Hef and His Philanthropy': 'Playboy mogul Hugh Hefner started his famous publication in the early 1950s [1953], with Marilyn Monroe on the cover of the first issue. Playboy made news again recently when it announced that it would no longer publish photos of nude women. Now, guys really will have to read it for the articles. Perhaps you didn't know, though, that Hefner was, on some level, ahead of the curve on civil rights. His Playboy's Penthouse TV variety show, which ran from 1959 to 1961, included performances by integrated groups during a time when TV was mostly populated by white faces.

And Playboy itself has also been a source of solid journalism over the years. The controversial mogul, who's currently worth $50 million by one estimate, established the Hugh M. Hefner Foundation all the way back in 1964.

Typical grants range between $5,000 and $10,000. In a recent fiscal year, the foundation did $116,000 in grantmaking. Recent grantees include Student Press Law Center,, of Southern California, and Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). Hefner's Rational Sex and Drugs Policy program [promotes weed and psychedelics legalization]. Recent grantees include, Planned Parenthood, and The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction at Indiana University. Additionally, Hefner has supported outfits such as Children of the Night [to save children from prostitution].'

• October 12, 2015, New York Times, 'Nudes Are Old News at Playboy': 'The latest [Playboy magazine] redesign, 62 years later, is more pragmatic. The magazine had already made some content safe for work, Mr. Flanders said, in order to be allowed on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, vital sources of web traffic. In August of last year, its website dispensed with nudity.

As a result, Playboy executives said, the average age of its reader dropped from 47 to just over 30, and its web traffic jumped to about 16 million from about four million unique users per month. 'The difference between us and Vice,' [Playboy CEO Scott Flanders] said, 'is that we're going after the guy with a job.' ' • Additional tie of Playboy to the psychedelics community: • 1984, Stewart Tendler and Davaid May, 'The Brotherhood of Eternal Love: From Flower Power to Hippie Mafia', chapter 2: '[LSD pioneer Michael] Hollingshead [who gave Leary his first LSD trip] founded the Agora Foundation in New York with the aid of Victor Lownes, the crown prince of the Playboy empire [under Hugh Hefner, whose confidant and vice president he was], and the finance of Howard Teague, a Nassau millionaire.' Hochschild Foundation • Harold K. Hochschild Foundation (in existence 1980-2012) of the Hochschild family, which founded, finances all the usual NGOs: hkhfoundation.org/grantees (accessed: November 30, 2011): '.

International Forum on Globalization. Wildlife Conservation Society. Federation of American Scientists.

Transnational Institute. Center for American Progress. Common Cause Education Fund. ' • Harold K.

Hochschild's son, Adam Hochschild, was a co-founder of magazine. Harold himself was chair - and then honorary chair - of the elite and at one point CIA-backed African-America Institute (AAI: often called Africa-America Institute, but annual reports state otherwise), which was dominated by individuals from the, and foundations.

In fact, these foundations, along with USAID, took over funding from the CIA. All details provided in the section, which founded and controls Mother Jones magazine, and also supports the which aids NSA whisleblower Edward Snowden and Wikileaks founder Julian Assagne. Joyce Foundation • Based on the fortune of 'lumbar baron' David Joyce (1825-1904). Joyce's Chicago-based heiress Beatrice Joyce Kean set up the Joyce Foundation in 1948. • Endowment of $950 million by 2017.

• Barack Obama was a trustee of the Joyce Foundation from 1994 to 2002: • October 16, 2008, World Net Daily, 'The Groups Obama Kept Off His Resume': 'Obama joined the Board of Directors of the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation in 1994 and served on its board until 2002.' • 1998 annual report, Joyce Foundation, p. 21: 'Board of Directors: John T. Anderson, Chairman. Donahue, Vice Chairman. Barack Obama.'

• 2001 annual report, Joyce Foundation, p. 66: 'Board of Directors: Chairman: John T.

Vice Chairman: Richard K. Barack Obama. Paula Wolff.' • The Joyce Foundation grant activity was closely linked to Obama's chairmanship of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge [a project of the ] which Obama came to chair and also counted the involvement of Obama's radical friend Bill Ayers. • Member of the 's Environmental Grantmakers Association and also an occasional donor to the Rockefeller Family Fund during Obama's term on the board and beyond: • 1999 annual report, Joyce Foundation: 'Environmental Grantmakers Association, Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.. $18,000 [and] Amount: $2,305. Duration: 1 year.

Membership support.' • 2001 annual report, Joyce Foundation: 'Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.. Environmental Grantmakers Association, Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.: New York, NY $5,452 Membership grant.

(1 yr.) [plus] $15,000.' • 2003 annual report, Joyce Foundation: 'Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.. To evaluate the performance of Great Lakes states in preventing water pollution and recommend improvements. Environmental Grantmakers Association, Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.: New York, NY $5,450 Membership grant. (1 yr.) [plus] $10,000.' • 2010 annual report, Joyce Foundation: 'Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc..

$110,000 [and] $200,000.' • Partner of all the key major foundations in the financing of environmental groups as,, and. • financed include the National Council of La Raza and the American Friends Service Committee.

• financed include the 9-to-5 Working Women Education Fund and the League of Women Voters. • Also financed the, ', and David Brock's. • 2001 annual report, Joyce Foundation: '9-to-5 Working Women Education Fund. Canadian Environmental Defence Fund.

Environmental Law Institute. Friends of the Chicago River. Pollution Probe Foundation. Great Plains Institute for Sustainable Development. Sierra Club Foundation.

World Wildlife Fund, Inc.. Environmental and Energy Study Institute. Environmental Defense, Inc.. World Resources Institute. Center for Justice, Inc.. League of Women Voters of Illinois Education Fund. Public Interest Research Group [PIRG] in Michigan Education Fund.

Alliance for Justice, Inc.. Heartland Alliance. University of Chicago Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture. Northwestern University J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management.

• 2010 annual report, Joyce Foundation: 'National Wildlife Federation. Natural Resources Defense Council Inc. World Resources Institute. National Wildlife Federation. Media Matters for America.

Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. Legal Community Against Violence. The Brookings Institution. $50,000 [and] $200,000. League of Women Voters [different national chapters]: $50,000. $250,000 [and] $60,000.

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Latino Policy Forum. National Public Radio Inc.. Taproot Foundation. Aspen Institute Inc.. $49,650 [and] $1,000,000.

To support the completion of the GuideStar website for the 2008 IRS Form 990. Philanthropy Roundtable. 2010 Membership Grant.'

• February 2014, Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, 'The Joyce Foundation Betraying donor intent in the Windy City', p 5: 'Joyce [Foundation] funds the Brookings Institution ($3,481,080 since 1998); Aspen Institute ($1,989,650 since 2005). And the John Podesta-founded, George Soros-funded Center for American Progress ($863,329 since 2005). It also funds the. ($225,000 since 2002). The Tides Center ($625,000 since 1998). It has funded the Chicago Annenberg Challenge ($370,000 since 1998). Joyce gave $75,000 in 2006 for a symposium on gun rights at Stanford Law School and $75,000 in 2008 for research on gun regulation.

Kellogg Foundation • wkkf.org/who-we-are/overview (accessed: March 26, 2016): 'The W.K. Kellogg Foundation was established in 1930 by breakfast cereal pioneer W.K. Today, the organization ranks among the world's largest private foundations, awarding grants in the United States, Mexico, Haiti, northeastern Brazil and southern Africa.' • rockpa.org/page.aspx?pid=339 (accessed: March 26, 2016): 'In 2006, the W.K.

Kellogg Foundation reached out to Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors building on its efforts to promote philanthropy in communities of color and to maximize innovation and impact. Over three years, 30 grants were awarded to 23 organizations through the Cultures of Giving Fund, a special project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors established with a grant from the Kellogg Foundation.' • activistfacts.com/foundation/42-WKKelloggFoundation/ (accessed: March 26, 2016): 'Friends of the Earth$20,0001999. Natural Resources Defense Council$85,9341997. Tides Foundation & Tides Center$10,410,7722006.'

• tides.org/i-want-to/increase-my-foundations-impact-capacity (accessed: September 3, 2015): 'In partnership with institutions like The California Endowment, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, [George Soros'] Open Society Institute, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, [Bill & Melinda] Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, and many others, we have granted hundreds of millions of dollars.' • January 9, 2015, Capital Research Center (financed by Koch, Scaife and Bradley foundations), 'Trendsetters of the Left': 'The American Prospect magazine functions as a nonprofit organization. In addition to publishing a magazine, it routinely organizes progressive conferences. Institutional donors to include W.K. Kellogg Foundation ($197,500 since 2012).' Gelb Foundation • Small foundation.

Listed here because it has provided the new age, once a favorite of Laurance Rockefeller, with funding, along with the Mellon-linked. The Gelb family is solidly part of the superclass. • fdo.foundationcenter.org, 'Lawrence M. Gelb Foundation, Inc.'

: '11 Times Sq. New York City, NY. Background: Established in 1957 in NY - Founded by the late Lawrence M. Gelb, who, along with his wife, Joan Clair, founded the Clairol (now a personal-care product division of Proctor & Gamble) hair color company in 1931. Financial data: Year ended 2013-12-31. Assets: $2,996,676 (market value).

Gifts received: $449,360. Expenditures: $571,629. Total giving: $534,000. Qualifying distributions: $538,770. Giving activities include: $534,000 for 74 grants (high: $82,000; low: $1,000).'

• Grants (Esalen Institute only in 2002 and 2003): • 2002, From 990, Lawrence M. Gelb Foundation (grants): 'English Speaking Union: 2,000. Esalen Institute: 10,000. George Bush Presidential Library: 50,000.

Harvard Business School: 25,000. Krav Maga Assn. Of America: 30,000. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: 752,000. Museum of Modern Art: 3,000. Phillips Academy Andover: 110,000. Yale University: 302,000.'

• 2003, From 990, Lawrence M. Gelb Foundation (grants): 'Center for Security Policy: 10,000.

Council of American Ambassadors. Council on Foreign Relations. Esalen Institute. George Bush Forty One Endowment Fund. Harvard Business School. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Museum of Modern Art. New York City Police Foundation. Phillips Academy Andover. Yale University.

' • Summer 2004, Andover Bulletin, p. 42, 'Remembering Richard Gelb: Andover science benefactor dies at 79': '[Richard] Gelb's mother was named Joan Gelb, but professionally she called herself Joan Clair, and the signature product was Miss Clairol--the first home hair-coloring product to gain mass-market acceptance. When Bristol-Myers, a major pharmaceutical and health products company, decided to buy Clairol in 1959, Gelb stayed on as president of Clairol and became a director of Bristol-Myers in 1960. [Richard Gelb] helped found the New York City Police Foundation with Mayor John V. Lindsay, and with his brother, Bruce Gelb ‘45, he ran the Lawrence M. Gelb Foundation, a family philanthropic foundation named for his father.'

• Gelb family members/directors: • Lawrence M. Gelb: Father after whom the foundation is named. Director of Bristol-Myers Squibb since 1960. • Bruce Gelb: Son of Lawrence. Attended Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, with George H. Bush in the early 1940s.

BA from Yale in 1950 and an MBA from Harvard in 1953. Vice chairman of Bristol-Myers Squibb. Superclass member with involvement in the Wilson Center (council president), CFR, United States Information Agency (director), Center for Security Policy (honorary chair and regent) and several other groups. • Richard Gelb: Son of Lawrence. Brother of Bruce.

Yale and Harvard background. Director Bristol-Myers Squibb 1960-1967, president 1967-1976, CEO 1972-1993, chair 1976-1995. The company net earnings grew from $76 million to over $2 billion in this period. Charter member Phillips Academy 1976-1994. Co-founder New York City Police Foundation with mayor John V.

Lindsay (Scroll & Key; brother Robert a Pilgrims executive). Director CFR. Trustee George Bush Presidential Library Foundation anno 2001. Trustee Committee for Economic Development (CED) anno 2001.

• Grants: • Summer 2002, volume 14, number 2, Friends of Esalen newsletter, ' Turns Forty', pp. 1-2: 'We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many wonderful Friends of Esalen who generously support our operations and special projects. CENTURY CIRCLE - gifts of $10,000 or more: Anonymous in the name of Anumotana • Lawrence M.

Gelb Foundation, Inc. (Richard and Tana Gelb).' Libra Foundation • Second largest foundation in Maine tied to the billionaire Pritzker family. • Ordinary grants, but at the same time tightly linked to the which counts the involvement of the billionaire Pritzker family, as well as the Rockefellers. • maps.org/about/board (accessed: February 18, 2016): 'Board of Directors: RICK DOBLIN, PH.D., is the founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS).

JOHN GILMORE is an entrepreneur and civil libertarian. He was an early employee of Sun Microsystems, early free software and open source author, and co-created Cygnus Solutions, the, the Cypherpunks, the DES Cracker, and the Usenet's 'alt' newsgroups. Along with being a board member of MAPS, he is also on the boards of the and the. JOBY PRITZKER is Manager of Direct Investments at his family office Tao Capital Partners. Tao has made investments in innovative healthcare, sustainable food and agriculture, electric transportation, and other companies that seek to have a positive impact on the world. He has also made investments in the legal cannabis industry, such as MJ Freeway and Pax Labs. He is on the Board of the, a family foundation with an emphasis on human rights.

In addition to serving on the Board of MAPS, he is also the Chairman of the Board of the. ' • Other members of the billionaire Pritzker family: • rockpa.org/project.htm (accessed: March 1, 2016): 'Rockefeller Philantrophy Advisors.

Founding Advisory Board. Vice Chair: Gigi Pritzker Pucker, CEO, OddLot Entertainment.' • February 6, 2009, White House, 'Obama Announces Economic Advisory Board': 'President Barack Obama today signed an executive order establishing the new Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Modeled on the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board created by President Dwight D.

Eisenhower the Board will provide an independent voice on economic issues and will be charged with offering independent advice to the President as he formulates and implements his plans for economic recovery. The Economic Recovery Advisory Board will provide regular briefings to the President, Vice President and their economic team. The Board will be established initially for a two-year term, after which the President will make a determination on whether to extend the work of the Board.

Paul Volcker will serve as Chairman and Austan Goolsbee as Staff Director and Chief Economist. Members of the Board include. Penny Pritzker, Chairman & Founder, Pritzker Realty Group. Martin Feldstein, George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University.' • 2010 membership list of the CFR: 'Pritzker, Penny S.; Pritzker, Thomas J.

Rockefeller, David; Rockefeller, David Jr.; Rockefeller, John D. IV; Rockefeller, Nicholas; Rockefeller, Steven C.

[Others:] Gorelick, Jamie S. Greenberg, Maurice R. Halperin, Morton H.'

• 2012, Greg Palast, 'Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps': 'Pritzker introduced Obama, the neophyte state senator, to the Ladies Who Lunch (that's really what they call themselves) on Chicago's Gold Coast. Obama got lunch, gold and better - an introduction to Robert Rubin. Rubin is a former Secretary of the Treasury, former chairman of Goldman Sachs and, when Robert met Barry, co-chairman of Citibank.

Even atheists recognized Rubin as the Supreme Deity of Wall Street. Rubin opened the doors to finance industry vaults for Obama. Extraordinarily for a Democrat, Obama in 2008 raised three times as much from bankers as his Republican opponent.

So what did Citibank's Rubin get for showering Obama with gold? Obama agreed to take care of Rubin's poodles, Larry Summers and Tim Geithner. They became Obama's first cabinet picks: Summers as Economics Czar and Geithner as his czarina, Secretary of the Treasury. Geithner and Summers were the gents who, under Treasury Secretary Rubin, designed the deregulation of banking.

