Pathfinder Unchained Pdf Download Torrent

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PDF Share Thread Anonymous Sat Jun 6 21: [] [] [] [] The last pdf share thread died an early death.Perhaps this one will last longer. I do not have the lovely list of off-site source material but perhaps it will show up soon. I begin with H.G. Wells' 1912 rule book, I hope you enjoy it. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 21: >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 21: >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 21: >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 21: Anyone has the PDF of Dungeon World? I can only find online or wiki versions, I want a proper PDF for printing.

>>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 21: >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Meanwhile, let me share a bunch of Apocalypse Engine PDFs. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Just the freebie version >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Fucking H.G. I just finished In The Days of The Comet and I know why they don't teach that shit in school (the awkward anti-semitism halfway through and all the socialism references) but it made me feel a lot better about the last ten years of my life.

To find out he wrote out little war games and scenarios way back in 1912 only endears him more to me. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Thanks for contributing. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Sharing Mini Six and also wondering if it's a good system or not.

Dottor Fabio Fazio, mi rendo conto che il suo compito sia quello di fare informazione di un certo tipo e magari di non infastidire il suo (illustre) interlocutore di.

Pathfinder Unchained Pdf Download Torrent

I think some of the settings included are pretty cool and might be fun for a one-shot. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: More Herbert George >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Thanks man. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: >paying for dogshit world oh man >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Oh boy, the captchas are starting to get iffy.

>>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: I saw this requested recently. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Is it ok to post codices for wh40k? >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: I'm pretty sure this one's titled Inverse World. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Whops, so it seems. I'm pretty sure the filename is not mine, though. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: never heard of it, my 3 minute opinion is. I want to look at it again later.

>>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Traveler World, AW hack. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Only post non copyrighted material, otherwise link to another site, please. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: I like this a little more than stars without number, same principles, though. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Looking for: Geist - Book of the Dead Through the Breach Thanks!

>>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Delta Green playtest from like a year ago, don't know if there's an update. >>These may be expired.

Sat Jun 6 22: Master Folders: Galactic Maps: Resources: >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: I would like to find a copy of Monster Hunters International if some kind Anon could point me in the right direction. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: The old Dark Sun conversion for 3.x (it's fairly decent). >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 22: Ps Thanks for asking first. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 23: No copyright on this posted game >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 23: >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 23: Yet another freely distributable game for you to enjoy.

>>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 23: I can't imagine that this has a copyright. Pro Tip: Go find JAGS Wonderland and add it to a modern game. Don't tell the players, and give some money to the sick bastards that wrote it. >>this keeps looking better to m(.) Sat Jun 6 23: Micro-Dot-RPG State action and Roll 1d4 1. Amazing fumble 2.

Fail (Unless part Of PC Occupation) 3. Amazing Critical >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 23: My last post will be one with a prize-winning title. Thanks to the many anons who helped me on previous PDF threads, I hope I helped spread the joyous bounty. >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 23: Looking for nWoD Hunter Mortal Remains >>Anonymous Sat Jun 6 23: Someone shared a folder with all the CoC pdfs in it a few threads back, anyone still got the link? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 00: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 00: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 00: Some of these links are probably dead >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 00: Thanks man!

Was meaning to look through these to run a game with some friends. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 00: File: 290 KB, 1024x961, Gamma_World_Cover_1.jpg [] [] [] [] [] you are very welcome. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 00: File: 79 KB, 450x600, creepy book.jpg [] [] [] [] [] I'll even throw in a creepy book pic because of your nice manners. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 00: Does anyone have Admiral of the High Seas supplement?

>>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 00: Gonna poke again, looking for nWoD Hunter Mortal Remains >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 01: Anyone have Anima: Beyond Fantasy? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 02: File: 315 KB, 450x584, 141764.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Does anyone have pic related? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 03: Anybody have a bookmarked Feng Shui or the Feng Shui 2 pdf? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 03: Looking for the Demon: The Descent sourcebooks. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 06: I would also like the FATE edition of this, if anyone has it >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 06: >I would also like the FATE edition of this, if anyone has it seconded >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 06: This is actually one of the current offers at >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 07: Thirded >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 07: Does anyone have Atlantis: The Second Age? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 08: More Cthulhu: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 08: Freshly baked: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 08: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 08: File: 287 KB, 901x1350, Designers-Dragons-Cover.jpg [] [] [] [] [] I'm looking for Designers and Dragons.