In effect, they had decriminalized the kind of financial flim-flammery that brought the planet to its knees while bringing Rubin, Pritzker and the banksters loads of lucre. So, in 2008, Summers and Geithner were put back in the saddle - Obama's horse but Rubin's saddle. Rubin received more than $100 million from Citigroup, the gargantuan commercial bank/investment bank/casino created by deregulation. It is worth a mention that Rubin's centi-million-dollar payoff went unchallenged by Citi's new owner, the US Treasury, which had put up more than a trillion dollars in loans and guarantees to pull Rubin's creature out of bankruptcy. Rubin rocked, but Penny was pissed off.

Pritzker had taken this state senator/community organizer from the ghetto, made him a US Senator, then, as Obama's campaign finance chairwoman, raised a mind-blowing three-quarters of a billion dollars to make him president. In return, in 2008, Obama decided to make his patron Penny the Secretary of Commerce.

But then, in November 2008, just as Obama was about to submit her nomination to Congress, a bunch of Pritzker's victims marched on Washington. They were not from her busted bank, but unhappy workers from the lucrative nursing homes that her family owns through a string of complex offshore trusts.

Obama slammed the door on Penny pronto. In the 2012 campaign, Obama, to his credit, kept the door shut on Pritzker, reducing her to hosting an election fundraiser at her Gold Coast digs, which she had to bill as a Goldman Sachs PAC event. This marks possibly the first time anyone has used Goldman Sachs as a PR cover.

The Pritzker family made its billions mostly from Hyatt Hotels and Hyatt nursing homes. Penny, on the Hyatt board of directors, is an infamously combative anti-union apostle.

UNITE HERE, the union that represents Hyatt workers, has called for an international boycott of Hyatt hotels. In 2012, UNITE HERE and its parent, the AFL-CIO, were crucial to Obama's winning Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. So, in this last campaign, Obama had to keep his billionairess heiress on the down-low. But today, with the unions' money and votes already pocketed and counted, Obama can give working folks The Finger and give Penny her pound of flesh: the Commerce post. The New York Times says that, 'At Commerce, Ms. Pritzker could provide the president with a new way to reach out to the business community.' The last time Pritzker reached out to the business community was to sell them sub-prime mortgage securities, worthless bags of financial feces manufactured by Superior Bank.

If Penny the Piggy Banker gets Commerce, we'll have to drop Obama's rating to sub-prime.' • June 25, 2013, commerce.senate.gov press release, 'Rockefeller Calls Pritzker Force of Nature, Will Be Highly Effective Commerce Secretary': 'Chairman John D.

(Jay) Rockefeller released the following statement today after the Senate voted 97-1 to confirm Ms. Penny Pritzker as Secretary of Commerce. Earlier today, Rockefeller spoke on the Senate floor about Ms. Pritzker's experience and skills that will make her a highly effective Secretary. 'I congratulate Ms. Pritzker on her Senate confirmation. She is, in my view, a force of nature.

The unanimous bipartisan support she received in the Committee, and the decisive 97-1 bipartisan vote today by the full Senate, reflects our confidence that she will be a highly successful driver for growth and change.' • Anthony Pritzker, born in 1961 and worth $3.4 billion, sits on the advisory board of Center for Asia Pacific Policy of the RAND Corporation. Received an MBA from the University of Chicago. Pritzker, born in 1965 and worth $3.4 billion, serves as president of the Pritzker Family Foundation, in 2008 served as national co-chairman of the Hillary Clinton for President campaign.

He also founded Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century. • April 18, 2014, New York Times, 'Including the Young and the Rich: White House Hosts 'Next Generation' Young and Rich': 'On a crisp morning in late March, an elite group of 100 young philanthropists and heirs to billionaire family fortunes filed into a cozy auditorium at the White House.

Their name tags read like a catalog of the country's wealthiest and most influential clans: Rockefeller, Pritzker, Marriott.' And Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation • Generally referred to as the MacArthur Foundation. Founded in 1970 by John D.

MacArthur and his wife Catherine, tightly linked to science, and closely allied with the Rockefeller interests. • Important financier of and other new left magazines as and.

• Key board members and fellows of past and present: • John MacArthur: Director 1970-1978. • Elizabeth McCormack: Director since 1970, chair 1986-1995. Advisor Rockefeller Family & Associates and Rockefeller family in general.

• Jonathan Fanton: Chair 1999-2009. Trustee of since 1992 and later an advisory trustee during his MacArthur Foundation chairmanship.

Protege of Rockefeller representative Elizabeth McCormack. • Murray Gell-Mann: scientist. Director 1979-2002. Close ally of professional debunker James Randi. • James Randi: Received a five-year grant in 1986 of $272,000 to help debunk spiritual issues, but spent most of it on ligitation issues involving psychic scam artist Uri Geller, who was propped up in the early 1970s by the elite Stanford Research Institute involving the CIA and the Bechtels. Randi has been accused of child abuse, but nevertheless has been allowed on the advisory board of the questionable. •: Fellow 1985-1991.

Long-time top new left activist at the Center for National Security Studies of the and a later employee. Washington director of the 1984-1992. Once helped with his book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate about the CIA's MKULTRa project. • Thorton Bradshaw: Director 1985-1986, chair 1986-1988.

Trustee of in the 1980s. • Walter Massey: Director 1989-1991. Bush 41's National Science Foundation director. Chair Bank of America and director of BP.

• John Holdren: Director 1991-2005. One of Clinton's science advisors 1994-2001. Obama's chief scientist since December 2008. • Jamie Gorelick: Director 2001-2013. 9/11 Commission member.

Member Defense Policy Board and the Trilateral Commission. Director CIA's National Security Advisory Panel. • Robert Gallucci: President 2009-2014. Member Defense Policy Board. Director CIA's National Security Advisory Panel. • Claude Steele: Director anno 2014.

National Science Foundation. • Ronna Tanenbaum: Advisor to president 2003-2004.

• March 26, 2014, Jonathan Fanton, 'In Conversation with Elizabeth McCormack': 'My guest tonight is my good friend and mentor Elizabeth McCormack. We first met when she was working for John D. Rockefeller and I for Yale President Kingman Brewster. Fast forward 17 years when she was on the search committee for a new President of the MacArthur Foundation.

She was my advocate. No surprise I was offered the job.

For nearly four decades she has been my most trusted advisor. I never consider an important move without seeking her advice. And we continue to make common cause on the Board of the Asian Cultural Council. After Manhattanville, she became Director of the Rockefeller Philanthropy offices and remains a philanthropic advisor to members of the family.

She chaired the Asian Cultural Council for 20 years; was vice chair of the MacArthur Board; a key member of the Board of the Atlantic Philanthropies; a member of the boards of [Catholic] Manhattanville [president], Spellman, Marlboro and Hamilton Colleges, as well as the Juilliard School. She has also been on the boards of the Population Council, The Trust for Mutual Understanding, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and recently she started the Partnership for Palliative Care which is her current major interest.' • Popcouncil.org, Elizabeth McCormack bio: 'She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Century Association.

McCormack was president of Manhattanville College from 1966 to 1974. She directed the Rockefeller Philanthropy offices and continues as a philanthropic advisor to members of the Rockefeller Family. McCormack has also been a friend and supporter of the [Rockefeller-funded] Population Council for more than three decades, having served as both a trustee and chair of the board of trustees.' Roderick MacArthur Foundation • Founded in 1976 by Roderick MacArthur, a son of John D. MacArthur who founded the huge Rockefeller-allied six years earlier. Despite conflicts between Roderick and his father and the considerable difference in assets, both foundations support similar causes, with the family being particularly closely tied to.

• January 21, 1994, Chicago Tribune, 'Foundation Shrinks Its Circle Of Recipients': 'After 13 years as head of the J. Roderick MacArthur Foundation, Lance E. Lindblom thought it was time to seek new challenges.

The philanthropy, with its $30 million in assets (a far cry from the $3 billion in assets of the Chicago-based John D. And Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, with which it is often confused), isn't closing up shop but is closing ranks. They wonder how three siblings with busy careers in New York -- Solange D.

MacArthur is a surgeon, Gregoire C. MacArthur is a film and documentary producer, and John R.

MacArthur is president and publisher of Harper's Magazine-will find time to oversee a philanthropy with far -- flung interests. The foundation's interest in social justice and civil rights is likely to remain. Those areas were of great concern to Rod MacArthur, who established the foundation in 1976. He died in 1984 at age 63. MacArthur, a millionaire businessman, was often in the headlines because of feuds with his billionaire father, the late John D. MacArthur, and later with the giant foundation his father established. But he also was prominent as a longtime member of the American Civil Liberties Union's board of directors.

Over the years his foundation has supported investigations into racial discrimination in consumer credit, and death squads in El Salvador. It even helped produce the documentary film 'Roger and Me,' [the first film of ] which took on General Motors Corp.' Mellon foundations • Like the Rockefellers, wealthy and elite Mellon family members have been generational members of the with long-standing rumors of CIA connections. • 1985, Martin A. Lee and Bruce Schlain, 'Acid Dreams' (digital): 'Members of the Mellon family maintained close ties with the CIA. The Mellon family foundations have been used repeatedly as conduits for Agency funds.

Furthermore, Richard Helms was a frequent weekend guest of the Mellon patriarchs in Pittsburgh during his tenure as CIA director [1966-1973].' • The Richard K. Mellon Foundation was founded in 1947.

It primarily donates to local conservation and social Pennsylvania charities to the tune of $110 million annually. Its endowment stands at around $2 billion. • The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation: • Named after a wealthy industrialist and Pilgrims Society member.

• Founded in 1969. • In 2014 the foundation dispensed $241,257,410 in grants and had a $6 billion endowment. • It finances dozens of leading universities in the United States, Oxford University in England, and even universities in South Africa and a handful in Latin America.

• The foundation is not focused at all on the so-called 'new media'. • David Rockefeller friend and vice president (and drug legalization signer) John C. Whitehead has been chairman of the foundation. Another chair has been fellow-elitist Anne Tatlock, who escaped death on 9/11 due to an invite of Warren Buffett's golf tournament. • Family member Richard Mellon Scaife (1932-2014) always took the opposite approach, donation numerous millions during his lifetime to ultraright national security and domestic policy NGOs and think tanks. Mellon Scaife is known to have been a CIA asset. However, other Mellon family members were said to have enjoyed similar OSS/CIA ties, but then to more liberal CIA elements.

Scaife's foundations: • Allegheny Foundation: awarded over $36 million in the 1985-2006 period. • Carthage Foundation: awarded over $68 million in the 1985-2003 period. • Sarah Scaife Foundation: awarded over $235 million in the 1985-2003 period. • Scaife Family Foundation: awarded over $77 million in the 1985-2001 period.

• In contrast to Richard Mellon Scaife, different Mellon family members have been tied to the generally 'new left' psychedelics and modern UFO movement: • The Mellon/Hitchcock family in the form of Billy Mellon Hitchcock and Peggy Hitchcock (the Hitchcock family is also linked to the ) again played a key role in building the hippie movement and promoting the use of psychedelics by allowing the clique of Dr. Timothy Leary to stay at their in the mid-1960s.

• Paul Mellon's Bollingen Foundation financially in the early 1950s, bringing him to California and eventually Esalen, and in the early 1960s, bringing him to the Timothy Leary group at Harvard. Laurance Rockefeller also became part of Alan Watts circle in the early 1950s. • Christopher Mellon, a great-grandson of William Lamar Mellon, Sr. Similar to Billy Mellon Hitchcock, in 2017 showed up as a board member of. Chris Mellon has maintained deep intelligence ties over the years. Charles Stewart Mott Foundation • Founded in 1926 by the General Motors-affiliated industrialist Charles Stewart Mott of Flint, Michigan.

Today one of the biggest foundations with billions in assets. • Formerly known as the Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust.

• activistfacts.com/foundation/71-CharlesStewartMottFoundation/ (totals; accessed: February 29, 2016): 'Friends of the Earth $7,303,965 2004. Greenpeace $249,000 2002. Natural Resources Defense Council $3,523,090 2005. Sierra Club $2,737,436 2004. Tides Foundation & Tides Center $8,455,416 2005.' Also donates through the.

Nathan Cummings Foundation • Founded in 1949 by the Jewish founder of the Sara Lee Corporation, Nathan Cummings (1896–1985). Sara Lee has been represented at Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. • Endowment of $415 million in 2015. • The foundation has helped finance Alternet, PBS, Political Research Associates, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Friends of the Earth, the National Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club, • Charles R. Halpern was president and CEO of the Nathan Cummings Foundation from 1989 to 2000. In 1991, as long-time founding chair, he helped set up the with Ram Dass (LSD guru Richard Alpert).

Retreats were not just arranged by the Nathan Cummings Foundation, but also at the Rockefeller's Pocantino retreat. National Endowment for Democracy • Founded in 1983. Umbrella organization for the: • American Center for International Labor Solidarity (ACILS); • Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE); • National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI); • International Republican Institute (IRI). • Financed by the USAID and to a lesser extent by foundations as Smith Richardson, John M. Olin, Bradley and others.

Closely tied to national security, covert (financial) operations and the superclass. NED finances opposition media in certain countries, monitoring agencies for elections, student protest groups, etc. • September 22, 1991, Washington Post, 'Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups': '[NED co-founder Allen Weinstein:] 'A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.' ' • NED is only listed here for the time being because some of NED's financing ended up at Alexander Soros' group. Jonathan Soros is a son of. • 2005 annual report of of Jonathan Soros' Global Witness, p.

20: 'Our Funders. Canadian Department of Foreign affairs and International Trade..

The Gleitsman Foundation. The National Endowment for Democracy. Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Open Society Institute. Oxfam Novib.'

• Global Witness is very much concerned with the protection of the rain forest and human rights in third world countries. • Co-financier of the, the key cog in the international 'fake news' 'fact-checking' network that emerged around the time of the Donald Trump presidential election. New World Foundation • Founded in 1954 with the fortune of the McCormick industrialist family. Key founder Anita McCormick Blaine also was a sister-in-law of Edith Rockefeller, in turn a sister of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Another key founder, Gil Harrison, controlled magazine from 1953 to 1974 and was closely tied into the liberal CIA clique of Cord Meyer. • 2000, Gilbert Jones, 'One Shining Moment', p.

124: 'Gil Harrison [of ], an AVC colleague of [the CIA's] Cord Meyer, phoned me during this period to demand that the World Board accept the decision to halt the grant without resorting to legal action. Harrison formed the New World Foundation as a vehicle for funding his pet causes, mostly liberal, under Vernon Eagle's direction [from 1957 until his death in 1974].' • July 14, 1999, New York Times, 'Brenda Hughes Moore, 56, Wife of Bishop and Rights Advocate': 'Mr. Campbell died in 1971 at age 31, and the next year she married Vernon Eagle, then the executive director of the New World Foundation, which supported civil rights and community projects. The year after Mr. Eagle's death in 1974, she married Bishop Moore, who had officiated at her second wedding and had himself recently been widowed.'

• lib.uchicago.edu/e/webexhibits/building/blaine.html: 'Anita McCormick Blaine. Into the breach stepped Anita McCormick Blaine (1866-1954). The daughter of industrialist Cyrus Hall McCormick and his wife Nettie. Her endorsement of progressive Henry Wallace for President of the United States in 1948 perplexed even her closest friends and drew harsh criticism from right-wing commentators.