>>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 09: Free to distribute I personally like this author's work. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 09: Anybody can help me with vpered na berlin for i ain't been shot mom? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 09: Fuck yeah, you rock anon! >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 09: No problem. By that token, if anyone's got: -Camp Myth RPG -Other Worlds -Theatrix I'd be grateful. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 09: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 09: >start reading this >find yourself on Google Earth three hours later wandering around the grey naked hills of northeastern Alabama looking for a lost Civil War graveyard and totally freaking yourself out I've been reading it for months and I'm only up to California >>OSR TROVE Sun Jun 7 10: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 10: I did the same thing, I researched online and I saved the Google map image for my game. Glad you like it.

>>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 10: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 10: If anyone has more character sheets for Dungeon World, it would be cool. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 10: Did you buy this just for us? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 10: Anyone have LotFP? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 10: Here's the free text-only version >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 10: No, I was a Fate Core backer and this has been sitting on my hard drive since. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 11: Requesting a/state and any of the supplements. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 11: >An excelelen/t g/entleman you are >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 12: File: 223 KB, 677x1024, fatefreeport.jpg [] [] [] [] [] ANYONE HAVE A PDF OF THIS? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 12: I literally uploaded that a few posts up.

>>Sharing some Degenesis stuff Sun Jun 7 12: File: 206 KB, 839x1160, pic556612.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >>Sharing some Degenesis stuff Sun Jun 7 12: whoops! >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 12: Anybody got the Fate Core books and the Fate Worlds books? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 12: Does anyone have Yoon-Suin or Red and Pleasant Land?

>>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 13: danke based anon >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 13: Same basic rules as WEG Star Wars, only less clunky and faster. Good stuff, really. Can't fucking believe the Ghostbusters oneshot I pitched with that never got any players. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 13: Did a little research and found a couple settings and even a conversion guide for a 4e module for it.

I might pitch it as a one-shot one of these days. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 13: Anyone got fivecore or any splats for it? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 14: Been looking for a homebrew some anon did on here. It was some take on World of Dungeons, but I believe his version relied on getting successes on D6s instead of the usual Apocalypse World success ladder. Anyone got it on hand? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 15: Does anyone have any links to the Malifaux 2e rulebook? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 16: Requesting Night Witches!

>>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 17: Anyone have any HERO System 6th edition PDFs? Been wanting to check that system out.

>>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 17: Anybody got any Star Trek rpg to share? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 19: 13th Age, anyone? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 19: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 19: Anyone have the additional books for The Strange? Players guide, bestiary, any of that? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 19: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 19: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 19: Is there a Part 2? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 20: Hey guys here's the last thread in case anyone wanted it, I had it pinned but I haven't checked in a few days so I didn't see it die. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 21: I have not seen one Thank you very much.

>>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 21: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 21: I like these gun rules, they are VERY lethal. >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 21: Anyone have Kolbold Quarterly #13 laying around? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 21: Anybody have the other parts of this? >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 21: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 21: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 22: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 22: Game's Workshops old school automobile combat game from back in the day: Dark Future Scale is matchbox toy cars. Roughly 20mm Main Rules, White Line Fever Expansion, All White Dwarf Articles: >>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 22: The latest version of this homebrew based off of Battle Century G.

>>Anonymous Sun Jun 7 23: Double-posting from 'German RPGs' thread: The Dark Eye (Das Schwarze Auge English translation, 15mb): >World of Aventuria (setting book, 14mb): >Supposedly there's a third English book called 'The Secret of the Blue Tower & Witching Hours', but I haven't found it. (Been playing Drakensang lately.) >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 00: Literally filled with adware. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 04: File: 574 KB, 1700x2266, pic514299.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Anyone? >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 05: who are you people who don't use adblock and noscript, and why are you always complaining about sendspace and 4shared links instead of not being retarded? You'r getting something for free that should cost you money. If you're too dumb to download it, kill yourself. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 07: >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 07: File: 63 KB, 247x320, ASE.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Looking for pic related.