But Anita McCormick Blaine went on to become an avid proponent of world government and international accord and remained committed to the cause for the rest of her life.' • In the 1982-1988 period Hillary Clinton was a trustee, vice chair and chair of the liberal New World Foundation, which was putting money into the account of the of Garrison and Sheehan, as well as a variety of other far-left causes. • 2014, ISGP, ': 'The New World Foundation. Was established in 1954 with the fortune of Anita McCormick Blaine (1866-1954), a daughter of wealthy industrialist Cyrus McCormick (1809-1884).

[145] A younger brother of hers, Harold, married Edith Rockefeller, a sister of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Another key founder of the New World Foundation was Gilbert Harrison, whom had married into the McCormick family in 1951.

[146] Harrison was a typical Eastern Establishment liberal: educated at Balliol College, Oxford, summer home at Martha's Vineyard and from 1953 to 1977 editor-in-chief of the liberal magazine. [147] That's not all. He worked closely with the CIA's uberliberal Cord Meyer, also through the New World Foundation. [148] Meyer's wife, Mary Pinchot Meyer, later explained that her husband, Harrison and associates were all old boy OSS/CIA and always plotting to get their own favorite presidential candidates in the White House. [149] Even within the NGO circuit ties between New World and the CIA were considered 'not inconceivable'. [150] Thus when fellow-Martha's Vineyard visitors Vernon Jordan and Hillary Clinton ran the New World Foundation in the 1980s and were funding Daniel Sheehan's Christic Institute, they simply continued the activities of Cord Meyer and Gil Harrison and might well be have been part of the liberal wing of the CIA.

After all, we know the persistent reports and rumors about how Bill Clinton, as a governor of Arkansas, allowed the CIA to import drugs into the country through an airport in Mena [151] and about Roger Clinton's later lobbying for the Gambino crime family, a family that at one point may have benefited from these CIA drug important at Mena. [152] All of a sudden Bill Clinton working with Laurance Rockefeller in spreading UFO disinformation straight from the White House in what appears to be a complex disinformation operation doesn't seem to be that out of place anymore.' • 1998, David Brock, 'The Seduction of Hillary Rodham', pp. 111-113, 180: 'When Hillary's term on the LSC board expired in 1982, the strenghted her ties to East Coast activist circles by joining the board of the New World Foundation, considered one of the nation's most left-leaning philanthropies. Based in New York, the organization was founded in 1954 by philanthropist Anita McCormick Blaine.

Serving on New World's senior staff was Adrian W. DeWind, who during the 1970s was a member of Committee for Public Justice, founded by Lillian Hellman. That group monitored alleged FBI abuses of the U.S. Communist Party and the Black Panthers. The New World Foundation is not a traditional philanthropy; it funds political movements rather than research, educational, or charitable efforts.

During Hillary's tenure, which lasted from 1982 through 1988 and included stints as vice chair and chair of the board of directors, the organization sharpened its focus on political activism. The New World Foundation has given many grants to mainstream liberal groups like the Children's Defense Fund. But much of its money went to the hard left.

The foundation supported the Christic Institute, which spent hundreds of thousands of dollars bringing charges against supporters of the Nicaraguan Contras that were later held in court to be frivolous. Many of the foundation grantees, such as the National Lawyers Guild and the Institute for Policy Studies, had ties to the Communist movement.

Another grant recipient, the Africa Fund, lobbied on behalf of the most extremist elements within the Africa National Congress. Under Hillary's chairmanship, the foundation supported the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, better known as CISPES, which was founded in New York City in 1980 by Farid Handal, brother of El Salvador's Communist Party chief Shafik Handal. Farid had come to the United States to mobilize American support for the FMLN, the major Communist guerrilla organization in El Salvador. The New World Foundation was also a benefactor of Grassroots International, which described itself as a 'people-to-people partnership for social change.'

While a New World grantee, this organization was giving money to two Palestinian groups with ties to the Communist faction of the PLO—the Union of Palestinian Working Women's Committees and the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees. Hillary appears to have gotten involved with the New World Foundation through Marian Wright Edelman; when Hillary joined the organization Edelman's husband Peter was a member of the New World's board, as was Democratic lawyer Vernon Jordan [p. When she signed onto the board in 1982, Hillary had already been serving since 1976 on the board of the Children's Defense Fund, where she had once worked as a young lawyer just out of Yale. She became chairman of the CDF board in 1986 and remained in the post until she stepped down during the 1992 presidential campaign. Representatives of the group lobbied both the executive branch and the Congress on a broad range of social welfare legislation, testified as experts on Capitol Hill, and issued widely cited statistical studies on such social problems as child poverty. Meanwhile, Hillary continued her war against the Reagan administration: CDF successfully fought off budget cuts in education, welfare, and child nutrition programs.'

Omidyar Network • omidyar.com/people/pierre-omidyar (accessed: March 10, 2016): 'Pierre created eBay in 1995. After eBay became a public company in 1998, Pierre and his wife Pam co-founded the Omidyar Foundation to support nonprofits. They broadened their scope in 2004 to form a new entity, Omidyar Network, to make investments in for-profit companies as well as nonproit organizations.' • Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar is a 'nouveau riche' who sits on top of a huge pile of money: billions. He and his wife have been pouring this money in an ever increasing amount of NGOs: the Clinton Global Initiative, The Elders (of Nelson Mandela), the Santa Fe Institute, the Berggruen Institute on Governance, the Global Philanthropy Forum, etc. This definitely shows that the Omidyars are working hard to become part of the 'in' crowd.

More evidence of these aspirations is that back in 2011 and 2012 the Omidyars were funding pro-West opposition groups against the pro-Russia Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovyc. • Pierre and Pam Omidyar are occasional participants in the, which are closely tied to the. • Months after the leaks of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Omidyar took control of all of Snowden's files by creating media outlet and hiring the journalists that Snowden had been working with: Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras. At the same time, Omidyar has been maintaining business ties with Snowden's former employers at Booz Allen Hamilton.

• Already back in 2008 Omidyar was putting money in the while Lauroa Poitras in particular was working with other NSA whistleblowers as William Binney. Open Society Foundations (Soros) • Controlled by the billionaire philantrophist George Soros, who has been closely tied to the Democrat Party and the Clintons, but who also has great influence on the policies of. Particularly infamous for his secretive Democracy Alliance network of Democrat Party financiers and staunch opposition to the Bush administration of 2000-2008. • The board of Soros' International Crisis Group has been stacked with international elites: Robert McNamara, Sen. George Mitchell, Vernon Jordan, Jacques Delors, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Armitage, Gen. Wesley Clark, Larry Summers, Lord George Robertson, Lord Chris Patten, Wim Kok, Joschka Fischer, Hushang Ansary, Prince Turki al Faisal of the House of Saud, oligarchs as Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Morton Abramowitz, Yegor Gaidar and Victor Pinchuk, and many others. • Along with the Rockefeller, Ford, MacArthur and allied foundations a major financier of 'new left' activist groups the and the, as well as 'new left' media outlets as and.

• Since the early 1990s the chief financier of, mainly through his. • Key personnel: • Princess Mabel Wisse Smit: Contoversial for past ties to, who in turn may have known a thing or two about Dutch elite pedophile networks. Married into the royal house of Orange. Co-founder with Soros of the European Council on Foreign Relations in 2007. •: Long-time elite civil rights activist.

• November 29, 2006, Open Society Foundations press release, 'How Do Progressives Connect Ideas to Action?' : 'As part of a series of discussions marking the tenth anniversary of the Open Society Institute's U.S.

Programs, Bill Moyers and a distinguished panel of commentators addressed the health and future of the progressive movement. Robert Borosage, Campaign for America's Future [financed by Turner, Tides, Arca and Soros' Open Society Foundations]. John Podesta, Center for American Progress. Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation.' • Soros is obsessed with countering 'hate crimes' and pushing Third World immigrants into the West, most likely tohelp guarantee permanent liberal Democrat Party rule: • November 22, 2016, Soros' Open Society Institute press release, 'Open Society Foundations Announce $10 Million Initiative to Confront Hate': 'Harsh rhetoric and policy proposals during the 2016 presidential campaign [in which arch-Soros enemy Donald Trump won] drew on racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTI, and other forms of hate have encouraged a wave of physical and verbal attacks nationwide. The has received over 700 reports of “hateful harassment and intimidation” since November 8 [and] there have been more than 1,000 bias-related incidents since the election.' Oxfam International • International NGO that is active in the United States and many European countries.

Branches finance loads of sustainable development,,,, and groups. It has also been deeply involved in financing in many different countries. Example: • June 24, 2016, Oxfam.org, 'Reject dangerous migration response plan, more than 120 NGOs tell EU leaders': 'The European Union is set to open a dark chapter in its history unless it rejects the European Commission's proposal on migration, a coalition of more than 120 NGOs warned on Monday. The plan proposes using aid, trade and other funds to encourage countries to reduce the number of migrants reaching EU shores.' When one checks the NGOs in the accompanying PDF (without checking them all in detail), many receive financing from Oxfam, Soros' Open Society Foundations or other top foundations.

A lot of them are quite obscure though., the no. 1 news aggegrate website of the Netherlands, thought it important enough to mention this press report of Oxfam. Easy access to the media is how these NGOs get their voice out. • causeview.com/customer-success/oxfam-canada/ (accessed: February 18, 2017): 'Oxfam Canada is a member of Oxfam, a confederation of 15 national Oxfam's around the world. Together, Oxfam raises over $350 million annually.' According to annual reports, a little over 60% of this comes from individuals and about 14% from foundations. • Random examples of financing (it keeps the supporting NGOs' names out of its annual reports): • Oxfam has a relatively large financial support base among the public.

About 500,000 people regularly contribute to it in Great Britain alone. It is often the subject of benefit concerts or sports events as marathons. • grants list 2006-2016: 'Oxfam. 2006: $50,000. 2007: $50,000. 2008: $75,000 [and] $100,000. 2009: $75,000 [and] $200,000.

2013: $200,000. 2014: $905,000. 2015: $100,000. 2009: $200,000. Oxfam-America, Inc.. 2009: $500,000.

2011: $150,000. 2013: $300,000 [and] $450,957. 2014: $120,000 [and] $300,000. 2015: $330,000.

Stichting Oxfam Novib. 2008: $120,000. 2009: $200,000. 2010: $170,000. 2011: $400,000. 2014: $300,000 [and] $300,000.'

•: hewlett.org grants database (accessed: February 18, 2017): 'Oxfam America. Awarded: March 18, 2013. Awarded: May 22, 2012. Awarded: April 21, 2012. Awarded: November 15, 2010. Awarded: March 22, 2010.

Awarded: July 16, 2012.' •: packard.org/what-we-fund/grants-database/oxfam-america-inc/ (accessed: February 18, 2017): 'Oxfam-America Inc. Amount: $205,000.' •: rockefellerfoundation.org/our-work/grants/oxfam/ (accessed: February 18, 2017): 'Oxfam. 2016: $125,000. 2013 - $500,000.'

• Rockefeller Foundation: rockefellerfoundation.org/our-work/grants/oxfam-america/ (accessed: February 18, 2017): 'Oxfam America. 2016: $99,770.'

• 1999 annual report,: 'Oxfam. • May 14, 2007, philanthropynewsdigest.org, 'Oxfam America Receives $7.1 Million From Gates Foundation for Gulf Coast Advocacy'. • Examples of more overlap between Oxfam and George Soros' Open Society Foundations: • Oxfam and Oxfam Novib has financed Jonathan Soros' NGO. • Open Society and Oxfam finances many of the same projects. • opensocietyfoundations.org/people/jon-jacoby: 'Jon Jacoby (accessed: February 18, 2017). Jonathan Jacoby is a program officer with the Human Rights Initiative. Jacoby was previously the special advisor for private-sector engagement to Oxfam International's executive director.'

• opensocietyfoundations.org/people/cathy-ross (accessed: February 18, 2017): 'Regional manager for the Latin America Program, Cathy Ross. From 1999 through 2005, she served as Oxfam America's Amazon program officer, based in Lima, Peru.'

• oxfamamerica.org/explore/about-oxfam/leadership/board-of-directors/ (accessed: February 18, 2017): 'Raymond C. Offenheiser President, Oxfam America. Prior to joining Oxfam, Ray represented the in Bangladesh and the Andean and Southern Cone regions of South America. [advisory board] World Economic Forum, the Clinton Global Initiative, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Institute, the World Agricultural Forum, the, Harvard Business School.

[Oxfam director] Barry Gaberman Senior Vice President, (retired). [Oxfam director] Mohamad Ali. Served as Chief Strategy Officer at Hewlett-Packard [ and ]. [Oxfam director] Latanya Mapp Frett: Executive Director. [Oxfam director] Anne L. Garrels: Journalist, (retired).

She set up NPR's Iraq bureau and led the coverage from Baghdad for 6 years. Laura Rusu Policy and Campaigns Media Manager, Oxfam America.

She was also. A consultant for the United Nations Population Fund and the of Romania.'

David and Lucile Packard Foundation • Founded in 1964 by Hewlett Packard (HP) co-founder David Packard, also the long-time chair of the foundation. Packard was Nixon's deputy defense secretary 1969-1971 and part of the superclass.

• Like the Hewlett Foundation, today one of the largest U.S. Foundations with an endowment of about $6 billion. • Others involved: William Reilly (trustee; president WWF until 1989, later chair; EPA administrator 1989-1993; chair; director and counsel of the secretive; executive director 's NY-PIRG) • Anno 2016 no grant reports have been made public through the internet for many years. Here are grants lists from old annual reports: • 1995 annual report, Packard Foundation: 'Nature Conservancy. Yale University. Bradley University [Illinois]. Colorado State University.

Foundation of California State University. Polytechnic University. University of California, Santa Cruz Foundation. University of California, Riverside Foundation.

Yale University. Tides Foundation.

Council of Foundations. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. American National Red Cross. Hoover Institute: $200,000. Carnegie Institution of Washington: $150,000.

International Rescue Committee: $100,000. Marshall Foundation. SETI Institute. Mountain View, California. Four-year support for Project Phoenix. UN 50 Committee.

University of Arizona. University of California, Berkeley.

Food Bank for Monterey County. Ohio State University. ' • 1997 grants list, Packard Foundation: 'CONSERVATION. Big Sur Land Trust. $2,400,000 [and] $300,000 [and] $10,000.

Save the Redwoods League. $20,000,000 [and] $300,000 [and] $50,000. Friends of the River Foundation. $300,000 [and] $200,000. Nature Conservancy. Wilderness Society. $200,000 [and] $200,000.

Nature Conservancy. $150,000.World Wildlife Fund.

$174,645 [and] $98,000 [and] $15,690. University of Hawaii at Manoa. Foundation for National Progress. For plans to increase public understanding and media attention on the status of the world's coral reefs. New York Zoological Society. Earth Island Institute.

National Public Radio. World Media Foundation.

For two years for the Changing Oceans project entitled Living on Earth to be broadcast on National Public Radio. Nature Conservancy. University of California, Santa Cruz Foundation. San Jose State University Foundation.

- Stanford University. Stanford University.

[various $50,000 donations to community colleges].' • 2000 grants list, Packard Foundation: 'CONSERVATION. Earth Island Institute. Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund. Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund. Energy Foundation: $13,000,000 for the China and U.S.

Clean Energy Programs. Environmental Defense: $350,000. Environmental Defense: $1,500,000 [and an additional] $2,000,000 for the MyWorld Internet Project. Greenpeace Fund: $450,000 for the Global Pirate Fishing Project. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment: $250,000. Harvard University: $250,000 for the Energy Technology Policy for a Greenhouse-Gas-Constrained World Project. National Wildlife Federation: $125,000.