Anyone has it? >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 08: THANKS SO GODDAMN MUCH!:3 >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 08: Thank you very much.

>>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 09: As I have seen the Dark Eye post in this thread I was wondering: Does anyone here have a collection of german Dark Eye / DSA books? I remember that there was a dropbox that did get deleted. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 10: >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 12: You are a gentleman >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 12: Speaking of German games, does anyone have any Engel? I'd take the English stuff or the original Deutsch. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 12: Cant seem to find a copy of HarnMaster - Religion anywhere online. Could someone share a link if they have it? >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 12: I think I've seen some parchment/moleskin map-making tutorial floating around.

Anyone got it? >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 13: fuck off, man, I use Adblock, noscript, ghostery, HTTPS everyhwere, and like 3 antivirus programs and I STILL had to stop every 10 seconds to remove adware trying to sneak in. You can't give something covered in shit to someone for free and then act offended when they're a little concerned about it being dangerous.

>>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 13: Not him, but I literally use NoScript and nothing else. I got a single popup (doing and showing nothing, mind) from opening the page without HTTPS to having the file on the Desktop. If you have problems with all the measures you're apparently taking, then you're doing something very, very wrong. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 14: Happen to have ASE2-3? >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 14: >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 15: Does anyone have supplements for Flying Lead?

>>REDFOX Mon Jun 8 15: This is a very rough draft of what I'm working on! Dragon Quest! >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 15: I'm afraid not. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 16: Red and Pleasant Land seconded.

Wish to read it so much. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 16: Anyone got the Unchained Heroes Core (not the free srd)? I've been looking for it for a while, but no dice. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 16: you're retarded.

I got bupkis from that link >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 16: Your browser has been hijacked. Flatten and reinstall. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 18: >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 19: Check out this post: >>>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 19: no copyright on this puppy. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 19: >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 19: >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 19: Man, this transcends being just a rule book. This is one of the better things I've read recently. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 19: >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 20: OP here, your kind comments are very much appreciated. I am glad you like it.

I want to print some of the pics to hang at my LGS. This pdf has another prize winning title. >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 20: >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 20: Looking for: 1. Lamentations of the Flame Princess 2.

The newer Pendragon (5th I believe?) >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 20: >Looking for: >1. Lamentations of the Flame Princess It's still in >>>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 20: >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 21: I actually like this one, some of the others.well.they freely given away and I appreciate that.

>>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 21: >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 21: >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 22: Does anyone have a collection of the 7th Sea pdfs? >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 22: Anyone got microscope? >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 22: Dude, just go to the website with the English translation and look in the download section. It had a ton of stuff, but I don't speak German. >>>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 23: Anyone got Fate Master and Fated for the Malifaux through the breach set?

>>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 23: Anyone have a dnd 5e monster manual they can share? >>Anonymous Mon Jun 8 23: 5e general has that sort of stuff >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 00: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 00: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 01: Does anyone have any more Delta Green stuff kicking around? In return, Baron Munchausen.

>>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 02: I've got some. Does anyone have Ironclaw? I heard on a thread over the weekend that it was a good book for Beastmen and characters of the furry nature. Do you want: Across the Fence, Countdown, Targets of Opportunity, or the Last Equation?

>>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 02: Thanks! >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 03: Looking for World of Dungeons. >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 04: Do you maybe have the cards needed to play the game? >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 04: anyone have Pathfinder Occult Adventures >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 06: Here, but I think there night be a bunch more versions floating around so thins might not be the exact one you´re after. Still, it looks intresting and well-presented. >>SparrowCrow Tue Jun 9 06: Not shipping until end of July so expect here in August >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 06: File: 75 KB, 640x480, 6-Wulin_107_LP.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Does somebody ha ve anything Legends of the Wulin or Weapons of the Gods- related? >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 07: I'm looking for the manual of 'The One Ring Roleplaying Game' for a friend, anyone has anything?

It doesn't help that i never heard of it. >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 07: Too big to put up here, I'll check (soon as I'm at work and not blocked like in this dorm) if the old torrent still exists in 2 hours. It plays kinda like a really depressing Ryutaama actually.

>>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 08: Thank you very much, working anon. >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 10: seems its long dead, did find though, maybe that'll work out? >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 10: Well memed, lad. >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 10: I have a assortment of seven weird translated Norwegian homebrews. Never played any of them, but it might be fun to share them.

>>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 10: Actually, I'm only going to be able to post five, due to size restriction. I'll throw the two other up on Mega. >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 10: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 10: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 10: This one is bound to be a timeless classic. >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 10: Anyone got the Pathfinder Adventure Path Iron Gods line? >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 10: Fiction is a 'flexible freeform system': Archipelago is a storytelling-oriented DM-less game inspired by Tales from Earthsea: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 11: Looks wonderful, thanks.

>>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 11: These look interesting, thanks! >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 13: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 13: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 14: These One page Dungeons are contest winners, the concept is pretty cool, Consider submitting one yourself. >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 14: Holy Sweet Baby Jesus, Zombie Porn the RPG! Wow, just wow >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 14: Still hoping to find the monster hunter international employee handbook >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 14: anybody got the savage worlds hellfrost books? Especially the adventures?

>>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 14: I'm looking for the Pathfinder Dragon Empires Primer. All I can seem to find is the Dragon Empires Gazetteer. >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 15: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 15: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 16: Anyone have Pathfinder unchained pdf >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 16: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 16: i am getting sick of looking at cake and pizza >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 18: I'd like to read more if possible, m8. I like the child-friendly writing, fits the setting >>Hat Thrower Tue Jun 9 18: >>Hat Thrower Tue Jun 9 18: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 19: seconding this >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 19: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 19: Has anyone got the Pathfinder X-CRAWL book/s? >>Hat Thrower Tue Jun 9 19: Looks like it got DMCA'd.

>>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 19: I literally just put it up lemme delete it and rename it or some shti I guess >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 19: >>Hat Thrower Tue Jun 9 19: Thanks for allowing me to expand my collection. Anything you looking for?

>>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 19: No Ironclaw, sorry. >>Hat Thrower Tue Jun 9 19: Unchained: Ironclaw: >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 20: Anyone have Magical Fury? >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 20: File: 66 KB, 640x480, tremulus-logo.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >Tremulus Trehmuloossss >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 20: Did someone call for Tremulus? >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 20: My hero! >>Anonymous Tue Jun 9 22: >tfw you went to grade school at one of the places in this book >tfw the basement really was haunted >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 01: Thank you >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 01: Going to post that Delta Green stuff then? >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 02: Here you go!

>>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 02: Could a kind anon please reupload these to something that isn't uploadmb? I keep getting hit with 'requires human verification to download' because I downloaded a bunch of other stuff in a 7chan thread from there, and I can't get past it without having to go through a million online forms that all dead-end and ultimately waste your time without unlocking the content. How To Install Gprof On Ubuntu Server. >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 03: Requesting the shotguns and saddles RPG. >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 03: I like it a lot. I used it for a one-shot colonial, fantasy-horror game and it ran smooth as cream. >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 03: I'm feeling generous tonight.

Here you go: >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 03: Based anon, thank you so much! As for contribution to the thread, the only PDFs of Phoenix Command that I've ever been able to find.

One of the most complex RPGs out there by a longshot and I doubt anyone would actually run this, but it's a neat thing to have if you collect PDFs. >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 03: I had one job >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 07: >I had one job Yeah, but jobs are so much work. >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 10: Still looking for german DSA (dark eye) files, especially adventures. Would be really nice! >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 11: File: 22 KB, 260x339, 51-STLKNR8L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Still looking for HarnMaster Religion Sharing what I have for HarnMaster: Core Rulebook: Magic: >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 13: Bump.