Nature Conservancy: $5,750,000 [plus] $272,000 [plus] $1,350,000 [plus] $100,000 [plus] $560,000 [plus] $2,111,199 [plus] $50,000 [plus] $1,500,000. Population Action International: $50,000.

Princeton University: $200,000. Save the Redwoods League: $825,000. Sierra Business Council: $5,000,000 [and] $1,800,000. Stanford University: $50,000 [and] $260,000 [and] $10,000. Tides Center: $50,000 [plus] $200,000 [plus] $250,000.

Tides Foundation: $50,000. Tides Foundation of Canada: $640,000. University of California, Berkeley: $100,000 [and] $34,500. University of California, Davis: $300,000 [and] $199,559. University of California, Santa Barbara: $263,617. University of California, Santa Cruz: $414,000.

University of Hawaii at Hilo: $48,116. University of Hawaii at Manoa: $50,000. University of Hawaii at Manoa: $397,771. University of Minnesota: $49,708.

University of New Hampshire: $502,835. University of Rhode Island: $20,000. University of Rhode Island Foundation: $34,000. University of South Florida Research Foundation: $217,000.

University of the South Pacific: $292,000. University of Washington: $643,491. WildAid: $100,000.

Wilderness Society: $150,000. Wildlife Conservation Society: $750,000.

Wildlife Conservation Society: $49,500. World Media Foundation: $200,000 for the environmental radio program Living on Earth [on NPR]. World Resources Institute: $375,000 [and] $47,660 [and] $2,400,000. World Wide Fund for Nature: $500,000 [and] $45,000.

World Wide Fund for Nature Indonesia: $524,660. World Wildlife Fund: $376,000 [and] $50,000 [and] $500,000 [and] $200,000 [and] $6,000,000 for the Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program [and] $655,000. World Wildlife Fund Canada: $200,000 to establish marine protected areas in British Columbia [and] $43,800 for marine protected area work in British Columbia.' • 2001 annual report, Packard Foundation: 'CONSERVATION.

Big Sur Land Trust. Nature Conservancy. Environmental Defense. Nature Conservancy. Sierra Legal Defence Fund Society.

Tides Center. Tides Foundation. Wilderness Society. World Wildlife Fund. - World Wildlife Fund Canda.

Nature Conservancy. World Wildlife Fund. Nature Conservancy. Tides Center. University of California, Santa Barbara.

University of Rhode Island Foundation. Wildlife Conservation Society. World Resources Institute. Environmental Defense. Natural Resources Defense Council.

Nature Conservancy. Stanford University. Tides Center. United Nations Environment Programme. University of Minnesota.

Wildlife Conservation Society. World Wide Fund for Nature [WWF] Australia. World Wildlife Fund. Energy Foundation. Aspen Institute. Colorada Conservation Trust.

Nature Conservancy. Stanford University. University of California, Santa Barbara. Wildlife Conservation Society.

Center for Resource Economics. Conservation Earth. Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources. Land Trust Alliance.

MBA-Nonprofit Connection. Oregon State University. Rockefeller Family Fund. Stanford University. University of California, Davis.

Wildlife Conservation Socity. World Wildlife Fund. Earth Action Network. Population Action International. University of Michigan.

University of Rhode island Foundation. Worldwatch Institute. Brown University. $475,000 [for programs in Ethiopia]. California Planned Parenthood Education Fund.

International Planned Parenthood Federation. Johns Hopkins University. $125,000 [for] family planning services in India. National Abortion Federation.

Near East Foundation. $225,000 [for] displaced populations in New Dar El-Salaam El-Rabwa, Kartoum, Sudan. Pathfinder International. Planned Parenthood of New York City. Planned Parenthood Federation of American (PPFA).

Population Action International. Population Council. Population Services International. Public Health Institute.

RAND Corporation. Rotary Club of Bombay. United Nations Foundation.

$500,000 [and] $300,000. Kaiser Family Foundation. International Planned Parenthood federation. Universidad de Guadalajara. University of California.

Columbia University. Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Planned Parenthood federation of Korea.

Planned Parenthood of Western Washington. Population Action International.

Population Concrn. Population Reference Bureau. World Pupulation Foundation. American Civil Liberties Union Foundation. Catholics for a Free Choice. National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League Foundation.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Population Council. Park Foundation • July 30, 2014, Luke Bolar and Cheyenne Steel, United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Minority Staff Report, 'The Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and Obama's EPA': 'As depicted in the chart below, there are roughly a dozen prominent private foundations created by the Billionaire's Club that have huge sums of money at their disposal to spend on environmental causes. Among this list, the Committee focused on several extremely active private foundations, including the Rockefeller Brothers Fund [13], the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation [14], the David and Lucile Packard Foundation [15], the Schmidt Family Foundation [16], the Sea Change Foundation [17], the Park Foundation [18], and the Marisla Foundation.[19]. For example, both the Park Foundation and the Schmidt Family Foundation have financed questionable scientists to produce anti-fracking research, which the Huffington Post, Mother Jones, and Climate Desk – all grant recipients themselves – eagerly report on.

Examples of prescriptive grantmaking by some of the Billionaire's Club private foundations include a $50,000 grant from the Park Foundation to ['s] New York Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) for continuation of its widespread public education campaign on the issue of gas drilling in New York;' [23]. In New York and Colorado, a pseudo grassroots effort to attack hydraulic fracturing has germinated from massive amounts of funding by the NY-based Park Foundation, as well as CA-based Schmidt Family Foundation and Tides Foundation. Jay Halfon is another pivotal player that has emerged in the environmental movement through his connections in New York. Halfon is currently on the Board of Directors for the Park Foundation, Earthworks, (SMF), and 350.org. [127] Interestingly, Halfon does not even list his affiliation to SMF on his 350.org biography; yet heavily funds SMF and SMF is a fiscal sponsor' of. Previously, Halfon served as Executive Director of Donald Ross's NY-PIRG.

' • Has financed the (Sourcewatch), Robert Parry's,,,, magazine,, the /,,,, Yes! Magazine, the, Common Dreams, the International Forum on Globalization and other groups. • parkfoundation.org/search.php?coding=261 (media grants; accessed: January 14, 2016): ' 2015. - Institute for Public Affairs.

General operating support for magazine. - Lost Light Projects, Inc. Brooklyn, NY. General Operating Support for InsideClimate News. Berkeley, CA. Tracking Money and Influence in U.S.

San Francisco, CA. ' reporting on Dark Money and Climate Desk reporting. - Center for Public Integrity. Washington, NY.

General operating support. - Productions, Inc.

New York, NY. General operating support $25,000. New York, NY. The Investigative Fund $15,000. Investigative work on fracking and its impact on water. - Consortium for Independent Journalism, Inc. Arlington, VA.

General operating support. San Francisco, CA. General operating support. - Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications Association, Inc. Arlington, VA. General operating support of. - Center for Public Integrity Washington, DC General operating support $250,000 www.publicintegrity.org.

- San Francisco, CA. The Climate Desk and ' Dark Money Reporting. - Productions, Inc. New York, NY. General operating support. - Independent Production Fund. New York, NY.

Moyers & Company. New York, NY. The Investigative Fund to facilitate the development and publication of socially significant investigative reporting. - Sacramento, CA. General operating support.

2013: '- Center for Media and Democracy Madison, WI Fracking and our Environment $50,000 www.prwatch.org. - Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY Democracy Now!' S live on-the-ground coverage of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Warsaw, Poland $30,000 www.democracynow.org. - Foundation for National Progress San Francisco, CA General operating support $20,000 www.motherjones.com.

- Fund for Investigative Journalism Washington, DC Grants for Investigative Reporters $50,000 www.fij.org. - Positive Futures Network Bainbridge Island, WA The Path to a New Economy $15,000 www.yesmagazine.org. - The American Prospect Washington, DC The Shale Rebellion, A Multi-Media Presentation $15,000. - Institute for Policy Studies Washington, DC Support for OtherWords editorial service $15,000 www.ips-dc.org. - Center for Public Integrity Washington, DC General operating support $250,000. - Common Dreams, Inc. Portland, ME General operating support $15,000.

- Foundation for National Progress San Francisco, CA The Climate Desk and Mother Jones' Dark Money Reporting $100,000. - Institute for Public Affairs Chicago, IL General operating support for In These Times Magazine $15,000 www.inthesetimes.com. - Democracy Now! Productions, Inc. New York, NY Democracy Now! Productions $25,000.

- International Forum on Globalization San Francisco, CA Plutonomy Program $10,000 www.ifg.org. - Nation Institute New York, NY The Investigative Fund $10,000. - Truthout Sacramento, CA General operating support $15,000. 2012: '- Foundation for National Progress San Francisco, CA General operating support $30,000 www.motherjones.com. - Positive Futures Network Bainbridge Island, WA The Path to a New Economy $15,000 www.yesmagazine.org. - Center for Media and Democracy Madison, WI Fracking and Water Project $50,000 www.prwatch.org. Center for Media and Democracy Madison, WI Corporate Research Project on the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) $5,000 www.prwatch.org.

- Common Dreams, Inc. Portland, ME General operating support $15,000. - Democracy Now! Productions, Inc.

New York, NY To expand the live, on-the-ground news coverage during the 2012 Election Cycle and 100-city Community Media Tour $5,000. - Fund for Investigative Journalism Washington, DC Investigative reporting grants to journalists for 12 groundbreaking stories in the US on critical issues not reported in the mainstream media $75,000 www.fij.org. - Institute for Policy Studies Washington, DC Expand the reach of OtherWords editorial service as it ramps up its new Economic Hardship Reporting Project $15,000. MapLight Berkeley, CA Tracking money and influence in the US Congress $15,000 maplight.org '. Pew Charitable Trusts • A set of foundations/trusts based on the Sun Oil Company fortune of Joseph Pew. • activistfacts.com/foundation/153-PewCharitableTrusts/ (accessed: February 29, 2016): 'The Pew Charitable Trusts (seven individual trusts in all) were endowed with various inheritances of the four children of Joseph N. Pew, who founded the Sun Oil Company.

Environmental Working Group $1,895,000 1997. $555,000 2002.

$12,661,000 2000. $4,315,000 2002. & Tides Center $140,465,400 2005.' • pewtrusts.org/en/about/leadership (accessed: January 1, 2017): 'The Board of Directors.

Howard Pew II. - Mary Catharine Pew, M.D. Anderson Pew. - Sandy Ford Pew. - Doris Pew Scott. Government Relations: Tamera Luzzatto, Senior Vice President.' • pewtrusts.org/en/about/leadership/tamera-luzzatto (accessed: January 1, 2017): 'Tamera Luzzatto leads government relations at The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Luzzatto served as then-Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's chief of staff from 2001 to 2009. Prior to her service with Senator Clinton, Luzzatto was on the staff of West Virginia Senator John D. Rockefeller IV for nearly 15 years, serving as legislative director and chief of staff. She was Senator Rockefeller's primary liaison to two major advisory panels which he chaired, the National Commission on Children and the Pepper Commission on Health Care.

Luzzatto began her career working for ACTION, the federal umbrella agency at the time for the Peace Corps and other volunteer and national service programs. She also serves on the Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery Advisory Committee and the personnel committee of the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. She graduated from Harvard University, magna cum laude, with a degree in government.'

Ploughshares Fund • The Ploughshares Fund is focused on global nuclear disarmament and in 2016 maintained net assets of 40 million. It is financed by a variety of elite foundations: • Annual report 2015, Ploughshares: 'Donors. Council of Ambassadors, Gifts of $100,000 or More.. Open Society Policy Center..

Skoll Global Threats Fund. GIFTS OF $25,000 - $99,000: craigslist Charitable Fund. Ruth duPont Lord Charitable Trust. Council Envoys, Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999.' • Controversially donated millions towards the promotion and maintenance of Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.

• Apart from elite NGOs as the Atlantic Council, the Center for American Progress, the Brookings Institution, CSIS and the CFR, Ploughshares has financed the Federation of American Scientists,, the Public Affairs Alliance of American Iranians (one of many initiatives to sell the nuclear deal with Iran), J Street, Nuclear Watch of New Mexico,, and,. • May 20, 2016, Brietbart, 'Soros-Backed Group that Helped Sell Iran Nuclear Deal Funds Media, DC Think Tanks': 'Ploughshares has partnered with a who's who of the radical left, including Code Pink, the pro-Palestinian J Street, United for Peace & Justice, the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and Demo, a progressive economic advisory group where President Obama's controversial former green jobs czar, Van Jones, has served on the board.' RiverStyx Foundation • The RiverStyx Foundation is a small foundation with about $26 million in assets anno 2015. It helps fund various social programs, including psychedelic research and marijuana legalization. • Examples of projects: • RiverStyx Foundation: grantmakers.io/profiles/v0/943373712-riverstyx-foundation/ (accessed: October 12, 2017): ' (2015).

• maps.org/news-letters/v24n3/v24n3_p3-13.pdf (accessed: February 8, 2016): 'Rockefeller $1,000,000. David Bronner $154,500. Anton Bilton $105,000. The Libra Foundation.

Riverstyx Foundation. • 2014 annual report, (George Soros): 'Foundation support: Hugh M.

Hefner Foundation. Open Society Foundations. Riverstyx Foundation.' • campuselect.org/donate-now.html (accessed: February 8, 2016): 'We've raised $255,000, from donors including Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Bernard and Audre Rapoport Foundation, George Gund Foundation, Youth Engagement Fund, Mayerson Foundation, Puffin Foundation, Rockefeller Philanthropies, Whitman Institute, the Riverstyx Foundation.'

• foundation.wsu.edu/organizations/ (Washington State University Foundation) (accessed: February 8, 2016): 'Raytheon Company. RiverStyx Foundation. Rockefeller Brothers Fund.' • 2011 annual report, Pathfinder International, pp. 11, 13: Riverstyx Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation listed as program sponsors.

The Tides Foundation is another important sponsor. • October 1, 2012, Seattle PI, 'A $4 million marijuana campaign warchest': 'The campaign war chest for Initiative 502, which would legalize marijuana, swelled by more than $1 million on Monday with new donations from an Ohio insurance magnate and two executives of the Kirkland-based Riverstyx Foundation. Peter Lewis, chairman of Progressive Insurance, donated $670,000 and $32,000 — bringing his total donations to $1.555 million.'

Rockefeller Brothers Fund • Founded in 1940 by the 'Rockefeller Five', the five sons of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.: John D. Rockefeller III, Nelson, Laurance, Winthrop and David. Their sister Abby Rockefeller Mauze also came to play a role in the foundation.

Jr., Nelson and David Rockefeller were members of the. • Sons and daughters of the 'Rockefeller Five' became involved in the board in later decades: David Jr., Richard, Steven, Rodman, Peggy, Neva and Laura Rockefeller. Laurance and David Rockefeller remained involved as advisors even into the post-9/11 world. • Important note: The fortune of the Rockefeller family is based on the old Standard Oil corporation and later on Chase Manhattan Bank, which David Rockefeller in particular has overseen (executive vice president 1955-1957, vice chairman 1957-1960, president 1960-1969, chair and CEO 1969-1981, continued for decades as a member of the international advisory council with Henry Kissinger, George Shultz and others). The family is somewhat notorious for with Nazi Germany before and during WWII. • Important note: Nelson Rockefeller is known for having a high-level presidential advisor and envoy from FDR to Ford, often tasked with approving or overseeing the CIA 's covert operations. Bizarrely, as Gerald Ford's vice president, he was appointed chairman of the the 1975 President's Commission on CIA Activities within the United States.