>>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 14: An another self-explanatory game as a quick bump. >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 15: Posted Fairly Frequently here on /tg/ but still a great system >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 16: >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 17: File: 7 KB, 241x200, sad_slime___someone_ate_my_cookie____by_jetdraws-d6tyjrg.jpg [] [] [] [] [] I was in love with this system, and couldn't wait to get a group of friends together to play it. But then I found out it was a solitaire RPG. Such wasted potential! >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 19: Everything okey-doke on page 10. >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 19: Mutants and Masterminds? >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 21: File: 229 KB, 600x882, GRR5510e_MutantsAndMastermindsThirdEditionDeluxeHeroesHandbook_1_1024x1024.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Mutants and Masterminds Second Edition: Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition: >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 22: Cool thanks bru >>Anonymous Wed Jun 10 22: OP here, nice to see activity.

Last request for Monster Hunters International. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 00: Got a ton of shit to give but you guys gotta help me out on a walk through on how to do this without getting caught, I know Mega is good but should I make a throw away email or something because I tried but I'm afraid of it being linked to my other accounts and I'm just not good at the whole cyber espionage thing. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 00: Your security comes mostly from the fact that everybody does this shit and companies don't have the resources to track folks down even if they wanted to make it a priority. By all means, use to get a disposable email account - it can't hurt - but realize that file hosting sites can log your IP address, so unless you're using something to mask that, you aren't really covert.

But almost everything on the internet is somebody else's property and basically everybody in the world would be in jail if they strictly enforced property rights. So just use Mega and don't sweat it. The only thing I'd be even slightly worried about would be being one of the first ones to post a scan of a D&D core product (something that's huge by RPG standards), and even then I don't think that the consequences for merely uploading the file would probably amount to having the file deleted at worst. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 01: The worst thing that's happened to me using mediafire was a copyright strike against one folder I had uploaded full of stupid pony games, from a copyright holder for the dumb ponyfinder books. The rest of my files and my account were fine >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 01: Alright thanks for the tips mates I'll be back with some, any requests?

>>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 01: Anyone have Little Wizards or Little Fears? >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 01: Which version of Little Fears the original controversial one or the sanitized second version? >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 01: File: 115 KB, 2718x506, deng3.png [] [] [] [] [] You have a folder picture? Posting my own, a bit out of date. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 01: Also not that I am not going to post anything that's too big to upload on 4chan because my ISP fucks me over and my upload speed is shot to shit. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 01: working on getting folder together as of right now and my upload speed it shit but I've collected for a good long time.

>>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 01: Preferably the original, but either would be much appreciated >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 01: Anybody got any advice on getting rid of Watermarks and DRM on things from RPGnow or DrivethruRPG? >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 01: Here's a thing for Paizo shit. I've never de-watermarked anything (or even read the pdf) and don't know how good the advice is or if it'd be applicable to other shit. But here it is, in any case. There was a guy calling himself Legitimate Businessman here on /tg/ who offered to de-watermark shit on a few occasions, but I couldn't find any posts more recent than February (when he responded in a thread where I was saying 'there was a guy calling himself Legitimate Businessman who was offering to de-watermark shit.' ) so I don't know if he's still around and still willing to do favors. I hate to bother him and effectively punish him just because he was generous in the past, but I don't suppose that it'd be a huge imposition if you shot him an email and asked him if he was still willing to de-watermark shit.

Here's the post I was talking about; it contains an email address: Also, I seem to remember folks talking about a guy on the 7chan /tg/ board (I'm guessing in the request thread) who does this kind of thing. Other than that, I've got no help to give you. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 02: gif Dungeons: The Dragoning pls >Anonymous Thu Jun 11 04: Here, just fix this link: http(colon) //wwwuloztonet/x6fRrKQT/ dungeon-world-zip >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 04: humbly requesting the realm of shadows from pagan for call of cthulhu. I dont think it was scanned before. Also are there any harry potter rpg out there?