Earlier Ford had been a member of the Warren Commission that helped cover up the death of JFK, along with commission members Allen Dulles and John McCloy, both extremely close to Rockefeller. • Important note: David Rockefeller is particularly well-known as the leader of the post-World War II globalist movement as chairman of the CFR, key steering committee member of Bilderberg, founder of the Trilateral Commission, a 24-year participant in the U.S.-Russian Dartmouth Conferences and involvement in dozens of other NGOs.

He has also been a long-time member of the and, along with his brother Laurance, of the. • Important note: Laurance Rockefeller has been.

He has also been a huge player in the new religions movement through the,, and other groups and has also financed psychedelic research and bogus 2012 theories of the McKenna brothers through the and the. • Important note: It appears Dr. Richard Rockefeller later financed considerably more legitimate research of MDMA of.

• Important note: Neva Rockefeller Goodwin, a daughter of David Rockefeller, aided Buckminster Fuller in establishing his in the 1972-1979 period. • Historical officers: • 1941 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: 'TRUSTEES: - John D. Rockefeller, 3rd. - Laurance S. - Winthrop Rockefeller. OFFICERS: - John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, President.

Rockefeller, Vice President. Creel, Director. - Arthur Jones, Secretary. Keebler, Treasurer. - Vanderbilt Webb, Counsel.' • 1951 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: 'TRUSTEES: - Detlev W. - David Rockefeller.

Rockefeller, 3rd. - Laurance S. - Winthrop Rockefeller.

OFFICERS: - John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, President. - Laurance S. Rockefeller, Vice President. Creel, Director. Bates, Secretary. Keebler, Treasurer.

Lockwood, Counsel.' • 1964 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: 'TRUSTEES: - Detlev W. - Laura Rockefeller Case.

- Abby Rockefeller Mauze. - David Rockefeller. Rockefeller, 3rd. - Laurance S. - Winthrop Rockefeller.

OFFICERS AND ASSOCIATES: - Laurance S. Rockefeller, President. - David Rockefeller, Vice President. Creel, Director. Bates, Secretary.

Hodgkin, Treasurer. Lockwood, Counsel.' • 1972 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: 'TRUSTEES: Detlev W. Kaiser [daughter of David Rockefeller]. William McChesney Martin, Jr. David Rockefeller. Rockefeller 3rd.

Winthrop Rockefeller. OFFICERS: Laurance S. Rockefeller, Chairman. Room 5600, 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

David Rockefeller, Vice Chairman. Room 5600, 30 Rockefeller Plaza. Creel, President. Room 5450, 30 Rockefeller Plaza. Dietel, Executive Vice President. Setzer, Vice President.

Bates, Vice President & Secretary. Phillips, Jr., Secretary. Fernald, Treasurer. Domenica Giacalone, Assistant Treasurer. Siegesmund, Assistant Treasurer. Burdick, Assistant Treasurer.

Lockwood, Counsel.' • 1982 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: 'TRUSTEES: Thornton F. Chasin [Laura Rockefeller Chasin, a daughter of Laurance Rockefeller]. Goldmark, Jr. Henry Kissinger. George Putnam.

Blanchette H. David Rockefeller. David Rockefeller, Jr. Laurance Rockefeller. FINANCE COMMITTEE: George Putnam, Chairman. Henry Upham Harris, Jr.

OFFICERS: David Rockefeller, Chairman. Rockefeller, Vice Chairman. Nancy Hanks, Vice Chairman. O'Neill, Vice Chairman.

Dietel, President. Phillips, Jr., Executive Vice President.

Shute, Jr., Secretary. Fernald, Treasurer. Domenica Giacalone, Assistant Treasurer. Corcoran, Assistant Treasurer.

Parsons, Counsel. CONSULTANTS: Dana S. • 1992 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: 'TRUSTEES: Catharine O.

Chasin [daughter of Laurance Rockefeller]. Goodwin [daughter of David Rockefeller].

T George Harris. Kenneth Lipper. Jessica Tuchman Mathews.

David Rockefeller, Jr. [son of David Rockefeller]. Rockefeller [son of David Rockefeller]. Rockefeller [son of Nelson and Mary Rockefeller]. Frederick Starr. FINANCE COMMITTEE.

[James Wolfensohn was chair of the Finance Committee until 1991]. OFFICERS: David Rockefeller, Jr., Chairman. O'Neill, Chairman. Rockefeller, Vice Chairman. Campbell, President.

Phillips, Jr., Executive Vice President. Shute, Jr., Secretary & Treasurer.' • 2002 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund: 'TRUSTEES: David J.

Richard Chasin [husband of Laura Rockefeller Chasin, a daughter of Laurance Rockefeller]. Peggy Dulany [Rockefeller, a daughter of David Rockefeller].

Goodwin [daughter of David Rockefeller]. Hunter Lewis. John Morning. David Rockefeller, Jr. [a son of David Rockefeller].

Rockefeller [a son of David Rockefeller]. Rockefeller [a son of Nelson Rockefeller]. Tadataka Yamada, M.D. ADVISORY TRUSTEES: Jonathan F.

Fanton, President, The. Luers, Chairman and President, United Nations Association [of the U.S.]. David Rockefeller.

FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Afsaneh M. Beschloss, President and Chief Executive Officer, Carlyle Asset Management Group. Gilbert Butler. Villani, Chair. OFFICERS: Steven C. Rockefeller, Chair.

Goodwin, Vice Chair. Heintz, President. McCalpin, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.

Jacobs, Vice President. - Benjamin R. Shute, Jr., Secretary.' • 2008 annual review, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, pp. 2-3 (the shorter 'annual reviews' introduced in 2006 generally don't list trustees and officers): 'RBF Trustees (pictured from left to right): Nicholas Burns, Anne Bartley, Steven C. Rockefeller, Vali Nasr, Valerie R.

Wayne, Neva R. Goodwin, Stephen B. Heintz, Richard G. Rockefeller, ohn Morning, Miranda M. Kaiser, Joseph A.

Pierson, Abby M. O'Neill, James Gustave Speth, Wendy O'Neill Wang, and James E. Rockefeller, Chair [and] Stephen B. Heintz, President.' • 2005 annual review, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, p. 25: 'David Rockefeller, one of the RBF's founders and a trustee from 1940 through 1987, announced he had decided to make a major testamentary gift to the RBF endowment to create the David Rockefeller Global Development Fund.

This fund will signifi cantly expand the RBF's capacity to address critical global challenges.' • 2014 annual review, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, p. 5: 'In June 2014, the Fund was devastated by the death of Dr. Richard Rockefeller [in a plane crash], a former trustee and board chair, and a dear friend. Richard was a leader in his generation of the Rockefeller family, continuing the principled philanthropy of his father, David, and uncles who established the RBF in 1940, while responding to the needs of a profoundly transformed world. In the last years of his life, Richard became deeply engaged in work with leading Chinese philanthropists and was excited about the future of Chinese philanthropy.'

• Historical grants of Rockefeller Brothers Fund: • 1942 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): '- American Aid to France. - American Association for the United Nations. - American Committee on United Europe. - American Institute of Pacific Relations. - American Red Cross. - American Relief for Italy.

- Big Brother Movement. - Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. - Foreign Policy Association. - International House, New York. - International Rescue Committee.

- Metropolitan Museum of Art. - New York Zoological Society.

- Planned Parenthood Federation of America. - Protestant Council of the City of New York. - Protestant Fund of Greater New York. - Queen Wilheimina Fund [Netherlands].

- Russian War Relief. - Union Church of Pocantico Hills. - United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York. - United Negro College Fund. - United Service to China. - War Prisoners' Aid Committee.'

• 1951 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): '- American Association for the United Nations. - American Committee on United Europe. - American Institute of Pacific Relations.

- American-Korean Foundation. - American Museum of Natural History. - American Red Cross.

- Aspen Institute. - Association on American Indian Affairs. - Big Brother Movement. - Conservation Foundation.

- Eugenio Mendoze Foundation. - Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. - Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies. - Foreign Policy Association. - Institute of International Education. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

- New York Zoological Society. - Planned Parenthood Federation of America. - Protestant Council of the City of New York.'

• 1964 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): 'African-American Institute. African Wildlife Leadership Foundation. American Jewish Congress. American Museum of Natural History.American National Red Cross. Asia Society. Atlantic Council of the United States. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York.

Conservation Foundation. Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies. International House (New York). International Rescue Committee. Jackson Hole Preserve. Museum of Modern Art.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Population Council.

Protestant Council of the City of New York. United Nations Association. ' • 1972 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): 'African-American Institute. African Wildlife Leadership Foundation. American Civil Liberties Union.

American Conservation Association. American Museum of Natural History. American Red Cross. Asia Society.

Aspen Institute. Atlantic Council of the United States. Botswana Society. Brookings Institution. Canadian Institute of International Affairs. Catholic University of America. Center for Community Change.

Center for Inter-American Relations. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Columbia University. Committee for Economic Development.

Conservation Foundation. Council on Foreign Relations. Dartmouth College. Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. Foreign Policy Association. Harvard University.

Hudson Institute. Institute of International Education. Institute of Politics, New Orleans.

International House. International Institute for Strategic Studies [IISS]. International Rescue Committee. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources [IUCN]. Japan Society. Metropolitan Museum of Art [$1 million+].

National Committee on United States-China Relations, Inc. National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Nature Conservancy. New York Public Library. New York University. New York Zoological Society.

Outward Bound. Overseas Development Council. Planned Parenthood of New York City. Population Council, Inc.

Population Institute. Population Reference Bureau. Rockefeller Family Fund. Rockefeller University. Scholarship, Education and Defense Fund for Racial Equality, Inc.. Smithsonian Institution.

Stanford Research Institute. United Nations Association. ' • 1982 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): 'Princeton University. Bio-Energy Council. Conservation Foundation. Environmental Policy Institute.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Nature Conservancy. Smithsonian Institution. Urban Institute. Yale University. Carter Presidential Library. Center for Community Change.

Columbia University. Africa News Service. Asia Society. Trilateral Commission. United Nations Association. Harvard University.

Neurosciences Research Foundation. Population Council. Rockefeller University. Cornell University.

Asia Society. Japan Center for International Exchange. Japan Society. Sierra Club Foundation. Worldwatch Institute. African-American Institute. ' • 1991 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): 'THE SYNERGOS INSTITUTE.

International Institute for Energy Conservation. National Committee on United States-Chian Relations. Environmental Defense Fund. World Resources Institute. World Wildlife Fund and the Conservation Foundation, Inc.. Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C. State of the World and World Watch magazine.

German Marshall Fund of the United States. Johns Hopkins University. Asian NGO Coalition research Foundation.

Center for Cultural and Technical Exchange Between East and West. Friends of the Earth [for] Asian development Bank monitoring project. Philippine Environmental Journalists, Inc.

Wildlife Fund Thailand. World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C. Climate change project. Atlantic Council of the U.S.$133,500. Brookings Institution. Carnegie Endowment. Friends of the Earth.

$100,000 [for] continued support for its Nuclear non-Proliferation Project. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

NNatural Resources Defense Council. Princeton University.

Stimson Center. Hudson Institute. Asia Foundation. Asian Cultural Council. The Brookings Institution. Council on Foreign Relations. Institute for International Economics.

Shanghai Institute for International Studies. United States National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation. • 2000 annual report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund (grants): 'CONSERVATION: Climate Institute.

Earth Council Foundation. Greenpeace Fund. National Resources Defense Council. Nature Conservancy.

Rainforest Action Network. Rockefeller Family Fund. Sierra Club of British Columbia Foundation. Tides Foundation. World Resources Institute. World Wildlife Fund.

Yale University. Friend of the Earth, International, Amsterdam, Netherlands. German Marshall Fund. Earth Island Institute. Friends of the Earth--Japan.

GLOBAL SECURITY: Aspen Institute. Foreign Policy Association. Georgetown University. Harvard University. New York University. State of the World Forum. United Nations Association.

The World Affairs Council of Northern California. Georgetown University. International Forum on Globalization. Trustees of Tufts College. United Nations. $100,000.Trilateral Commission. Institute for Security Studies.

South African Institute of International Affairs. Rockefeller Family Fund • rffund.org/about (accessed: March 6, 2016): 'Martha, John, Laurance, Nelson, and David Rockefeller created the Rockefeller Family Fund (RFF) in 1967. Since then, RFF has worked at the cutting edge of advocacy in such areas as environmental protection.' • Laurance Rockefeller in particular has been deeply involved in financing ecology-tied new age and psychedelics groups. The,,, and all come to mind. As ISGP's article makes clear, for the most part Laurance Rockefeller has been backing scam artists, quite possibly on behalf of the CIA. • More recently headed by Dr.

Richard Rockefeller, a son of David Rockefeller who died in a plane crash in 2014. Richard Rockefeller was an important financier and promoter of the (MAPS). Rockefeller Foundation • Founded in 1913 by Pilgrims Society John D. Rockefeller, Sr. And his son, member John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Almost exclusively donates to very traditional and prestigious charities, including many Third World sustainable development and social programs.

• December 9, 2013, Dr. Richard Rockefeller (a son of David Rockefeller) during a conversation with Dr. Larry Brilliant at The Commonwealth Club of California radio program: 'I come from a lineage of John D.

In creating the Rockefeller Foundation he was deeply interested in root causes. And in some ways he invented strategic philanthropy and I kind of carry that desire with me. And I do believe [in] global warming as [a] root cause.

Without treating global warming, we can't take care of any other environmental problems.' • May 7, 2013, email of Huma Ebedin to John Podesta, Sandy Berger and others, 'Re: CGI [Clinton Global Initiative] Monthly Tracking Report for April 2013'.

(Wikileaks Podesta emails leak): 'Annual Meeting Sponsorship: - Rockefeller Foundation renewed and increased its sponsorship from $350K to $1 million. - Ford Foundation renewed its sponsorship at $400K. - HP has agreed to provide at least $100K cash.' Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors • rockpa.org/page.aspx?pid=238 (accessed: March 6, 2016): 'Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) is a nonprofit organization that currently advises on and manages more than $200 million in annual giving by individuals, families, corporations, and major foundations. Continuing the Rockefeller family's legacy of thoughtful, effective philanthropy, RPA remains at the forefront of philanthropic growth and innovation, with a diverse team led by experienced grantmakers with significant depth of knowledge across the spectrum of issue areas.

Founded in 2002, RPA has grown into one of the world's largest philanthropic service organizations and, as a whole, has facilitated more than $3 billion in grantmaking to nearly 70 countries. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors has a full-time staff of 40 in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco offices in addition to a group of carefully selected expert affiliates. RPA's senior staff members offer an average of 20 years each in grantmaking experience with major foundations, both domestic and international, including the Ford Foundation, the Levi-Strauss Foundation, the New York Community Trust, and the John A. Hartford Foundation. Senior staff are frequent speakers and are quoted often in national publications and media. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors currently serves more than 160 donors giving to countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America and North America.'

Hunt Foundation • Minor Mellon-linked foundation, but listed here because it is a generous annual donor to the new age. This, by the way, seems to be its only somewhat peculiar grant recipient. • rahuntfdn.org (accessed: March 11, 2016): 'In the early 1900s, Roy A. Hunt worked his way up from mill clerk to president of Alcoa, the company his father helped found. After establishing The Hunt Foundation in 1951, he established the Roy A. Hunt Foundation in 1966 as an endowed resource so that future generations could be involved in charitable giving as a family. (The foundations merged in 1994).

Three generations of Hunt family members now serve as trustees, continuing the Foundation's mission of supporting organizations that strive to improve the quality of life. The Foundation annually grants $3 million in the United States, primarily through proposals invited by the trustees and through the Foundation's special initiatives.' • rahuntfdn.org/about-us/our-foundations-history/ (accessed: March 11, 2016): 'Rachel and Roy had four sons, all of whom served as the Roy A. Hunt Foundation's initial trustees: Roy A. Was a banker at Mellon Bank where he was Vice President of Community Banking until his death in 1981. Hunt was a metallurgist who was elected to the Board of Directors of Alcoa in 1949 and served as Vice President and Secretary of the company until his death in 1984.

Hunt spent his entire career at Alcoa before retiring as Vice President in 1982. He died in 2004. Hunt, the only surviving son, was a Harvard faculty member for 42 years and its University Marshal for 20 years before retiring in 2002.' • 2015-2016 grants went to: American Red Cross Southwestern Pennsylvania Chapter, Boston College, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, Climate Interactive, Doctors Without Borders, Duke University,,, Harvard College,, Oberlin College, Planned Parenthood, Princeton University, RAND Corporation, Save the Children Federation, University of North Carolina, World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh, World Resources Institute. Rudolf Steiner Foundation • rsfsocialfinance.org/our-story/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): 'Founded in 1936 as the Rudolf Steiner Foundation, RSF Social Finance began making loans to Steiner-inspired organizations in 1984. In the late 1990s, RSF's mission expanded to serve a broader range of clients whose intentions and values are compatible with Steiner's insights on associative economics and social renewal. Since 1984, RSF has made over $275 million in loans and over $130 million in grants, placing us in the top tier of social finance organizations worldwide.

Inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner, we believe that money has a deeply spiritual dimension. In our view, money is a form of energy that connects one person to another and strengthens the bonds of community. ' • grants: • 2007 Tides grants list: 'Rudolf Steiner Foundation. ' • 2008 Tides grants list: 'Rudolf Steiner Foundation. • 2009 Tides grants list: 'Rudolf Steiner Foundation. • rsfsocialfinance.org/services/ entrepreneurs/2014-grantees/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): '. Alliance for Leadership and Interconnection.

Alliance for the Earth. Amazon Watch. American Himalayan Foundation.

Biosphere Foundation. Buckminster Fuller Institute. Center for Ecoliteracy. Climate Solutions. Earth Incorporated. Earth Island Institute. EarthWays Foundation, Inc..

Grassroots International. Green America. Green Belt Movement International... Nature Conservancy... Gaia Foundation.. The Pachamama Alliance. Wildlife Conservation Network..

Aspen Institute.. MassVOTE Education Fund. Rudolf Steiner College. Rudolf Steiner Fellowship Foundation.

Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor. Spirit in Action. Spirit Rock Meditation Center. Steiner Books... Zen Foundation. Zen Peacemakers..' • rsfsocialfinance.org/services/ entrepreneurs/2013-grantees/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): '350.org.

Institute for Policy Studies. Jane Goodall Institute. Pachamama Alliance.' • rsfsocialfinance.org/services/ entrepreneurs/2012-grantees/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): 'Rainforest Action Network.

Sierra Club Foundation. The Gaia Foundation. Wildlife Conservation Network. Pacifica Foundation.

Buckminster Fuller Institute. Clinton Foundation.'

• rsfsocialfinance.org/services/ entrepreneurs/2011-grantees/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): 'Pachamama Alliance. World Wildlife Fund.' • rsfsocialfinance.org/services/ entrepreneurs/2008-grantees/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): 'Pachamama Alliance. Rainforest Action Network.' • rsfsocialfinance.org/2012/01/19/ december-2011-grant-making/ (accessed: February 27, 2016): 'Another borrower, investor, and grantee (we should have a special award for being all three!) is Pachamama Alliance, one of our fellow neighbors here in the Presidio. Founded in 1995, Pachamama is dedicated to protecting the Earth's rain forests and the indigenous people who live within them.

They seek to accomplish their mission by delivering educational experiences that are designed to inspire and educate individuals everywhere to bring forth a thriving, just, and sustainable world. The grant from RSF was specifically to support Pachamama's Rights of Nature program, an innovative initiative focused on establishing a legal basis for protecting our planet. Building upon success in Ecuador, the first country in history to include Rights of Nature in its constitution in 2008, Pachamama helped form the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, a group of internationally recognized experts and leaders working for the universal adoption and implementation of Rights of Nature.'

The Pachamama Alliance appears in grants lists of RSF in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014. San Francisco Foundation • Synonymous with the Levi Strauss Foundation, which appears often in 'liberal CIA' circles, but this author ignored due to awareness of the Trilateral Commission - Ford Foundation background of the Levi Strauss Company leadership over the 20th century. • The San Francisco Foundation was set up in 1948 by Daniel E. And based on the Levi Strauss fortune.

Koshland's grandfather was wealthy Jewish wool merchant Simon Koshland. Simon's daughter Frances 'Fanny' married Abraham Haas and his son Marcus married Eleanor Haas, the daughter of Abraham Haas. The Haas family came to inherit the Levi Strauss fortune. These connections are what brought Daniel Koshland, Sr. Into the Levi Strauss Company, ran by Walter A.

Haas, Sr., president of Levi Strauss & Co. 1928-1955 and chair 1955-1970.

Brought him in 1922, well before Koshland set up the San Francisco Foundation. The Haas family came to be deeply involved with the Rockefellers and other elites through the Trilateral Commission,, Museum of Modern Art, the CFR, etc.

• September 21, 1995, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Walter Haas Dies': 'Walter A. Haas Jr., patriarch of the San Francisco family that runs Levi Strauss & Co. [Haas, Jr.] received awards from three U.S. Presidents, was a member of the prestigious Trilateral Commission. A trustee of the Ford Foundation, a director of the National Park Foundation, the National Commission on Public Service and the Presidio Council. 'There isn't any organization the Haases are not involved with: the [San Francisco] Museum of Modern Art [as executive vice president, with the NYC branch owned by the Rockefellers], the opera, the symphony, the university,' said one observer.

By 1958, he had succeeded his uncle, Daniel E. Koshland Sr., as president of Levi Strauss and in 1976, he succeeded his father as chairman of the board.' 1942) bio: Son of Walter A. Chairman emeritus of Levi Strauss & Co. Former president Levi Strauss Foundation. Trilateral Commission. Trustee Ford Foundation.

Honorary trustee Brookings Institution. Former Chairman of Stanford's Humanities and Sciences Council. Hewlett, founder of the Hewlett Packard Company and the multi-billionaire (and Packard Foundation) was a trustee of the San Francisco Foundation from 1960 to 1969. • sff.org/about-tsff/about-our-work/history-of-tsff/ (accessed: October 11, 2017): 'In 1948, a group of forward-looking civic leaders, led by the late Daniel Koshland [Sr.], started The San Francisco Foundation with the help of a founding grant from The Columbia Foundation.' • sff.org/about-tsff/who-we-are/board-of-trustees/ (accessed: October 11, 2017): '1960–1969: William R. Hewlett [founder HP and Hewlett Foundation].

1984–1994 [younger brother of Walter, Jr.; Harvard; president and CEO (1976–2005) and chairman (1981–1989) of the Levi Strauss & Co.]. 1994–2005: Peter E. [manager Levi Strauss and director and trustee of the foundation].

' • More on Koshland Sr. (1892-1979): Jewish. Grandson of Simon Koshland, one of the most successful wool merchants in San Francisco. Worked as a banker in New York City in the mid 1910s. Joined Levi Strauss in San Francisco in 1922, ran by his brother-in-law, Walter Haas, Jr.

Served as vice president and treaser; then, from 1955 to 1958, as president and CEO of Levi Straus & Co. Usher at the wedding of Major Julius Ochs Adler (New York Times, Aug. 28, 1922), a member of the and a vice president and treasurer of the New York Times. Director Wells Fargo Bank and the American Trust Company. Director of the American Red Cross and national vice chairman of the United Negro College Fund campaign.

• His son, Daniel Jr., graduated from the super-elite Phillips Exeter Academy in 1937, went to UCLA, and worked in the secret Manhattan Project with Glenn Seaborg in purifying plutonium. After that, he went to the Rockefeller's University of Chicago to get his Ph.D. And did research at Rockefeller University.

Served as editor of the elite Science journal from 1985 to 1995. • The San Francisco Foundation had a $1.3 billion endowment by 2016, with grants heavily focused on sustainable development,,,, Ivy League universities and other typical 'liberal CIA' subjects. Also donates to the Trilateral Commission. • 2004-2005, San Francisco Foundation, from 990 grants list: ': $20,000.

Agape Foundation: $1,300 [and] $15,000 [and] $2,000 [and] $10,000 [and] The Agape Foundation: $5,000 [and] $20,000 [and] $15,000 [Agape donated to ].: $500. [the Soros-backed] Center for American Progress. Earth Island Institute. Episcopal Community Services. Harvard Medical School: $200,000.: $25,000 [and] $25,000. Immigrant Legal Resource Center. Latino Community Foundation.

Long Now Foundation: $15,000.: $20,000 [and] $170,000 [and] $1,000. NARAL Pro-Choice. National Abortion Rights Action League Foundation. New Israel Fund. Oxfam America. Pacifica Radio Foundation: $1,000.

Pierpont Morgan Library. Planned Parenthood. Ploughshares Fund. Population Action International. Princeton: $200,000.

Southern Poverty Law Center. The Global Fund for Women. The Nature Conservancy. Tides Center.

The Trilateral Commission: $5,000. University of California. University of Chicago. Whitney Museum of Art.

Yale University.' Skoll Foundation and Skoll Global Threats Fund • Founded in 1999 by Jeff Skoll, with early strategic advice coming from executive, JPL advisory board member, former president and trustee of John W. • w3w.chartingimpact.org/release_2012_gardner_award (accessed: March 26, 2017): 'Jeff credits the Foundation’s strategic focus to a meeting with John W. Gardner, after whom the award is named. Gardner advised Jeff and Skoll Foundation CEO Sally Osberg to 'bet on good people doing good things.' ' • Endowment of about $300 million in the 2003-2007 period. • In 2009 he created the Skoll Global Threats Fund, which he has been running with Google's Larry Brilliant ever since.

Larry Brilliant is closely tied through the through The Well, the and other endeavors. • skollglobalthreats.org/about-us/board-of-directors/ (accessed: March 27, 2017): 'In 2009, [Jeff] Skoll founded the Skoll Global Threats Fund. Its initial focus is on five global issues that, if unchecked, could bring the world to its knees: climate change, water scarcity, pandemics, nuclear proliferation and Middle East conflict.

Larry Brilliant, the founding President of the Skoll Global Threats Fund, serves as Chairman of the Skoll Global Threats Fund and Senior Advisor to Jeff Skoll, helping Jeff build out the Jeff Skoll Group. He previously was Vice President of Google and Executive Director of Google.org. In 1985, while in Ann Arbor, Larry founded the. [Brilliant] co-founded The Well [and is a] member of the World Economic Forum Global Advisory Council on Catastrophic Risks. He was elected to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2008.' • The Skoll Foundation is a sister foundation of the, as both foundations are derived from the eBay fortune.

Jeff Skoll was eBay's first full-time employee. • skoll.org/about/meet-jeff-skoll/ (accessed: March 26, 2017): 'As founder and chairman of the Skoll Foundation, the Skoll Global Threats Fund, Participant Media, and the Capricorn Investment Group, Jeff Skoll is bringing life to his vision of a sustainable world of peace and prosperity.

As the first full-time employee and first President of eBay, Jeff developed the company’s inaugural business plan and led its successful initial public offering. After pioneering the creation of the eBay Foundation, Jeff [Skoll] founded the Skoll Foundation in 1999.

Awards and recognitions. Gardner Leadership Award. Officer of the Order of Canada.' • Jeff Skoll is a good friend of actor George Clooney, whose films Good Night, and Good Luck (2005) and Syriana (2005, based on the CIA covert operations life of Robert Baer) he financed.

• Skoll played a key role in convincing Al Gore to turn his global warming slide show into the 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth and put up the financing of the film. • Skoll has financed/produced numerous other politically-tinted films: Murderball (2005, about disabled people/athletes), American Gun(2005; an anti-gun film), Fast Food Nation (2006), Chicago 10 (about Vietnam War protestors), Charlie Wilson's War (2007), Angels in the Dust (2007, about South Africa's AIDS epidemic), Darfur Now (2007), Man from the Plains (2007, about Jimmy Carter) Standard Operating Procedure (2008, about the U.S. Abuse at Abu Graib), Oceans (2010, released on Earth Day), Waiting for 'Superman' (2010, a critique of U.S.

Public education). He also produced an Arabic version of the film Ghandi, screened in Palestine to promote non-violence. Stern Family Fund • The Stern Family Fund was controlled by Philip Stern, a wealthy Democrat activist who once received a Rockefeller fellowship and was close to Bilderberg steering committee member George Ball. Stern wrote for the Washington Post, New York Times Magazine, and Atlantic Monthly magazines. Did commentary for.

• In 1963, together with James Warburg, a founding financier of the, later also massively financed by foundations as Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie and Soros. • The Stern Family Fund has helped finance. • June 2, 1992, Washington Post, 'Philip M.

Stern, 66, Dies': 'Philip M. Stern, 66, a Washington philanthropist and author whose books included stinging criticisms of congressional campaign financing, the tax code, the legal profession and poverty amid the white marble monuments of Washington, died of brain cancer June 1 at George Washington University Hospital.

Stern also was a former Democratic Party activist who had served as a deputy assistant secretary of state for public affairs in the Kennedy administration. During the 1950s, he was a campaign assistant to Democratic presidential nominee Adlai E. Stevenson, an aide to Rep. Jackson (D-Wash.) and Sen. Douglas (D-Ill.) and director of research for the Democratic National Committee.

As a member of the D.C. Delegation to the 1968 Democratic National Convention, he nominated Channing E. Phillips for president, the first black man to be nominated at a major party convention. Stern was a man of the highest Establishment credentials, and independently wealthy, but he spent much of his life fighting the status quo.

As director of family philanthropic foundations, he awarded grants to organizations and individuals trying to bring about social change. 'I like to find out-of-the-way people who don't have access to the foundation world,' Mr. Stern once said. 'I also like to try inventing new ways of solving problems.' Among the recipients of his foundation grants was Seymour Hersh, who was given money in 1969 to investigate reports of a massacre of South Vietnamese civilians by U.S. Soldiers at the village of Mylai. Hersh's stories on the massacre shocked the nation and the world.

Other Stern grantees have included a group of students at Washington's Eastern High School who used the money to organize their own classes in black history in the late 1960s and early 1970s; drug treatment centers; a switchboard for runaways; free medical clinics; and the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington. More recent grantees include the Government Accountability Project, which protects whistleblowers in government and business; Teamsters for a Democratic Union, which campaigned for freedom and openness in the Teamsters Union; the Center for Science in Public Interest, which promoted labeling accuracy in health foods; and the Women's Legal Defense Fund. Last year, the Stern Family Fund distributed about $650,000 in philanthropic grants, according to Betsy Taylor, its executive director. 'Phil always wanted to help the people who didn't have power,' Taylor said.

'He wanted to make the U.S. Political and economic system more equitable. And he never wanted to stop being irreverent.' Consumer advocate Ralph Nader called Mr. Stern the 'most creative, versatile and persistent philanthropist of our generation.'

From his father and maternal grandfather, Mr. Stern not only inherited his fortune, but a family tradition of philanthropy.