>>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 05: As a once native to Central Jersey. This makes me very happy. I was about to run an apoc game for some friends and what better place than home. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 06: Does anyone have swords and wizardry the complete edition? And a conversion guide for converting old modules to the system? >>hoarder Thu Jun 11 07: HEY FUCKOS IT'S DRUNK HOARDER HERE'S ALL MY CRAP THAT I UPLOADED still looking for nWoD Demon not uploading tonight since it's like 4:30 and i should sleep >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 07: Searching for Ambition & Avarice.

O Anon, help me, please! >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 07: >edible weight estimates Using this for RPGing/Wargaming purposes sounds like the most anal retentive thing I've heard in a long while, and it has me all horny for using it in-game. FUCK YOU RANGER, YOU CAN GET ONLY 1 KG OF EDIBLE WEIGHT FROM THAT RABBIT AND THAT SUSTAINS ONLY HALF OF ONE PERSON DURING A PRESS MARCH. FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR SHIT IM THE GREATEST GM EVER AAAAAAAAAAA >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 07: Make your kingdom please. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 10: Chuubo's Magical Wish Granting Engine, please:) >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 10: >The first book >The second book Also the third book, this one is not by Lawfullnice and is yet to be finished.

>>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 10: requesting a copy of apocalypse worlds >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 10: I can't remember the exact name of it, but it was an RPG for playing monsters and whatnot in a small town, kind of a lite version of supernatural horror. It was 'Small Town Secrets' or something close to that. I'm pretty sure the name had Small Town in it. Had a hand drawn picture of a small town on the cover, in the hills, next to a river, at night. I saw it here a couple months ago and forgot to save a copy >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 11: >Anonymous Thu Jun 11 13: Bump.

>>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 14: Any Judge Dredd stuff in your Traveller folder? >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 14: /r/ burning wheel adventure burner >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 14: Does anyone have a link to the video for Books on IRC? >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 15: Has anyone got the Dogs in the vineyard? I've got to play some cowboys real bad >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 15: Dogs of the Lord?

>>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 16: because I love you all so much. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 16: Here:(dot) )x)djyVvkr (slash)dogs(dash)in-the(dash)vineyard.pdf >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 17: >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 17: >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 17: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition anyone? >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 18: I need the Japanese character sheet for Vampire: the Masquerade. Please don't ask why. I don't have anything to contribute that I haven't posted before, but I am willing to relink Double Cross, Tales from the Floating Vagabond and most of FATAL (sorry) if anyone wants.

The only things I have to offer are my undying gratitude and my boundless admiration. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 18: Actually, I'd fucking kill for the Japanese version of the corebook, too. I'm just plain curious to see the way the different culture around roleplaying has shaped the game's Japanese version. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 18: Anyone have a PDF for Dark Heresy 2E? >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 18: anyone got this months pathfinder releases? >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 19: >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 20: Putting in another request for Yoon-Suin and Night Witches.

>>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 20: Anyone got something to help me roll/generate factions? >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 20: Why do people keep linking 1st edition? 1st edition was shit and never what people talk about if it's anything good regarding Ironclaw. >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 20: you're a delightful human being, thanks >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 22: bumpitty bump bump >>Anonymous Thu Jun 11 23: Castles & Crusades 6th, anything anyone have it to share?, thanks in advance >>Anonymous Fri Jun 12 00: Hey Guys, Same poster as I loved the concept of the game posted in But felt it would make a great competitive party game opposed to being a solitaire RPG.

So I decided to make a new game which modified the the other game's mechanics to work in a multiplayer situation. Here it is if you guys want to give it a try. >>Anonymous Fri Jun 12 01: I second this as well >>Anonymous Fri Jun 12 01: That's awesome anon, I love it when /tg/ gets shit done >>Anonymous Fri Jun 12 02: Anything else goofy and out there similar to pic related? >>Anonymous Fri Jun 12 05: >Night Witches >>Anonymous Fri Jun 12 08: Looking for Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures. Thanks >>Anonymous Fri Jun 12 08: Which edition was worthwhile then? >>Anonymous Fri Jun 12 09: That's in here: >>Anonymous Fri Jun 12 09: Many thanks, anon >.

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