His grandfather was Julius Rosenwald, the former chairman of Sears, Roebuck & Co. Whose Rosenwald Foundation gave away $22 million in a 16-year period, primarily to build schools in the South for black students. His father, Edgar Stern, was one of the youngest presidents of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange at the age of 27. He gave each of his three children money to start their own foundations. Philip Stern was born in New York City and reared in New Orleans.

He served in the Navy as a supply and communications officer in the Pacific during World War II, then graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University. He was a reporter and editorial writer for the New Orleans Item newspaper after college, then came to Washington in 1949 on a Rockefeller Fellowship, working in the Department of the Interior and the State Department. He remained in Washington to work on Capitol Hill and for the Democratic Party until 1957 when he acquired the Arlington Sun newspaper with a group of associates. The associates included George Ball [Bilderberg], who later served as undersecretary of state in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, and Clayton Fritchey, a syndicated newspaper columnist who later served as a special assistant to Adlai Stevenson when Stevenson was U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

They renamed the paper the Northern Virginia Sun, and for four years before his appointment to the State Department, Mr. Stern was its editor and, for a time, its publisher. Eventually they sold the paper. He worked out of an office near Dupont Circle and got around town on a motorscooter, a blue knapsack often slung over his shoulder.

His most recent book, 'The Best Congress Money Can Buy,' (1988) was about the influence of PACs on Capitol Hill as a result of their campaign contributions, and also a study of the high cost of running for elective office. Other books included 'The Great Treasury Raid,' (1962) an attack on the tax laws that permitted many giant corporations to pay less in taxes than their lowest-paid employees; 'The Shame of a Nation,' (1965) essays and photographs on poverty in juxtaposition with the monuments of Washington; and 'The Oppenheimer Case,' a meticulous account of the anti-communist hysteria that led to the revocation of the security clearance for atomic bomb physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Stern wrote 'Lawyers on Trial,' in which he castigated what he called 'the Lawyers Monopoly' for charging excessive fees for routine legal work such as probating an estate or handling real estate transactions. In many such cases, Mr.

Stern noted, fees are based on a percentage of the estate or sale and have no relationship to the amount of work involved. He spent several months in 1974 as a special investigative reporter on the life insurance industry for The Washington Post, and he also had written for the New York Times Magazine and for Harper's and Atlantic magazines. He had done commentary for 'All Things Considered' on National Public Radio.' Surdna Foundation • The Surdna Foundation was founded in 1917 by John Andrus (Andrus is Surdna spelled backwards).

• surdna.org/about-the-foundation/mission-and-history.html (accessed: February 27, 2016: 'The Surdna Foundation was founded in 1917 by John Emory Andrus to pursue a range of philanthropic purposes. John Andrus was born in 1841 in Pleasantville, New York. The son of a Methodist minister, Mr. Andrus was a lay leader of the Methodist Church. In his 60s, he was elected mayor of Yonkers, New York, and then served four terms in the U.S.

• surdna.org/annualreport2010/ nonprofitsector.html (accessed: February 27, 2016: 'Columbia University - Graduate School of Journalism. New York, NY. Productions New York, NY. General operating support. San Francisco, CA. Foundation for National Progress/Mother Jones. San Francisco, CA.

New America Foundation. Washington, DC. • surdna.org/annualreport2010/ approvedgrants.html (accessed: February 27, 2016): 'Bipartisan Policy Center. Washington, DC. Brookings Institution. Washington, DC.

$750,000 (3 years). ' • surdna.org/annualreport/2009-approved-grants/non-profit-sector.html (accessed: February 27, 2016): 'Democracy Now! Productions, New York, NY $50,000., Washington, DC $45,156.

New America Foundation, Washington, DC $100,000.' • 2007 Surdna Foundation annual report, pp. 57, 60: 'FOUNDATION FOR NATIONAL PROGRESS, San Francisco, California [Mother Jones].

NEW AMERICA FOUNDATION, Washington, DC. (2 years) $200,000.' Threshold Foundation • Part of the, located at the same address: • thresholdfoundation.org/contact-us (December 10, 2015): 'The Threshold Foundation main office is located in Tides Foundation offices in San Francisco.' • Also, Tides Foundation founder Drummond Pike has sat on the board of the Threshold Foundation in the 2005-2010 period: • 2005 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p. 21: '2005 Board of Directors. Drummond Pike, Director.'

• 2010 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p. 26: '2010 Board of Directors. Drummond Pike, Director.' • Like Tides, Threshold has helped fund a number of questionable Coast to Coast AM-related groups and individuals: • 2003 annual report, Threshold Foundation (part of the Soros/Rockefeller-allied Tides Foundation), p. 17: 'Institue for Cooperation in Space (ICIS)/Center for Psychology And Social Change seeks to transform the war industry into a world-cooperative civil, commercial, entrepeneurial, and military space program. ICIS's initial objective is to ban space-based weaponry. This ban will awaken consciousness and stimulate a peace economy with a new marketplace of jobs and profits based on research and development of clean and safe technology, products, and services applied to solving urgent human, energy, sustainable development and environmental problems, and build a global security system using space technology to enhance world communication and information exchanges on all issues with respect to sacred life.

$6,268 - general support. PO Box 398080, Cambridge, MA 02139.'

• Coast to Coast AM guest has received grants in the $5,000-$10,000 range from the Tides Foundation and Threshold Foundation, which are very closely allied with the Rockefeller/Ford foundations. • The has been backed by, the Threshold Foundation and the obscure and is supported by other liberal elite elements. 2008 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p.

9: 'Palast Investigative Fund / International Humanities Center Malibu, CA. Palast Investigative Fund works to uncover voter disenfranchisement in the United States, especially tactics used against voters of color. $35,000 — Palast Investigative Fund's New Attack on the Right to Vote in the USA.' • 2011 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p. Pachamama Alliance preserves the Earth's tropical rainforests by empowering the indigenous people who are its natural custodians and contributes to the creation of a new global vision of equity and sustainability for all. Pachamamma's work in the Amazon focuses on strengthening indigenous peoples' ability to powerful speak and stand for their own rights and interests, through capacity building to empower them to preserve the rainforest and their way of life.

$29,314 — Kapawi Ecolodge Sustainability Overhaul project. San Francisco, CA www.pachamama.org' • Other projets financed by Threshold: Laurance Rockefeller's, Soros', Rick Doblin's,,,, Buckminster Fuller Institute, Students for a Free Tibet and the Rudolf Steiner Foundation. Tides Foundation • Essentially a clearinghouse for major foundations as Soros, Gates, Rockefeller, Ford, Hewlett and others to finance relatively obscure NGOs. • Founded in 1976 by Drummond Pike, who used to be an employee of this foundation network, and, more importantly, Jane Bagley Lehman, a heir to the Reynolds tobacco and Lehman Brothers banking fortune.

• Came to the forefront in 2011 for its involvement in financing. • tides.org/about/history/ (accessed: December 10, 2015): 'Drummond Pike founded Tides Foundation in 1976; the Tides Center in 1996, the Advocacy Fund in 1994, Groundspring.org in 1999; Tides Inc. In 2003, Tides Shared Spaces in 2004; and the Tides Network in 2006. He served as Chief Executive of all until November 2010. Drummond continues to work with and advise a small number of principals on philanthropic and financial matters. His service on non-profit boards includes: Island Press, Environmental Working Group, Tides Canada Foundation, Democracy Alliance, JK Irwin Foundation.' • September 30, 2012, Frontpage Magazine (ultraconservative), 'Panicked' Soros Bankrolls Obama Campaign: Did left-wing 'Mother Jones' spike a story revealing the radical mega-funder's true state of mind?'

: 'The new donations were announced by Soros spokesman Michael Vachon at a luncheon Thursday hosted by the Democracy Alliance, an invitation-only club for radical plutocrats. (Former President Bill Clinton and former House Speaker nancy Pelosi were also in attendance.) Members of the ultra-secretive Democracy Alliance have committed to swamping Democrats and president Obama's re-election campaign in an ocean of cash this year. The Soros-linked Tides Foundation, founded by Democracy Alliance member Drummond Pike, has kicked in $126,417 since 2003.' • November 3, 2011, Frontpage Magazine (ultraconservative), 'Occupy Wall Street and Soros; Fingerprints Who is funding the neo-communist uprising?' : 'According to philanthropy databases, the has given $24.6 million to the Tides network of philanthropies since 1999.

Of that total, $18.2 million went to the Tides Foundation and the remaining $6.4 million went to the Tides Center which, like the Alliance for Global Justice, serves as a fiscal sponsor for small or new activist groups.' • Back in 1976 Tides Foundation founder Drummond associate director of the Youth Project, financed by the Center for Community Change, in turn financed by the Ford Foundation, and later by more than a dozen other key liberal foundations: • ewg.org/about-us/board-members (accessed: december 16, 2015): 'Director; DRUMMOND PIKE. Pike founded and served until 2010 as chief executive officer of Tides Network. Prior to founding Tides in 1976, Drummond served as executive director of the Shalan Foundation, an organization dedicated to economic change and environmental sustainability. He co-founded and served as associate director for the Youth Project in Washington, D.C.' • 2010, David Callahan, 'Fortunes of Change: The Rise of the Liberal Rich and the Remaking of America' (digital): 'Tides was founded in 1976 by Drummond Pike, the son of a California investment banker who had fallen in with a group of activist heirs.

[Pike was] as associate director of the Youth Project in Washington. The Youth Projecthad spun out of the Center for Community Change and was set up to channel money from young wealthy donors to progressive groups fighting for social change [just like Tides].' • November/December issue of Poverty & Race journal of the Poverty & Race Research Action Council, 'Diector's Report- The Center for Community Change': 'Union leaders, community activists, the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial and a special grant from the Ford Foundation established the Center for Community Change in 1967.' • 2012, Richard Magat, 'The Ford Foundation at Work' (digital): 'Thus, the [Ford] Foundation supports the Center for Community Change ($9.2 million, 1969).' • communitychange.org/about/funders/ (accessed: October 25, 2004): 'Institutional Funders. The Center for Community Change is supported by a diverse group of foundations and individuals.

Below is a partial list of major institutions that have been critical in supporting and strengthening our efforts..' • ISGP's: 'More important than Drummond Pike in the Tides Foundation was Jane Bagley Lehman, a heir to the R.J. Reynolds tobacco fortune who used her money to set up Tides.

Lehman served as chairman of Tides from 1976 to 1988. By the 1990s her daughter Susan Lehman Carmichael, served on the board of Tides Center. [] Jane was married to Orin Lehman, an associate of the Lehman Brothers banking firm and member of the CFR and Century Association who was primarily focused on philanthropy. In the philanthropy business Orin first teamed up with Eleanor Roosevelt in 1947 [] and from 1975 to 1993, as New York State Parks commissioner, he appears to have had a close working relationship with the Rockefeller family, especially Laurance Rockefeller [], a name that should be very familiar by now to readers of this paper.'

• January 1998, Foundation Watch, 'The Tides Foundation and Center: Unusual Philanthrophies Funnel Money to Activist Groups', p. 3: 'When Tides was started in 1976, [Drummond] Pike was still executive director of the Shalan Foundation, a San Francisco-based philanthropy to liberal grassroots organizations.

Pike founded Tides in 1976 with Jane Bagley Lehman, a granddaughter of R.J. Reynolds who served as the [Tides] Foundation's chairman until her death in 1988. Today Lehman's daughter, Susan Lehman Carmichael, serves on the board of the Tides Center. In 1992 the New York Times noted that Carmichael was a manager for a low-income housing developer in San Jose, California. Wade Rathke, chairman of the Tides Center and a member of the Foundation board. The Foundation's treasurer is Michael Kieschnick, a former economic advisor to California governor Jerry Brown.

Kieschnick is a co-founder and president of Pike's Working Assets. He also is president and CEO of Muir Investment Trust and Muir California Tax Free Bond Fund, both offering 'socially responsible' investments. Mary Mountcastle, treasurer for the Tides Center, also serves as the president of the North Carolina-based Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, which in 1995 had $308 million in assets.' • tides.org/i-want-to/increase-my-foundations-impact-capacity (accessed: September 3, 2015): 'In partnership with institutions like The California Endowment, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, [George Soros'] Open Society Institute, W.K.

Kellogg Foundation, [Bill & Melinda] Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, and many others, we have granted hundreds of millions of dollars.' • Grant lists reveal a number of major financial exhanges between Tides and Rockefeller Philantrophy Advisors, the Rockefeller Family Foundation, Hewlett Foundation and the Ford Foundation. • 2004 annual grants list of Tides: 'Rockefeller Family Fund: $325,000 • 2006 annual grants list of Tides: 'Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: $150,000.00'. • 2007 annual grants list of Tides: 'Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: $200,000'. • 2008 annual grants list of Tides: 'Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: $200,000'.

• 2009 annual grants list of Tides: 'Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: $ 400,000'. • 2010 annual grants list of Tides: 'Rockefeller Family Fund: 60,000. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors: 40,000.' • 2011 annual grants list of Tides: 'Rockefeller Family Fund 60000. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 10000.' • 2014 annual grants list of Tides: 'Rockefeller Family Fund $50,000. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors $25,000.'

• TOTAL ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATIONS 2004-2014: $1,520,000. • 2005, annual grants list of Tides: 'Ford Foundation. • 2009, annual grants list of Tides: 'Hewlett Foundation.

• 2010, annual grants list of Tides: 'Chatham House. • As ISGP's makes clear, some of the Tides funds have found their way to Rockefeller-allied new age scam artists of million dollar radio show Coast to Coast AM, most notably Daniel Sheehan and John Perkins, but also a few others. • tides.org/about/history/ (accessed: December 10, 2015): 'In 1976, Tides was founded by Drummond Pike, one of the original social entrepreneurs; and over the years the organization has evolved from a great idea to one of the top 100 social sector organizations in the United States. Tides Foundation was started out of a need to facilitate the giving of philanthropists who were concerned with building a better future for individuals and communities all over the world. To date, Tides has managed project and grantmaking activities totaling more than $2 billion.' • discoverthenetworks.org/funderProfile.asp?fndid=5184 (accessed: November 25, 2015): 'Immediately after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Tides formed a '9/11 Fund' to advocate a 'peaceful national response.'

Tides later replaced the 9/11 Fund with the 'Democratic Justice Fund,' which was financed in large measure by the Open Society Institute of George Soros, who has donated more than $7 million to Tides over the years. Reciprocally, the Tides Foundation is a major funder of the Shadow Party, a George Soros-conceived nationwide network of several dozen unions, non-profit activist groups, and think tanks whose agendas are ideologically to the left, and which are engaged in campaigning for the Democrats. Recent recipients of Tides Foundation grants include: the ACORN Institute; the AdBusters Media Foundation. The Pacifica Foundation.' • September 22, 2008, Newsmax, 'Obama, Voter Fraud & Mortgage Meltdown': 'I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career.

Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and appreciate your work.' -- Barack Obama, Speech to ACORN, November 2007. Rathke had been active in Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), known for its violence, and in the domestic terrorist group, the Weathermen, which bombed government offices.

William Ayers and his wife Benadine Dohrn, Chicago friends of Obama, also were members of the SDS and the Weathermen. Obama chaired the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, funded by a grant obtained by Ayers. For six years, Obama and Ayers worked closely on. Cloward and Piven were joined over the years by nouveau billionaires led by George Soros. Through his Democracy Alliance, they funded ACORN and Soros groups such as America Votes and Center for Community Change.

Incidentally, the Tides Foundation, essentially a money-laundering outfit for the radical left, almost certainly pays Gertz's salary. Its head, Drummond Pike, a leftover Communist-loving peacenik from the 1960s, is treasurer of the Democracy Alliance, a group of socialist billionaires. Soros and Media Matters founder David Brock are close friends who have collaborated on many projects.

Pike paid off ACORN out of his own pocket to make a million-dollar embezzlement scandal go away. Pike's close friend is Wade Rathke - a some time Tides board member - who covered up his brother Dale's embezzlement at ACORN for eight years.' Turner Foundation • Set up by Ted Turner, the billionaire owner of CNN, one of the most new age and devoted environmentalists.

• An endowment of $350 million 2001, with Turner pumping $1 billion in his UN Foundation. • Ted Turner created the Captain Planet cartoon of the early 1990s and controls the related. • Ted Turner and his foundation have been involved in or financed the,,, the, the, the, the, the, the, and other groups.

• In 1998 Ted Turner founded the United Nations Foundation with a $1 billion gift and help from the new age Maurice Strong (also of the,, ) and Emma Rothschild, a half-sister of Lord Jacob Rothschild: • unfoundation.org/about/board.cfm (accessed: May 29, 2000): 'R.E. [Ted] Turner [chair]. Emma Rothschild.

Maurice Strong. Muhammad Yunus.'

• unfoundation.org/who-we-are/board/ (accessed: September 5, 2015): 'R.E. [Ted] Turner (U.S.A.). Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah (Jordan).

Kofi Annan (Ghana). Igor Ivanov (Russia). Emma Rothschild (U.K.). Muhammad Yunus (Bangladesh).' • Most likely Ted Turner secretly financed the Georgia Guidestones, located 90 miles east of Atlanta, Georgia, where the headquarters of CNN is located and Ted Turner maintained/maintains his main residence, apart from his numerous enormous ranches.

• Ted Turner's daughter Laura could be found at the Environmental Working Group with founder Drummond Pike: • ewg.org/about-us/board-members (accessed: december 16, 2015): 'Director; DRUMMOND PIKE. LAURA TURNER SEYDEL. Laura is the chairperson of the [founded by her father, Ted Turner]. Laura serves on the board of her family's foundations: the Turner Foundation, Jane Smith Turner Foundation. [She's on] the board of directors of the Rotary Club of Downtown Atlanta.'

ALICIA WITTINK is the former director of the Environmental Working Group who also serves/served as a trustee of the Park Foundation (conservation financier) and Mother Jones. Zuckerberg Initiative / Facebook • The Zuckerberg Initiative is the charitable arm of Facebook, the top social media website founded in 2004 by Caligula look-alike and soon-to-be multi-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg doesn't show up much in the 'liberal CIA' network, but most definitely is a major Third World immigration propagandist through his immigration reform group and related public speeches. Starting in 2017, he also involved Facebook in the big foundation-backed anti-'fake news' 'fact checking' network of the. • May 31, 2016, Washington Post, 'Tech billionaires like Democrats more than Republicans. (Reuters video of a Zuckerburg speech): 'A I travel around the world, I'm starting to see people and nations turning inward against this idea of a connected world and a global community. I hear fearful voices for building walls and distancing people they label as others.

For blocking free expression, for reducing immigration, for slowing trade, and in some cases around the world even for cutting access to the internet. It takes courage to take hope over fear, to say that we can build something and make it better than it has ever been before.' • February 25, 2016, The Blaze, 'Facebook Employees Defy CEO's Warning, Replace ' With 'All Lives Matter' — Read Mark Zuckerberg's Leaked Response': 'Some Facebook employees have been crossing out the phrase 'Black Lives Matter' on the walls in order to replace it with the phrase 'All Lives Matter' at the company's Menlo Park, California, office. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote that he considers the behavior 'malicious.'

Zuckerberg wrote. 'Despite my clear communication at Q&A last week that this was unacceptable, and messages from several other leaders from across the company, this has happened again.' Two percent of Facebook's employees are African-American.' • December 9, 2015, Time magazine, 'Mark Zuckerberg Offers Support to Muslims in Facebook Post'. • For its anti-'fake news' 'fact-checking' network, Facebook, similar to basically all other 'fact-checking' groups out there, became part of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) of the big foundation-funded. • March 23, 2017, Bart Cammaerts (associate professor LSE who used to advise ) for The Independent, 'Facebook's fake news fact-checking alert will be the saviour of the mainstream media; Social media's battle against fake news will challenge the vile attempts by populists to position the mainstream media as dishonest and journalists as part and parcel of the elite': 'Yesterday Facebook started to roll out a fake news alert which will flag news stories that are disputed by fact-checkers.

These fact-checkers need to be official signatories of the code of principles of the [Poynter Institute's] International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).' Der Monat • A U.S.-backed German magazine founded by Melvin J.

Lasky in 1948. The magazine was airlifted into Berlin during the 1948 Soviet blockade. Its purpose was to support U.S. Foreign policy and win over German intellectuals views that were socially progressive but anti-communist. Der Monat continued as a prominent highbrow Germanophone journal, incorporating essays and articles from many Western European and North America intellectuals as well as dissidents from the Eastern Bloc.

Lasky: German correspondent for CIA-backed magazines the New Leader and the Partisan Review. Founder of the CIA/Ford Foundation-backed Der Monat in 1948. Editor of the CIA-backed Encounter magazine 1958-1991. His sister Joyce Lasky Reed served as director of European affairs at the American Enterprise Institute. • 1999, Frances Stonor Saunders, 'Who Paid the Piper?

The CIA and the Cultural Cold War', p. 140: 'Perspectives never lived up to these expectations. Irving Kristol referred to it as 'that miserable Ford Foundation journal' (4).

In the wake of its failure, the Ford Foundation was easily persuaded to take over sponsorship of Lasky's Der Monat. Set up under Lucius Clay's backing in October 1948, and financed through the 'Confidential Fund' of the American High Commission, Der Monat's official auspices strained its claims to be independent. Lasky longed to replace this subsidy and, with the help of Shepard Stone, a foundation executive who had worked under Clay in Germany, he finally secured a grant from the Ford Foundation, declaring in the October 1954 issue, 'From now on we are absolutely and completely free and independent.' Perspectives USA • U.S. Magazine published in Europe from 1952 to 1956 with financing from the Ford Foundation. • 1999, Frances Stonor Saunders, 'Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War', pp.

139-140: 'One of the Ford Foundation's first post-war ventures into international cultural diplomacy was the launch in 1952 of the Intercultural Publications programme under James Laughlin, the publisher of the New Directions series (which published George Orwell and Henry Miller), and a revered custodian of the interests of the avant-garde. With an initial grant of $500,000, Laughlin launched the magazine Perspectives, which was targeted at the non-Communist Left in France, England, Italy, and Germany (and published in all those languages). Its aim, he emphasized, was not 'so much to defeat the leftist intellectuals in dialectical combat as to lure them away from their positions by aesthetic and rational persuasion'. Further, it would 'promote peace by increasing respect for America's non-materialistic achievements among intellectuals abroad' (2). Its board packed with cultural Cold Warriors, the Intercultural Publications programme also targeted those American intellectuals who felt their work was 'undermined by the prevailing stereotype of America as a mass-cult hell'. Malcolm Cowley was an early supporter of Perspectives, which offered a version of America far removed from 'movies, hardboiled detective stories, comic books, and magazines in which there is more advertising than text'.

One academic, Perry Miller, argued that 'no propaganda on the American way should be included; that omission will, in itself, become the most important element of propaganda, in the best sense' (3). Perspectives never lived up to these expectations. Irving Kristol referred to it as 'that miserable Ford Foundation journal' (4).' Ramparts • New left magazine of the 1960s that campaigned against the Vietnam War and was skeptical of the JFK assassination. Even damaged the CIA with its expose that the Agency was using the National Student Association to recruit agents. Curiously, key editors of Ramparts switched from being left-wing progressives to key ultra-right neoconservatives. Today David Horowitz is among a tiny few ultraright editors paying attention to the Tides Foundation (but certainly not enough).

• New left editors of Ramparts who, strangely, turned ultra-right neocon in the 1980s: • Peter Collier: Ramparts editor 1969-1972. Turned to the ultra-right after this, together with long-time collaborator and fellow Ramparts editor David Horowitz. 1990s and beyond: Co-organizer of the Second Thoughts conferences with Horowitz which were about former Leftists who turned to the Right. Editor of the World Affairs Journal, together with Christopher Hitchens and raging neocons Joshua Muravchik and Robert Kagan. • David Horowitz: Son of two Jewish-American Communist Party members. Educated at Columbia University and UCLA Berkeley. Editor of Ramparts 1969-1975, succeeding Hickle.

Turned to the ultra-right after this. Together with Collier, Horowitz wrote the books The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty, The Kennedys: An American Drama, and The Fords: An American Epic. Together with Collier, the founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the online magazine Front Page Magazine, which today does the most hard-hitting exposes of Soros and allied New Left liberals available anywhere. Editors, columnists and contributors to Front Page Magazine include raging neocons as Ann Coulter, Charles Krauthammer, Michael Reagan, Daniel Pipes and Robert Spencer, as well as Alan Dershowitz, the Jeffrey Epstein lawyer (and Rothschild friend) also accused of child abuse. Collaborator of Christopher Hitchens since the 1990s. Promoted a boycott of European goods for the opposition of Germany, France and Belgium to the Iraq War. Horowitz more recent books include The Anti-Chomsky Reader (2004; with Collier), Liberal Racism and How the Left Undermined America's Security.

Runs Students for Academic Freedom, which attempts to make college campuses more conservative. • Sol Stern: Studied at City College of New York, the University of Iowa, and UCLA Berkeley. His first article for Ramparts was in 1967 and entitled, A Short Account of International Student Politics and the Cold War With Particular Reference to the NSA, CIA, etc. It made the (correct) accusation that the CIA had supported the National Student Association. Anti-Vietnam War protester. Today can be found at the conservative/neoconservative Manhattan Institute.

Manhattan-institute.org/html/stern__s.htm (accessed: November 15, 2015): 'Sol Stern is a contributing editor of City Journal and a Manhattan Institute senior fellow. During 1966–72, he was an editor and staff writer for Ramparts magazine.

Stern spent the next 12 years as a freelance writer and editor. From 1985 to 1994, he was director of issues, press secretary, and senior policy advisor in the Office of the City Council President of New York. In 1994, Stern was appointed executive director of a New York State commission on juvenile-justice reform.

Stern's writings on education helped shape New York City's education reform movement. He is the author of Breaking Free: Public School Lessons and the Imperative of School Choice (2003). His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times Magazine, Commentary, The New Republic, New York Daily News, Newsday, Village Voice, New York, Sports Illustrated, and New Statesman.

Stern holds a B.A. From the City College of New York and an M.A. In political science from the University of Iowa.'

• Jann Wenner, the later founder of magazine, was part a Ramparts contributor. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, p. 2006 edition): '[My close friend CIA director Bill] Colby told the truth again in December 1987, when he and I, and Henry Kissinger, and a couple of dozen prominent Americans, French, British, North Vietnamese, and former South Vietnamese leaders and journalists (Adm. James Stockdale [Gulf on Tonkin incident pilot]; Col. Harry Summers, Jr.; George Will; Al Santoli; Jean-Louis Arnaud; Ernesto Betancourt; Jacques Chaban-Delmas; Peter Collier; Sir James Goldsmith; Douglas Pike; Lam Ngoc Diep; Robert Komer; Olivier Todd; Nguyen Ngoc Quy; David Horowitz; Elliott Abrams; Tran Van Tong, to name a few) made our way to Paris, for three days, to sit around the very same table at which the Paris Peace Talks had been conducted 15 years earlier.

There we all conducted our own International Conference on the Vietnam War. Though not heavily reported in the U.S., in the rest of the world the Conference was heralded as the first real truth session on what happened in Vietnam, on both sides, and why we ended up where we did.' CounterSpy • More research needed, as the ties between IPS, CNSS, CO-5 and CounterSpy are still somewhat obscure. • Organizing Committee for the Fifth Estate (CO-5): founded in 1973 by the (IPS) and part of its Center for National Security Studies (CNSS). IPS has always been massively financed by foundations as Ford, Soros, Rockefeller, Tides, etc.

CO-5 published Philip Agee's controversial anti-CIA, anti-death squad magazine CounterSpy, published from 1973 to 1984. In 1975 issue Agee first began publishing names of CIA officers around the world. In 1978 Agee also founded, which was published until 2005. In 1992 the magazine was renamed. • Center for National Security Studies, founded in 1974: • Robert Borosage (founding director 1974-1975, advisory board after that; later ) Morton Halperin (director 1975-1992; advisory board, including chair, since then; later ) Peter Weiss (advisory board 1970s-1980s while IPS trustee). Board anno Nov.

2015: Kate Martin (director of ligitation 1988-1992; director 1992-) Nancy Soderberg (vice chair; former National Security Council staffer; vice president Soros' ICG) Vivian Schiller (chief digital officer NBC; president NPR; senior vice president NY Times and Discovery Channel) Gen. William Smith (deputy commander NATO; president IDA). • 1979, John Marks, 'The Search for the Manchurian Candidate', Author's Note: 'This book has grown out of the 16,000 pages of documents that the CIA released to me under the Freedom of Information Act. From the documentary base, I was able to expand my knowledge through interviews and readings in the behavioral sciences. Nevertheless, the final result is not the whole story of the CIA's attack on the mind. Only a few insiders could have written that, and they choose to remain silent.

I have done the best I can to make the book as accurate as possible, but I have been hampered by the refusal of most of the principal characters to be interviewed and by the CIA's destruction in 1973 of many of the key documents. The Center for National Security Studies [part of the elite-funded ], under my good friend [future agent] Robert Borosage, provided physical support and research aid, and I would like to express my appreciation. My thanks also to [future agent] Morton Halperin who continued the support when he became director of the Center. I must acknowledge that the system worked almost not at all during the first six months of my three-year Freedom of Information struggle. Then in late 1975, Joseph Petrillo and Timothy Sullivan, two skilled and energetic lawyers with the firm of Fried, Frank, Shriver, Harris and Kampelman, entered the case. I had the distinct impression that the government attorneys took me much more seriously when my requests for documents started arriving on stationery with all those prominent partners at the top.

An author should not need lawyers to write a book, but I would have had great difficulty without mine. My sister, Dr. Patricia Greenfield, did excellent work on the CIA's interface with academia and on the Personality Assessment System. There has been a whole galaxy of people who have provided specialized help, and I would like to thank them all. Humphrey Osmond. Bill Richards. John Cavanagh [founding fellow of the Transnational Institute (TNI), the Amsterdam branch of the, in 1973; executive director of IPS since 1998; director and president of the elite-funded International Forum on Globalization], and Senator James Abourezk and his staff.'

• September 25, 2013, The Nation, 'Happy 50th Anniversary, IPS!' : 'Alongside its development of critical thinking, IPS ]. Helped provide initial support for magazine. Susan George became a leader of the global movement against the global trade regime. Roger Wilkins sparked the Free South Africa Movement.

Robert Borosage [of IPS] founded the and the Campaign for America's Future.' • cnss.org/pages/staff.html (accessed: December 12, 2015): 'Kate Martin joined the Center in 1988 as Director of its Ligitation Project. She has served as Director of the Center since 1992, following the departure of Morton H. Martin has taught National Security as a Professional Lecturer at George Washington University Law School and Strategic Intelligence and Public Policy at Georgetown University Law School. She also served as general counsel to the, a research library located at George Washington University from 1995 to 2001. She is a member of the Liberty and Security Initiative of the Constitution Project.' • cnss.org/pages/board-of-directors.html (accessed: December 12, 2015): 'The Center for National Security Studies is a project of the [elite-backed] '.

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